
Chapter 69 Another General

At first glance, Huang Chi was shocked, because the power shown by the other party was really too strong, but when he approached, Huang Chi was immediately relieved.

It seems that the other party's troops are very elite, but it is only a momentum, a unique momentum for the rest of the war. In fact, the level of this team is not worth surprising Huang Chi.

The highest elite warrior team of 30 people is only level 6, and there is only one person in level 6. As for level 5, there are only seven level 5. This proportion looks good in Huang Chi in the past, but for Huang Chi now, it is nothing.

Seeing the strength of the other party, Huang Chi finally smiled. At the same time, his footsteps towards the other party became more firm.

Huang Chi is looking at the other party, and the other party is also looking at Huang Chi.

Standing on the wall, the city had already seen the arrival of this team.

To be honest, everyone's strength in a team like Huang Chi should be welcomed by various forces, but this only refers to a single person, and Huang Chi has so many welcome people together. No matter which force, there will be a headache when you see such a team, because Huang Chi's strength is too strong. It's so strong that a city owner can't fully control it.

However, even so, what should be done still needs to be done, so they sent a welcoming team from the city. Of course, the welcoming team has also been strictly selected.

They thought they should be able to compete with this team, but when they walked in, they found that their ideas were wrong and outrageous.

Not to mention the new mecha around Huang Chi, it is just the elite warriors around Huang Chi. Although the other party did not report the level, the advanced can see that the low level can not be seen, and it is still easy for everyone to guess the level of those warriors.

Yes, there is no one in this team that is higher than level 6, but the 100 soldiers in this team are all level 5 soldiers, which is more shocking than a level 6.

After being stunned for a while, the leader returned to his senses from the shock.

First of all, he laughed and solved his embarrassment, and then the leader said, "Welcome, welcome to our city. I don't know if you want to supply in our city or join our city?"

Because he saw his strength clearly, Huang Chi no longer worried about the other party's bad intentions, but Huang Chi's heart was hindered by another annoying thing.

The other party's strength is not weak, and it must be difficult to persuade him to join like this, but Huang Chi never thought that the other party only wanted to block his meaning in the first sentence.

Is it supply or addition?

Ha, interesting, I don't want to give them a chance to solicit at all, but who Huang Chi is? He is not that kind of thin-skinned person, and he is not that kind of twisted personality. In addition, Huang Chi also has a belief in his heart that it is easy to talk about not to join, so the other party's voice just fell. Huang Chi immediately put a bright smile on his face.

"This place is really hard to find. We have been wandering on this plain for two days to find your place, but if there is anything, let's go in and talk about it!"

Well, the leader of the other party almost lost his breath.

Yes, he just meant to block Huang Chi's words, but he didn't expect that Huang Chi would not accept it at all. Huang Chi said directly that he was looking for them, and now he said he wanted to go to the city. Can he still block him from letting him enter?

After all, everyone is human. If you block each other, you will become your own side!

Helpless, but after looking at Huang Chi, the leader still had to get out of his way and make a gesture of invitation to Huang Chi.

Walking into the city, Huang Chi and his soldiers couldn't help looking around.

And countless people in the city are looking at this team, but their eyes are not as alert as soldiers. On the contrary, looking at Huang Chi and their elite team, their eyes are full of curiosity and hope.

Also, no matter which force accepts this team, their strength will increase greatly, and the people in the city will become safer. No wonder ordinary people will have a good impression of them.

As for Huang Chi, Huang Chi's eyes were full of surprise.

Walking on the road of the city, every time they walk a distance, Huang Chi will see a broken trace

At first, Huang Chi was still very strange. Could it be that the robot entered the city? But later, when he saw several such traces, Huang Chi understood that there were no post-battle traces on these walls, and the more they went in, the lighter the traces became.

This only shows that the city did not take shape once.

It is likely that this team is the same as Dongjia Village, and because of the difficulty of survival in the plain, more and more people have joined the village, and because of the increase of population and the continuous expansion of the village, such traces will be left.

And understanding all this, Huang Chi's face is not only surprised, but also has more respect. In the face of such a person who is willing to help and save human beings in times of crisis, it deserves everyone's respect.

