
Chapter 16 Bet or not

"How is everyone?"

Duan Peng now has the ability of a seven-level mecha, but a seven-level mecha will also be tired. For example, now, Duan Peng's face is full of fatigue, and the sweat on his head comes out again, and then dries up.

Duan Peng has been like this, not to mention others. As Duan Peng's voice sounded, other people's voices also sounded.

"You can still stick to it." This is Wang Xing.

"It's okay." This is Zhong Li.

"No problem." This is Gao Fei.

"It's okay, but I don't know how Brother Tong is doing." This is Dong Ruo.

Everyone said that they could persist, but Duan Peng could hear that everyone's voice was full of fatigue, but now, even if he knew that everyone was very tired, Duan Peng had no solution.

Listening to everyone's words, Duan Peng turned his head and looked behind.

Behind, there is no robot, but Duan Peng knows that the distance between the robot and them is not very far. Perhaps, as long as you stop in place for two minutes, the robot will appear.

However, Duan Peng is more worried about Li Tong. As Dong Ruo said, he doesn't know how Li Tong is doing. Just now, before Duan Peng's words are finished, they have gone out of the scope of the call. Duan Peng also wants to know whether Li Tong has done what he said.

Why are you thinking about things? Suddenly, a scream disturbed Duan Peng's thoughts.

"Xiao Peng, they're coming up again!"

It's Dong Ruo, and there is a trace of panic in Dong Ruo's voice.

With the sound, Duan Peng looked back again. Sure enough, in the distance, almost at the end of the sight, more than a dozen vague figures appeared on the mecha display.

You can only see the figure vaguely, and you can't tell what it is, but just by seeing the figure, Duan Peng already understands what it is.

Those figures are advanced intelligence, and it is they who made Duan Peng understand the difference between robot branches and small war zones.

According to Wilton, there are 100,000 robots in every small war zone, but not every small war zone has advanced robots.

At present, the total number of robots in the robot division may be only 100,000, but the proportion of advanced intelligence is completely different.

Before Wilton got rid of signal control, Duan Peng and others had solved two advanced intelligences. At that time, after solving the advanced robots, Duan Peng and others were relieved, but later, not long after Duan Peng's heart was relieved, and several advanced intelligences appeared.

This group of advanced intelligences is large and more difficult to deal with. They do not fight directly with Duan Peng. Every time they appear, they always stay in the distance to interfere with Duan Peng's forward speed with energy bombs.

Originally, Duan Peng's speed was faster than that of robots. They just needed to hang the robot and run out slowly, but the more than ten advanced intelligences that emerged behind disrupted Duan Peng's plan.

They are not involved in danger. Every time, Duan Peng can find a time to rest, and more than a dozen advanced intelligences will emerge, and then Duan Peng's pace of moving forward will slow down because of them.

is getting closer and closer. In the display, the more than a dozen figures are getting clearer and clearer, and Duan Peng is also getting more and more headaches, because Duan Peng can't think of any solution.

Not only Duan Peng has a headache, but also others have headaches.

Especially the more active Gao Fei. Looking at the approaching robot, Gao Fei couldn't help shouting.

" boss, why don't we stop and get rid of them!"

Listening to Gao Fei's voice, Duan Peng's tired face had a wry smile.

If it can be solved, Duan Peng will definitely choose to solve them, but can it be solved? You should know that there are not two, but more than a dozen.

frowned and operated the mecha while Duan Peng thought about various possibilities.

After a long time, the metal limbs of those robots could almost be seen clearly on the mecha display, and Duan Peng finally opened his mouth.

"Xiao Wei, how far is the robot behind us?"

Speaking of Wilton, it is also a blessing. After Wilton got rid of the control of the signal tower, the advanced robot became fearless of Wilton's signal attack, so Wilton could turn on the signal all the way to explore the way for everyone.

As soon as Duan Peng's voice fell, Wilton's voice sounded.

"Two minutes and forty-three seconds."

was silent again. With Wilton's voice, Duan Peng looked at the display on one side, but this time Duan Peng was not silent for too long. Only a few seconds, Duan Peng's voice sounded in the speaker.

"Do you want to gamble?"

There are five people in a team, two of whom are stuffy, and Dong Ruo has changed his personality since his engagement with Duan Peng. Dong Ruo is not interested in gambling at all. Only Gao Fei, almost at the same time as Duan Peng's voice fell, Gao Fei's voice picked up.

How to bet? Boss, just say it, I'll listen to you!"

Gao Fei's voice was so resolute that he didn't even know what Duan Peng was going to do. He had already made a decision to agree.

On the other hand, Dong Ruo frowned.

"Xiao Peng, if you don't want to gamble, after all, your identity is different now..."

