Fairy ups and down

Chapter 132 Heaven and Earth Oven Wonshin

Know the sea world.

In the whole sea of knowledge world, there is a round of bright moon hanging high, under which there is infinite Shura magic spirit rolling, white bones into a river, flowing in the void is full of the silence of the destruction of the world, and there is also a shadow of the god tree, straight through the chaos, a green seedling that nurtures infinite glory nurtures precious light, swallowing the surrounding magic, and constantly growing.

Since Su Qin practiced with the "Silent Floating Life Sutra" and experienced infinite pain, and opened up a world of the whole sea life, he has gathered countless magical magic paths, which is extremely chaotic.

At this time, suddenly the endless Sanskrit sound penetrated the whole sea world, and first, a golden light spot appeared in the sea world.

Then, two lives, two lives three, and three transforms everything.

The whole dark sea world seems to have a golden rain, constantly falling on every corner of the sea world, mixing with infinite magic gas, constantly purifying the whole world and diluting the magic spirit little by little.

But it was counterattacked by magic. The world was opened up by the power of silence. The power of silence was the power of the world, and the golden light was suddenly extinguished.

But there are more and more endless golden rain. No matter how the power of silence disperses, it continues to evolve.

Su Qin's spirit sits in the whole dark sea of knowledge world, if thinking: "Yin will give birth to yang, and yang will give birth to yin. Only when there is love can there be hatred and hatred. Only then can there be love. The way of heaven and earth should be the alternation of yin and yang can it immortal."

So, I realized a lot.

Spiritual derivation and integration into the golden rain.

In every drop of rain, it seems to nurture some kind of heaven and earth, as if infinite Buddha sounds and Buddhism wash people's hearts and minds.

When Su Qin no longer resists Zhiyang, his spirit is also well-rounded, as if he is too empty, entering the inexplicable realm of life and immortality, hate and love.

The way of heaven is long, and even chaotic, and the heart is eternal. Yin and Yang alternate, deriving and creating, and the road is self-contained.

That golden rain, in Su Qin's spirit, is actually one rune after another, tens of millions of rain, that is, tens of millions of runes, which have evolved into infinite Tao.

Suddenly, the Sanskrit sang, and the strange fragrance drifted away. The infinite runes derivation into a round of sun in Su Qin's spirit, in which there sat a big Buddha, spitting words like a golden lotus, and merged with Su Qin's spirit.

Buddha's voice and Sanskrit singing, suddenly, Su Qin's incarnation became a big Buddha, holding double marks in his hand, his eyes seemed to be open and closed, sitting in a round of golden sun, blooming golden lotus all over his body, surrounded by gods and Buddhas, arhats, listening to the Dharma, straight to the past, present and the future.

A clal-shaped lamp suddenly appeared in Su Qin's sea world, and then shattered, turned into tens of millions of dust, and integrated into Su Qin's sea world.

"If I hear it, the sun will come."

Su Qinruo realized something and shouted in his mouth, like hatred and joy, like sadness and joy, and his voice stirred into the clouds, like a Buddha's sy, alerting the world.

Then, Su Qin's body sitting on the stone mountain suddenly floated up and floated into the air. The ordinary big stone gently faded into thousands of dust with Su Qin's floating air.

Su Qin floated in the void, and the endless scriptures merged with his spirit.

In the world of knowledge of the sea, countless scriptures merge into a round of golden sun, together with the bright moon, and the sun and moon hang in the world of knowledge of the sea, competing for each other.

The vitality in the secret land of Maitreya fluctuated, and the golden vitality poured into Su Qin's heavenly spirit like a whale swallowing, entering Su Qin's sea of knowledge and integrating into the golden sun.

For a while, Su Qin's whole body was bright and placed in the golden sun. He was as indifferent as dust. The rolling golden vitality turned into countless golden light and poured into his body. The Buddha's Sanskrit sang and resounded through the void. Su Qin smiled and turned into the sun, like the legendary "Big Sun Buddha".

Su Qin's whole body was bathed in the sun, blooming in the void, and there were visions. Golden lotus emerged, which made the whole secret place respond and shock the world.

This vision will startle all the treasure hunters.

"Damn it, isn't it? I'm going to become a Buddha? The old bald donkey's heart proved that it was almost this movement when it was Bodhi. Is there any mistake?" Fan Kong, who had just passed by, looked at Su Qin, who turned into the "Big Sun Buddha" and was stunned.

Several other people also looked at the sky and changed color slightly.

Know the sea world.

Surrounded by the sun and the moon, theyyan sheng from each other. With the influx of infinite vitality, a golden "bridge of heaven and earth" was once again formed in Su Qin's sea of knowledge, and the rolling sun turned into a real sun.

The moment the sun appeared, the shock of the sea world shocked the world and almost turned the whole world upside down.

In the originally calm world of knowing the sea, the power of yin and yang quickly confronted, silenced the demon gas, and the nose magic gas was also involved in it, from Yang to yin, the sun, and Taiyin (water and fire are incompatible, and yin and yang are incompatible.

Almost in an instant, the collision of the power of yin and yang in the whole sea world actually stirred the world like a paste.

It seems that the collision and collapse of the sky and earth have made Su Qin's knowledgeable world full of holes and fragmentation, and the whole world is almost crumble, turning into dust and disappearing between the sky.

Su Qin's spirit sat in the void of the sea world where the forces of yin and yang collided with each other, looking at the golden sun and the silver-white moon in the sky. The divine power of the golden sun turned half of the world into gold, and the silver-white Taiyin magic power turned the other half of the world into silver white.

