
Chapter 103 The Last Battle of the City 1

came, and the robot appeared.

Seeing the appearance of robots, Duan Peng was very contradictory.

Now, the morale of the whole city is high, which should be a good time, but because of the continuous days of fighting, it is also a period of fatigue, and Duan Peng does not know how long the soldiers can last.

And in addition to fighting, Duan Peng also has a doubt in his heart.

is his mental strength. There is something really wrong with his mental strength. His feeling is not wrong. The appearance of the robot has proved his feeling.

What the hell is going on?

But it's a pity that no matter how many doubts there are, they have to be put aside at this time, because the robot has arrived.

"Prepare for defense!"

Yes! Prepare for defense!"

The order, lamp language and warriors were in place, probably because Duan Peng had warned that everything was going well. In just a few minutes, those soldiers and mecha that were resting had entered their respective battle positions, and those who did not have combat positions also retreated to the back. They began to rest and were ready to replace them at any time. The previous defensive work.

Of course, not everyone can calmly face this war, at least Song Tianxing, who has been temporarily forgotten, can't calm down.

Song Tianxing's face had completely lost its blood color. He stared at the night outside the city.

It's a very ordinary night, but there are many green spots in this ordinary night. It's the electronic eyes of robots, just like stars in the sky, even denser than stars.

It is because of these robots that Song Tianxing lost his composure.

Song Tianxing didn't want to die, and he didn't think he would die.

Two hours ago, Song Tianxing begged Duan Peng for mercy, but Song Tianxing always thought that 'feeling' was just an excuse for Duan Peng.


Song Tianxing even felt that Duan Peng's excuse was very ridiculous. Later, when Duan Peng said that robots would punish him before dawn, Song Tianxing even had a feeling of escaping from life, but now, robots really appeared.

Song Tianxing was afraid, and his legs could no longer support his body. With a 'pooh', Song Tianxing collapsed to the ground.

Because Song Tianxing could not support his body, everyone discovered the existence of Song Tianxing.

Song Tianxing's eyes have lost their brilliance. Looking at Song Tianxing's appearance, Duan Peng even has a plan to give up.

But can you give up?

The sound made by Song Tianxing also woke up the soldiers on one side.

The soldiers did not make a sound, but everyone looked at Song Tianxing with a disgusting look, and even some people looked at Duan Peng with a sense of urging.

So, just stunned, Duan Peng made a decision.

took out the knife and raised his hand, and then Duan Peng's hand began to wave down.


cried in fear, but this time Duan Peng never gave Song Tianxing a chance.

In the night, a cold light flashed by, and Song Tianxing's voice of fear stopped abruptly.

Quiet, instant quiet!

This silence was only for a moment, and soon, an excited voice sounded.

"Must win!"

"Must win!"

A sound, a sound, from point to surface.

It was like a stone falling from a calm lake. Soon, the four walls and even the whole city sounded a firm and confident voice.

"Must win!"


"Success! Finally succeeded!" Everyone is screaming loudly.

Although it only cracked the signal shield, at this moment, everyone seems to have won the final battle.

No wonder this battle is really hard. From the beginning of the battle to the present, their battle is very aggrieved. Now, although they have only cracked the other party's signal shield, everyone has really seen the hope of victory.

Of course, the excited scene did not last long, but roared for a while, the hall returned to calm, and everyone stood silently behind the eldest brother. After all, they did not really win the whole battle, so their attention returned to the display in front of the eldest brother.

The display has returned to the long-range mode, and the robot's logo has turned into green dots, which are rapidly approaching in the direction of the city wall.

It's getting closer and closer, one kilometer, 500 meters...

As the distance keeps approaching, the atmosphere in the hall slowly becomes solemn. The excitement that has just appeared on everyone's faces has disappeared, replaced by solemnity, and even everyone's breathing is unconsciously closed.

And the eldest brother, the eldest brother clenched his fist tightly.

He was praying in his heart that there would be no accident, and that the other party would no longer have a large-scale lethal weapon in his hand.

Two hundred meters.

entered, and in everyone's prayers and attention, the robot finally entered the 200 meters of the city wall.

This is the attack distance of the long-range energy bomb. Almost at the same time, everyone in the hall took a big breath, and the air in the whole hall seemed to be a little less at this moment.

At this time, nearly 100 green spots rushed to the front of the team suddenly disappeared.

