
Chapter 46 Check

It's late at night, because to save energy, the city is generally silent at this time, but today, the city's council hall is still brightly lit, and the people in the small council hall are surprisingly neat.

Dong Ming arrived, Ning Xu arrived, and even Liu Bing, who usually did not attend the meeting, and Zhong Xi, who was recovering from his injuries, sat in the council hall.

The atmosphere was very heavy, and everyone had a gloomy face. These bigwigs all showed such expressions, and the service staff who served tea next to them took their steps lightly for fear of making a little noise and causing the anger of these elders.

Silence, the atmosphere became more and more depressed, and with the depressed atmosphere, the anger in everyone's hearts became more and more difficult to suppress. Finally, when everyone was about to go crazy, someone opened their mouths.

It's Liu Bing. When he has something on his mind, he doesn't care who the other party is, and this time it's the same. With his mouth open, he directly fired at Dong Ming.

"Brother Dong, this is in the city. Such a thing will happen in our own city. What else is safe in the world?"

Liu Bing questioned Dong Ming, but others were ashamed.

With Liu Bing's question, Ning Xu and Boss Hu first looked at each other, and then quickly lowered their heads.

Yes, now the city has been taken over by Dongjia Village, but how long has it been since Dongjia Village came to the city? They can be said to be the local snakes in the city, and they are absolutely to blame for such a thing in the city.

Of course, Boss Hu and Ning Xu were also aggrieved. After all, the person arrested for this assassination was from Dongjia Village.

Fortunately, Dong Ming did not intend to shirk responsibility. Hearing Liu Bing's questioning, Dong Ming sighed and then took over Liu Bing's topic.

"Brother Liu, this time we neglected, but..."

As he spoke, a wry smile appeared on Dong Ming's face.

In fact, Dong Ming can't be blamed for this matter, because after Duan Peng took over the city, many people have put forward opinions to Duan Peng to be equipped with a guard, but Duan Peng is a restless person, and Duan Peng's strength is also there, so the matter of accompanying Duan Peng as a guard is the most under Duan Peng's strong opposition. After that, it can only be put on hold.

Not being humane does not mean that Liu Bing is a fool. On the contrary, Liu Bing is very smart. Seeing the wry smile on Dong Ming's face, Liu Bing has understood what Dong Ming means, and he understands what Dong Ming means. Naturally, Liu Bing is not easy to continue to pester, so Liu Bing can only point the spearhead others.

"Captain Huang, what do you want to say?"

Huang Chi sat quietly. From hearing the news of Duan Peng being stabbed, Huang Chi was a little trance. Later, when Zhong Xi brought the news of Duan Peng's coma, Huang Chi's face became more ugly. He stared at the air in front of him, as if what had happened in this hall had nothing to do with him.

Liu Bing was questioning Huang Chi, but Huang Chi's heart was obviously no longer in this place. Although Liu Bing's tone was very unpleasant, Huang Chi seemed to have not heard it. His eyes were still staring at the air in front of him and did not respond to Liu Bing's words.

Looking and waiting, he was already full of anger, and now Huang Chi is like this. Liu Bing's heart is even more angry, leaving not too much time for Huang Chi. Just two or three seconds. Seeing that Huang Chi still has no reaction, Liu Bing stood up suddenly .

"Huang Chi!"

A roar almost shocked everyone in the whole conference room, and those service staff who had left the council hall when the bosses spoke were so scared by Liu Bing's roar that they almost lay on the ground.

Huang Chi woke up, and even the dead were woken up with such a loud voice, not to mention Huang Chi.

Awakened by Liu Bing's voice, Huang Chi's head slowly turned to Liu Bing. When he looked at Liu Bing's red eyes, Huang Chi's head couldn't help moving away.

"I'm sorry..."

It's difficult and natural.

This was almost the first time that Liu Bing called out Huang Chi's full name, and Huang Chi almost apologized in public. After an apology, the atmosphere in the council hall became more depressing, and there was a little more sour in the depression.

In fact, after understanding the process of Duan Peng being stabbed, Liu Bing is not the only one who has a problem with Huang Chi, but Dong Ming and Zhong Xi's complaints about Huang Chi. But now, looking at Huang Chi's sad appearance, Zhong Xi and Dong Ming have become very uncomfortable again.

Yes, if Huang Chi does not force Duan Peng to fight with him, Duan Peng's mental strength will not be consumed, and Duan Peng's mental strength will not be consumed, and the subsequent assassination will naturally not happen.

But because of this, will the responsibility for Duan Peng's assassination be attributed to Huang Chi?

