Immortal Mangness

Chapter 102 Evil Ancestor

"It's ridiculous that such a child is really ridiculous. What's the sky is afraid of? Think of my evil ancestors, across the world. If it weren't for a careless move, how could I be imprisoned?"

This guy's words were instantly in everyone's hearts, as if he suddenly hit a stuffy stick. This middle-aged man, even some handsome middle-aged man, turned out to be the evil ancestor hated by everyone.

They never thought that the evil ancestor was such a middle-aged man. From the appearance, he was not evil at all, and even had a little bit of easy to get close to.

But they don't know that this evil ancestor is evil. Although his appearance, this is just a human face deliberately disguised. Once, this evil ancestor, son, was also a leading figure in the human world, and the habits of the human world still retained some.

"The evil ancestor?" Everyone is manipulating weapons; without weapons, they gather the breath of the whole body. However, there are two people, except for them, naturally Xuansha and Ji Mo. They are still as calm as usual.

Xuan Kill, nothing else. He is not interested in the evil ancestor, but he has a great understanding of some things in his mouth. After all, it has been so many years. Some of the things he once knew are just records in the classics of the sect. Who knows, is there any There are omissions.

Since this guy knows, it's better to borrow this guy's mouth to know something. Anyway, even if it angers God's will, anger can't provoke himself.

For Jimo, his intention is also obvious. He is also very interested in the deeds of this goddess Muzhinayi. For evil spirits, Ji Mo has no interest. Whether it is evil or demons, they all have their unique paths. In other words, evil also has evil ways, and demons also have evil ways.

Since he belongs to Taoism, there is naturally a place to communicate. For him, who has mastered two forces, and for the pursuit of various Taoism, it can be said that he has surpassed anyone.

The evil ancestor had no superfluous words, just thinking for a moment, and his originally dark eyes suddenly brightened up and slowly said everything in those years.

"Mu Zhinayi, a strange flower in the fairy world, belongs to the daughter of the Valley God. In the fairy world, it has a certain identity, but everything has quietly changed because of that guy."

Speaking of this, the evil ancestor's eyes unexpectedly shot a flame of anger. The source of the target was naturally the guy in his mouth, and then continued.

"He, who is now the new Valley God, is in charge of the grain in the world. It is really because of his meanness and shamelessness that he won the beautiful goddess Muzhi Nayi, and then became one of the well-known nine heavens and successfully ascended the throne of the Valley God."

He hated that. If it hadn't been for his weakness and incompetence, he would not have let his beloved Nayi become someone else's plaything. From his sad and indignation words, everyone also knew that today's evil ancestor was actually famous in those years. In the fairy world, he had a certain reputation, because his heart Zhong has always been secretly in love with Mu Zhinayi, so he took the initiative to pursue her.

"What happened later?" Ji Mo seemed to be a little unable to wait and asked.

"Later, oh, there was nothing later. Later, it was naturally like this. When that guy became the god of the valley and won the throne of nine heavens, he completely abandoned this Nayi, who had always loved him, and even abandoned her cultivation."

Ji Mo has never heard of these secrets. He has never heard of them or seen them, so everyone is fascinated. Unexpectedly, there is such a sad love story behind this goddess Mu Zhinayi.

"After that, I found that she had lost all her cultivation, so I secretly brought her to the world. Because we had always loved her deeply, we avoided practicing. From then on, Mu Zhinai just wanted to fall into such a deep sleep state now, and I, turned into the devil's way, which is ridiculous."

Speaking of this, Ji Mo actually found it. The only woman here, the beautiful woman, actually had a trace of crystal in the corners of her eyes. Obviously, after listening to this story, she was moved and really burst into tears.

No matter who hears this touching love story, he will be moved. Even Jimo has a feeling of want to cry, but he has always been forced to hold back his tears from flowing out.

"There is a nine-day legend in this world. The previous Valley God, that is also Mu Zhinayi's father, may have been murdered by the new Valley God. I don't know what kind of amazing unspeakable secret the Valley God at the end of the nine days is planning."

"What, you said that valley god, what's the conspiracy?" Ji Mo immediately roared out.