The sun and the moon compete for glory, the yin and yang fight each other, and the void is full of infinite nose magic. As the silence magic that knows the origin of the sea world, it constantly regulates the various forces of fierce collision.

As the struggle becomes more and more intense, the whole sea world is crumbling under infinite power and may collapse at any time.

In the golden sun sits a big Buddha like Su Qin, singing in the void, and a Taoist like Su Qin sitting in the silver-white moon. The nose demon gas turns into a black-robed demon like Su Qin, and the power of silence turns into a demon that controls the sky and earth.

This is no longer an ordinary yin-yang struggle, but has evolved into the competition between Buddha, Tao and demon.

"The world is suffering, and I will cross the world and step out of the sea of suffering."

"The way of heaven and earth belongs to, the fairy mountains are cloudy, and my way is incompetent."

"The way of heaven is ruthless. It takes everything as a dog. If you are against the sky, I am the devil. If the sky blocks me, I will destroy the sky. If the earth blocks me, I will kill the earth."

Three fierce spiritual collisions, Su Qin sat in the void, as if thinking and understanding.


Su Qin opened his eyes and shouted at the world of knowledge: "If you don't break it, you will stand up after breaking it, and you will stand up."

Then, you can see the sea world with one finger.

With Su Qin's finger, the whole sea world began to collapse, inch by inch. Whether it was the sun, the moon or the magic gas, it turned into chaos, and finally until the whole sea world completely collapsed and disappeared in Xumi.

Su Qin's real body, which was floating in the secret world, was originally golden, but suddenly regained his composure and sat like a dead stone. His vitality suddenly completely disappeared, and even his spirit disappeared, as if he were sitting.

This immediately stunned the treasure hunters.

"What's the matter? Obviously, there was a vision just now. What should I get? Why did you suddenly sit down?" Su Mengmeng looked at the "dead" Su Qin in the sky and was a little surprised.

Not only him, but also the other three are very suspicious.

They are all strong practitioners who have become yuan gods, and they also come from ten sects. Contemporary saints and saints are all outstanding and have long surpassed the general realm. They all know that although Su Qin is strong, they have not formed a yuan god. Just now, there were frequent visions, thinking that they had obtained great benefits in this mountain and wanted to form a yuan god. Unexpectedly, he suddenly sat down like this, and his spiritual vitality was exhausted, and he couldn't help feeling weird.

"Oh, my brother's talent is peerless, the world's demon octop, that's all." Fan Kong sighed and squeezed out a few tears in his eyes. The monk's heart was quite strange. He only felt that Su Qin had an appetite for him. Su Qin sat down like this, and he couldn't help feeling lonely.

Bai Mo looked at the air and frowned, showing a little disappointment.

At this moment, there was another change.


A sudden sound in the sky was loud, like the first sound of chaos, earth-shaking, and the secret place of the earthquake trembled.

Su Qin's whole body suddenly burst into all kinds of glow, red, red, green, blue and purple, like a rainbow, rushing to the void of the secret place, constantly spreading, rushing out of the secret place, appearing in Maitreya Mountain, and even spreading faster.

The heaven and the earth shook as if there was an induction. The earth, water and fire were, where the sky was, and the back soil was to the extreme. The end of the sea were all shaken. The infinite vitality emerged from the sun, moon, and stars, poured into the secret place, and rushed into Su Qin's body.

Know the sea world.

A glimmer of light appeared in the world of knowledge that has turned into chaos. Then, the clear air surged up and the turbid gas fell. A god tree appeared between the chaotic heaven and earth. Yin gives birth to yang, and yang gives birth to yin.

Infinite spiritual power and huge mana energy are mixed together. The eyes are the sun and the moon, the mountains and rivers, and the blood is the rivers.

Then, endless rules appear in the world of knowledge of the sea. The sun and the moon do not hesitate to reincarnate, and the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter are immortal. At this point, they have taken shape.

A huge spiritual force is integrated with this world.

Su Qin felt that his spirit was unified with the sun and the moon, with mountains and rivers, with everything in heaven and earth, and with infinite rules.

He felt that this world was his yuan god, and this oven was his yuan god.

Su Qin's body, sitting in the secret world, burst into infinite divine light at the same time and rushed into the sky. A huge force began to spread. One day and January, it appeared in the void above Su Qin's head and covered it.

"Heaven is man, man is me, I am the sun and moon, the genh of heaven and earth, become!"

Su Qin shouted loudly, and the rolling sound of the sky galloped. On the day above his head, the Yuanshen's yin and yang alternated, turning into a heaven and earth oven, an endless rule.

Endless divine light bloomed, and tens of millions of colors pierced the sky.

Heaven and earth shake.

"What's the matter? My yuan god is actually limited." Su Mengmeng first reacted and only felt that she was in the infinite shackle furnace, and her strength was greatly limited and she couldn't help but be frightened.

"What kind of power is this, like a real oven in heaven and earth, a sea of suffering... Su Qin's yuan god has such a terrible power.

Liu Ruyan is also very frightened.

"It's worthy of being my brother, spicy mother. It's so horrible. Is it the primordial spirit formed by the power of heaven and earth?" Fankong was shocked.

Bai Mo's empty eyebrows showed a smile and a strong fighting spirit.


Su Qin floated up to the sky and roared, like a dragon and a tiger roaring, and tens of millions of mythical beasts galloping, covering the sky and the sun, and being fierce and powerful.

"Since then, no one has been his opponent in the realm of Yuanshen." Su Mengmeng sighed gently, and the waves flowed in his beautiful eyes.