
Chapter 110 Before the war

Dongjia Village residence, conference room.

Boss Hu, Ning Xu, Cao Bin and Zhou Lei all sat quietly in the conference room with embarrassment on their faces.

No one wants to attend the talks held by Dongjia Village, but robots have now appeared outside the city, and the form is already very urgent. They can't do it if they don't come.

The talks must be held, and calmly speaking, Dongjiacun is the most suitable force to hold this meeting.

Waited quietly, and finally, the door of the conference room was pushed open and two people came in.

Dong Ming and Duan Peng, the new and old leaders of Dongjia Village.

Dong Ming frowned, and Duan Peng's face was not good-looking and gloomy.

I just saw Zhong Xi. Looking at Zhong Xi's appearance, whether it was Dong Ming or Duan Peng, they couldn't feel better.

Dong Ming and Duan Peng walked into the room, and none of the four people present reacted. Including Boss Hu, they just nodded, and the nodding action was only half done.

Naturally, all this did not escape the eyes of Dong Ming and Duan Peng.

Although I am in a bad mood, as Zhong Xi said, the most important thing at present is the situation in the city, and everything else should be put aside first.

Dong Ming took a deep breath and calmed down. "I'm sorry, I've kept everyone waiting for a long time."

Dong Ming's attitude was not bad, but Dong Ming's voice fell, and the four people present still did not respond. No, it should be a little reaction. The four people's eyes fell on Dong Ming with Dong Ming's voice, but no one made a sound. Everyone just looked at Dong Ming quietly and did nothing to apologize for Dong Ming's apology. Express.

Dong Ming was a little embarrassed and angry, but fortunately, after all, he was a general who had seen a big battle. Only in a moment, Dong Ming adjusted his mentality again.

"Everyone must know about the gathering of robots outside the city. It seems that the siege of robots is inevitable. Now everyone has been present. I don't know what do you think of the current form?"

Hearing this, the four people frowned, but they still didn't say anything, and others couldn't figure out their plans.

Dong Ming's eyes swept over the faces of the four people present. He was very angry. At this time, these four people were still playing deeply, especially Boss Hu. Boss Hu's power has always been behind Dongjia Village. Now Qian Boyu's power is divided, and Boss Hu actually pretends not to know him. The appearance.

Dong Ming is also helpless. Duan Peng's plan is going smoothly. Everything is going according to Duan Peng's plan. Although Qian Boyu's power division is not in Duan Peng's plan, after seeing Duan Peng's means, Dong Ming feels that none of this is a problem. Dong Ming believes that as long as Duan Peng is given time, these problems It will be solved. Unfortunately, the robot came, and the robot did not leave Duan Peng any extra time.

"What, is everyone's opinion?" Obviously, it's not a way to give in. Dong Ming's voice was a little tougher, "If everyone has no idea, then our Dongjia Village will not give up."

In an instant, everyone's eyes condensed, and eight eyes shot at Dong Ming at the same time.

Zhou Lei opened his mouth first.

"In fact, there is nothing to say. There was already an agreement when General Qian was still in office. Now that robots have appeared, everything has been done according to that agreement."

Everyone nodded gently. Now that the forces are divided, it will take time to reintegrate, but the robots will obviously not give them this time. Zhou Lei's method is obviously a good proposal.

While thinking about it, suddenly another voice sounded in the conference room.

"I have no problem with the previous agreement, but one thing is that my main combat power is mecha, and the mobility of mecha is so strong that it is impossible to put it on the wall. I want to know how to distribute this final booty?" It was Cao Bin. Cao Bin sat up straight and looked at the crowd quietly.

Looking at Cao Bin and listening to Cao Bin's words, everyone's eyes widened, and after a moment, everyone's eyebrows frowned at the same time.

Zhou Lei's opinion seemed to have no problem on the surface, but Cao Bin's words suddenly revealed the deep meaning of Zhou Lei's proposal.

According to the previous agreement, the three sides guard their own scope. The city garrison has the largest number, and the scope of garrison is naturally the largest. However, everyone ignores that the defense of the city garrison is completed by the warrior team, and now the soldier team has almost completely fallen into the hands of Zhou Lei, that is, It is said that Zhou Lei's proposal completely excludes Ning Xu and Cao Bin.

It is actually a matter of trophies, and the problem of trophies is related to the distribution of materials in the city.

After Cao Bin's reminder, everyone found that they ignored a very important issue.

In the past, all the resources of the city fell into Qian Boyu's hands and were finally distributed by Qian Boyu. Now, Qian Boyu's city garrison has been divided into three forces. These three forces have not reached an agreement on the collection of materials. Naturally, the distribution of materials is inconclusive, and the distribution of materials is directly related. When it comes to the combat effectiveness and living standards of their respective forces, if this problem is not solved before the war, let alone face the enemy, it is good if you don't fight.

Dong Ming is getting more and more headaches. The reason why such a situation occurs is that the emergence of robots is really untimely. If robots can give them some time, these problems will not exist, and will robots give them time? Obviously not.