"Yes, according to my observation, maybe he is carrying out a conspiracy to change the sky, but I don't know when it will come, but these are still too far away for you. If you are expected to step into the fairy world in the future, you will know some truth about the fairy world." The evil ancestor told these eight people about the forbidden news of these three worlds. There is no doubt that everything this guy knows today will really change the world in the future.

Ji Mo put his eyes on the stone statue in front of him. From the stone statue, it can be clearly seen that the charm of the goddess in those years and the explanation of the evil ancestor heard the explanation of the evil ancestor. Ji Mo and others also knew that Mu Zhinayi has entered a state of petrochemical hibernation, which is a mysterious secret skill to restore cultivation.

After learning the truth of all this, Ji Mo now really feels that this evil ancestor is not as bad as rumored by the outside world, but he has gone astray and made some mistakes to everyone.

The hatred that has been accumulated in his heart has finally become the fuse for him to become a demon. The so-called wrong road is all wrong. At the beginning, he took a wrong step, which led to his bloody chaos. In his memory, that year, he killed many innocent civilians.

Later, the law enforcers of the cultivation world were dispatched. The eight masters of cultivation have entered the disaster period and joined hands to completely seal him here, so it was the next dark life. Nayi naturally followed him to be sealed here. After that, the goddess disappeared and entered Entered a deep dormant state.

"Well, I didn't expect such allusions. It seems that you are still a good person."

As soon as he said this, Ji Mo suddenly found that the evil ancestor in front of him seemed to be a changed person. In a blink of an eye, he was bloody crazy, and even around his body, there was black gas hovering.

About this black gas, Ji Mo is very clear that it is naturally a more violent evil spirit than the dark aura. At this moment, the evil spirit is constantly emerging from the evil ancestor. It seems that this time, he has encountered trouble.

"Good people? Haha, in this life, some people say that I am a good person, which is really funny.

However, it changed again. The original image of fierce exposure disappeared in an instant. The kind middle-aged man just now appeared again. This time, he quickly asked everyone to leave quickly.

"No, my evil spirit has come out again. Hurry up and go."

Then, the evil ancestor changed again and shouted angrily: "If you want to go, how can it be so simple? These white and fat flesh and blood are the best nourishment for me."

"Go quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late. You can't beat my evil spirit." The kind evil ancestor reappeared.

Then, it was the fierce demonic ancestor, which was transformed and repeated many times. The kind middle-aged man has always suppressed what he called the evil spirit primordial spirit, and the appearance of the evil thought primordial spirit was frightened by everyone.

"Go quickly, if you don't go, I'll kill you." The roaring scream was finally completely crazy at this moment, because at this moment, the evil ancestor had realized that he could no longer suppress his evil thoughts.

Finally, the evil thoughts of Yuanshen completely occupied the body, and the creepy roar appeared again, which made everyone feel chills.

"This old guy is really noisy. Human beings are going to die. Human beings who break into here without authorization will die."

At the exit of the dead word, Ji Mo found that the breath of the evil ancestor had become extremely fierce. He quickly let everyone go first and let Xuan kill to help escort them away. Ji Mo was convinced of the strength of Xuan killing that the first person of the seven faction could not be obtained by any Luo Luo.

"Brother Ji Mo, if there is a chance, I hope I can compete with you. You are very strong, really strong."

There, Ji Mo and Xuan, who had been struggling to support the defense air mask, reluctantly resisted the attack of the evil ancestors temporarily, but it was also terrible.

"Hmm, how long do you think you can hold on?"

Several black sharp arrows were formed beside the evil ancestor, fiercely attacking the defense shield condensed by Ji Mo and Xuan Kill.

"Ha ha, Xuan killing brother, yes, don't forget that the seven factions can play martial arts. I also hope that I can compete with you in the seven factions of martial arts. I hope you don't show mercy at that time. As for my brothers, others will give it to you first. Please, take them out of here."

Explain everything. Under the defensive air shield supported by Ji Mo alone, Xuan Kill slowly withdrew his power. He patted his chest and swore that he would send them out of here.

A gratitude appeared in Ji Mo's heart. All the people left here. In Ji Mo's divine sea, the black dark aura began to slowly appear under his control, and the fiery scene began to pull to a higher peak.