
Chapter 12 Blocking for Xiaowei

With the intensive keyboard tapping sound, all five mechas are gently on the ground with their toes, and then all five mechas rotate.

Because the speed slows down, the forward thrust of the mecha is not very strong, and with the rotation of the mecha, the small forward thrust is completely resolved, and the five mechas are stopped in place.

But this is not over. The five mechas just stopped, and the energy guns in their hands have already shined.


A white light, five energy bombs the size of an adult thumb dragged their white tails to the robot's team.

The speed is very fast, originally just the size of a finger, but because the speed is too fast, it looks like a long white rainbow in the eyes of everyone.

In the blink of an eye, five robots in the team of the opposite robot have been pierced, and their pace of progress has stopped, and as they stop, the pace of the robots behind them has been hindered.


It's another white light.

The effect of five mechas and two mechas is completely different, especially the five quite tacit mecha, and the effect is even different.

When Duan Peng and Wang Xing attacked, Duan Peng and Wang Xing had to choose those robots that can play the maximum blocking effect, but now, five mechas launch attacks at the same time. They don't have to choose at all. They just need to kill the robot walking at the front of the team.

One robot after another was destroyed, and soon a metal mountain made of robot 'corpses' appeared in front of the robot's team, and the metal mountain greatly hindered the robot's progress.

Of course, it is impossible to stop it completely. After all, the robot that came out is not only 3,000 like yesterday. The robot that comes out now is a whole fortress robot.

Although the 'corpses' of robots are still accumulating and the metal hills continue to rise, as the robots gather, a large number of robots are still exposed from behind the hills.

"What should I do?"

Seeing that there are more and more robots walking in front of them, but the five mechas can't stop them at all, Dong Ruo finally couldn't help opening his mouth.

Duan Peng quietly looked at the display in front of him. Although more and more robots came out, Duan Peng's expression was still calm, and his fingers danced on the keyboard very steadily.

Of course, the calm face does not mean that Duan Peng is not anxious at all. After Dong Ruo's voice sounded, Duan Peng's head finally turned away.

Another display, which is the mecha perspective, and Duan Peng has been leaving the mecha perspective behind.

The mecha perspective is facing the direction of Wilton, which is a little far away, but Duan Peng can still see the light in Wilton's eyes.

The light is still changing alternately. Obviously, Wilton has not been able to get rid of the control of the signal. Of course, this also represents good news - the signal also failed to conquer Wilton.

At a glance, Duan Peng turned his eyes back and said, "Go back ten meters!"

Opposite, more and more robots have broken through the defense line, and even some robots have begun to run, but now, Duan Peng has chosen to retreat ten meters. Obviously, Duan Peng's purpose is to buy Wilton more time.

In such an environment, such a choice can be said to be quite dangerous, because once more robots flood in and they don't have time to destroy it, the robots can start to fight back.

But as Duan Peng's voice fell, no one objected.

Duan Peng's voice just fell, and everyone's hands had already made an action.

'pa pa......'

The toes of the mecha were a little on the ground, and the five mecha began their pace. As they retreated, the energy gun in the mecha's hand was firing.

With the retreat of the mecha, the pressure of robots has also been greatly reduced, and more robots have emerged from behind the hill.

But the pace of the robot did not unfold, because Duan Peng and the others soon stopped again, and another metal hill began to appear.

This time it is faster, the hills form faster, and the robot gushes out faster.

For a little more than a minute, everyone was still under pressure and didn't make a sound. Duan Peng has taken the initiative to open his mouth.

"Stop step by step!"

There's nothing we can do. The pressure is really great. Although Duan Peng wants to buy Wilton more time, Duan Peng also has to change his strategy. After all, Duan Peng not only represents himself, but also Duan Peng also represents the city. Moreover, Duan Peng does not only want to save Wilton. He still wants to save the prisoner of the whole robot concentration camp. Sw

Although they are still persisting, the pressure of Dong Ruo and others is increasing, and their hand speed has been controlled to the limit.

Holding the new revolver energy gun, because of this new energy weapon, everyone's rate of fire has increased by more than ten times, but the revolver energy gun is not without a limit. When the rate of fire exceeds this limit, everyone also has to wait for it to be charged.

So, now Dong Ruo and others have mobilized all their mental strength, and they have fully controlled the mecha to find a balance between charging and speed.

Fortunately, they are all from the experimental team and are all five-level warriors. They can still do this kind of control.

