Immortal Mangness

Chapter 54 Brother Yan Tao

On the way, Ji Mo thought hard. To be honest, although he had always thought it would be a matter of time before he could enter the inner door, but now he entered the Wumen in the inner door so quickly. It was really abrupt. Of course, Ji Mo doesn't have any idea. Just think of it as a dream.

I didn't expect to have such good luck. My eight-fold cultivation during the foundation period can be entered into the inner door, which is an unimaginable miracle for other outer disciples.

Walking on the way back to his Youzhuyuan, Ji Mo thought a lot, especially in his next life. After thinking for a long time, entering the martial arts door meant that he had to start practicing and could no longer do nothing like the outer door. For the cultivation of the inner door, it was basically linked to the door tribute, but for the door Ji Mo didn't know how to come at all.

Thinking of how to earn the tribute, Ji Mo really has a headache. Anyway, tomorrow he will go to the Heji Hall in Wumen to see if he can receive some tribute tasks to earn some tribute value. After all, at present, there is not even a tribute in his tribute crystal card.

Speaking of my tragic experience, I can't help but be angry. What caused such a situation is not the abominable holy place for immortal cultivation. The broken practice room costs 20 crystals an hour, which is really playful. What he disliked most in his life was to be cheated, but he was put up by the sect before he entered the inner door.

Shaking his head, he was extremely helpless. Anyway, he could not argue with the sect, because it was his own choice to use the broken practice room, and the sect did not require him to use the practice room. If he really want to say it, he would still be wrong.

Thinking about it, I arrived at the door of Youzhu Garden and entered my new residence. Whether in the environment or decoration, it was much better than when I was at the outer door. But the only difference is that in the inner door, it is no longer necessary to plant fairy valleys by themselves. These are all planted by special people, and the disciples can exchange their own tributes for the grain obtained.

Of course, for some powerful disciples, they have already had the ability to break the valley. Some people even eat a meal in a few days in order not to waste tribute, so the consumption of grains is actually very economical.

Walking into his new residence, that is, the bamboo building in front of him, Ji Mo liked it very much. He touched his stomach and found that after an early morning of repair, he was actually hungry again. What is there is anything more sad in the world than this? Mortal people always have to experience this day of living by eating. In addition, life, old age, illness and death. It is also something that almost everyone can't get rid of.

Thinking that my stomach is a little empty, the first idea is naturally to eat, but what to eat is the key. Now in such a hurry, it is obvious that you can't make game. It's too time-consuming. In hesitation, Ji Mo naturally looked at the bamboo forest outside.

This bamboo forest is called green bamboo forest. These bamboos are naturally the most common green bamboo. It may be strange. Can green bamboo also be eaten? It can't be said that green bamboo is naturally not edible, but in the early stage of these green bamboos, just like the early childhood of these green bamboo, at that time, it was still called green bamboo shoots.

Speaking of green bamboo shoots, it is a good thing. This is a very good auxiliary food supplement with very high cellulose content. For some girls who like to grow slimmer, they prefer to eat this kind of green bamboo shoots. Although green bamboo shoots are basically some fibers, there is also a very special protein called fibrin among these bamboo shoots.

It's just that the content is very small. This fibrin is a very good thing for beauty. Long-term supplementation of this fibrin can even double the life expectancy of ordinary people. For example, if the life expectancy of ordinary people in this mainland is 70 years, if they eat these green bamboo shoots every day, the life expectancy of these people can be extended by at least 70 years, that is, 140 years.

This extra life expectancy is already a blessing for ordinary people who are not real. Therefore, this kind of bamboo shoot is a very popular food in this fairyland.

With a smile, Ji Mo walked out of the Youzhuyuan, entered the depths of this bamboo forest, and began to collect some green bamboo shoots that are not tender. For the collection of green bamboo shoots, it is natural to choose the most tender ones. Only the tender green bamboo shoots are sweet to eat.

Needless to say, there are indeed many green bamboo shoots here. Ji Mo collected some casually and went back and cooked all the green bamboo shoots in the room with his already skilled cooking method. Although green bamboo shoots can be eaten raw, Ji Mo, who is used to cooked food, naturally doesn't like the way of eating barbarians.

After a while, the bamboo shoots were cooked and fragrant. Today's lunch was naturally these bamboo shoots. Well, Ji Mo looked around for a while, and it seemed that there were a few pickled bamboo chickens. Hey hey, I simply ate them all at once.

"Today's mouth is good." This is Ji Mo's only idea now, whispering.

