Immortal Immortal Life

Chapter 77 Assessment

But he said that he would leave quietly and go through the disaster. Jinyang practiced alone on the Tianjietai. Every time someone came to cross the disaster, he always pulled out the power of the Tianjie and the immortal thunderstorm in the sky. Even the eclipse thunderstorm was no exception.

Since then, Jinyang, who robbed the platform, has had a great reputation. Three thousand true disciples and 500 seed disciples in Tianmen have more or less heard of him, and many of them have been selected by him. Some people are happy, some people hate secretly, happiness is just right, and hatred is that they almost fail to get through the disaster.

Ten years have passed in a flash, one day. Jin Yang participated in the Taishijing on the platform, and the harvest was not small, and the realm of Mahayana was about to break through. A man flew in the distance, dressed in a gossip Taoist robe, and a small Taoist priest quickly walked to Jinyang, bowed, and his eyes were clear: "Uncle, the elder wants all the true disciples to go to the Shanhe Hall."

"What's the matter?" Jin Yang opened his eyes and stood up.

The little Taoist priest smiled shyly and behaved decently: "The elder should study the cultivation of all true disciples." The little Taoist priest also knows that Jinyang has become a true legend in the past ten years, and he has been out of the sky. The little Taoist priest explained: "The purpose of the elders' study is to understand everyone's strength and rank. The most important thing is to redistribute resources every 50 years. The more you get ahead, the more you get, and the real biography of the first place can get the guidance of the elder. After saying that, he said goodbye to inform the next true biography.

"Go out for a walk." Jin Yang smiled, and the universe mirror was familiar and wandered around the owner. Looking at the thunder-lightened Tianjietai, he went to Tianzhu Mountain.

I used to meet people in the division and never paid attention to Jinyang, but now. Brother Jinyang, go together." A fairy in the distance arrived first. Jin Yang fixed his eyes and didn't know him. The man smiled and raised his hand to ask Jin Yang to step on his giant boat flying magic weapon.

The man arched his hand and said, "Thank you for saving me and letting my brother get through the fifth eclipse and thunder disaster safely."

"Brother, that's what it should be." Jin Yang immediately reacted and said humbly.

"The brother's name is Zhengyangzi practicing in Dayongfeng. If the brother needs help, he can find the brother, and he will not refuse." Zheng Yangzi took Jin Yang's hand and was very sincere. Jin Yang smiled and clenched Zhengyang's hand and said, "Then I will trouble you in the future." Zheng Yangzi nodded repeatedly and smiled.

The two walked all the way. The treasures around Tianzhu Mountain soared to the sky and the strange beasts galloped. From time to time, friends called for three or five groups. Jinyang even saw an old and unsighted old Taoist priest with no body.

"Brother, don't look at this brother's general." Zhengyangzi's face was full of respect, and Jinyang looked at him curiously, "This old man's name is Duan Shazi, and he has been in the fairyland for more than 2,700 years."

"This..." Jinyang was shocked. "For more than 2,700 years, isn't it about to be complete?" Jinyang sighed.

Zheng Yangzi nodded and said enviously, "The predecessor Duan Zhazi is one of the most promising candidates to become a seed disciple among the true disciples. The 17-level combat power of the earth immortals is enough to be proud of the Middle-earth world. It is said that he has a fantasy fairy treasure, and his combat power has soared." Jin Yang smiled and stood side by side: "Brother, you will also have this day."

Zhengyangzi looked straight and looked at the upcoming Tianzhu Mountain and said, "Of course, my brother is confident that he will even surpass him." Jinyang nodded without any doubt. As far as he knew, only a small part of the disciples of the Three Thousand True Biography were perfect in the end, and most of them fell under various disasters, and it was rare to become immortals.

Entering Tianzhu Mountain, Zhengyangzi has many true disciples who are familiar with, and they are introduced to Jinyang one by one. Jin Yang greeted each other with a smile and met some powerful people.

In front of the mountain and river hall, "Is it him?" The comer was arrogant and his eyes were full of disdain and pointed to Jin Yang. The person next to him was suddenly embarrassed and reluctantly nodded and walked aside. Jinyang's face darkened, gently brushed his sleeves, and pretended to ask inadvertently, "What do you want to teach in Jinyang?" The proud man was young and laughed when he heard Jin Yang's words. Three thousand true legends gathered. Everyone whispered about the past. With his smile, everyone immediately looked at him to see what he explained.

"Ignorant children also deserve to stand in front of the mountain and river hall with us." A fierce shout.

Jinyang's seven-foot man was young and vigorous, and suddenly a burst of anger rose in his chest: "Can you scold the true disciples?" With restraining the anger in his heart, he could only press over with a big hat. Brother Chu Xing, why do you need to insult Brother Jinyang? Everyone is a true disciple. It happens that today is the day for the elders to take the school examination. We should be peaceful. Zheng Yangzi came up to make up the scene with a smile and calmed down.