"Are you the person in charge of this city?"

Because of respect, Huang Chi put away the unruly [harmonious] on his face, and his voice became much softer.

And the leader was stunned when he heard Huang Chi's voice.

The other party has entered the city. Looking at the other party's five-level soldiers, he has understood that this team cannot be recruited by them, because no matter which team can be just five-level soldiers, which only shows that there is a huge force behind this team.

Of course, the group behind the team was also a little curious to them, but soon, he figured out that this should be the crowd converging on the way of the march, because the group seemed to be incompatible with the team.

And it was precisely because he figured it out and the other party entered the city again that the leader's head also had a headache.

Because they can't catch the other party's pain at all, even the other party's only weak point is not the other party's person.

It was also because of this that he never thought that the other party, who had been in a strong position, would put down his body and gently say such a sentence to him, so he was stunned. After a sound, he recovered from Huang Chi's gentleness.

"Ah... No, no, this city was built by our general."

was a little flustered, but when it came to the word general, the man's tone began to become firm, and at the same time, a kind of faith appeared on his face.

After the role change, the man's voice fell and changed to Huang Chi, because Huang Chi heard a familiar and specific title - General!

For a moment, Huang Chi's face was a little more excited, and he turned around and grabbed the other party's body.

Obviously, the other party did not expect Huang Chi to have such a move, so he, a six-level warrior, was really caught by such a mecha as Huang Chi inadvertently.

consciously, he wanted to resist. Fortunately, at the moment he was about to resist, Huang Chi opened his mouth.

General? Is that the general? Maybe I still know your general!"


is indeed a general, and he is also a general familiar with Huang Chi!

When each planet begins to develop, it must be the people of the military headquarters first, and the transfer of the military headquarters is basically a unified transfer of the entire military region. Therefore, it is not surprising that soldiers like Huang Chi know each other.

Looking at the familiar figure, Huang Chi was full of excitement.

However, no one knows that Huang Chi's excitement is for himself. He almost wants to shout excitedly and finally has a reason to convince the other party. As long as he can convince the other party, he will not be the last in the expedition.

" Salute! General Peng! I'm so happy to see you!"

As a general, it is a matter of course to be remembered, but as a subordinate, it is not easy to make an impression in the eyes of the general.

Of course, the captain of the mecha team like Huang Chi is not a small role, but I haven't seen him for ten years. Suddenly, the other party can't remember it.

But will Huang Chi be the other party who can't remember? Of course not. Even if the other party really can't remember, Huang Chi will create a chance to remember, so Huang Chi immediately introduced himself when he saw the doubt on General Peng's face.

"General Peng, I'm Huang Chi, under General Dong Mingdong..."

"I know! You are the captain of the mecha team under Dong Ming!"

I finally remembered and called out Huang Chi's position. Although the purpose was to convince the other party, Huang Chi was also particularly honored to be remembered by a general he had not seen in ten years.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm that little yellow!"

Ha ha, if Dongjiacun sees such an expression as Huang Chi, I'm afraid his eyes will fall to the ground.

In Dongjia Village, Huang Chi is the best boss. Even in front of Dong Ming, Huang Chi rarely poses such a low posture, so it is good intentions for Huang Chi to pose like this.

And Huang Chi's low posture is obviously also effective. Seeing Huang Chi's expression, the other party immediately gave Huang Chi a gentle smile.

"That's right, such a big turmoil, I thought we old guys were gone, but I didn't expect that Lao Dong was still alive and looked good, at least he still has an elite like you!"

smiled. This is a general-level dialogue. Naturally, it is not easy for subordinates like Huang Chi to participate in the comments, but Huang Chi's heart is happy.

There is hope. As long as you are willing to get closer, the hope will get bigger and bigger.

But Huang Chi, who was happy, never thought that he was still in heaven just now. The other party just said a word, and Huang Chi returned to hell again.

"But the old guys have done so well. Can you also support our friendly forces!"

Listen, Huang Chi wanted to cry. This was really self-abuse. Because of the closer relationship, Huang Chi didn't know how to refuse at all. He could only look at the other party stupidly.