Immortal Immortal Life

Chapter 243 The Dean

Walking on the snow, Jinyang was followed by two monks, one with a long sword in his hand and the other holding a strange fairy treasure. Jinyang, who walked slowly on the snow, looked up at the continuous snowy slope. With his eyesight, he could see a huge platform made of unknown stones 30,000 meters away. The pattern marks on the edge were very deep, and it seemed to be watered with black iron juice.

Jinyang, who stepped on the snow and retracted his eyes slowly and casually asked, "I haven't seen you guarding the snowy mountains before. Why do you have it now?" The two people who have been following Jin Yang are extremely powerful in Jin Yang's perception, and they are not weak when fighting.

The two looked at each other and looked at Jin Yang, whose immediate superior wanted to protect them. They both knew the extent to which the superior valued the assassination. The body of Fengshinian, who was assassinated three years ago, has not yet decayed. If this Jinyang is also killed. The two of them coincidentally thought of "the old master of the dean", and at that time, they could not help themselves to blaspise their duties.

"The new team prepared by the dean eight years ago is specially used to prevent infighting and law enforcement."

Jin Yang took back his right foot when he heard the words and stood straight without moving. The man who spoke looked at his companion holding the fairy treasure, and his spirit suddenly expanded, and his eyes moved around the snow.

"No one. To prevent infighting?" Jin Yang slowly turned around and asked this at the same time. Suddenly nervous two looked at Jinyang and relaxed their spirit. "It's good to prevent infighting. The dean has rarely guarded the school palace for a long time. The man with the long sword said in a low voice.

"Isn't it in the Prince's Palace? What did you do?" Jinyang asked when he heard the words, as far as he knew, he was in charge of the dean and managed the prince's school palace. He rarely went out. At his level, there was no difference in practicing there. How could he go out?

The two shook their heads to show that they didn't know.

Jin Yang saw that they didn't know these things. Yesterday, she heard from Aunt Meng Li that the dean had appeared yesterday and should still be on the snowy mountain. Jinyang immediately accelerated his pace, his feet did not touch the ground, and there was no trace on the snow. The two people behind quickly caught up with him.

The mountainside of Daxue Mountain is extremely vast, and various palaces and gardens are placed on the platform above the snow mountain. And the library where Jinyang can enter and exit freely.


"You can go back." Jinyang, who walked very fast, stood in front of a yard. Uh-huh." The two stood in front of the yard and respectfully looked at the unique garden on the top of the snowy mountain, which was the place where the dean was in charge of practice.

Jinyang, who got the reply, took a few steps forward and gently buttoned three times on the door. Listening to the dull voice, the originally quiet heart became trembling, and the heart jumped up, and a trace of blush flashed on his face.

Squeak, the door more than two meters high opened, and a small head came out from behind the door.

"Who are you? What's the matter?"

Jin Yang looked at the head sticking out from behind the door and was slightly surprised. He had never seen the child before. It seemed that he was brought back by the elder after he left.

"I'm here to visit the elders. My name is Jin Yang." Jin Yang smiled and leaned over and said to him. Oh, I'll talk to Grandpa." The little boy was about to withdraw his head when he heard a sound from the depths of the yard, "You're back, come in." The boy quickly opened the door sideways and let Jin Yang in.

Jinyang, standing outside, nodded and entered the old courtyard of the dean in the eyes of the two protecting him.

"Little brother, what's your name?" Walking in the familiar yard, Jin Yang often played in this yard when he was very young, but after he was five years old, he never came in again. Since then, it has been closed to him, which once made him sad for a long time.

"My name is Si Xingqi." The little boy's sweet voice and pure face, Jin Yang estimated that he was between seven or eight years old, "Ty me to take my grandfather's number?" As Jinyang walked and asked, the little boy standing beside him laughed and jumped up: "Okay, Grandpa has been listening to the Rain Pavilion since he came back yesterday. I'll take you there."

"Listen to the Rain Pavilion?" Jin Yang, who heard the words, suddenly became silent. He knew that he had played in Yuge when he was a child, and the final result was a fierce beating. He was slapped by the old president and his nose was runny.

Looking at the quiet room and storage hut passing by, Jinyang was a little distracted and walked a few steps. In a small room, there was only a table and two benches, which made Jinyang's eyes almost sore.

"Big brother, why are you staring at the canteen?" The little boy pulled Jin Yang, who was motionless, "Are you also eating here?" Jin Yang pointed his hand and squatted down to look at the little boy. Yes." The little boy looked at the silent Jinyang, "Let's go."

