Immortal Immortal Life

Chapter 188 The Holy Spirit of the Lost God

Tianyao, who squeezed his lips and stood beside Jinyang, didn't know what to say. He couldn't help but feel anxious, and his expression was extremely calm. However, Bishui Xianji's eyes looking at Jinyang were completely different and full of complexity. I didn't expect that Jinyang had such a father. The power that came through could kill the half-step god king. The unrivaled power even looked up at her. But she didn't know that killing the half-step god king Baiyuan has the power of enlightenment, and what's more important is the moment of the sacred weapon's body!

The fault space has been smashed by the god king's catastrophe, leaving nothing left. The three of them stood naked in the starry universe, oppressed by all kinds of violent and messy vitality and rays. The blue narcissus stopped in the starry sky, round and quiet around them. Looking at Jin Yang, as a Bishui fairy who is a thirty-three Taiqing immortal, her wisdom shines on her body, and her mind is far deeper and thinner than Jin Yang. Looking at Tianyao, who looked like himself, he meditated slightly and took a step forward and landed in front of Jinyang.

frowned slightly, looked at Jin Yang, who was immersed in his own world, and sighed. After all, he was a fairy in the world, and he could not fully understand himself. He didn't even find his ultimate belief, and he was afraid he would fall into collapse.

"Jinyang." With a soft call, the Taoism of the Bishui Fairy shrouded his body, and the light of wisdom shone on the divine thoughts of Jinyang. Tianyao, who was at a loss, looked at his aunt, and a trace of joy flashed in his eyes.

Jinyang, who holds the moment of the underworld, is like a lonely traveler.

"Hmm?" He raised his eyelids and there were no more words.

"Can't you understand yet?" The blue water fairy is like a heavenly girl. The depth and mysterious Taoism of the Taiqing immortals are fully displayed, and the towering gods flow in this starry. Hearing this, Jinyang bit his lips and shook his head. Instead, he held the moment of the god in his hand tighter and put it flat in front of him.

Looking up at Bishuixianji, who tried to make herself empty and her mind detached from ordinary people, said, "I don't need to do this anymore. I won't think about his words anymore." After saying that, Jin Yang immediately lowered his head and quietly stroked the legendary sacred weapon!

"Auntie?" Tianyao's worried Xianji looked at Jinyang uneasily. Even the longevity fairy was a little confused.

"What exactly is the legendary sacred artifact like?"

Just as Tianyao asked, Jinyang suddenly opened his mouth, looked directly at the Jade Fairy, stroked the traces of the war, as if he was feeling the ancient war, and even the sacred artifact itself was greatly damaged.

The Bishuixianji, who had just understood Jinyang, stared her eyes and glanced up and down at Jinyang and said, "The sustenance of the sacred artifact and the saint's way is where the inheritance is. The resurrected gods are like a world, the power of attack, and the real world is invincible. Bishui Xianji said this little-known knowledge in one breath, and at the same time, she stared at Jinyang strangely.

Hearing these, Jin Yang suddenly fell silent, the power of a world?

The real world can nurture the supreme strong, and the vast power can suppress the power of the law of heaven. From this, you can imagine how vast the power of the sacred weapon is. What makes Jin Yang's heartbeat is that the saint may be more horrible.

Jinyang, who was silently comparing in his heart, knew the horror of the holy weapons, but there was no real comparison at all. He couldn't help but move and said, "How big is the gap compared with Chunyang Town Tianfan?" While speaking, Jin Yang's eyes stared at her, trying to estimate the power of the holy weapon.

In Jin Yang's expectant eyes, Bishui Xianji suddenly smiled, as if she was a little self-deprecating. Half-sound, his face was straight and he said, "The power of Chunyang Xianbao is not weaker than that of ordinary Daluo Jinxian. The gods are resurrected, sweeping the starry sky in a war, and it is more than enough to suppress half of the world." Bishui Xianji paused and looked at Jin Yang's eyes with a trace of hatred. Canglong Tianjun, whom Jin Yang had not met, took action to suppress her father, which really made her hate. When the real sacred weapon falls, chaos evolves and the creatures disappear. Even the Daluo Jinxian holding the pure yang fairy treasure should be cautious!" The blue water fairy fell down, and Jinyang looked at her with some surprise. It sounds like the saint did not kill Daluo Jinxian. He was very casual, but cautious!

Bishui Xianji glanced at Jinyang, snorted coldly, and knew what he thought in his heart. There were too few saints and saints in the world. Ordinary people knew their power, even Jinyang, who was inherited by the Pluto, was a little puzzled, just because the lord of the Pluto had never been a saint, and there was no such thing. Record.

"Can't we speculate about the people who have reached that realm? That realm is not understandable by us." Bishui Xianji didn't say much. Even if she knew, she didn't tell Jin Yang. Jin Yang, who held the moment of the underworld, was stunned and looked at the cold face of the water fairy. He couldn't help thinking that she would kill herself not long ago. After her father's power came, she killed the half-step god Wang Baiyuan, which suddenly changed her attitude, but she would not be too close. Such a top secret will not tell herself.

