
Chapter 84 Big Bowl

"Brother Xi, do you think it's possible that the spirit overflows?"

Not long after the question was asked, Duan Peng came up with another question, saying that Zhong Xi was stunned.

"Spiritual power overflow?" This is still a brand-new noun. I don't know how Duan Peng came up with this noun. Zhong Xi, a martial arts master, has never even heard of it, "What is spiritual overflow?"

To be honest, Duan Peng was also an inspiration. Duan Peng was not in a hurry to answer Zhong Xi's question. Zhong Xi's question was just raised. Duan Peng stood up and walked out of the room, which made Zhong Xi a little puzzled. However, soon Duan Peng came back, but after he came back, Duan Peng's hand had two more. A bowl, one big and one small.

Zhong Xi looked quietly. He didn't know what Duan Peng wanted to do, but it was precisely because he didn't know that Zhong Xi needed to pay more attention.

Returning to the original position, the big bowl was thrown aside by Duan Peng, and the small bowl was placed on the table by Duan Peng, with the mouth of the bowl facing down and the bottom of the bowl facing up.

Zhong Xi's doubts became heavier, but Zhong Xi still did not interrupt.

After finishing all the preparations, Duan Peng began to explain again, "Brother Xi, I think so. This bowl contains something like our spiritual power. Although it is invisible and intangible, in the process of our training, this spiritual power has been constantly growing. When this spiritual power reaches a certain amount - that is When filling this bowl, we need a little luck..." Duan Peng lifted the mouth of the bowl from the table, "Then the spirit ran out like this."

Zhong Xi stared at the bowl in Duan Peng's hand and frowned almost connected. He seemed to understand a little and didn't understand.

Duan Peng's hand stopped, but Duan Peng's explanation continued. "The few people I took out for training were almost full or full, and the method of my training was a crowbar. When they were stimulated by external forces, this bowl, which was already tightly covered, was pried open at once. Come on, so they all broke through level five.

There are too many things to explain. After a long paragraph, Duan Peng's mouth was a little dry, but the more Duan Peng explained, the clearer his thoughts became. He just paused for a moment and swallowed his saliva, and Duan Peng continued to open his mouth.

"The situation of Xiaowu and Awen is different from others. Other people's spirits have been exercised to perfection, so after the crowbar opens the bowl, the bowl disappears directly, and Xiaowu and Awen's spiritual strength is still lacking, so after the bowl is pried open, his mental strength only overflows a little from it, and then the bowl Re-combined..."

Zhong Xi's eyes flashed. If he hadn't known Zhong Xi long ago, Duan Peng would have doubted whether Zhong Xi was disguised by a robot, and that eye would soon become similar to the robot's electronic eye.

After Duan Peng's explanation, Zhong Xi figured out a lot of things. After all, Zhong Xi is a higher martial arts master than Duan Peng.

"You mean, although Xiaowu has not completely lifted the bowl that binds spiritual power, their bowls have actually loosened. Although there are few, they can't feel it, but in fact, spiritual power has played a role."

Duan Peng nodded gently, and his eyes also showed excitement. Originally, it was just an idea, but the more he thought about it, the more possible Duan Peng felt.

Zhong Xi pondered slightly. After waiting for Duan Peng to take any action, Zhong Xi took Duan Peng's big bowl over and directly said that the big bowl crawled on top of the small bowl, completely covering the whole small bowl.

"Do you mean that this big bowl represents our body? If the spiritual power can be derived from the outside of the big bowl, it means that our ancient martial arts have broken through level 6?"

"Uh..." Duan Peng was stunned. After a while, Duan Peng said again, "I didn't mean that..."

Zhong Xi was stunned when he heard the words, and the two looked at each other inexplicably. Soon, both of them couldn't help laughing.

After a long time, the laughter gradually fell. Originally, because of Duan Peng's big and small bowl, Zhong Xi figured out a lot of problems, but Zhong Xi didn't expect that Duan Peng had no intention at all.

"Since you don't mean that, why did you bring two bowls in? Isn't one bowl enough?"

Duan Peng's little smile added a trace of bitterness, "I didn't know that you would extend the big bowl to level six. I just thought of another possibility when I took the big bowl."

Although Duan Peng didn't think of anything with himself, Duan Peng's unimaginable ideas can undoubtedly bring a lot of inspiration to people. Zhong Xi is still very interested, "What is possible?"

"Isn't this ancient martial arts easy for some people to break through, and some people can't break through even if they have the ability? So I was wondering if this is a different person, and the bowl that binds the spiritual power is also different. For example, some people's bowls are relatively large, and it will naturally be more difficult for his spiritual power to fill the bowl, so it will become more difficult for this spiritual power to break through, and some people's bowls are small, and they only need a little help, and the door of spiritual power will be pushed. Open it.