Duan Peng's face had a wry smile. In fact, while questioning, Duan Peng already knew that it would be such a result. However, looking at the robot on the display, the robot's figure was getting closer and closer, and Duan Peng still decided to say his thoughts.

"It doesn't work like this. Every time we are about to distance ourselves from robots, these advanced robots will appear. If it goes on like this, our physical strength can't be supported at all, so I think we should bet."

Duan Peng paused for a moment, as if he was thinking, but it didn't stop for a long time, and Duan Peng's voice continued to ring in the caller.

"The mecha is most suitable for group warfare, but warriors are more suitable for fighting alone. Do you still remember the individual soldier energy mask and energy sword around us? I think..."

Duan Peng's words were not finished. Everyone had understood what Duan Peng meant, and Dong Ruo directly interrupted Duan Peng's words.

"No, this risk is too high. Although there are individual weapons, the human body still can't be compared with mecha!"

The bitter smile on Duan Peng's face became stronger.

Duan Peng has become the highest leader of the city. What he said is an order, but there are always a few people who can't control Duan Peng at all, and more importantly, these people are all for his good.

"Xiao Ruo..." Duan Peng tried to persuade Dong Ruo, but Duan Peng didn't know where to start.

But fortunately, some people agreed with Duan Peng's proposal, and they helped Duan Peng relieve the siege.

After listening to Duan Peng's proposal, Gao Fei felt feasible. Of course, Gao Fei did not feel how good Duan Peng's plan was. He was just annoyed by robots. In addition, Gao Fei was the weakest among everyone, so Gao Fei's ability to persist was also shorter. Gao Fei just felt that he fled endlessly until the end. I don't know where it will fall. It's better to fight according to what Duan Peng said.

"I..." Of course, it also takes a lot of courage to refute Dong Ruo. There was a trace of hesitation in Gao Fei's voice. Gao Fei's voice stopped again and took a breath again. Gao Fei said, "Sister Ruo, I... I'm not saying that what you said is wrong. I just feel that it's better to escape like this. In the end, it is difficult to die. It's not as good as the boss said. At least we can still afford to take weapons now. Otherwise, even if we want to fight, we won't have the strength.

And as Gao Fei's voice fell, Wang Xing's voice also sounded in the caller.

"I and Gao Fei stayed."

Wang Xing was more direct. He directly proposed to stay, but like Dong Ruo, Wang Xing did not want Duan Peng to be involved in danger.

And Zhong Li, like Wang Xing, didn't say much after Wang Xing's voice fell. He just said sullenly, "And me."

Dong Ruo was silent.

After Gao Fei finished speaking, Dong Ruo's resolute heart began to loosen, and with Wang Xing and Zhong Li's words later, Dong Ruo suddenly felt that Wang Xing and Zhong Li's proposal was the best.

Among everyone, the importance of Duan Peng is self-evident. Dong Ruo even thought about staying, because this does not make Duan Peng selfish, but is it possible?

Just thinking about it, Dong Ruo gave up.

In the previous situation, when Wilton was in crisis, Duan Peng put himself in danger in order to buy Wilton time, and now, how could Duan Peng leave everyone to run for his life alone?

For a long time, the robot's figure was getting closer and closer, and even the robot's movements could be seen clearly from the display. Finally, Dong Ruo's voice sounded.


The voice was a little helpless, but Dong Ruo also had to agree.

First of all, everyone agreed with Duan Peng's proposal.

Secondly, the fact is the same as Gao Fei said. They don't have time to rest. Now everyone is very tired. They don't know how long they can hold on. Now, taking advantage of some strength, it is obviously the best choice to compete with advanced robots.

Duan Peng has been waiting. Although everyone has expressed their own meanings and his proposal has passed, Duan Peng is still waiting for Dong Ruo, and he still wants to get Dong Ruo's approval.

Finally, Dong Ruo's voice still sounded.

Dong Ruo's voice just fell, and Duan Peng couldn't wait to open his mouth.

"Prepare for action!"

Wang Xing and Zhong Li opened their mouths. They didn't want Duan Peng to get involved in danger, but their mouths just opened and closed helplessly.

'Papa, Papa...'

The rhythm of keyboard tapping changed. With the change of rhythm, the toes of the mecha suddenly clicked on the ground. Suddenly, the mecha stopped and followed. Almost at the same time as the mecha stopped, the door of the cockpit bounced open, and the five people of Duan Peng jumped out of the mecha cockpit at the first time.

The cockpit is more than two meters high from the ground, and even the five-level warriors need to be buffered. The five people almost have the same action. As soon as they landed, they rolled on the ground and unloaded the force on their bodies. As soon as the force on their bodies was resolved, Duan Peng issued an order.

"Divers on both sides!"

In the distance, the advanced intelligence is still moving at high speed and has entered the attack range. As in the previous times, the weapons in their hands have gathered energy again.