Immortal Immortal Life

Chapter 238 Upper Temple

Jin Yang, who sighed in his heart, knew that he was going to face many masters in Tianmen, even a level of elders in the hall, but it was really not easy for him to find those few, or even more than a dozen enemies among hundreds of elders. It was very dangerous to ask him to drink a pot of any one!

The elders in Tianmen are strong, weak, and weak. The immortals of the two worlds are at the bottom. If they are strong, hum, they are not good enough to be a four world immortals. The immortals in the three worlds are all long events. The strongest one in Jinyang's speculation, the six world immortals is not not there, and he doesn't know the seven world immortals.

Stand fixedly in the air. After a while, there was basically no trace of battle and dissipated.

"What should jump out will jump out. What's the hurry?" Jinyang, who was empty-handed, suddenly laughed, and the black flame all over his body had already convered. Finally, he turned into a loud laugh and galloped out and looked at the southernmost temple.


It is said that Jinyang let go of those immortal disciples who took over the task on the black market. After returning, he was visited one by one, leaving 30 living arms, one by one with a pale face. He sat in his peak and dared not go out, let alone look for friends to cheer.

In the dark corner of the Tianmen, people come and go in a huge space, sheltering them with a black robe, which is shrouded in fog and makes people unable to see their specific identities. In the only hall, in the depths, three people sat quietly in it, saying nothing to each other. From the breath of strangers from their bodies, it can be seen that they are not companions, but can only be regarded as accomplices.

After three people waited for a long time, a figure flashed in the hall. There was no breath within a meter of his body. The whole person's messages were all in his seven-foot body, and there was no sign of leakage. It was completely an assassin.

"I'll take action directly this time. Those who leaked information all paid the corresponding price." The seven-foot assassin stood in the hall, and did not have much respect for the three people sitting on the top, and what he said was also meant to be discussed.

The three people sitting on the mountain were silent for a while. All three of them knew the assassin's ability, but they had failed twice, and they were worried.

"Wait, think of another way." Someone opened his mouth, and a trace of coldness flashed in the eyes of the assassin standing below, but the person who made the sound seemed not to have seen it. For a moment, in the hall, which no one knew, began to discuss again.


It didn't take long for Jinyang to maintain the high speed. He knew the location of the temple. During the flight, he also thought of going back to Daxue Mountain to see Aunt Mengli. At the same time, he wanted to take back the Taoist book obtained on the fifth floor of the Great Emperor's Golden Book. With the inheritance of the Pluto, he has more than a dozen Tiangongs, but none of them have been practiced, and the forbidden arts in Pluto's immortality have not been practiced. Now he wants to see what is magical about the Taoist book on the five floors. Most importantly, the holy world of Tiangong has broken up, and the Tiangong has become a special one. The skill of refining blood, on the contrary, there are fewer Taoist books to cultivate immortals and practice Taoism.

Staring at the mountains gradually emerging in the distance, the whole mountain was shrouded in a snow-covered world. Jinyang, who was 300 miles away, felt a strong murderous atmosphere, shrouded in the sky, as if it had not dissipated for thousands of years.

As soon as Jin Yang said this, as expected, the monk of Kendo immediately darkened his face and shouted, "Who do you think you are? I asked about the news of the temple. I didn't arrest you directly. Isn't it looking for death to ask such a question now!"

Jin Yang, who endured the sharp sword, changed his face again and shouted loudly before the Kendo monk started the war: "The younger generation only wants to know the news of the two of her. There is nothing else. Please tell me one or two."

When Jinyang said this, his body retreated rapidly. At the same time, the actual sword spirit of thousands of meters followed his direction and flew over. The huge sword spirit flew in the sky without any feeling of stagnation. Jinyang roared in front of him, and the speed instantly raised the limit, and the light emitted by the surging golden blood. The flame drew a long golden rainbow in the sky.

Jinyang, who ascended to the limit in an instant, was dark in front of him, and even the perception behind him was lost. However, the huge sword spirit did not chase closely, and drew a circle in space and flew back, quietly floating at the feet of the monk.

"You have been a good man for a while. If the boss sees another good fruit to eat."

A man beside the Kendo monk stood side by side with him and looked at the direction of Jin Yang's disappearance. The Kendo monk heard the words, smiled and said nothing. He could guess what he was thinking.