Immortal Mangness

Chapter 204 One of the Eight Zai

Ji Mo's split in the last slaughter, the power of the bully is like a huge wave. In an instant, it began to converge into a bunch. Such domineering power is really not something that ordinary people can have. Ji Mo's unique power of Yuan evil is really a little domineering.

However, Ji Mo knows that there may be no way to deal with this evil power for others, but for the ancestor Ji Xuan, that is not necessarily. As far as Ji Mo knows, Ji Xuan also practiced the power of Yuan evil power like himself, but it is also strange that for so long, he has not seen his ancestors exert the power of Yuan evil power. Not to mention Yuan Shali, there is no fluctuation around his whole body.

This time, Ji Mo became confused on the spot. Is it spiritual power? This is a little different. According to reason, spiritual power should also have spiritual fluctuations, but in Ji Xuan's hands, there is no fluctuation at all. It's really strange.

At this moment, after Ji Mo's slaughter, there was still no breath leaking out on Ji Xuan's side. He didn't even see him move at all, and he always stood in that position. However, the miracle happened like this. At the moment when Ji Mo was stunned, the axe he cut out was actually mysterious. Strangely, he was stranded in mid-air.


With Ji Xuan's soft chanting, the axe full of killing intention actually exploded completely at this moment, and the rolling power of Yuansha was all burst out. Under such an impact, Ji Mo quickly withdrew a few meters and fell to the ground.

But looking at the ancestors, there is still no trace of movement. On the contrary, the magnificent power that burst out actually obediently bypassed Ji Xuan's side, as if he was extremely docile and did not resist at all.

After a few minutes, everything went smoothly. Ji Xuan, the ancestor, still looked like a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened, and his face was shining. At this moment, Ji Mo was completely speechless. Unexpectedly, the nine-style spin-sai he used did not meet his ancestors at all. In this case, first How strong should Zu's strength be?

Judging from the fact that there was no breath leaked just now, it is definitely not as simple as returning to the ruins, because even if he reaches the strong man who returns to the ruins, there is no previous posture of his ancestors when he makes a move, and there is no fluctuation of vitality, which can be said to be extremely strange.

"The ancestors are smart, and the descendants are not convinced."

At Ji Mo's voice, Ji Xuan laughed, but he also said to Ji Mo in a reasonable way: "Your nine-style slaughter method has been quite well practiced, and the fault is not to you. The key is that my cultivation has far exceeded yours. How can you be my opponent? You must remember that when your cultivation is to a certain extent At that time, any move has become a flower fist embroidered leg.

"Flower fist embroidered legs?" Ji Mo muttered. Obviously, he didn't expect that the nine-style slaughter method he had just tried hard to perform was just a fist and embroidered legs, but it was reasonable. All his attacks just now were effortlessly blocked by his ancestors, and even the power was useless.

Ji Mo held his fist and asked for advice with an open mind, and continued to say, "I hope that the ancestors can guide Ji Mo, and Ji Mo should try his best to revive the prestige of our Ji clan."

After Ji Xuan thought about it, his eyebrows, in Ji Mo's eyes, obviously reached a point where he could no longer frown. Obviously, he was thinking about these things, so Ji Mo did not disturb him and let him stand so quietly.

After thinking for a while, Ji Xuan opened his mouth again and said, "Well, you have not accepted the inheritance of the clan and have no family blood power, but if you can initially master the eight emperors of Jingyu, I'm afraid you can also exert about half of the power."

"Jingyu Bazai?" After hearing these four words, Ji Mo's joy was unintentionally revealed. According to what his ancestors said, is it to teach his divine eight-style killing method? Ji Mo reluctantly suppressed the joy in his heart and continued to ask, "Ancestor, is there really a shocking Yu Ba Zai in our Ji clan?" I first heard that he still didn't believe it. Is he really powerful?

Ji Xuan smiled and said, "The eight emperors of Jingyu were created by the ancestors of our Ji clan. It is said that the roots come from a set of magical formulas of the Xianhuang clan. As for the name of the formula, I don't know. After all, the mysterious Xianhuang clan has never been in contact with me. Presumably, you know that our Ji clan is originally one with the Xianhuang clan. It is implicated, but because there is human blood in our blood, even that family extremely despises our bloodline.

