
Chapter 53 The Murderer

In addition to his pale face, Duan Peng is no longer a big deal, and he has received a lot of good news from Duan Peng's side, so the cloud in everyone's hearts has also dissipated a lot. Of course, it has not been completely eliminated. After all, hidden dangers still exist.

After visiting Duan Peng and explaining, everyone rushed back to the council hall.

"How's Xiaoning?"

As soon as he walked to the door of the hall, and even before he could see the figure in the hall, Dong Ming couldn't wait to open his mouth.

Ning Xu and others had already heard the footsteps outside, and they were also ready to be questioned, but when Ning Xu heard Dong Ming's question, Ning Xu was stunned.

It's really weird. Dong Ming has always called him adjutant Ning, but this time, Dong Ming actually called him so kindly.

stunned, half a sound, Ning Xu reacted again, and at the same time, there was a trace of joy in Ning Xu's heart.

One reason why he behaved like this night is that the city needs his strength at this time, and the second reason is that Ning Xu also wants to exert his ability in front of everyone.

Yes, Ning Xu has a very big picture, and he doesn't have the ambition to take power, but Ning Xu also wants to have a place to give full play to his ability, and in order to get the position he wants, he must be recognized by Dong Jiacun and others.

Now it seems that he has completed the first step, because Dong Ming has called him like the people in Dongjia Village, such as Brother Liu and Xiao Zhong, and now Dong Ming has also begun to call him Xiaoning.

"Wang Gong is very supportive, and things are also going well. Almost there has been a preliminary conclusion." He shook his head gently and threw the trace of joy out of his mind. Ning Xu immediately opened his mouth. After all, now is not the time to be complatic.

is another good news.

Hearing Ning Xu's answer, Dong Ming stared first, and soon Dong Ming began to ask again.

"Have you reached a preliminary conclusion? What conclusion?"

"Wang Gong told us about Sun Junhui's usual living habits. According to Wang Gong, Sun Junhui should be a technical maniac. Usually, he spends more time on the research of mecha technology and generally does not communicate with people. His only friend is also a mecha division, and most importantly, Sun Jun Hui and people other than the mecha division have almost no intersection.

Listen carefully and didn't let go of any details, but with Ning Xu's story, Dong Ming's face became more doubtful. After all, Dong Ming is best at fighting. He can only occasionally make a guest appearance in this kind of intelligence analysis.

may have found Dong Ming's doubts, but he just finished telling the clues he had obtained and did not wait for Dong Ming to ask, and Ning Xu immediately launched his own analysis.

"Sun Junhui was killed late at night. At this time, the person who can let Sun Junhui open the door and entertain him for tea should definitely be Sun Junhui's acquaintance. Coupled with the previous clues, Sun Junhui has no other friends except a mecha division friend, so I think this Sun Junhui should have been framed. He It should be an innocent victim."

Ning Xu did not say who the murderer was, but it has been said here, but the murderer described by Ning Xu has been shown in front of everyone.

But will it be so easy to find the answer? Dong Ming still had some doubts in his heart.

"You mean the friend of Sun Junhui, who replaced his existence with Sun Junhui?"

"Hmm." Obviously, that's what Ning Xu meant. He nodded and paused slightly. Ning Xu continued, "This man's name is Li Jun. When my attention was focused on him, I also asked Wang Gong about his situation..."

"Li Jun? How can it be Li Jun?"

Everyone was listening carefully to Ning Xu's analysis. Suddenly, a surprised voice interrupted Ning Xu's speech. It was Liu Bing. Liu Bing's face was full of surprise. Hearing Liu Bing's cry, everyone's eyes were also focused on Liu Bing, but everyone's eyes were at a trace of confusion. Obviously, they did not know that Liu Bing was What would be so exciting?

"Lao Liu, what's wrong with you?"

"I..." Slowly, Liu Bing recovered from surprise, but Liu Bing's face was a little more decadent, and he was stunned for a while. Liu Bingcai said with a wry smile, "This Li Jun is also my favorite person..."

His voice was a little astringent, but a sentence seemed to exhaust the strength of Liu Bing's whole body. He stood stunned, as if he was recalling, and as if he was calming the shock in his heart. After nearly five minutes, he continued to say, "Li Jun joined the mecha factory for a year, and his talent is also good, only It has reached the third level in a year and a half. I am very optimistic about him. I think he has the ability to hit a higher level..."

Finally, this memory could not continue, and the wrinkles on Liu Bing's face seemed to be a little more at this moment.

Looking at Liu Bing's appearance, everyone's heart is also very uncomfortable, especially Dong Ming.