Looking down at the moment of the Pluto in his hand, the ancient mottled traces, the cracked gap, looked up at Tianyao, and looked at the wind-cold Blue Water Fairy. With his arm crossed, he raised his hand and said, "This is a holy weapon!"

As soon as this word came out, the pale water fairy's face changed greatly, and her eyes stared at Jinyang, as if she had heard the Arabian Nights.

"The sword of the lord of the underworld, the moment of the underworld!

He raised his hands to Jin Yang at the moment of the god of the underworld, stared at the big sword in his hand, and explained to Bishui Xianji. Before she could speak, he said, "I have lost my god. It seems that I have lost all my power. Only sharpness is almost nothing." Jinyang, who stated this fact in his mouth, has no taboo at all and seems to have absolute trust in her.

The Bishuixianji, who heard Jinyang's words, looked at Jinyang's eyes and changed sharply. The murder flashed away. In a moment, she was abruptly suppressed by her. Tianyao, standing aside, knew a little about his aunt, and his method was also very fierce. He raised his throat and looked at Jinyang eager to rush up and hold his mouth. Can this also be said?!

Jin Yang, whose body trembled slightly, felt the flash of murderousness, but his heart was very calm. He expected that Bishui Xianji did not dare to understand herself at all. Although her father was not humane, Jin Yang believed that the person who killed him would never escape! At the same time, he believes that Bishuixianji is a rational person.

"Is it really a sacred artifact?" Some of them looked at the moment of the underworld in Jinyang's hands in disbelief, and the blue water fairy's heart turned upside down. She didn't know how many saints there were in the three thousand worlds, but in the legends there were three saints in the nine ghost world, the first demon saint, the second and third god saint, the legend of the top, the regrettable war seven million years ago, as if in her eyes As before, the vast Western Pure Land world was actually blown up by the first demon saint with the only holy weapon. The people of one religion were killed, and the cultivation of thousands of demon gods soared, as if they were close to their eyes.

Looking at the complicated Bi Shui Xianji, Jin Yang had no other distracting thoughts in his heart. In front of him, the only Taiqing Tianxian missed this opportunity, but he really didn't know when he would get the answer. Slowly inserting the moment of the underworld in her hand into the scabbard, Bishui Fairy's eyes turned with it. When the last blade of sword were inserted, her eyes were full of reluctance, and even Jinyang faintly felt a feeling of saliva.

"It's a pity that I lost my god."


With a scream, the Bishui Fairy screamed out, and her eyes widened incredible!

Standing in general, Tianyao was shocked, looked at his aunt and shook his head. However, there was no accident in Jinyang. The disappearance of the god of the sacred artifact was really a shocking change. Jinyang even had a guess that the gods were in the secret world of the underworld, and the suzerain had no intention of passing them on to himself at all. But recalling the scene of passing the sword, it is sacred, serious and not to be desecrated, and it seems a little different. Is it true that, as my father said, the holy weapon is the loss of gods? Secretly, Jin Yang no longer thought about it, and Bi Shui Xianji was very excited.

"This is impossible!" The Bishui fairy seemed to hear something, and her eyes fell on the hilt of the sword behind Jinyang. It's true, my father told me. Jin Yang shook his head and replied with certainty. As for why his father knew that the holy artifact was missing, he guessed in every way, but he couldn't figured it out. But it's an obvious fact that I can't wake up.

"How can the sacred artifact lose its gods?" Bishui Fairy was a little puzzled and muttered to herself. As one of the leaders of the demon god clan, her father is the strongest among the demon god emperor. He has even contacted the demon saint and knows a lot of secrets, even some secrets of the demon saint. But no one really knows about this kind of thing. Since the creation of heaven and earth, the nine ghosts and the two families of gods and demons have only been in charge of a sacred weapon, which is under the control of the first demon saint. No one knows the specific details of such a precious weapon.

Jin Yang stared at her long-lost indifferent face, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Just when he was a little disappointed, Bishui Xianji's face suddenly changed and was a little strange. She looked up at Jinyang, very uncertain, and some speculated, "Will she be reincarnated like a pure yang fairy treasure?"

Is it really thundering on the flat ground, blowing up Jinyang's blood and reincarnation? Is there anything about reincarnation?

Bishui Xianji was stunned, looked at Jin Yang's incredible eyes, and pondered, "There is no reincarnation in this world. All life has the boundaries of life expectancy." Bishui Xianji paused and looked at Tianyao beside her and said, "I'm no exception. Taiqing Tianxian Shouyuan is a disaster." When Bishui Xianji said this, her heart was also gloomy, and even she died one day. No way!" Tianyao was stunned and said, and the atmosphere froze again after saying that.

Hearing Bishui Xianji's words, Jin Yang naturally cares about it.

"Maybe." With a fall, he sighed, and the unique sacred weapon in the world, the power of the three thousand worlds, was completely lost.