Immortal Mangness

Chapter 59 Brother's Failure

When Ji Mo firmly grasped the sledgehammer with one hand, almost everyone around him exclaimed. How great Brother Feng Fentian's strength was. How could ordinary people easily take the hammer he used?

However, this teenager was surprised by everyone. Unexpectedly, he caught the powerful hammer with one hand. The power of this hammer really made Ji Mo a little ugly.

Under the attention of everyone, Ji Mo, who took over the hammer, unexpectedly put his feet on the ground and passed a long trace again. Then with such a cushioning force, Ji Mo completely withdrew the huge force that completely affected his body.

Obviously, under such a heavy blow, almost all the people around him found blood stains on the corners of his mouth and arms. No wonder how powerful Brother Feng Fentian is, Ji Mo can still stand under such a hammer, which has made everyone It's puzzled.

At this moment, Ji Mo was covered with blood. The clothes on his body were already red spots, which seemed a little bloody. Everyone thought that even the brother Feng Fentian thought that when the younger brother was losing, the corners of Ji Mo's mouth suddenly felt that no one had noticed. Besides, there was a smile.

Ji Mo's smile is not the same as usual. The smile at this moment is so strange, like death and ferocious against the blood stains on his body. There is no doubt that at this moment, Ji Mo, who experienced such a heavy blow, really angered the teenager's heart.

Kneeling on one knee, his right hand still grasped the hammer tightly. No matter how Feng Fentian tried to break free, there was no way to be firmly bound by Ji Mo. No wonder Brother Feng Fentian is exhausted at this moment. The blow just now has drained all his remaining qi and blood values.

Now Feng Fentian only has a pair of skins. He has long lost the original violent power and has no strength to break free from the shackles of Jimo.

Then, everyone saw that a huge gas was spewing out of his body. This gas was extremely strong. After Ji Mo released this gas, it hit Feng Fentian's weak body. Under this gas, it was ejected out, and the traces of passing along the way, even surpassing Ji Mo. Traces of passing.

Such a powerful gas is really shocking. In the past, if I hadn't entered the eightfold foundation-building period, even if I had used it, I might not be able to release such a powerful qi. But now, when the blood of my whole body is boiling, it seems that there are many in my body. The magnificent atmosphere is wandering.

At this juncture, Ji Mo unexpectedly released a powerful qi in his body. This qi is naturally the fairy spirit in Ji Mo's body. The fairy aura can only be done when it reaches the fairy period. Now Ji Mo has really exerted it.

Almost all people saw the scene where Brother Feng was ejected by an invisible air and crossed in the air. How funny the funny expression was. It seems that in the past few days, Ji Mo's cultivation has been completely improved.

Ji Mo also had no idea what had happened, but felt that a stream of blood in his body seemed to have just boiled, and then the current situation appeared. He didn't even know how to release that powerful gas.

Brother Feng Fentian's state at this moment is undoubtedly quite bad. His qi and blood have been extremely depleted, and there is no possibility of fighting with Ji Mo again. Under the impact of Ji Mo's qi just now, his body was also severely damaged.

Both sides are half kneeling on the ground. Obviously, the situation of both sides is quite bad at this moment, but Ji Mo can't fall down. Once he falls, so many disciples around him are likely to blow up. At that time, he may no longer be able to control himself.

Looking at the half-kneeling brother Feng, Ji Mo smiled and reluctantly stood up without any procrastination or hesitation. He seemed extremely resolute, because the only thing he had to do now was to pretend. In front of everyone, learning the ability to pretend can also be regarded as the most important part of dealing with people.

"Well, next, there will be people who are interested in this evil order." Regarding the three words of the evil order, Ji Mote aggravated his tone and even shook the purple shining token in his hand.

In the field, there was a quiet place. No one dared to say one more word, and there were also some disciples, some of whom were ready to move, but it seemed that they also saw Ji Mo's strength just now. Even Brother Feng, who was as strong, could not help him, so what could he do with him?

On this square, it fell into a dead silence again. Feng Fentian opposite is also quite speechless at this moment. Now, it is also supported by three disciples. With the help of the three disciples, he can barely stand here. The image is extremely embarrassed.

