
Chapter 88 Warning Line

"Have you heard? It seems that the new General Dong has a conflict with our General Qian."

"It's more than a contradiction. General Qian wants to hold others in his hands, but others don't want to, so General Qian intends to cut off the supply over there."

"When is this news? According to the latest news, General Dong is planning to withdraw from the city!"

"What? General Dong wants to evacuate?"

"It's not just General Dong who wants to evacuate. I heard that the exiles also plan to leave with General Dong's team this time."

In the past, although robots would attack the city from time to time, the city was still stable and everyone could do their own things quietly, but now, the weather has changed. With the passage of time, rumors have arisen in the city, and everyone has no intention to work.

The streets are full of people in twos, and they are all talking about the same topic.

"What should we do if they are all gone? Then who will defend the next time the robot siege?

"Alas, it can't be blamed on them. General Qian has forced others to live, and others can only leave here, at least others can hunt some prey outside."

"What about here? Can't we hunt here?"

"How to play? I heard that as soon as their team in Dongjia Village came out of the city, General Qian would send someone to follow..."

"This is too much. Although he saved our city, my life is not entrusted to him to do whatever he wants."

I don't know whether someone deliberately guided it or some people spontaneously spread rumors, and finally someone burst into a voice of dissatisfaction.

"We should go to the general's mansion to petition. We can't let Qian Boyu mess around like this!"

"Yes, go to the general's mansion to petition!"


Qian Boyu frowned and walked back and forth in the study and walked several times. Qian Boyu finally walked to the desk and sat down, but not long after he sat down, Qian Boyu stood up again and paced back and forth.

So repeatedly, as time passed, Qian Boyu didn't come up with any way, but his face became more irritable.

As soon as rumors appeared in the city, his confidants informed Qian Boyu, but Qian Boyu did not pay attention to all this. In Qian Boyu's view, these civilians were nothing and could not threaten his status at all, because he held the army in his hand and the civilians needed his protection.

But soon, Qian Boyu knew that he was wrong, and it was ridiculously wrong.

A civilian may not be able to do anything to him, but if a group of civilians and a city of civilians rise up against it, then Qian Boyu can't suppress it.

It's right that Qian Boyu holds the army, but the army wants to eat, and the army also has family members, and it is impossible for everyone to be a soldier.


In the middle of being upset, suddenly a loud report sounded, which was Yao Guangliang, the new adjutant appointed two days ago.

"Come in." Yao Guangliang's voice interrupted Qian Boyu's thoughts, but in fact, it didn't matter, because Qian Boyu's mind was also a piece of paste, and he hadn't come up with any clue. "What's the matter?"

"Ning Xu wants to see you!"

Yao Guangliang is also a person who has been with Qian Boyu for a long time, but the relationship between Yao Guangliang and Qian Boyu is not as close as that between Ning Xu and Qian Boyu.

As a person around Qian Boyu, Yao Guangliang naturally saw that Qian Boyu was in a bad mood. He hesitated, but hesitated for a while and still said Ning Xu's request.

It is said that Yao Guangliang replaced Ning Xu's position. If he wants to stand firmly in this position, Yao Guangliang should not pass on this word to Ning Xu, but Yao Guangliang can't pass it on. In the days when Ning Xu was imprisoned, Qian Boyu has seen Ning Xu several times. If he doesn't pass it on, when Qian Boyu sees Ning Xu one day, Ning Xu tilted his mouth. Yao Guangliang will finish it.

"What did he say that he wanted to see me?"

Although he didn't hear good words after several meetings, it was the first time that Ning Xu took the initiative to ask for a meeting, and Qian Boyu suddenly became a little more interested.

"I asked the person who spoke, but the person who spoke said that Ning Xu didn't say anything." Yao Guangliang answered carefully and tried to put himself in a neutral position, because no one knew what Ning Xu would say when he saw Qian Boyu, and Yao Guangliang did not dare to gamble.

After listening to Yao Guangliang's answer, Qian Boyu nodded dullly and stood there without saying whether to go or not.

Yao Guangliang stayed quietly and waited, secretly looking at Qian Boyu's face from time to time. Yao Guangliang didn't want Qian Boyu to go, but Yao Guangliang also knew his identity, and all he could do was to wait.


Some time ago, Boss Hu was still worried, but after the banquet between Dong Ruo and Duan Peng, Boss Hu's face has seen a lot more smiles, and today, Boss Hu's face has simply turned into a flower.

It has been almost ten years. Although Boss Hu has resisted Qian Boyu's pressure, Boss Hu is not happy. In the past ten years, Boss Hu has been like a little daughter-in-law, who has been controlled by Qian Boyu everywhere.

Originally, the pressure on Boss Hu had been reduced a lot when he could have united with Dongjiacun. However, it was not until a few days ago that Dongjiacun sent people to talk to him about strategies that Boss Hu knew that these generals were really not simple.