"Hmm." Jin Yang stood up and looked at the canteen, where he ate the food cooked by the dean himself, which was also the first time he came into contact with dean Zhang. Jin Yang didn't stop, looked at the rain pavilion, and trotted all the way with the little boy beside him. He didn't shout, but just followed.

He pushed the door and went in. Jin Yang stood in the small room opposite the door with a picture of a woman holding an umbrella.

"You're back." The president standing quietly in front of the picture did not let Jin Yang take a closer look and said.

"Well, I'm back."

"I know everything about you." The dean turned around and was facing Jin Yang, with a trace of fatigue on his face, and casually motioned Jin Yang to sit down. Jin Yang looked at the dean and was a little shocked, and his heart suddenly lifted up.

"What happened?" Jin Yang, who sat down, hurriedly asked.

The dean slowly walked to the seat next to Jinyang, wearing a blue robe covering his tired body, and Jinyang was very nervous.

"You said that if I died that day," before the dean finished his words, Jin Yang suddenly stood up and stared at him and said, "How can you die? Daluo Jinxian's life is a strong man at the level of saints. Who else can shake a point!" Jin Yang, who clenched his fist, stared at Lao Xia, the dean who was interrupted by himself.

"Sitting down. No one can take my life. As you said, the life of Daluo Jinxian can't be taken by anyone. Lao Xia, the dean, was wiped away. Jin Yang, who was sitting in front of him, looked at his eyes like stars, like a shot of strong injection.

"It's impossible for you to see Fang Zixuan Master and Apprentice. They are not here now, not even in this world. The dean always looked at Jin Yang's nervous face, but resisted his words without interrupting him.

"They were sent to Jiuyou World." Lao Xia, the dean, slowly opened his mouth, and Jin Yang, who heard the words, simply suspected that what he heard was wrong. How can it be that the world of Jiuyou is not going to kill them?

"Would their lives?" The dean smiled and said to Jin Yang, "It's your father's request."

Like thundering through his brain, Jin Yang suddenly fainted and his tightly clenched fist trembled: "Can father ask for this? The saint also agreed. Jin Yang is incredible. It's okay if the saint didn't kill his father. What's going on?

Lao Xia, the dean, did not directly answer Jin Yang's question, but looked at him and looked at Jin Yang. A pair of star-like diamonds-like eyes seem to see through Jin Yang. Jinyang, who was sitting in front of him, suddenly accelerated and became nervous.

The dean staring at Jinyang suddenly laughed, and his locked eyebrows suddenly bloomed.

"Sai Qi is capable, and your son is not bad." The dean smiled happily, and raised his right hand and patted Jin Yang on the shoulder and stared at Jin Yang. "In the world of Jiuyou, she is fully capable of protecting one side."

Jinyang nodded. His father's ability to kill a half-step god king through his own hand through unknown time and space is unfathomable. Only the world-class strong man who dominates a world has such ability.

"But he."

"Your father was brought out of the temple, and some things I don't even know." The dean was suddenly silent. Jin Yang was very interested when he heard about his father's background. Just as he wanted to ask, he saw that the dean was silent, and he was also silent.

"How have you been these years?"

The dean was silent for a moment. Jin Yang, who was a little casual, sat up straight, looked at the dean in front of him, and told him one by one. There was no omission at all. Before and after, he even told the dean the dean.

After listening to Jin Yang's experience, the dean sat quietly in front of him. Jinyang could see that the dean was always thinking about his own problems. This time, he was expected to get a lot of answers.

"The intention of the Pluto is the most noteworthy." The president opened his mouth and looked at the universe mirror in his own hand. Jin Yang looked at him in surprise and looked down at the universe mirror. He thought he would mention the power around him. However, the president was a little surprised and seemed to know Jinyang's universe mirror very well.

"The source of power in this stone mirror is not surprising, even for granted," the president was ready to go on, as if thinking of something, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes. Jin Yang looked at him with inquisitive eyes, hesitated for a moment, but finally didn't say anything, and instead explained Mingzong to Jinyang.

"The power of Pluto is beyond doubt. The suzerain of Pluto stands at the peak of the world, and the saint may not be able to kill him." The dean pointed to himself with a smile and said, "I think my cultivation poses almost zero threat to him."


Jin Yang was very surprised that he could eat the lower pig with his big mouth open.

"Don't doubt it, so Mingzong is the most noteworthy. As for the rest, you don't have to care too much. Well, there is another point that the demon ancestor who appeared once should pay attention to it. There is no such person in my memory!"

The dean always looked at Jin Yang and listened attentively to his explanation, and also told him a lot of secrets that he didn't know or didn't know anything with Jinyang.