
Chapter 124 Take advantage of the chaos

There was a loud noise. On the wall, all the soldiers defending in the defense section were shocked by the loud noise, but they quickly reacted. After all, it was not the first time to defend with an energy bomb, but it was never so sudden.

When they came to their senses, they immediately looked outside the wall.

Sure enough, outside the wall, within 100 meters, all the green light has disappeared. Only under the wall, within 100 meters, there is still the green light of the robot night vision device.

Looking at it, everyone did not neglect it. The energy gun in their hands began to pour energy bombs out again. While everyone was completely engaged, suddenly a sound sounded.

It was a position observer. He shouted in horror, "Here we are again, we are coming out again!"

It's not just a defense section, but almost all observers in the defense section make the same sound at the same time.

Mr. Hu and others looked pale, and Ning Xu's expression was also heavy, only the expression of the people in the defense section of Dongjia Village was slightly better.

However, it's only better. With the fierce posture of the robot attacking the city just now, even if the soldiers in Dongjia Village are well trained, they will inevitably have lingering lingering.

"Xiaopeng, should Wilton stop?"

Robots kept pouring out of the woodland, but for a moment, the outside of the woodland was already full of starlight and dense, and they were constantly devouring the darkness. Looking at it, Dong Ming couldn't help but put forward his idea.

Duan Peng was staring at the starlight in the distance. Hearing Dong Ming's proposal, a wry smile immediately appeared on Duan Peng's face. "It's too late. Xiaowei sent a signal, and the robot outside already knew the existence of advanced intelligence. If Xiaowei stops now, it will only make the robot lose its attack target, and the attack of advanced intelligence. The direction of attack may also change, so we can only continue like this now.

Hearing the words, Dong Ming was slightly stunned, and the corners of his mouth squirmed, as if he wanted to say something, but soon, Dong Ming gave up again. Half a sound, Dong Ming could only sigh for a long time.

Dong Ming is a fierce general, but Dong Ming is not without wisdom. Duan Peng just reminded that Dong Ming has completely figured it out.

The last time, I was besieged by robots in the plain.

Wilton inadvertently sent a signal. Soon, Wilton's signal was captured by the robot. Then, Wilton stopped transmitting the signal, but it was too late. After capturing Wilton's signal, the robots were like smelling bloody sharks. They quickly surrounded Dongjia Village and were also It was surrounded by robots, and because of the emergence of advanced intelligence, Dongjiacun lost several mecha soldiers in that war.

"Then continue."

"Hmm." After dealing with Dong Ming's doubts, Duan Peng turned his head and said to the messengers who were also stunned, "Notify Boss Hu and Ning Xu to let them put the mecha into the battlefield."

"Huh?" He was slightly stunned, but soon, the resolute voice of the messenger sounded. Yes!"


Of course, there will be no problem with the command. Soon, the order of the messenger has been conveyed to Boss Hu's territory.

Boss Hu has no hesitation. Besides, even if Boss Hu hesitates, it is useless, because his mecha warriors are sent by Dongjia Village. As long as there is Duan Peng's order, even if Boss Hu doesn't agree, these mecha warriors will also start the mecha expedition.

And on Ning Xu's side, Ning Xu is anxiously paying attention to the situation outside the city.

Because they are in battle, the soldiers below have no energy to pay attention to who is commanding the battle. They just mechanically listen to the sound from the caller.

The situation is going well, but Ning Xu knows that this is only temporary. Now the soldiers have no energy to pay attention to it, but if the soldiers come back and his command is not very appropriate, the anger of these soldiers will pour on him, and he will also lose the command of this unit.

Of course, risks and interests coexist. If Ning Xu commands properly and there are no mistakes in the whole battle process, then when the soldiers react, Ning Xu is likely to become the actual commander of this force.

He is locking his eyebrows and thinking that the robot comes out too fast and too fierce. Ning Xu is also worried about how to use his current combat power to face the next fierce attack.

Suddenly, a voice sounded beside Ning Xu.

"Deputy Ning!"

Ning Xu woke up from thinking, and a strange face appeared in front of Ning Xu.

In his twenties, he looks ordinary, may be running too fast, breathing and breathing a little.

Looking at the person coming, Ning Xu asked hesitantly, "What's the matter?"

I'm not old, but the comer is very straightforward, and he may know Ning Xu's current situation. The voice of the comer is not very loud. Ning Xu's voice just fell, and the comer lowered his voice and said to Ning Xu, "I'm from Dongjia Village. General Xiao Duan asked me to come and inform you to order the mecha to fight out of the city."

"Oh! OK!" Hearing Duan Peng's order, Ning Xu's eyes immediately lit up, but soon Ning Xu frowned again.

Duan Peng showed Ning Xu a way to break the situation, but Duan Peng also left a difficult problem for Ning Xu.