Of course, at the beginning, Boss Hu also doubted Dongjia Village's strategy, but with the spread of rumors, Boss Hu found out how powerful the rumors of Dongjia Village were.

Just now came the news that the general's mansion has been surrounded, and the number of people is much larger than a few days, occupying almost one-tenth of the whole city. Boss Hu believes that if Qian Boyu still does not stand up and give an explanation, there will be more people in two days. At that time, even Qian Boyu will not It may withstand such pressure.

Of course, not everyone is as optimistic as Boss Hu. For example, Song Tianxing has a sad face.

"Big Boss Hu, you will burn yourself by doing this."

Boss Hu glanced at Song Tianxing disdainfully, "Self-immolation? What is self-immolation? Can't you see the form in front of you? What else can Qian Boyu do with me now?

Song Tianxing saw the disdain in Boss Hu's eyes. He was very angry, but now it's obviously not the time to be angry. It's just a breath. Song Tianxing suppressed the anger in his chest, "Big Hu, what if Qian Boyu really kicks us out according to rumors?"

"Is he crazy?" Boss Hu said carelessly, "Don't you see that one-tenth of the people in the whole city have gone on strike now. If it goes on, the supply of materials in the whole city will be threatened. Does Qian Boyu dare to kick us out? Let me tell you, Qian Boyu can't afford to gamble. If he kicks us out, the whole city will go on strike. Does Qian Boyu dare?

"Bropa Hu, don't think in a good direction, and you should also think about the bad direction." Song Tianxing really said goodbye to Boss Hu. His tone was very sincere, "You said that after Qian Boyu kicks us out, the people in the city will go on strike, but you should also think that the people in the city will also survive. Even without us, they will survive. They are more likely not to strike than the possibility of a strike. "


"Xiaopeng, I think this is still unlikely. The accuracy of this production process is too high, and our current mechanical level does not meet such requirements at all."

Liu Bing's face is full of sadness. Wilton really has the drawings of the production line, but after Wilton took out the drawings, Liu Bing's head is big. The mecha is a high-precision process and lacks some basic equipment. Dong Jiacun's current ability to manufacture the whole production line is impossible. Even if it is barely made, it can only be similar. The ability of the mecha will also be quite limited.

Duan Peng also frowned. He thought that with the drawings, everything would be a little eye-catching, but Duan Peng did not expect that the requirements of this thing were quite high.

While thinking, suddenly a person walked into Liu Bing's laboratory. He just glanced at Liu Bing, and the visitor came to Duan Peng's side.

"General! General Dong asked you to go there.

The title of the general was requested by Dong Ming. For this name, Duan Peng blushed for several days, but after Dong Ming's request, everyone became like this. Even the two Zhong Xi brothers were also generals when talking about business with Duan Peng. After a long time, Duan Peng gradually got used to it.

While studying the drawings, Duan Peng is a little reluctant, but Dong Ming's greeting Duan Peng did not dare to accept it. "What did Uncle Dong say?"

"No, but it seems to be in a hurry."

The messenger still suppresses the voice. Everyone knows Liu Bing's rules. Even if Dong Ming enters Liu Bing's laboratory, he has to follow Liu Bing's rules. The messengers do not dare to go over it.

Duan Peng is a little hesitant. Since Dong Ming called him, he must have something to discuss with him, and it is difficult for him to leave Liu Bing's affairs behind. After all, Duan Peng's technology is already the second in Dongjia Village, and his participation is also very important to the village.

Although the voice of the messenger was low, Liu Bing still heard the words of the messenger.

When Dong Ming arranged this identity for Duan Peng, Liu Bing expected such a result, but now that Duan Peng has become the village head, Liu Bing can't always occupy Duan Peng's time. Looking at Duan Peng's dilemma, even if Liu Bing does not want to, he can only sigh secretly.

"Xiaopeng, just go there. If Brother Dong's matter doesn't matter, he won't come to call you."

Duan Peng nodded gently. Most of the reason why he did not dare to leave was because of Liu Bing. Now that Liu Bing had already let go, Duan Peng naturally had no scruples. "Then I'll go there, but please don't worry, Master. I will come back as soon as the matter is handled."

"Well, go ahead!" Liu Bing nodded.

Duan Peng left in a hurry. As the messenger quickly came to Dong Ming's residence, it was really serious. Not only Duan Peng, but all the high-level officials of the village had arrived.

"Bunbo Dong."


greeted each other, and Duan Peng sat down. Now Duan Peng's time can't wait to be used as two points. He doesn't have time to be polite to everyone, "Bunbo Dong, has anything big happened?"

Obviously, everyone knows that Duan Peng's time is very tight. Duan Peng's voice has just fallen, and Dong Ming's voice sounded, "Today, the number of protesters in the general's mansion has reached one-tenth of the whole city. It has reached the warning line we predicted, but there is still no movement on Qian Boyu."

After listening to Dong Ming's words, Duan Peng frowned, and other people's eyes also fell on Duan Peng.


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