
Chapter 37 Duan Peng's Decision

"Of course."

The mysterious man did not refuse. Similarly, he did not care about Liu Shaohui's unfriendly attitude. Almost at the same time as Liu Shaohui's voice fell, the mysterious man nodded gently.

"Since you are from the experimental team, and they have not closed the information from you, you should know how to advance to the fifth-level warrior. First, through life-and-death breakthrough, second, the guidance of senior warriors, and what I want to tell you now..."

As he spoke, the mysterious man's voice suddenly stopped.

not far away, the people of the experimental team were training, and there were also figures passing through the streets of the station from time to time, but as the man's voice fell, they seemed to be isolated from the whole world.

Quiet, very quiet, even if it is very lively next to it, but there is no sound to this corner.

Liu Shaohui was very steady, but when this person talked about the topic, Liu Shaohui's face finally changed. He stared into the mysterious man's eyes, and his eyes were also more nervous.

Fortunately, the mysterious man did not adjust their appetite for too long. He seemed to be waiting for Liu Shaohui's expression to change, and while Liu Shaohui's expression changed, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"I'm a senior soldier."

Liu Shaohui and Liu Qing are waiting. Of course, they stand in different positions, and the expected results are also different. After waiting for a long time, and finally waiting for such a result, Liu Qing's face turned pale.

"What do you mean, senior warriors are amazing? Do you have to wait until now to say it?"

The corners of the mysterious man's mouth were still slightly raised. Even if Liu Qing's voice was full of anger, the expression on his face remained unchanged, and even his eyes did not shift in the direction of Liu Qing. He just stared at Liu Shaohui quietly with an interesting gaze.

In the gaze of the mysterious man, Liu Shaohui lowered his head, but only for a moment, Liu Shaohui's head suddenly raised and looked straight at the mysterious man and the mysterious man. Suddenly, a strange smile appeared on Liu Shaohui's face.

"Thank you!"

The inexplicable and inexplicable answer was also an inexplicable thank you. Liu Qing couldn't realize what it meant, but with Liu Shaohui's thank you, the mysterious man nodded with satisfaction.

"Then I'll come to you when you stabilize your current state."

is still an inexplicable sentence, but as soon as he finished speaking, the mysterious man turned to the end of the street.

Liu Qing looked at the direction of the mysterious man leaving with some indignation and some inexplicable expressions. At the moment when the mysterious figure disappeared, Liu Qing finally couldn't help but express his heart to Liu Shaohui.

"What are you talking about? This person is not credible.

Like Liu Qing, Liu Shaohui quietly looked at the direction of the mysterious man's departure, but Liu Shaohui's face was a little relaxed. Hearing Liu Qing's advice, Liu Shaohui nodded gently.

"I know, thank you, Brother Qing!"

Liu Shaohui suddenly found that his brain was a little insufficient. Although he did not avoid the content of the dialogue, he did not understand the content of the dialogue at all. Similarly, Liu Shaohui's thanked him also made him a little inexplicable.

Quiet, half-sounding, may have found Liu Qing's doubts, and Liu Shaohui's eyes finally came back.

"I didn't believe him. As you think, he is too mysterious, but now we have a lot of things that need his help?"

"Do you need his help?"

If you don't understand, you don't understand. Maybe Liu Qing's talent in combat is stronger than Liu Shaohui, but in terms of strategy, Liu Qing can't catch up with Liu Shaohui. Even if Liu Shaohui has said such a situation, Liu Qing still doesn't quite understand.

It's okay. After all, they almost grew up together. Liu Shaohui also knows Liu Qing's strategic level very well. After a short pause, Liu Shaohui continued to explain, "I may be promoted to level 5 soldiers, but I don't want others in the group to know about my promotion, and he happens to be A senior warrior can help me when I advance.

"So that's it?" Liu Qing suddenly realized, but only for a moment, Liu Qing had a new doubt, "Why can't you let the group know about your promotion?"

Er, Liu Shaohui finally smiled helplessly.

Because of Liu Le's relationship, Liu Qing's loyalty to him naturally does not need to be suspicious, but Liu Qing is too slow to plan things. However, no matter how dull Liu Qing is, Liu Shaohui does not want to lose Liu Qing's support, so all he can do is to explain it again.

"My talent is not very strong, so my presence in the group is not too obvious. Similarly, those people are not wary of us. After all, with our ability, we can't do anything even if we want to do anything, but if I am promoted to level 5 warrior, everyone's eyes will focus on me... ”


Poor Duan Peng finally suppressed Liu Bing's dissatisfaction. He thought he would have his own time next, but as soon as he walked out of the mecha factory, Duan Peng knew he was wrong.