Zhong Xi was stunned. He looked at Duan Peng in a daze. Although Duan Peng and he thought of different places, Duan Peng's idea was undoubtedly more novel. Maybe the whole team of soldiers could benefit from Duan Peng's idea.

"How on earth does your brain grow!"

Obviously, it was praise. Although he was proud that he could think of so much, Duan Peng still looked embarrassed when he heard Zhong Xi's praise.


Dong Ruo didn't say anything, but there was no need for Dong Ruo to speak. Dong Ming also understood Dong Ruo's intention. If he didn't want to, Dong Ruo would never be embarrassed to hide.

Looking at the direction of Dong Ruo's departure with a smile, Dong Ming shook his head gently after a long time.

"This Xiaopeng is really good at doing things. I didn't expect that just taking people outside for a walk brought me so many surprises!" Dong Ming muttered in a low voice, but anyone could hear it, and Dong Ming's voice was full of joy.

is also a joy. Level 5 warriors can directly face the regular combat power of robots. If Duan Peng can sort out the promotion methods, how many powerful warriors will appear in the village in the future, even if they can't reach 80% of Duan Peng, only half of Duan Peng, which is quite a great thing.

And about the mecha warrior, Duan Peng's experimental team was established for this.

Duan Peng once put forward a theory, and the theory has gradually been confirmed. If a mecha warrior breaks through five levels, his mecha level will also be upgraded to the first level on the original basis.

Dong Ming smiled and thought quietly that Dong Ming had not been so relaxed for a long time.

However, Dong Ming was only happy for a while, because there was still a headache waiting to be dealt with.

Qian Boyu is definitely not a large number of people. If he doesn't deal with Qian Boyu's troubles, everything on Duan Peng's side will not be safe.


The conference room is brightly lit and has been discussed all afternoon, but the meeting is still continuing, which is also a matter of help. If you can't think of a solution, the exile forces will not be able to continue.

"Why don't we accept Qian Boyu's method! At worst, we will have more people, and then we can get an extra share in terms of sharing.

"How can this work? What's the difference between this and obeying Qian Boyu? Even if I starve to death, I will never accept his share. At worst, I will take people to fight with him when I can't stand it."

"Then we will unite with General Dong and share the same. I believe that General Dong's side should not be so harsh on us!"

"Is Dong Ming a good place to go? Working with them is just to change our key points from Qian Boyu's hands to Dong Ming.

"What do you think? We can't do left or right. We have to live!"

The conference room was noisy, and Boss Hu kept rubbing his eyebrows.

It is said that it has been discussed for an afternoon, but there are only a few ways to talk about it, but there is really nothing we can do.

The exile forces do not have their own mecha, so they seem to suffer the most in the hand-to-hand battle in the forest. In the face of these powerful armed forces, it is impossible for human flesh without practicing to a certain extent and pose a threat to these forces.


Have you heard about it? Adjutant Ning was arrested by General Qian.

"What? Where did you hear that such a good person as Adjutant Ning could be arrested by the general?

"My message is absolutely accurate. My eldest brother Liu Fugui is a guard of the general's mansion. He saw with his own eyes that Adjutant Ning was escorted by the general's guards."

In the dark, on the wall, although the task of vigil is not sloppy, some people will gather together to whisper about some legends. After all, the night is too long, and the vigil also needs something to pass the time, otherwise everyone will easily fall into fatigue.

Maybe it was checking if there was a patrol. There was a moment of peace on the wall, but only for a moment, the sound of discussion soon sounded again.

"I heard that the reason why Adjutant Ning was imprisoned is entirely because he is so good."

"If you are a good person, will you still be arrested? What's the reason!"

"Shh..." The speaker poked out his head and looked around. Seeing that no one noticed the movement on their side, his head slowly shrank back. "Listen as soon as you hear it. Why are you doing with such a loud voice?"

After reprimanding the person who spoke loudly in front of him, the voice continued to say, "We all know the resentment between the general and the group of exiles. This time, our general cut off the supply of the exiles by agreement, forcing the group of exiles to go out of the city to find resources, and the general refused to let them find resources easily, and the exile team went out. After the city, the general also sent people out, so that the exiles could not complete the task so easily, and our adjutant Ning was good and didn't like it, so he quarreled with the general..."

"As I said, Adjutant Ning is also a bad person. What can these exiles have to sympathize with?"

"I think Adjutant Ning did the right thing. We are all human beings. Although we don't agree with each other, when we defend the city, everyone is also desperate. The general should not have been killed like this at all..."

A group of people will soon be divided into two factions. If they are not afraid of attracting the captain of the patrol, it is estimated that both groups will work directly.


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