
Chapter 35 More than Guwu

I felt it.

Although they closed their eyes, they 'see' all the scenes in the venue.

Around, everyone was observing with their eyes closed like themselves. In the middle of the field, most of the soldiers were still gasping and 'seeing' with their spirit, just like seeing with their own eyes.

Of course, it is not exactly the same.

The eyes look at the distance. The closer you are to yourself, the clearer you will see, and what is far away from you will become blurred.

And spiritual power is different. As long as you can see it, there is no difference between far and near. Within the range of spiritual power, everything is clear, and you can even 'see' from different angles.

It's just a little pity that the range of spiritual power is not very large, and there are not many things they can see. Outside this range, everything outside is dark.

Several people watched greedily, but it didn't last long. About two or three minutes, they broke away from the state of 'seeing'. Of course, there was still a little respion on their faces.

Dong Ruo looked at everyone quietly with a question in his eyes, and in the face of Dong Ruo's questioning eyes, the other people nodded gently and looked quite steady. Only Gao Fei danced excitedly with his hands.

"I'm so awesome that it's so fast! Well, when I go back, I must tell my old man. I guess if he knows, his eyes will definitely fall out in surprise!"

Looking at Gao Fei's excited dance, everyone's eyes showed a little helplessness, and the excitement that was finally suppressed was also re-induced by Gao Fei.

Of course, no one behaved like Gao Fei. They just smiled at each other, and then someone put forward new ideas.

"Why don't we try the mecha? I feel that in this operation, the mecha seems to be more advanced than Gu Wu!"

It's Dong Ruo, and Dong Ruo looks at everyone with some expectation.

And everyone just heard Dong Ruo's opinion and nodded hurriedly.

Dong Ruo said that everyone hasn't remembered that in the process of this operation, they have been driving in the mecha for more than ten consecutive days. They have a deeper understanding of the mecha. Now that Gu Wudu has been promoted, then the mecha may also surprise them.


"If you advance to level 7, the sensing range of your spiritual power should become larger, and at the same time, the feeling of the outside world is also more subtle, so you can see the change of my pores..."

Listening to Zhong Xi's explanation, Duan Peng closed his eyes again.

Spiritual power slowly spread outward. Sure enough, as Zhong Xi said, the spiritual power seemed to break free from the shackles, and the range he could see was much larger than before.

Although this feeling is not the first time to experience it, Duan Peng can suddenly see more things. Duan Peng still has a strange taste. He slowly checked it little by little, and it took more than ten minutes to get out of that state again.

"Is there anything else?"

As soon as he got out of that state, Duan Peng immediately eagerly raised new questions to Zhong Xi.

I have to admit that Duan Peng's fate is good. In the past, when Zhong Xi entered this state, he was the only one in the whole village to have such a level. Everything depends on Zhong Xi to explore. Now, when Duan Peng enters this state, Zhong Xi can explain to Duan Peng little by little.

Of course, Zhong Xi just sighed that he would never set up obstacles on Duan Peng's way forward.

Just shaking his head gently and ousking those meaningless thoughts out of his mind, Zhong Xi immediately said, "And there is the use of this power."

"Use of power?"

Duan Peng seemed to have some understanding, and his eyes became a little blurred.

Hearing Duan Peng's voice and seeing Duan Peng's eyes, Zhong Xi nodded gently, and the words in his mouth paused slightly, giving Duan Peng a time to think, and then opened his mouth again.

"It's the use of power. Do you remember the state of level 5? Because of the overflow of mental power, you can use mental strength to check the state of your body. At the same time, you can also use mental strength to regulate your body movements, so that you can consume the least physical strength, but burst out the most powerful power. Level 6 is to observe the outside world. You can observe and find the opponent's movements, so as to grasp the opportunity. As for seven Level..."

Speaking of level 7, Zhong Xi's expression became more serious, and even his eyebrows began to frown gently. After all, level 7 is Duan Peng's current level. If Duan Peng wants to adapt to level 7 in the shortest time, Zhong Xi's story must be more subtle.

In the same reason, Duan Peng's expression has also become more solemn. Although he can still ask Zhong Xi again if he doesn't understand, Duan Peng still listens carefully and refuses to miss even a word.

"In addition to the larger and more detailed observation range of level 7, the control of the body can also achieve subtle effects. For example, you have to move your legs, but in the observation of level 6 soldiers, you can control your muscles and give him an illusion to do it!"

He didn't miss a word, but listening to Zhong Xi's explanation, Duan Peng's eyebrows frowned more and more tightly. He didn't understand what Zhong Xi would mean.

