
Chapter 107 The Last Defense of the City 5

"This, this... what should I do?"

has seen the dawn of victory, but I didn't expect that there would be another change in the moment before the victory. The other party actually brought out a new weapon, and the power of that weapon was extremely powerful.

The programmers panicked. At the first time, they looked at the eldest brother on one side, hoping that the eldest brother could give them an answer.

But can the eldest brother give an answer?

A trace of panic also flashed on the eldest brother's face. Although he concealed it quickly, many people still saw the change in his face. Suddenly, everyone's hearts raised a little.

And the eldest brother naturally noticed everyone's changes.

He was very embarrassed. He wanted to say something or explain something, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he had done everything at all.

The whole hall is quiet, and every minute and every second, the depressing atmosphere is getting stronger, and every minute and every second is a kind of suffering for everyone.

And the eldest brother can only quietly stare at the display in front of him and look carefully, looking forward to seeing some information that is beneficial to him from the picture.

The strange weapon is very powerful, and the energy bullets fired are fan-shaped. More than 20 such weapons can completely hold a wall, and more importantly, the shooting speed of this weapon does not need the same time to gather energy as ordinary weapons.

After watching it for a while, the eldest brother still couldn't find the answer he wanted. All this seemed to be an insoluble puzzle.

And at this moment, the capacity of the picture suddenly changed again.

is still shooting, but several people suddenly ran to one of the weapons.

I don't know what happened, but the eldest brother's spirit suddenly became nervous. He stared at the picture in front of him and dared not relax at all.

It turned out to be energy.

Wait! Add energy? The eldest brother suddenly opened his eyes wide, and then the eldest brother looked at the clock.

The clock faithfully performed its duties, but unfortunately, he looked at the clock and was dumbfounded. He didn't know the other party's starting time at all.

It's okay. There are people next to it, and everyone is there.

"Does anyone know when their first energy bomb was launched?"

The eldest brother shouted with a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

Ten minute...

It's a pity that the eldest brother's voice fell for a minute. No one answered. Everyone was looking around blankly, but no one could answer the eldest brother's question.

What should I do? What should I do?

The anxiety in his eyes became heavier and heavier. After a while, he was stunned. Seeing that no one answered his question, the eldest brother had to open his mouth again.

"Hasn't it been too long since the first launch?"

"Ah! Yes! I guess it's only more than ten minutes?"

It is impossible to answer the specific time, because it was too nervous at that time and no one could disperse their energy aside, but it only takes a vague time, which can still be done by everyone.

Hearing the eldest brother's question again, someone finally had a response, and after receiving this response, the eldest brother almost jumped up excitedly.

Inexplicable, an inexplicable question, and then a vague answer. Everyone doesn't know what the eldest brother is excited about.

It's okay, but in a moment, the eldest brother gave his excited answer.

"Look!" The eldest brother pointed to some active people on the picture, "Twenty, one weapon injects 20 energy clips at a time, but the energy of 20 energy clips is only enough for them to support for more than ten minutes..."

Everyone understood that with the eldest brother's words, everyone stared closely at every detail of the picture.

Sure enough, as the eldest brother said, only for more than ten minutes, those robots began a new energy injection, and seeing all this, a light of hope suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.


Liu Bing has told Duan Peng that this weapon has not been improved, especially the defect of energy consumption is very obvious, but Duan Peng never thought that the energy consumption would be so fast.

He smiled bitterly and looked at it. After a while, Duan Peng looked away with difficulty.

"Ajutant Ning, if it is consumed at such a speed, how long can our energy last?"

Seeing the lethality of this new weapon, Ning Xu's heart finally fell, but unfortunately, Ning Xu's heart only fell for more than ten minutes, and his heart was raised again.

It's horrible!

As an internal affairs officer, Ning Xu controls the resources of the whole city, including combat resources. From the beginning of the battle to now, Ning Xu has been calculating the allocation of resources. From the beginning to now, Ning Xu has not felt pressure. In his calculation, even if the war lasts for ten days and a half months, their energy is enough. Support, so, just when the war situation was critical, Ning Xu also thought about whether there was any way to exchange energy for killing the other party.

