
Chapter 49 Easy to Wake Up

They are all senior warriors, and everyone has experienced fighting in the war. Naturally, everyone can see what Dong Ming can see, but it is precisely because they can see it that everyone's face has become more ugly.

Almost half an hour ago, Gao Ming, Liu Bing and others were verifying weapons, but this side cut off their clues within an hour, that is to say, all their movements were under the observation of others. Compared with this, the matter of the energy sword has become a side story.

"General, what should we do next?"

It's a little embarrassing. After all, Sun Junhui is from Dongjia Village, but he can't say something. He just waited for a moment and saw that Dong Ming had not come up with an idea, and Gao Ming could only bravely come up.

Dong Ming's mood is very complicated. To be honest, although Ning Xu put forward this possibility, Dong Ming has always been lucky. After all, these people are all from his Dong's village, and when such people appear in Dong's village, Dong Ming is also very faceless, but Dong Ming did not expect that all this has been confirmed.

Hearing Gao Ming's question, Dong Ming sighed deeply again.

"Go to several other companies and ask. Sun Junhui was killed by him. Let's see if the few houses next door know the situation."

There was no need for them to knock on the door. Just as Dong Ming kicked the door, the whole building woke up. At this time, Sun Junhui's door was full of people. Everyone saw the situation in the room. At the same time, everyone's faces turned pale.

Because they were by the door, they also heard Dong Ming's words, so they didn't wait for Gao Ming and others to ask questions, and several people had already stood up.

"General..." It can be seen that these people were very uncomfortable standing in such a place. Without finishing a sentence, they had the intention of vomiting, but fortunately, after a few breaths, they still suppressed the disgusting feeling in their hearts. "We live next door to Xiaosun, but we didn't hear anything. What's the movement?"

The face that should have been lost has been lost, and Dong Ming is a person who has been in a high position for a long time. Now that he has paid attention, those unhappiness will naturally be temporarily thrown aside by Dong Ming.

Seeing someone standing up and talking, Dong Ming immediately began to ask again, "Is there anything unusual for Sun Junhui these days?"

Several people looked at each other, then lowered their heads and thought about it, but finally shook their heads.

Such an answer is very disappointing, but these are also expected by everyone. Since this step has been achieved, it is obvious that the person will not leave them any loopholes.

nodded, Dong Ming waved his hand dejectedly and said, "Since you haven't found anything, then you can break up!"

Sure enough, the people dispersed quickly. Dong Ming's voice just fell, and the people in the corridor had begun to leave. After all, this was the scene of the murder. The environment at the scene was very bloody, and the smell of blood in the room was really bad.

The idle people left, and only Dong Ming and Gao Ming were left in the room. They began a new round of search, or verification.

His eyes wandered slowly in the room. The room was not large, and everything was placed very neatly. The only place in the room with traces of movement was in front of Sun Junhui.

Sun Junhui is a coffee table in front of him. There is a teacup on top of the coffee table, and the teacup is also very clean, but now, this teacup is covered with blood.

No! His eyes swept over the coffee table again, and Dong Ming and others widened their eyes almost at the same time.

Sun Junhui's throat was cut open. Although the wound was burned by energy, the burning was not enough to seal Sun Junhui's wound. Therefore, a large amount of blood still spewed out of Sun Junhui's neck, and because the blood was spewed out, the coffee table in front of Sun Junhui was full of blood, but now, the tea table There is a circular blank on it, that is to say, Sun Junhui was drinking tea with people before he died.

Seeing all this, Dong Ming and others immediately raised their feet and began to look in the room.

But soon, their search stopped again.

There is nothing. The small room and house have been searched by them, but they have not found another teacup, which means that their clues have been broken again.


Another hour has passed, and Peng has been resting for this hour.

has always been in the dark, unable to communicate with people, and can hear the sound outside. When Duan Peng calms down, that feeling is almost suffocating.

But it was okay. The suffocating feeling only lasted for more than ten minutes. Duan Peng finally calmed down, because in the process of suffocation, Duan Peng found something very interesting.

He felt that he seemed to be getting stronger.

At the beginning of this feeling, Duan Peng was still a little incredible, but soon Duan Peng understood that it was just an illusion. The real situation should be that his spiritual strength was increasing, because he only had divine consciousness now, so he had a feeling of becoming stronger.

That feeling is obvious and magical. Duan Peng's attention has been completely attracted by that feeling.

