
Chapter 14 Wilton's Discovery

"What is it?"

Wilton suddenly became active, and Duan Peng was a little surprised by such a change, but soon, Duan Peng put aside the surprise in his heart with a trace of expectation on his face.

Fortunately, Wilton is a robot. The robot does not appet people's appetite, nor does it mean to appet people. Duan Peng's voice just fell, and Wilton's voice sounded again.

"Just now, I sent the signal. Almost while I sent the signal, I received the signal from the direction of the fortress." It's worthy of being a robot. At the same time, it's distracted by a few things. There is no pressure for Wilton at all. While running, Wilton calmly said, "It's not the robot inside, but the signal tower. The signal tower directly sent me a program, and that program made you hostile..."

Listening to Wilton's story, Duan Peng frowned and his movements inadvertently slowed down a little. Fortunately, the combination of Duan Peng's two abilities has made Duan Peng reach the level of level 7 mecha, otherwise Duan Peng may really fall into crisis.

Duan Peng frowned and his eyes seemed to be a little dull. Although Wilton's story was not finished, Duan Peng seemed to think of something.

"You mean that you just opened the signal terminal and the program was transmitted?"

"Yes, there is no reaction time. It should not be because he found my existence, but because he is already transmitting, or they have been working on the transmission program."

Duan Peng's question was very sudden, but in less than a second, Wilton had judged Duan Peng's meaning, and soon Wilton gave Duan Peng the answer he wanted.

And with Wilton's answer, Duan Peng frowned more tightly.

A little vague thing flashed in Duan Peng's mind. Although he hadn't figured out what it was, Duan Peng had felt that, as Wilton said, it was even more important than saving people from the fortress.

"Do you know why this happened?"

Consciously, Duan Peng continued to ask.

This time, Wilton did not answer again. Obviously, Wilton couldn't figure out why this was for a while. After all, Wilton is a robot, and the robot is best at data analysis, not creative thinking.

Fortunately, Duan Peng only asked subconsciously, and he didn't expect to get Wilton's answer.

Continuing to think and asking myself in my heart, everything related to this program quickly flashed through Duan Peng's mind.

"Not deliberately..."

"For the first time, Xiao Wei did not encounter such a situation when he sent a signal in the fortress in the war zone..."

"What's the difference between this time and the last time?"

With the flash of the fragment, Duan Peng muttered to himself in his mouth, and his eyebrows became more and more tightly. As the last question fell, Duan Peng's frown suddenly loosened, and his eyes were even more round.

"I thought of it!"

was just stunned, and Duan Peng immediately shouted excitedly in his mouth.

is really useful and quite useful.

Just as he figured out the possibility, Duan Peng could no longer control his emotions. He couldn't help shouting excitedly, and his hands also slapped on the keyboard.

The mecha paused with Duan Peng's slap. Fortunately, after a period of running, a certain distance between Duan Peng and the robot team has been opened. Otherwise, Duan Peng may really be in danger if he does this.


The dialogue between Duan Peng and Wilton was heard clearly, and with Duan Peng's muttering in the call, everyone couldn't help but be nervous again.

Dong Ruo and others are not nervous about the discovery of Wilton and Duan Peng. They are nervous about Duan Peng's operation, because they obviously feel that Duan Peng's speed is slower.

Dong Ruo and others are not easy to disturb Duan Peng. They are afraid that it will affect Duan Peng's thoughts, so they can only be highly focused and nervously concerned.

In the attention of Dong Ruo and others, Duan Peng's self-talk became lower and lower. Later, Duan Peng's self-voice completely disappeared in the caller, and with the disappearance of the voice, Dong Ruo and others became more nervous.

However, just when Dong Ruo and others were most nervous, suddenly a loud voice sounded in the speaker.

"I thought of it!"

Duan Peng's voice was too sudden and too big. Dong Ruo and others were shocked by Duan Peng's sudden voice.

But Dong Ruo and others had no time to complain. The next second, when they looked at Duan Peng's mecha with the sound, their faces turned pale.

After Duan Peng roared, Duan Peng's mecha actually stopped.

"Xiaopeng! You..."

At the first time, Dong Ruo screamed.

It's not an ordinary time. In order to help Wilton buy more time, they are very close to the robot. Although they are a little better now, they have not run to a completely safe distance.

Dong Ruo's words were not finished.

The mecha stopped violently, and the cockpit shook violently. With the shock, Duan Peng also found something wrong. In an instant, Duan Peng woke up. Facing Dong Ruo's scream, Duan Peng's face showed a trace of shame.

"I'm sorry, I'm so excited! But what Xiao Wei said is really too important!"

While apologizing, Duan Peng readjusted the balance of the mecha.

The mecha with a seven-level mecha level is really powerful, and Duan Peng used to use mecha. Mecha in close combat mecha attaches the most importance to the balance of mecha. Soon Duan Peng readjusted the rhythm of mecha.