Chu Xing waved his hand and shouted, "Zheng Yangzi, don't miss your future for a child." Zheng Yangzi's face suddenly changed, and the arrogance in his chest broke out. He said in a low voice, "Chu Xing, don't think that someone supports you. I'm afraid of you." As soon as Zheng Yangzi's voice fell, the two on the court competed against each other.

Jin Yang took a step forward and pulled Zheng Yangzi away. He looked at Chu Xing and was straight and fearless. Boy, the disciple of Zhenchuan is not the cultivation of the earthly immortal, and the strong man who dominates one side of the heavenly gate, are you?" Chu Xing raised his head, and his eyes were full of smiles.

Jin Yang was speechless for a moment and had nothing to refute, but Chu Xing's words were real. Most of the true disciples in front of the Shanhe Hall suddenly felt the same way and looked bad. They seemed to be deeply ashamed to stand in the same hall with Jinyang.

Chu Xing did not press it step by step. He patted his clothes and looked at his friend slowly. Jin Yang stood on the scene, and no one talked to him for a moment. There was only a positive son standing next to him. The people who had just talked and laughed did not come forward. They laughed and insisted on rejecting the two.

After a moment, Jin Yang smiled and his anger dissipated, "You." Zheng Yangzi hesitated for a moment, "What's wrong? Why are you laughing?" Jin Yang's face was straight: "Brother, Chu Xing is just a villain. Why are you angry? I want someone to see my joke secretly, but he will be disappointed." Zheng Yangzi is not stupid. He has heard of Jin Yang's experience, but he doesn't care about it.

Tianzhu Mountain suddenly sounded, and the gate of the mountain and river hall opened. Come on, the order of entering the hall is ranked according to the last time. You should be the last to enter," Zhengyangzi said urgently. Jinyang nodded and looked around with a solemn look. The two walked slowly and looked at the mountain and river hall. A moment later, Jinyang slowly fell behind everyone and separated from Zhengyangzi, and one person stagged behind him.

The mountain and river hall is quiet, and the three thousand true disciples stand upright, which is a magnificent scene only in a holy place in the Middle-earth world. Every true disciples go out and are masters, and the best among them are comparable to the leaders of large sects.

Just when many disciples stood still, Elder Daoming turned out of the apse and stood in front of everyone. Wearing a jade crown, wearing a fiery red Taoist robe, he is golden and black in the sky, staring at the six-in-eight wilderness. The disciples in the hall do not squint and are respectful.

"Today's 300-year real biography examination school has two items, martial arts and literary fighting. Martial arts can only be carried out between robberies, can challenge each other, and be carried out in an independent space. Wendou is held in the same ring, and the final ranking has a total score. After the elders of Zhenshan finished speaking, everyone changed in front of their eyes and had entered the small world from the hall. There was a white jade ring in the small world, with dozens of puddles on it, and there was chaos around the space.

The elders of Zhenshan silently led more than 30 people in. These 30 people looked different, some serious, some casual, and some boring. The elder did not talk nonsense. Under an order, 30 people came to the world to examine and take away a wave of people. The first 200 people did not move.

"You, you, come here." An old man followed his fingers and hundreds followed him. Jin Yang happened to be among them. Seeing everyone walking around, he couldn't help asking, "Are they?" The man glanced at Jinyang: "Seed disciple."

Jinyang glanced around and 30 immortals were secretly shocked. The elders of the Lishan Sword School only had the cultivation of immortals. The crowd walked slowly and slowly sat around the ring, and 30 seed disciples sat facing the true disciples.

"Start." The elder shouted softly.

"Today's topic is very simple. He answered your questions about practice." As soon as the seed disciple finished speaking, everyone talked and whispered to each other. Sitting in a circle is close to the ranking. If you pretend to be high, won't you get a high score?

When everyone was talking about it, the seed disciple said leisurely, "After he answered, you answered, the winner will get one point, and the loser will be deducted one point." Suddenly, all eyes looked at Jinyang, which was hot and unbearable. Jinyang secretly said that he was not good, wouldn't he have to lose 99 points. Everyone is secretly happy to get a score, and they can get more resources when the ranking rises. Jin Yang rolled his eyes, licked his dry lips, and silently accepted the excited eyes of everyone.

The seed disciple at the front doesn't seem to see the general, "Start." Two dry words.

With a brush, all the people looked at Jinyang and stared at him. There was a moment of silence, and a bombarded: "What is the earth fairy, what is the eclipse thunderstorm..." Nearly a hundred people coaxed up, and the seed disciples did not stop it. Jin Yang's mouth was dry, looking at the left and right front and back and asking, "What, what, what..." for a moment of stupid Eyes.

The scene was sensational. What was the sound of hundreds of people in the small world? Other true disciples looked over and were silent for a moment. The earth fairy's eyes were all good. Looking at the mouth of the person who was asked, he was shocked first, and then he smiled.

For a long time, Jinyang sat alone in the back, and no one talked to him. Everyone answered fiercely, but Jinyang was silent. This sitting is three hours.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and collect it on the Chinese website. Your support is my greatest motivation.)