But now, looking at the energy consumption, Ning Xu has a feeling of being drawn blood, as if those robots are not consuming energy, but drawing his blood.

"City lord, this..." It may be that the consumption of energy has affected Ning Xu's mind. He lost his previous calmness, and his throat knot kept moving up and down. After a long time, Ning Xu finally gave the answer, "If 30 such weapons are placed on one wall, and each weapon is consumed at such a speed, we It can only support for about one hour..."

one hour.

Duan Peng's eyes widened, and he didn't expect his energy to be so embarrassed.

Of course, this is not the reason why the energy reserve is too small. The main reason is that this weapon is too consuming.

So, just for a moment, Duan Peng put aside this shocking answer and began a new round of calculation.

An hour, an average of every two seconds is launched, which is 1,800 times in one hour, while 120 machines launch at the same time, which is only a little more than 20,000 times an hour.

There are still about 500,000 robots left, that is to say, in more than 20,000, more than 25 robots must be destroyed in each attack.

In fact, as long as the robots are dense, it is not a problem to kill 100 units in one attack, but the key to the problem is the opponent's long-range weapons. Duan Peng and others must kill the other party's long-range attack between the other party's energy, otherwise these weapons will have to be destroyed under the opponent's attack.

What should I do? Duan Peng's head became bigger again.

Not only Duan Peng, but also others around Duan Peng frowned, and even Wilton, who had been commanding, stopped his commanding work.

After all, it is just a simple arithmetic problem. Everyone can get the answer quickly, but it is easy to get the answer, but it is not so easy to solve this problem.

The energy bomb is still being launched, and time is still flowing,

One minute or two, as time went by, the atmosphere at the scene became more and more solemn. Everyone could not open their mouths, and at this time, Wilton's voice suddenly sounded.

"Let the soldiers stand in front!"

The answer came out, but the people present did not look happy. On the contrary, everyone's faces became more solemn.

Obviously, this answer has long appeared in everyone's mind, but... Only Wilton, the robot, can put this answer on the table, because everyone knows that this is killing people.

but it doesn't consume...

In the embarrassment, time is still slipping away, and the more time is delayed, the more difficult it is to solve this problem.

Finally, another minute later, a soldier automatically stood up.

"City lord, let's go!"

"City lord, let's go!"

One person took the lead, and more people came out. Their voices were very resolute and their faces were very resolute. It could be seen that they were ready.

Duan Peng was very moved, Dong Ming was very moved, and all the leaders were very moved.

Looking at all this, Duan Peng finally made up his mind.

"Thank you, don't worry, I will be with you!"

Everyone was very moved, but everyone didn't expect Duan Peng to say such a thing. Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

When he opened his mouth, someone wanted to dissuade Duan Peng, but Duan Peng did not give them a chance to open his mouth. He grabbed two energy clips on the ground. Before everyone could react, Duan Peng had already walked to the edge of the city wall.

Looking at Duan Peng's movements, Dong Ming and others had to sigh and walk to the edge of the city wall like Duan Peng.


It was supposed to be an hour's battle, but in fact it was not. Because enough robots were destroyed by each energy bomb, the launch time of the energy bomb was lengthen, and the whole battle lasted nearly four hours.

These four hours are a torment for both sides.

In four hours, the programmers have hardly left the display.

Duan Peng's side is more dangerous. They are not only careful to avoid energy attacks that may occur at any time, but they also do their best to destroy long-range attacking robots.

For good, they finally did it. After sacrificing more than 200 soldiers again, they finally saw the last hope. The robots were still charging, but no robots continued to pour out of the woodland.

"Attack! Attack! Hold on a little longer!"

They shouted excitedly, and every warrior was shouting excitedly. They were not only warning themselves to persevere, but also making a declaration of victory.

And on another planet, in that hall, seeing all this, those programmers are almost about to collapse.

They couldn't believe their eyes. They couldn't imagine that more than a million advanced robots could really be blocked by each other.

"My lord, we..."

The eldest brother also looked decadent, but the eldest brother did not let the other party finish speaking. The man just started, and the eldest brother interrupted him.

"It doesn't matter. We still have time. It will take more time for them to conquer the whole planet. As for finding us, it will take more time, so we still have hope. I hope everyone will not give up!"
