
Chapter 65 Meet

"Xiaopeng." The team finally stopped. Li Tong took a look at the group members around him, and finally couldn't help walking to Duan Peng's side, "Other than the bodies of these robots..."

In the middle of the words, when he saw Duan Peng's face, Li Tong closed his voice and did not continue to talk.

Duan Peng was quietly looking at the direction ahead, and his eyes were not focused. Although he didn't know what Duan Peng was thinking, Li Tong knew that Duan Peng didn't hear him.

Li Tong was a little hesitant. He wanted to retreat, but the fatigue of the surrounding team members fell in Li Tong's eyes, but Li Tong could not lift his feet.

After a while, Duan Peng finally woke up from meditation. After all, there was a figure standing beside him. Even if he fell into meditation, he could still attract Duan Peng's attention. "Brother Tong, what's the matter?"

"I..." Li Tong could see that Duan Peng also had something annoying, but when Li Tong turned around and glanced over the group members, his expression was a little more determined. "Xiao Peng, I want to talk about the problem of these robot bodies. This time we didn't have many people coming out, and there are too many bodies of these robots. , it's too burdensome for us.

Hearing this, Duan Peng immediately turned his head and looked around. Sure enough, although no one said anything, everyone's posture had shown their burden.

The people who came out this time are all level 4 or above soldiers, but now this group of level 4 soldiers are crooked, lying or sitting, and they are gasping for breath.

In three encounters, Duan Peng and the team members met a total of 18 robots. In fact, the bodies of these robots are nothing for Duan Peng and the team members, and there is no need to take them away at all. After all, Duan Peng brought these people out just to break through the ancient martial arts.

However, considering that the load can also be part of the training, Duan Peng asked these people to take away the bodies of the robots. Unexpectedly, he encountered more and more robots, and Duan Peng did not issue new orders because of his mind, and the superfluous robots immediately became a burden on this group of people.

After scanning around, Duan Peng had an apologetic smile on his face. He turned to Li Tong and said, "Brother Tong, I'm sorry! I didn't think about it carefully and caused trouble for everyone. Why don't you decide the training in the future?

"It's okay, it's okay." Unexpectedly, Duan Peng would suddenly apologize. Duan Peng's apology made Li Tong in a hurry. He waved his hand repeatedly and said, "I didn't mean that..."

Looking at Li Tong's movements, Duan Peng restrained his smile and his voice became more sincere. "Brother Tong, it's true. I really feel sorry. Because there is something in my heart, I didn't expect you to take so many robot corpses with you and cause trouble to everyone."

Of course, Li Tong knew Duan Peng's sincerity, but as a follower of Duan Peng, Li Tong felt that he should not do this, but Duan Peng's words made Li Tong achieve his goal and smiled awkwardly. Li Tong immediately changed the topic, "Xiao Peng, what bothers you? Isn't everything going well?"

Li Tong's words hit the core, but in just one sentence, Duan Peng immediately threw aside the problem of the robot body and added a wry smile on his face: "It just looks smooth."

"What does this say?" Originally, I just wanted to change the topic, but Duan Peng's words had just been said, and Li Tong's interest was immediately aroused.

"It's still an old problem and a problem of dependence in my heart."

Li Tong was stunned when he heard the words, "Aren't you solved it? Didn't Gao Fei make a breakthrough to attract monsters?"

The bitter smile on Duan Peng's face became stronger. "It's a breakthrough, but everything has returned to the starting point, and the next person can no longer implement the strange method."

"Why?" Li Tong became even more strange.

"It's very simple. When Gao Fei went out, I followed him, and Gao Fei didn't know, but when the next person went out again, they would know that I followed him, so that their hearts would become dependent on me. Although they dare not confirm whether this would be the case, we did not dare to gamble. In case they fail, Fruit..."

Duan Peng had no intention to continue talking, but Li Tong also understood what Duan Peng meant without Duan Peng.

Gaofei attracts monsters, and Duan Peng goes out to protect them. This is everyone knows, and the next person goes out. Even if Duan Peng really doesn't follow him, that person will think that Duan Peng follows out. If this mentality cannot be corrected, the person who goes out to attract monsters will naturally become very dangerous. As Duan Peng said, it is a kind of psychology. Dependence.


Everyone got off the scooter, but no one was dissatisfied with Cheng Xudong's proposal.

Cheng Xudong has explained to everyone, just thinking that those exile soldiers will suddenly appear on their expressions, and all the soldiers can't help showing excitement on their faces.

Quietly, everyone slowed down their steps and crept forward little by little, like a thief. Although there were more than 50 people in the whole team, with everyone's concert, these 50 people did not make any sound when they marched.

Suddenly, the marching team stopped and Cheng Xudong, who was walking at the front of the team, raised his hand.

"Captain Chen, do you hear me?" Cheng Xudong tilted his head with a smile on his face.