Although Ji Xuan is extremely angry about this, even anger can't change anything. The Xianhuang clan is the most noble ethnic group. How can they be comparable to these special ethnic groups born by the combination of the two clans? However, Ji Xuan gathered his life and developed all the potential in those years. With the recognition of the Xianhuang clan, it can be seen from here how high the requirements of the Xianhuang clan are for themselves.

Ji Xuan continued to say to Ji Mo, full of indignation: "You must remember that you must work hard to practice. Only by becoming stronger can you be noticed by more people, and even make the high-ranking Xianhuang clan look at you with new eyes."

Ji Mo listened to the words of his ancestor Ji Xuan and was shocked. No wonder his ancestors' cultivation was so high that he had developed his lifelong potential, and the price of developing his lifelong potential is that when his strength reaches a high point, if he can't further break through this limit, I'm afraid it will last forever in the future. Stay at this level, because he has completely activated all the potential of his life at this moment.

"Ancestor, don't worry, I will definitely become stronger, so that even the fairy phoenix family is scared." Ji Mo's persistent voice sounded again. He has experienced so many hardships over the years, but every time he has passed through it, his goal is to make himself stronger, so he will do whatever it costs.

"Okay, it's worthy of being the descendants of our Ji clan. Now I'm going to explain Jingyu Bazai. I hope you can learn something from it."

After that, Ji Xuan began to explain, and Ji Mo also began to hear it. Generally speaking, this shocking eight-style slaughter method is mainly to kill the soul, destroy the soul, kill the soul, capture the soul, shock the sky, move the earth, shock the sky, the earth, and the eight styles. Don't look at these eight formulas so simple, but it's really not easy to practice. Let's not talk about the following seven formula, but the killing of the soul. If you want to practice a reason, ordinary people can never practice it in ten or eight years.

"According to your current ability, it should not be a problem to initially master the first type of soul slaughter. As for the following seven types, when you accept the innate spirit of the clan, you will definitely understand something. Well, now follow the way I teach you to gather internal energy. Wave an axe that can really destroy the soul.

After listening to Ji Xuan's words, Ji Mo was also immersed in meditation. He knew that it was not easy to kill the soul. Although he didn't know what Ji Mo was, it should be a strong energy. Perhaps what his ancestors used before was the innate, and it was no wonder he couldn't feel it. He's breath, to slaughter the soul, first of all, is to lock the other party's three souls and seven souls.

Ji Mo came to his senses and saw that his ancestors took out a cute white rabbit and jumped around. This was obviously a live target for Ji Mo. Ji Xuan's requirement was not to exert any power and rely on his divine consciousness to lock the soul in the three souls of the white rabbit. Only by reaching this step can he further kill the soul. This step.

In the next few days, Ji Xuan was not here, leaving only Ji Mo alone. A stupid person stayed in this empty martial arts hall, staring at the white rabbit's eyes with bright eyes. I really don't know if Ji Mo will become a chicken eye fight after such a long time.

In the past few days, Ji Mo has not yet entered, and has been thinking about how to lock the soul of this white rabbit. Only after saying that the soul of life can he take the next step to completely erase the soul. Don't underestimate this move. If a normal person is erased from his soul, he will probably become an idiot immediately.

At this moment, in the Jade Hall, Ji Xuan and Qingtian were talking. The topic they discussed was Ji Mo.

"Brother, do you really think that guy can understand the killing soul in the eight governors? I think it's a little mysterious. It's simply unreasonable to want to become Jingyu Bazai without your unique innate spirit. You should know that you also completely mastered Bazai Jingyu after developing all his potential. Qingtian was so drunk and talked happily with Ji Xuan.

And Ji Xuan smiled, "Buddha said, don't worry, don't worry, let's watch it. I'm quite curious about this little guy's understanding. There should be no problem with the first type of soul slaughter."

That's it. These two people are so matched. They talk nonsense, and there is only Ji Mo alone. In the martial arts hall, he meditated hard. But now three days later, he still hasn't noticed the existence of the white rabbit's soul, but Ji Mo's time is not much time, and the time away from the Zhongzhou hegemony competition is also more and more Recently, on the contrary, Ji Mo is still quite patiently thinking here, because he is confident that he can definitely think about how to use the divine consciousness to lock the soul in the three souls, and only by doing this step can he enter the next step of killing souls, otherwise it is useless