Everyone understands the difficult mood of their opponents, especially Dong Ming and Zhong Xi. They all know in their hearts that if one day Duan Peng's Gu Wu is promoted to level 8, they may also do the same thing as Huang Chi.

Looking at it, Dong Ming finally couldn't help sighing.

Of course, not only because of Huang Chi's sour face, but also because the city can't lose Huang Chi, a general, and Huang Chi is just unintentional.

"Forget it, Lao Liu, let go of the matter of pursuing responsibility first. Now the most urgent thing is to find the murderer."

Liu Bing's heart was full of anger, but Huang Chi was also a veteran for decades. After Liu Bing roared, Huang Chi became like that. Liu Bing looked at it and felt very uncomfortable, so Dong Ming's words also became the best step.

Looking at Dong Ming, Liu Bing sat down unwillingly. While sitting down, Liu Bing still said, "Brother Dong is right. Now is not the time to argue with you, but Xiaopeng had better be fine. If Xiaopeng has something to do, I won't let you go."

No gratitude, no celebration, released by Liu Bing, Huang Chi's expression did not change, but after Liu Bing sat down, Huang Chi looked at Liu Bing and said in a low voice, "If Xiaopeng has something to do, I won't let myself go..."

People with ability have a lot of personality. Although they have been used to it for a long time, Dong Ming still inevitably has a headache when looking at Liu Bing and Huang Chi, but anyway, the matter of responsibility has finally been put aside, and what Dong Ming has to do is to take this opportunity to take this opportunity to open the topic away.

"Well, let's get back to the point. Let's talk about the murderer!" After a pause, seeing that everyone's attention had been focused, Dong Ming continued to say, "Liu Qing has been interrogated. He said that this incident was done by a mysterious man, and the mysterious man was the senior mecha who used to stand behind Liu Shaohui."

Speaking of mysterious people, the faces of several leaders of Dongjia Village began to look ugly again.

The last time, after Liu Le was arrested, Dongjiacun launched an investigation, but that investigation failed in the end, because they had too few clues.

"Did Liu Qing provide any new clues?"

Sure enough, someone raised this question again, and as soon as this question was raised, Dong Ming frowned deeply.

In fact, when it comes to mysterious people, Ning Xu, the leaders who were not born in Dong's village, were completely confused, but they also listened carefully. Even when Dong Ming fell into meditation, they did not say anything. It can be seen that they were very nervous for fear that their voice would disrupt Dong Ming's thoughts.

Dong Ming did not pay attention to these. He is still sorting out his thoughts. Although the thinking here is a little difficult for Dong Ming, Dong Ming still hasn't given up.

"Liu Qing couldn't give any clear clues, because every time he met them, he chose to choose a dark corner, but according to Liu Qing's words, I still analyzed something."

"First, because he once stood behind Liu Shaohui and organized a mecha group, he is a senior mecha warrior. Second, Liu Shaohui's ancient martial arts entered the fifth level under his guidance, so he is also a level 5 warrior. Third, this time he brought two energy swords when he came to Liu Shaohui. And the energy sword is a strictly controlled weapon, so he must have a way to get weapons.

I didn't expect Dong Ming to be able to analyze this point. Such an analysis is beyond everyone's imagination, but unfortunately, the timing is not too correct, otherwise only these analyses are enough to make everyone admire Dong Ming.

With Dong Ming's analysis, everyone began to think, and without thinking for a long time, someone broke the silence.

"From General Dong's analysis, this person's ability is quite great, and the person with these skills should be quite eye-catching, but no one has found this person's existence, which only shows that this person is very good at concealment. Maybe the people around him don't know that he has these skills, and he also said Maybe this person has other skills that have not been exposed, so there is only one thing we can use of the three points analyzed by General Dong.

It turned out to be Ning Xu. No one expected that at such a time, an outsider like Ning Xu would put forward his opinion first, but everyone had to admit that what Ning Xu said was very reasonable.

"So what should we do next?"

Ning Xu was a little worried. Although he had made achievements in assisting Duan Peng to manage the city, he was still an outsider for Dongjiacun, but Ning Xu did not expect that his words had just fallen, and Dong Ming and others actually gave him the right to speak.

A little moved and a little excited. Of course, more admiration, because the capacity of Dongjia Village is unprecedented, and it is also something he has not seen in Qian Boyu at all.

took a breath and stabilized his mood. Ning Xu immediately said, "The energy sword weapon began to enter practicality at the suggestion of General Duan, so there are only two places where this weapon can be found. First, all the soldiers above level 5 and above that have been recorded, and second, Liu Gong's Mecha factory, and my suggestion is to start from these two places!"