
Chapter 78 It's not that enemies don't get together

"Luckily, I listened to Brother Yong, otherwise... alas!"

Wang Yong decided to give up hunting. Although everyone listened to Wang Yong's decision, not everyone was completely convinced, but after a period of proof, everyone was convinced.

After the rest, Wang Yong and his party only went about five kilometers deep into the forest, but Wang Yong and his others were lucky. They met four waves of ten robots five kilometers away. Seeing such good results and such good luck, everyone wanted to take back more robot corpses in the hope of reducing the punishment of trouble, but Wang Yong denied everyone's meaning.

But five kilometers later, everyone began to find that Wang Yong's decision was right.

A person carrying the body of a robot and just walked five kilometers back to the place where he rested last night. Everyone's physical strength has dropped to the point where they had to stop rest, and because of their physical strength and weight, they spent almost three times the time on the five-kilometer journey.

"Yes, Brother Yong is really right."

"I already knew that what Brother Yong said would not be wrong. Now you believe it!" The voice of Wang Yong's crowd also sounded. Although it was very tiring, when they heard other people's praise for Wang Yong, the crowd felt as if they were praising themselves.

Everyone is convinced by Wang Yong, but this kind of younger brother's first-level character will not be recognized by everyone. The voice of the supporters has just fallen, and the circle of people showed contempt, but everyone just showed contempt with their eyes, because Wang Yong is around, and this little brother and Wang Yong are still the same. People don't want to cause Wang Yong's unhappiness because of the attack on his younger brother.

The younger brother didn't seem to notice everyone's look. He just paused for a moment, and the younger brother's voice sounded again, "And Brother Yong is not only thinking about these..."

This sentence is very important. All of a sudden, everyone restrained their contemptuous look and focused on the younger brother.

Although he did not deliberately pay attention to it, Wang Yong's words also showed a smile on the corners of his mouth. Wang Yong didn't feel anything to brag about, but it was quite pleasant for some people to agree with him. In particular, these guys are elites of all forces. They are usually amazing figures and can get their recognition and The admiration made Wang Yong unable to help but feel a little proud.

"Look at our current state. Each of us is just carrying the body of a robot, and then we are exhausted like this. Think about it, can Zeng Min's people get more trophies than us?"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The smile on Wang Yong's face also became stronger. Wang Yong did have such an idea, but Wang Yong was not easy to say his thoughts, because it sounded like boasting, and his younger brother's explanation was quite timely.

Farting, bragging and admiring were in progress. Suddenly, the smile on Wang Yong's face restrained. Just for a moment, Wang Yong jumped up from the ground with a weapon.

Seeing Wang Yong's look, the younger brother couldn't help asking questions first, "Yong..."

There was only one word in the younger brother's mouth, and Wang Yong waved his hand to interrupt his words.

"Pack it up and hide it quickly!" Wang Yong's expression was solemn and his voice was low.

Although I don't know what happened, looking at Wang Yong's look, everyone reacted quickly. After all, we are all elites of all forces. I don't know how many times we have experienced small battles, and the most basic quality of the elite is still available.

There was no question and no sound. As Wang Yong's voice fell, his soldiers calmly picked up the robots around them one by one, and then quickly disappeared into the forest.

Just covered up the figure, and soon everyone knew the reason why Wang Yong wanted everyone to hide.

In the distance, a slight voice came to everyone's ears.

Someone was walking this way. At first, everyone thought it was Zeng Min's team that rushed back, but soon, everyone's faces became ugly. The person who came was not Zeng Min, because they distinguished the tool that produced this sound - the scooter.

Zeng Min left on foot. Although they don't know who came, they are sure that the come is not Zeng Min.

Waiting quietly, the sound is getting louder and louder, and everyone can even tell that the sound of the scooter is mixed with human voices.

"Brother Zeng...robot..."

Because of the distance, the voice was intermittent, but the voice made Wang Yong and others look worse. Except for Zeng Min, they couldn't think of who Zeng was.

Zeng Min's face was very pale. In the face of Zhang Zhiyong's endless words, Zeng Min couldn't help but want to jump up several times.

This is a hopeful hunting. The participants are almost elites from all parts of the force, but this hunting operation failed because of the person in front of him. The hunting plan had to end early. Zeng Min did not know how to explain to Boss Hu and others after going back.

Zhang Zhiyong was happy and crazy, but Zhang Zhiyong still had a regretful expression on his face.

"Brother Zeng, it's a pity. It would be great if you could cooperate with us. I have assured you that we will never let you just drink soup when we eat meat. No matter what, we will leave you a bone."

Zeng Min has nothing to say.