Ten minutes, an hour, in the attention, Duan Peng even forgot the passage of time.

However, this attention only lasted for an hour, because Duan Peng found that with the strength of his mental strength, the speed of mental recovery became slower and slower.

"Is there any way to speed up the recovery?"

Duan Peng thought, and while thinking about it, Duan Peng began a new round of attempts.

Is Dantian the same as the legendary Qigong?

No, the recovery speed of mental strength has not changed at all.

Adjust breathing?

still can't. Duan Peng's consciousness has been trapped, and he can't transmit the order to his body at all. Because of this, he can't adjust his breathing at all.

"Is there no other way?"

After several attempts, Duan Peng finally felt a little more depressed, but would Duan Peng give up like this? Of course not.

First, Duan Peng is not a person who is so easy to give up. Second, Duan Peng doesn't want to go back to the suffocating state just now. Although this kind of thing is a little difficult, at least he has something to do.

After a short break, Duan Peng began to find a new way.

"Is it the legendary [harmony] method?"

Thinking of the big [harmonious] method, Duan Peng felt a little more funny in his heart, but it was okay, and Duan Peng still began to try.

All his attention was on himself, and Duan Peng began to hypnotize himself.

"My spiritual power is recovering, and my consciousness is growing..."

Over and over again, I don't know how many times, Duan Peng's spiritual power finally relaxed. He forgot to block the space of consciousness and his purpose. At the same time, Duan Peng also forgot himself.

It seems that the mysterious space has changed again. Duan Peng feels like he is soaked in warm water, and the fatigue is disappearing all over his body, and he just wants to sleep comfortably.

Time passed little by little, and I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, Duan Peng woke up from that comfortable state.

"What's going on?" Duan Peng muttered to himself, but the next second, Duan Peng's eyes widened.

It's not just Duan Peng, but Dong Ruo, who has been guarding Duan Peng, also widened his eyes.

They heard it, and they heard Duan Peng's voice.

"Xiaopeng? Are you awake?

Er, Duan Peng was speechless. It was just a funny attempt, but Duan Peng didn't expect that funny way to wake him up so easily.

Dong Ruo didn't know what Duan Peng was thinking. Suddenly, he heard Duan Peng's voice, and Dong Ming's tense spirit relaxed. At the same time, tears flowed out of Dong Ruo's eyes.

"Xiaopeng, it's all my fault. If I had insisted on sending you at that time, such a thing would not have happened later."

is still distracted, because Duan Peng has not fully reacted, but only for a moment, Duan Peng woke up from a daze. After all, Dong Ruo is still crying beside him. He doesn't want to see Dong Ruo's tears.

"I don't blame you for this. I insisted on not sending it..."

It was a little difficult, but Duan Peng still raised his hand. He wanted to help Dong Ruo wipe away the tears on his face.

However, with Duan Peng's words, Dong Ruo became more aggrieved and tears became more. She even dodged Duan Peng's hand to wipe her tears.

"So don't do this next time. Do you know that we are all worried so much this time, and now everyone is still having a meeting for your business?" With that, Dong Ruo paused again, "Yes, now that you are awake, I should go and inform them, otherwise they don't know when they will worry about it."

Looking at it, Duan Peng was both ashamed and moved. After all, even if he was in that state, what happened outside had never escaped from his ears.


The eyebrows are getting tighter and tighter, but there is no clue. Dong Ming and others can only leave with a gloomy face. After all, the people there are still waiting for their reply.

slowly came out of the building, where there was a pair of eyes hidden behind almost every window.

Such a thing happened. Some people were worried, some were afraid, and some were full of doubts, but there were a pair of completely different eyes in these eyes that saw Dong Ming leave.

Like others, those eyes also stared closely at the back of Dong Ming and others leaving, but the difference was that there was a smile in those eyes.

Finally, in the gaze of everyone, the figures of Dong Ruo and others were completely integrated into the darkness, but when Dong Ming and others were completely integrated into the darkness, the owner of those eyes opened his mouth.

"You should have found the traces of that teacup, right?" It was like muttering to himself or asking. After a moment of pause, another sentence came out of the man's mouth, "I'm sorry, Sun Junhui..."

said he was sorry, but there was no apology in the man's voice. On the contrary, when he said this, there was still a little complacency in his voice, and when his voice fell, he immediately hid into the dark corner.