Although Liu Bing didn't say anything, Dong Ming knew that all this was related to him.

In the past, Liu Bing presided over the work of the mecha factory, but this was just a nominal host. Generally, Liu Bing was conducting his own research. However, later, Duan Peng appeared and his talent aroused Liu Bing's interest, so Liu Bing began to cultivate him. He devoted a lot of effort into Duan Peng, but the good times were not good. Long, Duan Peng showed his talent in other aspects, and with Duan Peng's talent, everyone arranged a lot of tasks and learning for Duan Peng.

Duan Peng's time with Liu Bing was reduced, and Liu Bing's cultivation interest was adjusted again, so others came into Liu Bing's sight.

Of course, it only came into sight and was far from meeting the standard of disciples entering the room.

Looking at it, Dong Ming couldn't help sighing.

Liu Bing is also too behind the back. He just failed to achieve his wish on Duan Peng's side. Here, the person he favors about has become a suspect again.

"Lao Liu..."

Dong Ming wanted to say something to comfort Liu Bing, but Dong Ming didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Liu Bing has adjusted his mentality. After all, Li Jun has become a suspect. If he really does all this, no matter how talented he is, he does not deserve Liu Bing's appreciation.

"It's okay... It's just that I can't react for a while." After saying something with emotion, Liu Bing turned his head and looked at Ning Xu again, "Xiao Ning, continue!"

After a break just now, the atmosphere has become more solemn, but what to say is still to say.

Taking a breath, Ning Xu readjusted his mood and said, "When I suspected him, I also asked Wang Gong, similar to Sun Junhui. Li Jun is also a relatively lonely person, but what is different from Sun Junhui is that Li Jun prefers mecha driving. We often practice mecha driving at night, and Wang Gong also gave us a little clue. Li Jun gets up every morning to exercise.

Ning Xu once judged that the person who assassinated Duan Peng may be a full-talent, but now, some of Li Jun's living habits have explained everything.

With Ning Xu's story, the fluke on Liu Bing's face finally disappeared, and Liu Bing believed it.

Suddenly, Liu Bing turned around and walked outside the council hall. As he walked, Liu Bing shouted, "This bastard, why did he do such a thing? I have to ask him carefully."


"Ha ha, they should not have thought that a person would master so many skills..."

A little scared and a little excited. Since Liu Bing and others left, Li Jun has been sitting in a dark corner. If it hadn't been for a word popping out of his mouth from time to time, no one would have even found a person sitting in the corner.

I was fantasizing, and suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Liu Bing's expression was a little distorted, and his fist smashed on the door, as if smashing the door could vent all his anger.

No wonder Liu Bing was so angry. First of all, Duan Peng was stabbed, and then he failed to persuade Duan Peng to abandon his martial arts and specialized mecha. Finally, it was the person he was optimistic about to assassinate Duan Peng.

Various reasons gathered together, and Liu Bing finally broke out.

Following Liu Bing, Dong Ming and others' faces were full of bitterness, but looking at Liu Bing's furious appearance, they didn't know how to dissuade them.

However, this situation did not last long. When Liu Bing's fist was about to fall on the door again, Dong Ming suddenly stepped forward and pulled Liu Bing behind him.

The action was suddenly stopped, and Liu Bing would naturally be dissatisfied. No matter who pulled him, Liu Bing was ready to scold, but his mouth had just opened, and the words in his mouth were swallowed again.

The door opened, and a tired face appeared in front of everyone.

As if he didn't know that everyone would appear, Li Jun was stunned at first, and then quickly reacted.

"General, General, Liu..."

"Liu, what Liu!" The previous words had been swallowed, but Liu Bing's anger did not disappear. He just saw Li Jun's appearance, and Liu Bing's anger immediately returned to Li Jun, "I ask you, why did you kill Xiao Peng?"

Er, everyone looks embarrassed. Will you get the answer to this question?

Sure enough, when he heard Liu Bing's question, Li Jun's face was first confused, and then soon turned into surprise, "Kill Xiaopeng, how can I kill Xiaopeng?"

Liu Bing was stunned. Ning Xu had just analyzed so much. He had already believed that Li Jun was the murderer, but in the face of Li Jun's appearance, Liu Bing did not know how to ask.

Fortunately, Liu Bing is not the only one here, otherwise the murderer would have really turned into a farce.

also stood behind everyone. As soon as Li Jun exited, Ning Xu picked it up.

"We just came here. You should know that your friend Sun Junhui is dead, right? Why are you not sad at all after you know the news? You don't have many friends..."