
Chapter 77 BOSS in action

is a programmer, and he is also a very high-level programmer.

Later, the person in charge had time to say anything. Their fingers had danced rapidly, and what they wanted had been transferred from the instrument in front of them.

Sure enough, on the stone star, another four fortresses have been pulled out.

Of course, this is nothing. After all, there are too many robot fortresses in the whole universe like stars in the sky. Such a little loss can hardly be ignored in their eyes.

But with their observation, their eyebrows still frowned.

It's different, and it's not that the robot fortress has been pulled out, but this time it's completely different, because this time the other party uses a program, and the robot has no resistance at all in front of them.

They frowned, and in the hall, everyone finally found their existence.

The whole hall was quiet. Such expressions on these two faces were really rare. It was almost before the robot was in turmoil, so everyone closed their breath and waited quietly.

Fortunately, this silence did not last long, but for a few minutes, the two looked at each other, and their hands danced at the same time.

It's a tacit understanding, and the two of them work together seamlessly.

With their two movements, strings of signals were sent out of the room.

The flown star, the appearance of the planet, two satellites operate at the same time, and as the satellite runs, the display in front of them also quickly appears a picture of the streamer.

arrived, and after just a few minutes of waiting, they had found the captured fortress.

When they saw the fortress, their hands accelerated again, and commands appeared on the screen in front of them one by one, and soon, the picture they clearly displayed changed again.

'Di Didi...'

The instrument issued a continuous soft cry, one red dot, two red dots, and then a lot of small red dots appeared in the area where the four fortresses were located.

Unfortunately, Duan Peng and others can't see all this. If they can also use such high-tech means, then the robot's actions will have no secrets in front of them.

Those red dots are surviving robots, and the satellites in the sky do not seem to care about energy, and the signals go round and round to clean the four areas.

Finally, after another soft 'by' sound, a green dot appeared on the screen.

With the appearance of the green dot, the two men breathed a sigh of relief, and behind them, the programmers who had been watching their actions also showed admiration.

It was not a while to get this news, and it was precisely because of this news that they shocked the two people.

Before the two came, there was no good way to deal with such a situation, but with the appearance of these two people, they had found their goal in just about ten minutes.

At first, the anxious person in charge came to the two people even more flatteringly.

"Your Excellency, leave the rest to us!"

The two looked at him and his heart almost jumped out, but fortunately, the two did not mean to blame him.

smiled, and the two people's eyes returned to the screen, and their closed mouths finally opened.

"I haven't moved for a long time, and it's rare to see such an interesting thing..."

The words are not finished, but everyone has understood what they mean.

This has become their toy, and who dares to destroy the fun of the two of them? The person in charge can only smile, then quickly retreated, and soon brought two cups of red ** for the two high-level programmers.

The red ** came over, glanced at the person in charge, then held it in his hand and sniffed it gently.

The two smiled, still with that faint smile, and with their smile, a few words popped out of their mouths at the same time.

"You are very good!"

The person in charge nodded repeatedly and kept saying thank you, and his heart floated into the clouds after the good sound.

That's good. How many people can get a good explanation from these two people.

But it's not bad but it's just good. After saying that good, they didn't care about the person in charge's heart. They just gently decorated the red ** in the cup, and their eyes returned to the screen in front of them.

The red dot is a surviving robot, that is, a robot that has not been destroyed. As for the green dot, the green dot is the surviving advanced intelligence in the robot.

Of course, even without advanced intelligence, they may find the reason, but with advanced intelligence, their actions will become easier.

Once again, they looked at each other and smiled relaxedly. The two put down the cup at the same time and touched the keyboard at the same time.

'pa pa......'

is still the dense keyboard tapping sound, but this time, the tapping sound from the keyboard seems to have become much easier, and the movements in their hands seem to have become light dancing, which is very pleasing to the eyes.

With their movements, the streamer stars and satellites in outer space have undergone new changes.

They rotate slowly, and as they rotate, their bodies once again light up with energy.

And Duan Peng and others also saw this strange scene in the city.

In the night sky, the two stars moved slowly, and the last two stars came together, and it seemed to be eye-to-eye. Both stars lit up with bright white light.

It's really strange. There are so many strange in the sky, and some people even sighed boredom.

"These days, stars will fall in love..."

No one thought that because all this has passed for ten years, and the existence of the satellite is in the hands of senior generals, and no one has linked all this to the satellite for a while.

Of course, even if someone thinks of it, the programmers here have no worries, because they have never kept such a problem in mind, because their power can be overwhelming, so their hands are still dancing lightly.

Finally, the light of the two satellites divergent, and in an instant, the white light around the stars disappeared again.

At this moment, all the surviving robots in the green war zone were fixed. They slowly raised their heads and looked at the dark night sky.

In the night sky, the light of the two satellites has long disappeared. As long as they do not move, they will not appear. Their appearance seems to have become an illusion, but at this moment, these robots seem to see their existence through the night sky.

They watched quietly for a long time, and everyone took action again.

Bear the ear, the red light flashed and became more and more rapid. In the end, the flashing red light almost turned into a long light, and the light became more and more dazzling, and even seemed to have a feeling of exploding.

is like a balloon, which has been blown to the limit.

But the imaginary explosion did not appear. Almost the red light flashed to the brightest moment, and the red light went out.

It is not only the red light that goes out, but also the electronic eye that the robot has never stopped.

Don't look, these robots have been scrapped. Even the specially processed advanced intelligence, the chip in his brain has burned into a burnt.

If Duan Peng could see all this, they would jump up in surprise.

You should know that the first principle of advanced intelligence is to save yourself, and the programs developed by Duan Peng and others cannot destroy the chip of advanced intelligence. However, at this moment, advanced intelligence has chosen the road of suicide. What a powerful program is needed to do all this.

However, it's a pity that Duan Peng and others didn't see all this, and the two high-level programmers also succeeded in getting what they wanted. At the same time, they didn't care whether Duan Peng would know.

When things arrive, they are completely relieved. As for those robots, humans have become tools for them to find existence. As for robots, they don't care about robots.

After a slight pause, they turned their heads and enjoyed the admiration of the people behind them. The two began a new round of work.

And behind them, everyone is looking forward to it, and at the same time, everyone's eyes are also full of strong confidence.

is the same. Even if the other party has started to use programmers, so what? The other party's programmers have not moved for more than ten years, but what about them? They have never stopped program development here, not to mention that these two people are the leaders among them and the most skilled among them.

But they were doomed to be disappointed. As the research deepened, the two slowly frowned.

At first, they would take a mouthful of red ** on one side from time to time, but now, they no longer have that kung fu, and the dense keyboard tapping sound has become crazy again. Although the movements in their hands are still very fast, at this moment, there is more murderous atmosphere in the dancing fingers. .

No, still no. I have tried several methods, but they still can't solve it.

The person in charge didn't wink at all. At this time, he actually came to the front. He wanted to put some more drink for the two adults' cups.

However, it was the action that was praised by adults a second ago, but this moment became the original sin of offending the two adults.

The older one, the less murderous one, only frowned, and the younger one who said he wanted to destroy the whole city opened his mouth.

"You want to die, can't you see that we are at a critical moment?"

The person in charge's face turned snow-white in an instant, and his body couldn't help shaking gently. Fortunately, he tried his best to stabilize his hands and did not splash out his hand at this time. Otherwise, he would definitely have a dead end.

Sure enough, the elderly programmer also spoke. As he said, without these funny people, it would be meaningless for them to conquer human beings. Do they live with robots?

"Forget it, don't argue with him! We still have a lot of things to do. This matter is a little troublesome. If we don't solve it, we will be finished!"