Ji Mo did not continue to speak, and his eyes swept over everyone's face. Now what he needs most is a kind of deterrent. Only with such a shock can he temporarily force other disciples who want to come up first.

"Well, I lost today. Let's go. Let's go back." Feng Fentian left here with the help of three disciples in the courtyard. Obviously, he has no power to fight again now. If he doesn't leave, I'm afraid he will never be able to raise his head again. Today, I am determined to be myself anyway.

Looking at this brother Feng and leaving here, Ji Mo breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, he did not admit defeat in time. After all, his current state is actually much better than Brother Feng, or even worse. Although he is still talking and laughing, only Ji Mo can stand the severe pain in his body.

Has he endured less pain over the years? The physical pain, the pain in his heart, and every pain make him almost in pain. After experiencing such pain, how can he talk about such pain at this moment?

Shortly after Feng Fentian left, everyone here also began to disperse. Today, after experiencing this war, everyone has firmly remembered this new disciple of the Wumen People's Court. This man is not simple. If he sees it in the future, he will never offend him, otherwise he will suffer.

This is the only idea of almost all the disciples who have witnessed today's war. After today, the name of Ji Mo will undoubtedly begin to be spread in this school. The word Ji Mo, which will also be remembered by everyone.

Seeing that everyone was leaving, the brother Yan Tao also began to walk behind Ji Mo, gently patted Ji Mo on the shoulder, and then heard a series of shouts from Ji Mo.

"Ah! Pain, brother, be gentle." Ji Mo shouted repeatedly. Obviously, his own damage in the battle just now can be regarded as quite important.

"Cough, you boy, you have such a good face. Obviously, you have been so badly damaged that you still pretend to be doing nothing. I really can't stand you." Yan Tao smiled bitterly and said to Ji Mo.

"Is there any way? If I don't force a smile, then I guess it's me lying on the ground at this moment. Ji Mo spread out his hands, which was undoubtedly very helpless.

This is not bad, that is, the competition between sects and between teachers and brothers. If the current situation is placed between real life and death, then it is estimated that the current Ji Mo has already died.

"Now that you get this evil order, you don't know it's a good thing, but it's still a bad thing." Brother Yan Tao was tightly held in the palm of Ji Mo's hand.

Ji Mo also played for a while and continued to ask, "Brother, do you know the origin of this evil order?"

"The order to kill evil is a reward order issued by the seven sects discussed a long time ago. The task basically involves some events that have endangered the current world, and it is also extremely difficult. However, after completion, in addition to receiving the corresponding tribute reward, it is said that you can also ask for any reward from the sect." For this evil order, Brother Yan Tao explained all this to Ji Mo.

After listening to the explanation of Brother Yan Tao, Ji Mo thought for a moment, then opened his mouth again and asked, "That brother has heard of a place called [Lifang Valley]."

As soon as Ji Mo said this, he suddenly found that the brother in front of him was extremely cold and resolute. Obviously, he had a reaction after hearing this Li Fanggu, which was enough to find out how Li Fanggu was frightened by this brother.

"Brother, in this stone tablet, when this evil order automatically flew into my hand, a line of strange fonts appeared in the air. I was stupid and confused, so I just want to ask you." Ji Mo's eyes are full of expectation.

"Can you completely say everything you see?" Yan Tao came to his senses and said to Ji Mo.

"The evil spirit is born, and the world is worrying; the ancient disaster of heaven and earth is precarious. (--Lifang Valley.)"

At the beginning of Ji Mo's words, he suddenly found that the space he was in began to collapse completely. Then, a familiar figure began to appear in his eyes. This person was Xu Yuanzi, the leader of the Canghe Fairy Mansion here.

The leader still looked calm, sitting on the ground cross-legged, holding his breath, as if he didn't notice his coming at all. He closed his eyes tightly and was suddenly majestic.

"Jimo pays a visit to the teacher." When Ji Mo saw that the pediatrics appeared in front of him, he immediately reacted and bowed to the leader, and his heart was extremely surging. After all, even the leader intervened in this matter.