The robot still has about 500,000, but naturally people will not care about the losses of nearly 100, and even these losses make everyone relieved because the other party did not use weapons of mass destruction.

Of course, this is not the time to relax, just a sigh of relief, and everyone's attention has returned to the display screen in front of them.

is still nervous and can't let it go.

After all, the other party does not necessarily have to release weapons of mass destruction when the robot approaches, so even if you relax, you dare not relax for too long.


Close to the city wall, 200 meters!

Just within 200 meters of the city wall, a white light lit up.

That's an energy bomb. A lot of combat information has been stored in the robot's chip. Naturally, they are not unfamiliar with such an attack mode. As usual, the robots began to dodge.

And the result is also very good. In an energy attack, not many robots were destroyed.

Of course, this is not fortunate, and most robots don't know what luck is. The long-range strike is just over, and the robots make the next arrangement according to the battle information in the chip.

A group of robots stayed in place, and their energy guns were lifted up. They wanted to suppress each other's long-range attacks.

A group of robots continue to move forward, they continue to push forward, and they want to fight on the wall.

After several offensive and defensive battles, the soldiers have long been used to the attack mode of robots.

Only the first time the robot entered the attack range, the soldiers launched an energy attack and ignored the result of the attack. The soldiers retreated tacitly. They began to prepare the energy swords for close combat, and they began to check their energy reserves.

On the other hand, Duan Peng, as the commander, frowned tightly.

Since the robot launched the attack, Duan Peng already knew that his inexplicable feeling had been confirmed.

The other party did crack the signal shielding, but when Duan Peng saw the cooperation of the robot, Duan Peng was still shocked, because Duan Peng did not expect that not only the signal from outer space, but also the signal shielding between robots had been cracked.

So, after thinking for a moment, Duan Peng has already made a decision.

"Turn off the signal blocking!"

Turn off signal shielding? Just heard Duan Peng's order, the people in charge around Duan Peng were shocked, but soon, everyone understood what Duan Peng meant.

"It's good that your mind is spinning fast!"

The harm of signal shielding is two-sided. It has no enemy identification, but for robots, signal shielding is more harmful, but now, signal shielding is useless for robots, so signal shielding is naturally unnecessary.

In the face of everyone's praise, Duan Peng was not happy. On the contrary, Duan Peng didn't even care what everyone said, because Duan Peng's mind had been completely attracted by the battle in front of him, and the crisis in Duan Peng's heart was getting heavier and heavier.

In front, in order to get a chance to breathe, Duan Peng and others once risked to remove the signal shielding. That time, Duan Peng and others could not hold up for a long time. It was almost an attack, and Duan Peng's front retreated a lot.

Fortunately, Duan Peng and the others made the right bet. Not long after the battle began, the robot was recruited back by the other party, and it was also because of this that Duan Peng and the others did not suffer large-scale casualties.

But now, the robot cooperates to appear again, and it is still in the same attack mode as last time. Duan Peng does not know how long the city can last under such an attack.

Sure enough, Duan Peng's worries are correct.

Not long after the signal shielding was lifted, there was an emergency sound from the caller.

"City lord, the robot is in the city!"

I had a headache, but Duan Peng gave an immediate answer.

"Push the position back a little! Don't fight hard. We can't afford to consume it.


Is it enough to push the position back a little?

Because the previous battle ended quickly, although Duan Peng had a sense of crisis, Duan Peng did not know enough about the advanced intelligence of cooperation.

The position was just pushed back a little, and the robot had a position on the wall, and the robot with the position did not rush forward, and they did not entangle with the retreating soldiers.

After the soldiers retreated, they actually set up a long-range attack position on the wall.

Looking at it, Duan Peng's face changed and became ugly, and the worse was later.

Duan Peng just found out the situation, and the anxious voices of the commanders once again sounded in the talker in front of Duan Peng.

"City lord, the robot has set up a long-range position, and the whole wall has become their attack range!"

"It's the same in the east!"

"And the west!"

Obviously, the same problem occurs on the walls in four directions.

Duan Peng's head is big. He didn't expect that the advanced intelligence with cooperation would be so powerful. Obviously, it was a normal attack and defense, but I didn't expect that robots could find opportunities in such a normal attack and defense.

What should I do? What should I do?

The situation suddenly became tense, and the robot would not leave much time to break the situation for Duan Peng, because the white light of energy gathering has been lit up on the attack site.