Immortal Mangness

Chapter 50 So-called Rules

Next, Ji Mo went to the courtyard of Wumen under the leadership of the elder Qi Huan. This whole martial arts is a branch of the Canghe Xianfu, but inside it, there are also three branches, which are the three courtyards of heaven and earth. The heavenly courtyard is the strongest, the underground courtyard is the lowest, and the human courtyard is naturally the most A weak hospital.

According to the orientation, the heavenly courtyard is located in the north, which means the head of the courtyard, symbolizing Xuanwu; the underground courtyard is located in the east, the second, symbolizing the green dragon; as for the human courtyard, it is naturally the west, symbolizing the white tiger. As for the only south, it is said to be the direction of the rosefinch, which is also a mystery that has been handed down in the door. No one knows what the south means.

After so many years, all the disciples and elders in the door, including the head, can't solve this mystery. If the south really symbolizes the rosefinch, then what does this rosefinch refer to? It has always been a mystery, but it is said that once the mystery is solved, the person who solves it will get the most mysterious secret of Wumen, the rebellious vein of the martial arts god.

For this martial arts god's rebellious heart formula, even the head of Wu Ren has not seen it, but it is recorded in the classics of the door. This is an anti-heavenly heart formula, which was originally left by the founder of Wumen, Hewu Zhenxian, reversing the meridians, reversing the yin and yang, and reshaping himself, so as to achieve the body of the god of war.

But after so many years, no one has obtained this martial god's reverse pulse. The only difficulty is that the mystery of the rosefinch position can't be solved. If one day, someone solves the mystery of the rosefinch position, then maybe the martial god's reverse vein is about to emerge.

All this was when the two left, and Elder Qi Huan explained it to Ji Mo word by word. Ji Mo was also fascinated by listening to it. Obviously, he was particularly curious about the heart formula of this artifact. Naturally, he knew that in recent years, because of the decline of the family, he did not practice any mental formula. .

"Master, since I have entered the courtyard, I will call you Master directly in the future. It seems that this martial arts god is also quite powerful. Such a rebellious move is indeed against the sky." Now, for the old man in front of him, Ji Mo has already regarded him as his master, because only he does not dislike his low strength.

"Well, you must know that tens of thousands of years ago, the founder of this martial arts became the first person in this fairy continent with the help of this martial arts god's rebellious formula, and almost no one was his opponent. This heart formula has even surpassed the Prajna heart formula in the current door. Speaking of this martial god's reverse pulse, even Elder Qi Huan must be a little hot-eyed.

"That's awesome." Ji Mo praised it very much. Obviously, he was also a little touched by this martial arts god's rebellious formula, but he had no idea. For so many years, he hasn't found that he could be so easy to find it alone.

With that, these two people have reached the scope of the human courtyard. This is located in the bamboo forest located in the west of the main hall of Wumen. Naturally, the number of people in this area is much less than the other three courtyards. Because of the downturn of the human courtyard in recent years, few disciples will take the initiative to enter the human courtyard, all of which are all going to the heavenly courtyard and the underground courtyard. Of.

Qi Huan has no idea about this. Since he is a disciple who doesn't want to come, he doesn't want to force others. If he is reluctant, he will only be bored and loses his original taste.

When the two came to this bamboo forest, they met a senior brother of this courtyard. According to the master, Ji Mo knew that this was Hao Jian, the eldest brother of the human courtyard. To be honest, this senior brother was indeed a little handsome. To put it bluntly, he was a handsome and elegant appearance, which was really charming.

The most charming weapon used by this brother is a cold sword. As we all know, the sword has always been a symbol of nobility. With a sword, this brother really has its unique style.

"Good brother." After listening to the master's introduction, Ji Mo stretched out a hand to say hello, hoping to deepen the feelings between each other.

Hao Jian was also very enthusiastic. The two held their hands tightly and then said, "Master, this must be the new brother. Welcome."

Looking at the smile on Hao Jian's face, Ji Mo was also very happy. Finally, there was a place to calm down and practice. Although the courtyard was a little dilapidated, the environment was also quiet. This bamboo forest was really good.