Although Zeng Min didn't say anything, how could Zhang Zhiyong miss such a good opportunity to humiliate Zeng Min? He just paused. Zhang Zhiyong said again and said, "Yes, Brother Zeng, you see, this is almost to the periphery of the city. Although we should do to protect you, I believe you will also be embarrassed. I will definitely want to In fact, I'm embarrassed to give us something in return, but I also want an explanation to the brothers, just the bodies of those two robots, even if you repay us.

"You..." Zeng Min stared at Zhang Zhiyong with wide eyes.

Zhang Zhiyong's words are a kind of torture for Zeng Min. Zeng Min has endured all the way, but Zeng Min did not expect Zhang Zhiyong to be so shameless.

However, Zeng Min didn't expect that the shamelessness was still behind.

"Brother Zeng, do you want to thank me? You're welcome, and you don't have to be embarrassed. After all, we are all in the same city.

Zeng Min's chest was violently undulating. If his soldiers had not been in the control of the other party, Zeng Min would have burst out directly. However, this assumption did not hold. After staring at Zhang Zhiyong for a long time, Zeng Min finally turned her head aside.

Continue to be angry, and continue to flirt.

Suddenly, just as Zhang Zhiyong was about to continue flirting, a loud shout sounded in the forest.



Zeng Min's soldiers raised the energy gun, and Zhang Zhiyong's soldiers also raised the energy gun. The two sides immediately formed a confrontation, but soon, Zhang Zhiyong found that something was wrong, and the sound of aiming did not come from inside the team.

Zhang Zhiyong's motorcade stopped, and Wang Yong stood outside the motorcade with his ten people.

There are only ten people, which look thin, but these ten people have no energy guns pointing at them. They are in an absolutely safe position. Even Zhang Zhiyong can't help sweating coldly.

Su Min had already told Zhang Zhiyong that the team was divided into two groups, and Zhang Zhiyong naturally selected the largest number of them, but Zhang Zhiyong did not expect that this small group would now emerge.

Looking at this group of people, Zhang Zhiyong immediately found a familiar figure. "It turned out to be Brother Wang. I don't know what Brother Wang wants to do."

With the approach of the motorcade, Wang Yong heard the voice behind him clearly. At first, Wang Yong was still a little gloating, but soon Wang Yong still made a rescue decision. After all, Wang Yong and Zeng Min belong to the exile forces, and their contradiction is an internal contradiction.

"I don't want to do anything. I'm just a little curious to see Captain Zeng in your team."

"So that's it." Zhang Zhiyong laughed, "We are very predestined to come out to practice. Such a big forest has made me meet Zeng, so I also want to do my best to escort Zeng Min."

Zhang Zhiyong spoke while making small movements to his subordinates.

Wang Yong was unmoved. As soon as Zhang Zhiyong's voice fell, Wang Yong's voice sounded, "Really? Then thank you for your kindness, but now that we have merged with Captain Zeng, we won't bother Captain Zhang.

Fengshui took turns, and Zhang Zhiyong was secretly worried. Although he still maintained an advantage, Wang Yong did not pose any threat, and Zhang Zhiyong did not know how to continue for a moment.

Zeng Min's face was complicated. She had a conflict with Wang Yong last night, but she didn't expect that Wang Yong was needed to save it now.

Finally, a soldier saw Zhang Zhiyong's small movements, and he quietly turned to Wang Yong's team.


An energy light lit up, and Wang Yong did not care about Zeng Min's safety. The soldier's muzzle was still moving, and Wang Yong's energy gun fired an energy bullet.

It is worthy of being an elite. Wang Yong's shooting is very accurate, and the energy gathering is also very accurate. The energy bomb just penetrates the brim of the soldier's hat and disappears without any superfluous.

"Wang Yong! You...don't you care about Zeng Min's safety?" Zhang Zhiyong's face suddenly changed.

Wang Yong sneered, "I care, how can we not care, but if we can't even protect ourselves, how can we take care of Captain Zeng?"

The woods suddenly calmed down. Zhang Zhiyong refused to give up, and Wang Yong did not dare to really take action. The two teams were afraid of each other and formed a confrontation.

Time passed little by. Just as everyone was deadlocked, Zhang Zhiyong and Wang Yong changed their faces at the same time.

In the distance, there was another sound from the woods, and the sound of a scooter marched.

Wang Yong's face became ugly, and his hand holding the energy gun slowly turned pale. He now needs more strength to control his fingers without pulling the trigger.

Zhang Zhiyong had a smile on his face. Listening to the sound, Zhang Zhiyong thought of the team led by Cheng Xudong.

The two teams set out in two directions, and the target has been tracked here. It is normal for Cheng Xudong to return with the team.


Update is coming!