Immortal Mangness

Chapter 96 Eight Thunder Realm

The extremely violent power of thunder and lightning began to swim along Jimo's veins and in the meridians of Jimo's whole body. The pain in it was indeed unbearable for ordinary people.

According to the description of the scroll, in the process of practicing this thunder god formula, it will attract eight thunder attacks. If you can withstand the attack of eight thunder thunders, then you can cultivate this thunder god formula to the realm of eight thunders.

The so-called eight thunder realm is naturally to evaluate the strength of Ji Mo's cultivation according to the number of lightning strikes. The worst intensity is naturally a thunder realm. Of course, if there is no thunder, it is basically the same as no practice.

In turn, the power of this thunder god formula is divided into one thunder, two thunder, and eight thunder realms. If it can completely withstand the attack of eight thunders, then the thunder and lightning exerted by Jimo will be upgraded to the legendary purple gold thunder. The intensity of lightning is classified according to color. The strongest is the legendary purple gold god thunder.

Of course, it is said that in some mysterious spaces, there are more powerful thunder and lightning, such as the mysterious magic thunder, which is completely dark, which is several times more powerful than the purple gold thunder. However, that level of thunder and lightning is basically not accessible to practitioners in the human world.

With the thunder and lightning forging in Ji Mo's body, there is no doubt that his body is strengthening unprecedentedly. This is a real internal training, which is completely different from the previous external forging. Now, Ji Mo can only detect that there is a magnificent thunder and lightning power in every muscle. .

As long as you wave your hand at will, there will be a strong thunder and lightning that will be released. As the most magical and powerful force in nature, Ji Mo's heart naturally has a continuous desire.

The power of nature is countless, but this power of thunder and lightning is the most aggressive force in nature. If it rages, it is enough to raze this canyon to the ground.

Then, in Ji Mo's meditation practice, his consciousness suddenly jumped, because he received a strange message without warning, the first thunderstorm.

Once this idea rises, outside this slit space, there is a small hole above the urgent head. You can clearly feel that the terrible outside, the thunder clouds are surging, and the vast power of thunder and lightning from inside is like punishing a traitor who violates the laws of heaven and earth. Forced to see.


A thunder broke down from the sky. This is the first thunder. Although there is not too much loud noise, the energy contained in it really can't be underestimated. In a moment when the thunder and lightning cut through the sky, Ji Mo suddenly stood up.

"Are you coming?" The corners of his mouth squirmed slightly, and then a strong sense of war rose from the bottom of his heart. Now he will face the biggest enemy, which is heaven. Fighting with heaven undoubtedly requires great courage.

"Come on, let the storm come more violently." The long roared and resounded throughout the sky.

With such a movement, the four people who had been searching in the Forest of Warcraft also felt the unusual here, but they were also afraid of the power of such thunder and lightning and dared not rely on it at all. They could only stop ten miles away and began to wait for the stop of the storm.

The first thunder, along the cave on the cliff, seemed to have identified the path. In an instant, it approached Jimo, and then the thunder and lightning that had always been thought to be fatal, fell on Jimo's body quickly.

The whole body trembles, which is the only action that Ji Mo can do now, and even carries some numbness. However, under the mediation of the power of thunder and lightning in Ji Mo's body, this thunder finally stabilized after a moment. Obviously, the power of thunder and lightning has been completely integrated into Ji Mo's body.

There are a total of eight thunders. This first one, according to the scroll, is called the first thunder, and the subsequent thunder is called the secondary thunder. For the last secondary thunder, it can be called the ultimate thunder. Eight thunders, one strong one, mortals, if they want to resist passing by, it is simply a fantasy.

However, the good thing is that Ji Mo has the complete formula of the thunder god formula and the power of thunder and lightning in the scroll, so even if it is eight thunder, I believe that with Ji Mo's strength, he can completely conquer it.

After the first thunder is completely calmed down, the second thunder is slowly forming above the sky. This can be said to be a disaster. When the energy you have is greater than the maximum limit between heaven and earth, you have to accept the baptism of the disaster.

Now, after accepting the powerful power of lightning and lightning in the scroll, Ji Mo has a lot of energy. Although this energy has not reached the level of immortality, it has reached the level of primary disaster.

Now the energy Ji Mo has has already exceeded the energy he should have controlled. Such a situation is rarely seen on this continent. At this moment, it is also reasonable for him to be baptized by the disaster. After all, there are some descriptions of this situation on the scroll.


