Fairy ups and down

Chapter 130 Three-legged Golden Black

At his own extremely fast speed, he avoided the "Weituo protection method" that was constantly derived from the void, and soon, Su Qin arrived not far in front of the "golden sun".

The huge "golden sun" seems to have stood here since ancient times, hundreds of miles, looking at a huge golden fireball from afar. The hot golden fire is rolling on the "sun", containing fearsome and infinitely horrible power, which is shocking.

Su Qin looked at the "golden" sun and felt the power of burning the sky. He felt that the vitality in the "sun" was getting stronger, and the golden fire even formed "one" of golden lotus, constantly jumping, and the surrounding void, time and everything were distorted.

The past, present and future have achieved eternity. Only this golden sun is eternal and eternal.

"It's like a palace, but it's like some kind of horrible creature." Su Qin looked at the "golden sun", frowned, and gently took a step forward to walk into the "golden" sun.


Suddenly, the whole void shook up. Starting from the "golden sun", the huge space was distorted by the power of terror, and then became a huge wave of the void, which kept dispersing. Wherever it passed, the mountains and tsunamis, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the whole void was completely turned into nothing. In the vacuum.

All of a sudden, Su Qin was involved in a vacuum.

At that moment, Su Qin felt that the "golden sun" had undergone some strange change, and the huge vitality seemed to wake up from endless sleep.

The huge "golden sun" is like a golden "egg", constantly shaking and shaking, and a series of golden divine fires burst out from it, gathered in the void, turning into golden lotuses all over the whole void.

Once again, there are infinite Sanskrit singing rising to the sky and resounding through the world. The endless golden lotus seems to form countless figures of gods and Buddhas, praising the scriptures.


Another loud noise, cracks appeared on the "golden sun", like huge ravines, and infinite vitality erupted from it. Then, a phoenix-like, not like a phoenix, resounded through the sky.

The "golden sun" completely scattered, and a giant bird appeared in the horrible golden fire.

There are three feet, like black, and the whole body is golden, brewing endless divine fire. The eyes are golden, and the body is as big as a few kilometers. The endless divine fire bursts from its body, either condenses, or emits, and rolls into the sky.

The "golden lotus" in the whole void is like rain, where the Taoist fire passes, the heaven and earth are white, and the illusory gods and Buddha worship and sing.

"What is this?" Su Qin's frown became deeper and deeper, and several contractions appeared on his forehead.

This golden bird is horribly suffocating, as if it is a real "sun". Since ancient times, it has existed between heaven and earth, and every power can easily smash the yuan god.

"This is the three-legged golden black, the big sun glazed determined by the six empty monks, and is also known as the big sun Buddha, which is the source of heaven and earth to the sun." A lazy voice answered Su Qin.

Su Qin turned his head and saw that at this time, the monk Fankong, Su Mengmeng and others had rushed over.

"The yuan god of the six empty gods and monks?" Su Qin asked gently, looking at the huge "three-legged golden black" and frowned.

If it is the yuan god left by the strong man who has cultivated the secret world, it will be horrible. It can distort the past, the present, the future, and even control the time. A divine fire can kill everyone.

"No, Taixu's secret world has no yuan god. Taixu's secret world is one. Taoism is natural and has already obtained the Tao. It is one step away from ascending to the Taixu immortal world and become immortals. In their eyes, the yuan gods are all false. This is just the magic weapon of the six empty monks, the coffin lamp. You see, there is a mountain in the golden black, above It should be the magic weapon of the six empty monk or something. Fankong is a person in Buddhism. Naturally, he understood it clearly and pointed to the "golden sun" and said.

Su Qin stared at it. Sure enough, there seemed to be a cliff in the center of the huge "three-legged golden black". It looked faintly, as if there was a monument standing on it. I don't know what it was, and there was a lamp floating on the cliff, lighting a divine light.

Su Qin couldn't help sighing that the power of the strong man in the secret world did not know how much he had reached. Understanding the ancient and modern future, light is a lamp that can turn into a "sun" to light up the heavens and illuminate the world around the world.

At the same time, Su Qin felt that something that summoned him was getting closer and closer and more attractive, just in the cliff.

In an instant, Su Qin was even a little distracted, as if he saw the past, present and future from that inexplicable attraction.

At this time, the three-legged golden black roared, waved huge wings, and suddenly directly set off tens of millions of feet of golden "sea of fire", turning into a tsunami and sweeping the whole void.

Su Qin, Fan Kong, Su Mengmeng, Liu Ruyan, Bai Mokong, and the five people face this terrible golden sea of gods, as if a stone under the sky will be annihilated at any time.

Su Qin frowned and knew that such power could not be blocked. The magic power of his whole body emerged together, turning himself into a flat boat, and simply floated on it with the power of the golden sea of gods.

The golden divine sea composed of flames kept rolling in the void, waveless, wave after wave after wave, straight to the sky, and then fell into Jiuyou, and then scattered into endless fire rain, sprinkled in the whole secret place.