Looking at Duan Peng's expression, Zhong Xi's eyebrows were also tightly frowned. Obviously, Zhong Xi was not very satisfied with his description, but Zhong Xi did not have a better way and lost his strength. He wanted to demonstrate it, but he could not do it.

As for the veteran, he was even more confused. Although Duan Peng and Zhong Xi did not avoid him, the more he heard, the more dull his expression became.

Quiet, there was another period of silence. This silence lasted longer. It was not until the sun had emerged from the horizon that Duan Peng suddenly closed his eyes. As Duan Peng closed his eyes, Zhong Xi also patted his forehead gently.

They are confused. They all forgot. Maybe it's better to feel it for yourself than to talk about it a hundred times.

As soon as his eyes were closed, Duan Peng's spiritual power was emitted. This time, Duan Peng was not the same as the previous two times. Almost at the same time when his eyes were closed, Duan Peng's spiritual power had spread all over the whole space.

Feel and recall what Zhong Xi said.

"It's the legs that need to move, but give people the illusion of hands-on!"

Thinking, Duan Peng's mental strength began to control the change of muscles, and with Duan Peng's control, the muscles on his shoulder trembled slightly, as if he were about to punch.

After controlling the muscles of his shoulders, Duan Peng began to control his legs again.

However, just as Duan Peng's consciousness shifted to his leg, Duan Peng's fist really waved out.


Just gently swing the fist and did not consume too much physical strength, but Duan Peng's punch was as fast as lightning, and there was a sound of breaking the air.

In the past, Duan Peng would have cheered because of this power, but now, with the wave of his fist, Duan Peng frowned, and at the same time, Duan Peng also escaped from that state of spiritual separation.

Zhong Xi has been watching. As for his own training, it has long been put down. Now nothing is more important than Duan Peng's understanding.

How's it going? Do you understand?"

still frowned and was still experiencing it, but when he heard Zhong Xi's question, Duan Peng still gently moved his head.

"I probably understand, but I can't do the application method you mentioned. That method seems to require two-purpose control..."

Zhong Xi's face has always been a little nervous, but after Duan Peng finished speaking, the tension on Zhong Xi's face immediately retreated and was replaced by a relaxed smile.

"It seems that you really understand, and you don't have to worry. Now that you have understood, you can do it with more experiences in the future..."


Promotion, really promoted!

They came out of the simulator and looked at each other. They all saw surprise in each other's eyes. Even Gao Fei, who had always been careless, fell into shock.

It turns out that their conjectures are true, not only Gu Wu, but also their mecha technology has been promoted at the same time.

"Do you think Boss Duan will also be promoted?"

It is worthy of Gao Fei. Although he was also shocked, he was the first to recover from the shock.

Gao Fei's voice woke up everyone, but after they heard Gao Fei's words, they were stunned by what Gao Fei said.

Everyone has been promoted, so it is also very possible for Duan Peng to advance.

Before going out, Duan Peng was already a six-level warrior and a six-level mecha. If the two are combined, Duan Peng's mecha level can even be compared with the best among the seven-level mecha. Now, if Duan Peng is promoted again, that Peng should be a seven-level warrior and a seven-level mecha, and the combination of the two. What kind of height will Duan Peng reach? You should know that there is only one eight-level mecha warrior like Huang Chi in the whole city.

Everyone is almost a little unimaginable.


Duan Peng didn't think so much, and he didn't know what happened in the experimental team. Although Zhong Xi started his training again, Duan Peng was still continuing his exploration.

Control the shoulder muscles, simulate the state of the fist, and then kick the leg.


Another punch and another failure, but Duan Peng did not take this failure in his heart. He began the next control. After all, Zhong Xi has said that it is not easy to really do it.

I don't know how many experiments it was. Duan Peng was completely addicted to it. Suddenly, an anxious voice sounded near Duan Peng.

It's Dong Ming. Originally, Dong Ming was still a little worried, because Duan Peng was not in a good state yesterday, but when he saw Duan Peng, Duan Peng was exercising like a person who was fine.

Suddenly, the anger in Dong Ming's heart came out, and Dong Ming had already roared far away.

"What are you doing? Don't you know that everyone is waiting for you?

Duan Peng's mental strength is highly concentrated. Although he can 'see' everything around him when his mental strength is emitted, Duan Peng really did not find Dong Ming's appearance because of his concentration.

Dong Ming's roar immediately woke up Duan Peng from a fixed state, and when Duan Peng came to his senses, he also found that he didn't know when the sun had risen.