It's another thunderbolt. The intensity of this thunder is obviously stronger than that of the previous thunderbolt, which contains twice the energy of the previous thunderbolt. Now even Ji Mo feels a trace of pain.

Almost all the lightning force fell on Ji Mo's body. Now Ji Mo, all his hair, are straight, and even white smoke on his head, is obviously caused by the moment he was hit by lightning.

This is not that Jimo doesn't want to escape. On the scroll, it is described that when he can't bear the huge energy of the thunder, he can choose to escape, but after escaping, he can't use the power of thunder in the thunder for himself, so he can't really cultivate the purple gold thunder.

When he arrived here, Ji Mo also understood the birth process of the purple gold thunder, which can be condensed almost through the superposition of thunder and lightning, which can be condensed eight times in total, that is, the realm of the eight thunders mentioned on the scroll.


Another thunderbolt.


Another one.

Only such a short time has passed six times, and now the seventh thunder is condensing in the sky. Obviously, the later it is, the longer it takes to condense the thunder. However, the power of the condensed thunder will double.

"It's finally the seventh thunder. The six thunder just now is really uncomfortable." At this moment, the most painful thing is Ji Mo. His body has been completely burned by lightning, and the skin of his whole body has also been blown apart. You know, six thunder and lightning, think about it. If a mortal suffers a lightning strike, what will happen? It must be directly.

Today's Jimo has withstood the attack of six thunderstorms, and there are two more. These two are no longer comparable to the previous six, the seventh one, above the scroll, is called the heavenly thunderstorm. Call it a thunderstorm because this kind of thunder and lightning, the accumulated energy, has reached a rather terrible point.

Does Ji Mo still have to bear it this time? At this point, it's really enough. The Thor's secret of the six thunder realm has long been among the best in the world of cultivation. If it goes on, it will really be worthless.

But Ji Mo doesn't think so. In his heart, the only indicator is stronger. In this world, only the strong have their due dignity. There is no strongest, only stronger. Cultivation is to pursue stronger. This is the purpose of cultivation for everyone.

In a blink of an eye, the sixth thunder, with the sound of a rolling explosion, began to cut through the sky. The intensity of this extreme thunderstorm is really amazing. Even his brightness is not comparable to the previous ones. It is a pure white color. Everyone knows that after the energy reaches a certain level, it shows The current color is not red or blue, but white.

This is a drastic change. The white sky thunderstorm illuminates this narrow stone gap space. Ji Mo mentions all the power of thunder and lightning in his body and meets it, and his body continues to fester in this violent thunder and lightning.

However, the internal power is soaring to an unimaginable extent. This is the first physical growth Ji Mo has received since his practice. This degree of strengthening has long been beyond any hardship he has experienced in the past few years.

The power of thunderstorms in the sky is really unimaginable. Seven thunderstorms have reached the realm of seven thunders. Now Ji Mo has reached the realm of seven thunders. Is there any more thing to bear? It is the most terrible purple gold thunder, and the destructive power is even more amazing.

With the power of condensing the eighth thunder in the sky, Ji Mo quickly circled and sat down, began to adjust his breath, and stabilized the churning qi and blood. Next, he suddenly opened his eyes, a shocking pressure, instantly released from Ji Mo's eyes.

"Come on, the eighth thunder, today, I will be here to really accept you."

The courage of the hegemony, the courage hidden in the depths of Jimo's soul, began to move, like a generation of emperors, roaring up to the sky, as if declaring war on the sky, as if fighting against the sky.

Finally, the eighth thunder landed, and the perfect arc light illuminated the sky and presented the most beautiful purple. It was the purple gold thunder. The first time in history, the purple gold thunder was probably thousands of years ago. Now, this time of Ji Mo is the second time in history.

The eighth divine thunder touched Ji Mo's body and quickly rushed into Ji Mo's body, screaming like a roar. In an instant, it turned into a rolling sound wave and spread to the periphery.

The superposition of eight thunderbolt, the real thunder cracking secret will be born. What a miracle it will be to superimpose such a violent thunderbolt power in a person's body eight times. It can only be said that Ji Mo's boldness has finally completed the last thunder exercise.

Then, the thunder clouds in the sky slowly dissipated. After completely absorbing the domineering thunder, Ji Mo's skin produced a strange repair power from his body and began to slowly repair Ji Mo's body.

Then, the white skin, which is more delicate than before, grows out again on Jimo's body, which is quite magical, and even Jimo sighs strangely.