Shundly, those monks who had not understood what had happened in the secret place were rolled with golden fire and howled all over the sky, and burned to ashes in an instant.

Countless palaces and temples were rolled up by the endless golden fire and immediately began to burn. In a moment, they burned into ashes. The thousand-year secret land was instantly turned into ashes, as endless, as if they had returned to the ancient Hongmeng.

In the golden sea, Su Qin's mana gathered like a boat, while resisting the hot flames. The horror of this golden fire power was close to the power of the yuan god. When it was rolled up together, the strong yuan god felt uncomfortable and almost rolled in the sea of fire and burned to ashes.

Su Qin's whole body was like a boat, protected by the nose magic tower, and drifted with the waves in the fire waves. Gradually, the fire waves began to stop, and then looked at several other people.

The monk bathed in the Buddha's light and walked on the fire waves. At every step, a circle of ripples splashed on the waves of fire like water, which looked extremely holy. But next, the monk's words immediately dispelled the impression: "Spicy mother, the spiritual treasures left alone are so powerful, old bald donkey, you He also said that the monk can come out and walk sideways now.

And the white-haired and indifferent young man Bai Mokong's whole body is like a long sword, controlling the sword spirit. The fire waves he met are cut open with a sword, and there is absolutely no fear. Even if he is in the sea of fire, he does not frown. Su Meng, a charming flower witch, turns into a white flower, is in the air. Flying in the middle, like a dancing elf, dodging the fire waves, which could not keep up with her speed, and then gradually lost strength and slowly fell down.

The most relaxed one is Liu Ruyan, the saint of Fengqi Pool. The Lingfeng she rides is one of the few holy spirits of fire between heaven and earth. Before the sea of fire touches her body, it is sucked away by Lingfeng, which becomes the nourishment of Lingfeng.

"All of them are mediocre, worthy of being the successors of the top ten sects." Su Qin thought to himself and calculated himself. He felt that he was only five or five, or even less. Unless he achieved the yuan god, he could make up for the gap.

After all, as a contemporary saint and son of the ten sects, the background of thousands of years is not ordinary comparable.

"Is this three-legged bird amazing? I think we'd better work together to defeat it together. At that time, whoever finds the treasure will be by luck."

Su Mengmeng proposed so.

"Good." Monk Fankong nodded immediately, and Bai Mokong also nodded coldly. Then Liu Ruyan also nodded, and the four of them looked at the remaining Su Qin.

"Let's do it."

Su Qin took the lead in rushing towards the three-legged golden black, turned into a big bird spreading its wings, and rushed towards the three-legged golden black.

The four people followed, each turning into a streamer.

The three-legged Jinwu saw five people rushing over together, with a shrill, and the hot flames all over his body kept burning, like a fireworks soaring to the sky. He gently opened his mouth and directly spit out golden fireballs.

Suddenly, every golden fireball seemed to be a small sun hitting the four people.

Each golden sun contains infinite power. Where it passes, it turns into a golden rainbow. The surrounding void is completely distorted, and then cracked by huge energy, like a fast streamer, shining brightly in the sky.

Su Qin quickly flashed and avoided a golden rainbow. The hot fire came to his face, as if he had swept him in and almost suffocated.

The other four people also flashed together. Everyone has all kinds of magical power. Although the streamer is powerful, it can't hurt everyone.

The three-legged golden black saw that even spraying a few streamers could not hurt everyone. He couldn't help but spread his wings. Thousands of golden streams, if tens of millions of feathers, endless divine light would run over the crowd.

Everyone was terrmented and used their magical power to protect themselves.

Su Qin put the Abi Magic Tower on his forehead, and his whole body's magic clothes protected himself. Infinite magic power erupted into the void and pushed down a wave of streamers, but as a result, he was beaten back continuously and retreated infinitely.

"Everyone should be careful. The three-legged golden black is the sun's holy spirit. The coffin lamp must be affected by the magic power of the six empty monks, so the power has greatly increased, and the evolved three-legged golden black power is even worse. We need to trap it with the power of yin, and then break the coffin lamp in one fell swoop to break." Fankong shouted, and the Buddha's light all over his body turned into countless Vajra gods, protecting him and supporting him under the streamlight.

"Where can I find the power of yin?"

Su Mengmeng is in a hurry.

Su Qin's heart moved and shouted, "I'm here to trap Jinwu. I'll leave the rest to you."

After saying that, the whole body burst into a divine light, turned into a shadow, shooting directly into the three-legged Jinwu, which was extremely fast and distorted the light, and it was not clear whether it was true or false.

The four people were stunned and didn't understand what Su Qin was going to do.

The power of this three-legged golden black is almost approaching the peak of the yuan god. If it is not only transformed by the coffin lamp, but also a simple power image, with the power of everyone, it will be killed in an instant, not to mention that once it approaches, it will be easily erased into ashes.

The next moment, Su Qin appeared in front of the three-legged Jinwu.