Unlike Dongjia Village, the mecha in Dongjia Village is a real combat machine, but the mecha of the city garrison is usually used to resist the crisis or to chase the collapsed robots. The current situation is not good or bad. Ning Xu did not know that he ordered the mecha team to attack at this time. Those arrogant machines Will Jiashi obey his orders?

Hesitating, the second wave of attacks of the robot are getting closer and closer, and as Dong Ming said, this wave of attacks will no longer be helped by energy bombs. After a while, Ning Xu finally gritted his teeth and gave orders to Li Si, who had already come to the wall.

"Li Size, prepare the mecha team!"

"What?" The expected resistance appeared. Hearing Ning Xu's order, Li Si shouted in surprise, "Auxiliary Ning, is it necessary to motivate A in such a situation now?"

Ning Xu was angry. Even if it was expected, there was no anger in his heart, but Ning Xu still put on an angry look.

"Li Size, am I commanding or are you commanding now? Do you want to disobey the order?

Ning Xu's voice was very loud, and the eyes of everyone around him were attracted by Ning Xu.

To achieve the goal, Ning Xu immediately said, "You also saw the last robot siege. Does the mecha team have to wait until the robot goes to the city and the brothers in the city have casualties?"

With such a big hat, Li Si was silent. In the face of Ning Xu's accusations, Li Si did not know how to deal with it at all. More importantly, the surrounding soldiers had already looked at him angrily because of Ning Xu's words, and even Liu Yi, who was hostile to him, became a little Not very friendly.

When he saw Li Si, he was silent, and it was impossible for Ning Xu to let go. He just paused slightly. Ning Xu continued, "Since Captain Li doesn't want to attack, I have to find someone to replace you, Captain Li Hong!"


Li Hong knew very well what he was assigned to Ning Xu's subordinates. Ning Xu's voice just fell, and Li Hong immediately stood up.

"Now I order you to take over Li Size immediately and lead the mecha team to prepare for the attack!"


Of course, it is difficult for Li Hong to control the mecha team as an outsider, but since Ning Xu has taken Li Size, he naturally has his own ideas. Seeing Li Hong leave, Ning Xu immediately started the interphone in his hand.

"Mecha team, I'm adjutant Ning Xu. Now I order that the mecha team is ready to attack immediately!"


The mecha team has been fighting down the wall. They don't know what happened on the wall at all. Hearing Ning Xu's voice, the response of the mecha team immediately came from the caller.

Li Si was surprised. He didn't expect Ning Xu to dare to fight * he took it, but soon Li Si's surprise changed to sneering.

The mecha team is not an ordinary warrior team, not anyone can control the mecha team. He wants to see how the person sent by Ning Xu controls the mecha team.

On the other side, Liu Yi and the soldiers around him looked at each other in connocent. They wanted to stop Ning Xu, but after entering the battle just now, they needed the help of mecha.

Quietly, time goes by little by, and the robot is getting closer and closer.

Ning Xu quietly stared at the robot's team. Seeing that the robot had entered a range of 500 meters, Ning Xu shouted at the caller, "The mecha team will attack!"

The mecha players of the mecha team have found Li Hong's differences. They are still inexplicable. Suddenly, Ning Xu's voice sounded in the caller. In front of them, the mecha driven by Li Hong immediately moved after Ning Xu's order. They were still hesitating, but as soon as Li Hong's mecha moved, the mecha couldn't help following. Moved.

After all, it is a city defense war. Although I don't understand why Captain Li Si has been replaced by another person, the city is everyone's city. Even if there is doubt, the question can only be put after the battle.

The mecha team moved, and Li Si was still sneering, but Li Si's smile quickly froze.

It is impossible for a layman, or a low-level mecha, to control the mecha team of the city garrison, and Li Si also sneered at Ning Xu's mistake.

But as soon as the mecha moved, Li Si knew that he was wrong. The man Ning Xu had never seen was actually a six-level mecha, and he was also the kind of six-level mecha who was infinitely close to level seven.

Although Li Si is also a six-level mecha, Li Si knew after reading it that his operation skills certainly cannot be compared with this man named Li Hong, and even Cao Bin, the most powerful in the city, cannot be compared with Li Hong.


As it was getting closer and closer, Duan Peng quietly stared at the green starlight outside the city. Dong Ming and others quietly stared at the green starlight outside, and they waited again.

Two hundred meters!

Without Duan Peng's order, the soldiers raised their hands neatly.

150 meters!

A white light, followed by a white light, and there is almost no gap between the light flashing.

The robots fell down, but Dong Ming and Duan Peng's faces were not relaxed, and the advanced intelligence they were waiting for had not yet appeared.

Suddenly, when Dong Ming, Duan Peng and others were about to calm down, Duan Peng's eyes widened.

An alien appeared in the fallen robots. All the robots in his row fell down, but the robot was still rushing forward, indicating that the green light of the robot was constantly flickering and changing its position.

"It's coming!"

A voice sounded in everyone's hearts, and Dong Ming and Gao Ming also clenched their weapons at the same time.