Not far from the mecha factory, Dong Ming was waiting for Duan Peng with several people. Duan Peng just walked out of the mecha factory, and Dong Ming and others couldn't wait to wave to Duan Peng.

Even if he wanted to find Duan Peng, he did not dare to rely too close to the mecha factory. Looking at the attitude of Dong Ming and others, Duan Peng understood the horror of Liu Bing, but Duan Peng did not want to return to the mecha factory again. Even if he didn't want to go, Duan Peng could only walk to Dong Ming and others with a wry smile.

"Dong Uncle, didn't you just say that it was all right?"

Just now, Dong Ming used this excuse to throw Duan Peng to Liu Bing, but when Duan Peng mentioned this topic, there was no shame on Dong Ming's face. He just pouted in the direction of the mecha factory. Dong Ming said generously, "Isn't that your master looking for you? The innovation of mecha is quite important for the city. Even if something happens, we can put it aside for the time being.

Duan Peng's eyes widened. He originally wanted to squeeze Dong Ming, but he didn't expect that Dong Ming didn't care about his run at all.

He stared at Dong Ming quietly. After a while, Duan Peng recovered from Dong Ming's thick skin.

"Well, what else do you want to find me? The program reserved by Xiaowei has not been handed over to you, and then you have to do the rest of the things. There should be nothing I need to do!"

"How can it be okay? After all, you are the highest decision maker in the city. Even if we do the rest, we always have to let you know what we do, right?"

Dong Ming's words were high-sounding. In the face of such claims, Duan Peng has almost no resistance.

And it's more than that. The above words have just been finished, and Dong Ming turned the conversation around again and brought the topic to Duan Peng.

"Besides, you often come up with some strange ideas, such as training in the city, and your parents are not among this group of prisoners. We always need to know what you plan to do next, and then we can start working around your plan."

In the face of this, Duan Peng had no way to refute it. He had no choice but to follow Dong Ming's footsteps and return to the parliament hall just now.

In the council chamber, those senior officials in the city are still waiting in the council chamber.

To be honest, seeing so many people waiting for him, and their work will also be carried out around his own plan, Duan Peng is still a little proud. Of course, although he is a little proud, the feeling of being hindered by work still makes Duan Peng a little unhappy.

"You haven't left yet!"

Duan Peng's voice was obviously emotional. Listening to Duan Peng's voice, everyone's faces also had a little bitter smile.

Because of the problem of ability, they have always ignored Duan Peng's age, and now it seems that they have found that Duan Peng is still a young man. Even if Duan Peng has obsession in his heart, Duan Peng still has a young temper.

"We still have something to discuss with General Duan." Having experienced a general, Ning Xu may be more courageous than before. Finally, Ning Xu still stood up in Duan Peng's dissatisfaction. "In this prisoner, we couldn't find the person we were looking for, so we want to know if General Duan has any battle plans next, and then we can also follow General Duan's Plan to make corresponding arrangements."

Last night, everyone said that they would help Duan Peng, but Duan Peng thought it was just a momentary impulse, and now, Ning Xu said so, and Duan Peng was a little moved. After all, these people are outsiders, and the weight they said is also different.

Looking quietly, almost everyone's expression was not missed, and everyone showed sincerity in facing Duan Peng.

Duan Peng's eyes couldn't help but be a little wet, but Duan Peng did not answer everyone's questions immediately. He thought carefully. After a while, Duan Peng opened his mouth cautiously.

"If there is no accident, I don't plan to start another war in the short term!"

Everyone looked at each other in con's face. In fact, they had a preliminary discussion before Duan Peng came. Because Duan Peng's parents were not rescued, they believed that Duan Peng would carry out the battle to the end, but they did not expect that Duan Peng would give them such an answer.

When he said this, he expected such a result. In the face of everyone's doubts, Duan Peng said without hurry.

"First of all, I want to thank you for your support, but I can't take advantage of your feelings to launch a war blindly..."

Speaking of this, some people can't help standing up, which shows that their feelings for Duan Peng are true, and at the same time, they really agree with Duan Peng's ability.

However, in the face of everyone's excitement, Duan Peng waved calmly.

"Listen first. The reason why I do this is based on my overall consideration. First of all, the robot is divided into three levels, first a small war zone, then a regional war zone, and finally the planet headquarters. When a certain number of prisoners of war in the small war zone reach a certain number, they will be concentrated in the regional war zone, and a certain number of prisoners in the regional war zone will be transported. Send it to the planet headquarters, but where is the planet headquarters? And how many war zones will it cross to reach the headquarters of the planet? So..."

As he spoke, Duan Peng stopped, and the tears in his eyes finally slipped from his eyes.

Looking at Duan Peng, the eyes of the heads of various teams finally showed admiration.