The robots are still gathering. Although the speed of assembly is not very fast, the time left for everyone will not be too long.

Ning Xu has been quietly. He did not intend to speak in this meeting, because Ning Xu's heart has not recovered from the Boyu incident.

After the rumor incident, Qian Boyu has lost the hearts of the people. Naturally, Qian Boyu is no longer suitable to stay in the position of general, and Ning Xu did not want Qian Boyu to wander in space for face, so Ning Xu made a rebellious decision.

Although Ning Xu's starting point is for Qian Boyu, Ning Xu is still very uncomfortable after accepting Qian Boyu.

Ning Xu did not intend to speak and did not want to speak. His power was the weakest in the whole city. He did not have the strength to defend the city, nor did he think about the distribution of materials. However, listening to the debate, Ning Xu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I have a proposal."

Ning Xu's voice was not loud, but everyone's eyes were still focused on Ning Xu.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Ning Xu paused, "At present, the situation is urgent. I suggest that General Qian Boyu come out again to preside over the overall situation."


"I don't agree!"

In the conference room, the voices of Boss Hu, Zhou Lei and Cao Bin sounded almost at the same time.

It was not easy to get Qian Boyu out of the position of the city's manager, and Hu Lao Nature did not want to see Qian Boyu come out of the mountain again.

As for Zhou Lei and Cao Bin, they will not be willing, not only because they enjoy the pleasure of power, but also because they are afraid of Qian Boyu's return to power.

Although the division of the city garrison has little to do with Zhou Lei and Cao Bin, and the initial reasons are all because of Ning Xu, Cao Bin and Zhou Lei believe that if Qian Boyu regains power, they will never have a good end.

Only Dong Ming and Duan Peng did not speak, but their faces were also very grim, and their eyes looking at Ning Xu were also full of puzzlement.

Everyone's eyes were full of anger and puzzlement, but Ning Xu did not retreat to meet everyone's eyes.

"The reason why I proposed to ask General Qian to come out of the mountain again is based on two points. First, only General Qian Boyu in the city has the ability to command the war. Second, if General Qian does not come out, the distribution of materials in the city will never reach an agreement."

Of course, Ning Xu still has selfishness. He has been with Qian Boyu for more than ten years. He doesn't want to see Qian Boyu get the current end. Although all this is caused by Ning Xu, if there is a chance, Ning Xu still hopes that Qian Boyu can come back to power, and now is the best opportunity.

Dong Ming and Duan Peng's eyes became deeper and deeper, while Boss Hu and others looked at each other in consters, with a trace of panic in Boss Hu's eyes, while Zhou Lei and Cao Bin's eyes were more hesitant.

Looking at the expressions of the crowd, Ning Xu seemed to see hope. He opened his mouth again, but Ning Xu's words did not say it. He just opened his mouth, and a voice grabbed him in front of him.

It's Duan Peng who has worked so hard for so long that he finally got the current situation. Duan Peng doesn't want to ruin his efforts because of Ning Xu's words.

"Adeputy Ning, right? I don't quite agree with your opinion.

The three of Boss Hu immediately looked at Duan Peng. They were almost moved by Ning Xu's words. Now Duan Peng stood up and immediately gave them new hope.

"First of all, the first thing you said." Duan Peng looked at Ning Xu quietly without any expression on his face, as if he were talking about something that had nothing to do with him. "You said that only General Qian Boyu in this city has the ability to command the war. You are wrong about this. There is another general here who also has the ability to command the war."

Boss Hu's eyes stabilized. Although Duan Peng did not say who it was, their eyes had already looked at Dong Ming.

As he said, Duan Peng's eyes swept across everyone's faces and saw everyone's expressions. Duan Peng's heart became more calm. It is certain that if he had not been forced into a desperate situation, no one here except Ning Xu wanted Qian Boyu to stand up again.

"As for the second, the distribution of materials can never reach an agreement. I don't know how Adjutant Ning judged the word forever. Does Adjutant Ning want to interfere with it? Even if the whole city is buried with your ideas?"

"You..." Ning Xu stood up and was very angry.

Ning Xu stared at Duan Peng closely, while Duan Peng looked at Ning Xu without hesitation.

The current situation was created by Duan Peng, and Duan Peng is never allowed to reverse.

Of course, Duan Peng also has selfishness. Because the power of the city is not unified, Duan Peng will never be able to take the initiative to attack, and Duan Peng can't take the initiative to attack, and Duan Peng can't save his parents.

He looked at each other quietly. For a moment, Duan Peng moved his eyes aside. He was not afraid, but he still had something to say.

"In addition to these two points, I also have a third point. Although it has not been long since Dongjia Village came to the city, we will not deny General Qian Boyu's achievements, but we should also note another point. The citizens of this city no longer trust General Qian. If General Qian continues to stand at the front desk, the city's production capacity Maybe it will be reduced, so Adjutant Ning's proposal is absolutely not good!"