Of course, it can be done, but this kind of high-intensity control consumes a lot of mental power. However, even if Dong Ruo and others grit their teeth, their gums are already sore. They are still insisting on it, because Duan Peng's persistence moves them.

Finally, Duan Peng's voice sounded, and with Duan Peng's voice, Dong Ruo and others immediately started the 'finger dance'.

A phantom appeared on the keyboard in front of him, and the sound of the keyboard was connected.

The mecha took a step back and moved, but there was no pause in the movement of the mecha's hand.

Stop step by step, it is really a good strategy. The pressure of Dong Ruo and others has been reduced, but the consumption of robots has increased. Soon, there is a road paved by a robot 'body' on the road passed by the robot.

Of course, with the step-by-stop strategy, the distance between Duan Peng and Wilton is also getting closer. Soon, after consuming a large number of robots, Duan Peng and his distance from Wilton is less than 100 meters.

glanced at the mecha perspective again, and the light in Wilton's eyes still flashed. Looking at Wilton's appearance, Duan Peng did not know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or continue to raise his heart.

"Come on, Xiaowei!"

couldn't help shouting at the caller.

The dialogue between them did not avoid Wilton. Wilton, who can speak, can naturally understand what Duan Peng means. Similarly, Wilton also knows that Duan Peng is now buying time for him.

has been listening quietly and struggling desperately. Wilton did not respond to Duan Peng's words, but now with Duan Peng's voice, the rhythm of the light in Wilton's eyes suddenly came up again.

Red, yellow, green, white... Several kinds of light quickly change, even giving people a feeling of melting into a ball.

Shouting out, Duan Peng put half of his mental strength from the mecha perspective.

Suddenly, Duan Peng's eyes widened.

The light in Wilton's eyes changed, not only the light in his eyes, but also Duan Peng soon found the abnormality.

During the struggle, Wilton's metal arm kept moving up and down, and the energy gun in his hand kept gathering energy and releasing energy. Now, Wilton's metal arm has completely fallen down, and the light on the energy gun in his hand has completely faded.

Looking at all this, Duan Peng shouted in surprise.

"Xiao Wei, good job, come on!"

'pa pa......'

His hands crossed the keyboard again, but this time, Duan Peng's face was no longer solemn, and Duan Peng's mouth had a smile.

However, just as Duan Peng smiled, several voices shouted at the same time.


"Big boss!"

Dong Ruo and Gao Fei, there was a trace of panic in their voices.

With Dong Ruo and Gao Fei's panicked voice, Duan Peng immediately focused on another display.

His eyes just glanced at the display, and the smile on Duan Peng's face froze. In the blink of an eye, Duan Peng frowned.

Two robots.

The robots of the whole fortress came out, almost a robot booth, and various types of robots showed their bodies in front of Duan Peng and them.

And now, these two models appear on the display instrument two models that have never been seen before.

Of course, Duan Peng frowned not because of his model, but because of his actions.

Unlike other robots, the metal heads of the two robots are raised high. They stare at Duan Peng's direction. Every time, almost at the same time Duan Peng pulls the trigger, the direction of their movement will change, and as their footsteps move, they can avoid energy without damage. Bullet attack.

There is no need to explain, but Duan Peng has understood at a glance that these are two advanced intelligences, and they are also two combat-type advanced intelligence.

"Stop shooting! Maximum speed, 20 back!"

Duan Peng's order is a little inexplicable, but now during the battle, there is no time to question Duan Peng's order, and no one will question Duan Peng's order. As Duan Peng's voice fell, immediately, five mechas reacted at the same time.

Five mecha retreated at the same time, borrowed the power of retreat, turned around, and picked up the mecha rush.

Two steps and three steps, the mecha reached the maximum speed, followed by only a few steps, 20 meters, and the mecha was a little toe, one and a half turned around, and the mecha quickly stopped, and it was just facing the direction of the robot.

If you make such a neat and difficult action at ordinary times, you may be a little excited, but now, everyone is highly focused and waiting for Duan Peng's next order.

Sure enough, the mecha just stood firm, and Duan Peng's voice sounded.

"High flight, left! Brother Xing, make-up shot! On the right side of my brother! Xiao Ruo's make-up shot!"

Good way, everyone's eyes lit up, and soon there was a move in their hands.

Almost at the same time, the light of two energies lit up.

As the two energy bombs lit up, the two robots made an action, and they rushed out to both sides.


The two robots have just made an action, and two more energy bounces lit up.