"What are you two doing? Hao Jian, why don't you arrange this brother quickly? Isn't there a quiet garden in the bamboo forest? You take him there." Qi Huan gave all this to Brother Hao Jian to deal with.

"Yes, the disciple knows." Then, after seeing the master leave, Brother Hao Jian took Ji Mo to the bamboo garden in the depths of the bamboo forest.

In the bamboo garden, it is extremely quiet, and the surrounding bamboo forest is set off. It can be said that this secluded bamboo garden is undoubtedly an excellent place for quiet cultivation. This is not a place of wind and snow, nor is it a place to play. Everything here is quiet and serious, plus a little sad.

At this time, Brother Hao Jian carefully warned Ji Mo about all the details that he needed to pay attention in case he didn't know the rules here and broke the rules. The consequences were obviously very serious.

"Brother Ji Mo, since you just came here, I won't say anything more. This is the rules and regulations of our human court. You can read them well to avoid making mistakes." Hao Jian gave a roll of bamboo slips to this younger brother. He hasn't been here for so many years. Obviously, he is very excited.

Ji Mo hugged his fist and took over the obviously broken bamboo slips. Hearing what the rules and regulations were, he was suddenly confused and felt nothing. He hated the rules and regulations the most in his life, but smiled stupidly and said, "Ha ha, hehe."

Look at that silly appearance, it's really interesting. It can be said that this guy was born with such a simple and stupid taste. It was also like this in front of that vicious woman at the beginning. It's really funny.

Brother Hao Jian found that there was nothing to explain, so he said, "Well, I have said everything. Next, I won't bother you. Let's digest these rules and regulations." After saying that, he left, leaving only Ji Mo, still stagnant here, in this small bamboo garden.

Feeling the sense of elegance brought to him by this bamboo garden, his tired heart was also much more comfortable. Looking at the broken bamboo slips in his hand, he smiled helplessly. Ji Mo has always been extremely unpopular with this kind of rules and regulations, or even quite disgusted.

But there is nothing I can do. Since I have come to the People's Courtyard, their territory has to follow their own way. These rules can't be broken. In recent years, since the decline of my family, I have been used to being scattered. I'm really not used to living such a depressing life.

Seeing this bamboo garden, it is also elegant. There is a stone table and stone chair in the garden, and the surrounding walls separate this place from the bamboo forest outside, so that everything is well-structured without any discordant factors.

Sitting down at the stone table, holding the roll of bamboo slips in his hand, he looked at it concentiously. Ji Mo looked carefully and saw that he was a little angry. What rules are these, the Overlord Treaty?

The list is as follows:

I: In the human court, you are not allowed to hook up with female disciples in the inner court, or even do some indiscreet things. Those who find it directly remove the identity of inner disciples and expel them from the courtyard;

2: You should dress neatly and formally. You can only wear the prescribed disciple's clothes and not wear other messy things. Those who do not meet the regulations will be fined 500 yuan.

Seeing this article, Ji Mo has some ideas about whether he should quit. This courtyard is really interesting. Even the clothes he wear are required. Brother Lu Aotian, who looked at the Ancient Sword Gate before, was quite ordinary. Why is there not such a treaty there? This kind of regulation is too domineering.

3: Without the permission of the head or the head teacher, you are not allowed to leave the scope of this Canghe Valley, you are not allowed to talk more nonsense with the disciples of other courtyards, and you are not allowed to make noise in the door. Those who violate the law will be fined with the tribute, and in serious cases, they will be expelled from the teacher.

"Fuch, even the freedom of travel is restricted. This is so inhumane that you can't even say a word of gossip?" Looking at this third article, it was obvious that Ji Mo began to sweat. He was deprived of the right to speak with the brothers in other courtyards of the inner gate. What happened?

Continue reading, the next is the fourth article, which is neatly written:

IV: Don't be curious. For the above orders, you can only accept, obey, and have no doubts. In other words, you can only do it, you can't ask.

Seeing this, Ji Mo was completely speechless and sighed: "Now he has become a puppet, and he has been deprived of his own ideas."

Next, cloud cloud cloud...

Ji Mo's head is already full of fog, and there are clouds everywhere. Now, Ji Mo has really understood the true meaning of this sentence that Shenma are floating clouds, because now his mind is full of clouds.