The smile on Chen Lin's face became thicker. Without Cheng Xudong's prompt, he also heard the faint voice from the forest.

Looking at Chen Lin and nodding, Cheng Xudong continued, "Captain Chen, I want to go and have a look by myself, I don't know..."

"How can this be?" Before Cheng Xudong finished his words, Chen Lin immediately retorted.

Both of them's voices were so low that even the soldiers behind them could hardly hear what they were saying.

The soldiers behind didn't know why the team stopped, let alone why the two captains in front of them had an argument, but after the team stopped, the soldiers behind became a little anxious.

has been tracked all morning, and there was almost no pause this morning, but everything was right in front of them, but the two captains had a conflict.

Cheng Xudong waved his hand with a smile, "Captain Chen, don't worry."

"I think so. I want to go there first. They will definitely do something humiliating me alone. When they start to humiliate me, I will send you a signal, and then you can jump out. I think this way of appearance may become more shocking."

Chen Lin was stunned. Originally, he had already thought about it. No matter what Cheng Xudong said, he would not agree to Cheng Xudong's proposal, but when Cheng Xudong's words came out, Chen Lin was a little moved.

Cheng Xudong jumped out, made the other party happy first, and then took everyone out. The huge mental gap can bring greater shock to this group of exile soldiers.

Cheng Xudong looked at Chen Lin quietly. Chen Lin's expression clearly told Cheng Xudong that Chen Lin was hesitating, so Cheng Xudong did not urge him, because hesitation showed that Chen Lin had been moved. Cheng Xudong believed that as long as Chen Lin was moved, he would definitely accept his proposal in the end.

Three seconds...

Chen Lin is still thinking, and his eyes keep turning in Chen Lin's eyes.

Five seconds......

The hesitation gradually faded, and Chen Lin's face gradually became firm.

Ten seconds......

Chen Lin opened his mouth, "Okay, just do as you say, but you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll call you whenever I have something to do!" He had known that Chen Lin would agree, but Cheng Xudong couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard Chen Lin's voice.

Hate has been slowly forgotten, but when the people of Dongjia Village appeared in the city, the fire of hatred was lit again, even more vigorously than before.

Cheng Xudong can't wait to appear in front of Duan Peng, look at Duan Peng's shocked expression, then tease Duan Peng with words, and finally let the soldiers of these cities appear.

It's not that Cheng Xudong doesn't want these soldiers to appear with him, but Cheng Xudong knows that the targets of these soldiers are only the group of exile soldiers. Although the people of Dongjia Village are also exiles, the strength of Dongjia Village is too strong, and these soldiers dare not easily bring trouble to Qian Boyu and ask these soldiers to take action. Cheng Xudong must find enough reasons for these soldiers, and he can't let them know.

Cheng Xudong groped forward alone. His footsteps were very light and closer to the range of Duan Peng's team, and Cheng Xudong's heart was beating harder and harder.


Seeing that Cheng Xudong was about to appear in front of Duan Peng, suddenly there was a scream from the forest.

Duan Peng was full of thoughts. Although he talked to Li Tong, Duan Peng's worries were not put down, because Duan Peng could not think of a solution.

Because of his mind, Duan Peng's vigilance is also much worse than before. His spirit is not enveloped in a large range, but even if Duan Peng did not deliberately sense it, when Cheng Xudong appeared 20 meters away from Duan Peng, Duan Peng still found the existence of Cheng Xudong.

Cheng Xudong was shocked by Duan Peng's voice, but soon Cheng Xudong regained his composure.

Put away his sneaky set, and Cheng Xudong walked out of the woods generously.

"It's me. I didn't expect us to meet again, right?" Seeing Duan Peng and Dong Ruo, the evil fire couldn't help but come out of Cheng Xudong's heart, but when Cheng Xudong walked out, there was a smile on his face, as if he had seen an old friend he had not seen for many years.

"Brother Dong?" Dong Ruo, although he already knew Cheng Xudong's evil deeds, when he saw Cheng Xudong's sudden appearance, Dong Ruo still followed the previous name, but as soon as the name was issued, Dong Ruo's face became ugly.

Duan Peng, Li Tong and Wang Xing were also surprised, but they were already warriors above level 5, but for a moment they suppressed their surprise, "Is it you?"

"hehe." Looking at everyone's surprised expression, Cheng Xudong's smile became thicker, "You didn't expect me to be dead yet."

In the face of Cheng Xudong's provocative words, no one answered, but looked in the direction of Duan Peng and quietly waited for Duan Peng's choice.

Staring at Cheng Xudong quietly, Duan Peng didn't expect that the person who should have died in his memory would suddenly appear in front of him, with a smile on his face, but soon Duan Peng found the reason. "I didn't expect that you would dare to appear in front of us. Is it because of the skin on your body? What about it?


It's coming! Keep going! Hey hey!