I was angry and dissatisfied with Duan Peng's boldness, but when I saw that Duan Peng had readjusted his balance again, everyone was still relieved. Of course, relief is relief, and what should be said.

Almost the moment when Duan Peng adjusted, Dong Ruo opened his mouth again.


Dong Ruo's tone is a little solemn. Here, only Dong Ruo dares or will talk to Duan Peng in such a tone, but unfortunately, Duan Peng still did not give Dong Ruo a chance to speak this time.

Dong Ruo just called Duan Peng's name, and Duan Peng's voice sounded again.

A little anxious, Duan Peng didn't seem to notice Dong Ruo's existence, but just adjusted the balance of the mecha and restored the rhythm of the mecha, and Duan Peng immediately opened his mouth.

"Xiao Wei, do you think it could be because of the new robot?"

is too insincere. I was just apologizing to everyone, but the next moment, without even asking everyone to say a word, Duan Peng threw everyone aside again.

Dong Ruo looked even more depressed, but the two parties did not notice Dong Ruo's mood. As Duan Peng asked, Wilton's eyes lit up.

has added conditions, and Wilton began to calculate the possibility of Duan Peng's conjecture.

It took a second for Wilton's voice to sound again in the caller. This time, even Wilton's electronic synthesis sound became dull.

"Yes, it's the new robot. That signal should be to inject programs into the newly produced robot."

With dissatisfaction on his face, Dong Ruo originally planned to hold Duan Peng accountable, but with Wilton's answer, the dissatisfaction on Dong Ruo's face disappeared. Then, Dong Ruo's eyes widened, and even the movements in his hand involuntarily slowed down a little.

Dong Ruo understood, and she finally understood why Duan Peng was so excited.

"Xiao Peng, please inform Brother Tong quickly!"

Duan Peng has long been ready. When Duan Peng got the answer, he has adjusted the channel of the caller. Almost at the same time as Dong Ruo opened his mouth, Duan Peng's voice has also appeared in the caller.

"Brother Tong, I'm Duan Peng!"


Li Tong didn't know what was going on here. After Duan Peng's voice, Li Tong just answered faintly. Obviously, Li Tong was still a little dissatisfied with Duan Peng's decision.

However, Duan Peng did not care about Li Tong's attitude, and he did not have time to care about Li Tong's attitude.

Almost at the moment of connecting to the call, Duan Peng quickly said, "Brother Tong, there is a new task for you now. Please destroy the robot's signal transmission tower while saving people."

"Signal transmission tower?" Li Tong was a little puzzled.

is still running and is about to leave the distance of the mecha call. Duan Peng didn't have time to explain to Li Tong. Seeing that Li Tong was a little confused, Duan Peng immediately said, "This is an order, it must be destroyed!" And destroy all the engineering robots in the fortress!"


City, the location of the test team.

Although Duan Peng and other bosses have gone out of the city to carry out tasks, the team's training has not stopped. On the contrary, everyone's training is more serious, and everyone hopes to meet the standard of going out of the city with the bosses next time.

Liu Shaohui is also working hard. Of course, Liu Shaohui's motivation is not to carry out tasks with Duan Peng and others.

It reached the limit again, and sweat kept oozing from under the skin. Gradually, sweat had blurred Liu Shaohui's eyes, but Liu Shaohui, who was extremely tired, did not have extra strength to wipe his eyes.

Finally, he ran two more steps. Liu Shaohui couldn't help lying down. Watching Liu Shaohui fall, Liu Qing immediately ran to Liu Shaohui's side.

"How's Shaohui?"

"No..." A word could not be expressed completely. Opening his mouth, Liu Shaohui only felt that there was smoke in his throat. Liu Shaohui swallowed several times in a row, but the Adam's apple kept squirming up and down, but Liu Shaohui's voice did not feel even a trace of coolness. After a sound, Liu Shaohui said with difficulty, "It's okay. ."

To be honest, Liu Qing has never looked up to Liu Shaohui, but recently, with Liu Shaohui's fierceness, Liu Qing has a slight admiration for Liu Shaohui.

"Shaohui..." Looking at Liu Shaohui's appearance, Liu Qing opened his mouth. He wanted to persuade Liu Shaohui, but when he opened his mouth, Liu Qing did not know how to continue.

During this period, Liu Qing has not known how many times he has persuaded Liu Shaohui, but Liu Qing has never succeeded.

Liu Qing was wording, and suddenly, a voice sounded around them.

"It looks good now, if only it had been like this before!"

The voice was a little familiar, with a sarcastic meaning. As soon as he heard the sound, Liu Qing immediately looked behind him, and as the figure behind him fell into his eyes, Liu Qing's eyes suddenly widened.

"It's you!"