Filling his stomach shows that he feels a little better. The feeling of hunger is indeed not tolerable for ordinary people. For Jimo, he would rather kill himself than starve to death. Because of starvation, that kind of slow death is simply too painful and torture.

At this moment, it is already noon. Normally, the disciples of the human courtyard are basically taking a lunch break. The human courtyard is different from other courtyards. In recent years, the disciples have withered, so they are naturally doing nothing. At noon, they are basically spent dormant, and no one will go to other places.

Originally, Ji Mo also wanted to take a lunch break here for a while, but he couldn't sleep over and over. In desperation, Ji Mo took off the current suit of clothes and changed it into the disciple's clothes of the Wumen People's Hospital. Not to mention the scale of the People's Hospital is not good, but this disciple's clothes are really beautiful and quite impressive.

Confident, natural and energetic, Ji Mo put on this gray and white robe, and obviously suddenly became much more energetic. I can't see that now Ji Mo is also a beautiful teenager. No wonder even Sister Cangyue at the inner door is so in love with him.

Ji Mo is quite helpless for Sister Cangyue falling in love with him. In his heart, the weight of this senior sister is very difficult to handle. If one is not handled well, it is likely to hurt a girl's heart. Ji Mo has never wanted to hurt any girl, so for that girl, he has been dragging, in Ji In Mo's heart, the senior sister can only be regarded as a confidant at most.

Next time, Ji Mo began to prepare to go to the Heji Hall to see if he could take some tribute tasks to earn some tribute. After all, in the inner door, everything needs tribute. Even the Meilanzhu Three Pavilions of the People's Courtyard need to be deducted after entering. Tribute.

"Ah, it's hard." After sighing, Ji Mo stepped forward and walked to the outer door.

Hejitang is naturally located at the public junction of the three courtyards of heaven and earth. It is in the square that Ji Molai saw, which is where Hejitang is located and the only place where Wumen distributes the tribute task.

Every time, if the disciples of Wumen want to take some tribute tasks, they will go to this Hejitang. The manager of the Hejitang, called Yan Tao, is also one of the disciples of Wumen. Originally, he belonged to the disciples of the People's Academy, but later he learned a small success, and was directly promoted to the manager of this Heji Hall by Wumen.

It is not easy to become the manager of Hejitang. For a person's mind, responsibility, and ability to resist setbacks, it must be the best choice. Naturally, Wumen also considered that this brother Yan Tao's mind was far greater than that of ordinary people, so he was promoted to this Hejitang to manage affairs.

Ji Mo came to this central square again. At this time, there was basically no one on the square. Because of the hot weather, few people were active here. Only a few people walked around here. As soon as they saw Ji Mo's disciples in the courtyard, they were extremely contemptuously far away from him. Obviously, they looked down on this. A new disciple of a person.

Every time Ji Mo greets the senior brothers around him, he gets some cold words and doesn't respect his dignity at all. For these senior brothers, Ji Mo can only laugh it off. In addition to his humble cultivation, he will naturally be treated harshly in the three courtyards of heaven and earth, and ridicule is inevitable.

He smiled helplessly. Ji Mo had no choice but to endure the mockery of these brothers. He could only silently walk to a dark stone tablet next to the square and stop. This dark stone tablet may be the mission tablet that Wumen has been using to distribute sect tasks.

Almost no one knows the origin of this dark stone tablet. They only know the special material. In this stone tablet, it can accommodate divine consciousness. At present, the door is engraved with divine consciousness in this dark stone tablet, engrave the daily tribute task of the sect. As long as the disciples integrate their divine consciousness into this dark stone tablet, they can see the relevant There are also instructions.

Basically, no one knows the wonder of the dark stone tablet. Its material, in this stone tablet, can form its own a divine consciousness space. Except for divine consciousness, external objects basically cannot enter the interior. Think about it, this dark stone tablet is indeed a mysterious place.

Standing quietly here, Ji Mo saw a handsome man coming towards him, who was particularly powerful. He was basically around 30 years old, which was the most glorious age in his life.

The man came over and said to the teenager, "Yan Tao, you are the new brother of the People's Academy, Ji Mo?"

This person's speech and behavior are very important to etiquette. As soon as he came into contact, Ji Mo has a good impression on this brother. Since he came to this central square, only this brother Yan Tao has been so careless about his strength and cultivation. This brother Yan Tao, whether in character or mind, is undoubtedly the best choice, and he can't help but show a trace of admiration.