Immortal Mangness

Chapter 226 Unicorn Rhino

Tonight, because the brother and sister got together, Ji Mo also cherished this sister very much and once again offered his unique skill, which was "cooking". You know, in addition to cooking, what else does Jimo have to be good at? This is what Jimo has learned little by little since he was a child.

When Ji Fu knew that Ji Mo could cook, she revealed something incredible. It was normal for a girl to cook, but it was really abnormal for a boy to cook.

However, since he wants to show his hands, he must prepare some game and those mink and other things. Ji Mo is almost tired of eating. Even if he is not tired of eating, he must have been tired of it for so long. He is also very annoyed that he does not have good materials in his hand at this moment, but then decided to decide here Go to the surrounding mountains and look for some wild animals.

This ruthless valley has a large range. Where Ji Mo and others stand, it is only a very small area. According to Ji Mo's observation, not far from him, there is an excellent hunting place. There are some cute white rabbits and so on. You know, the meat of the white rabbit is the most tender and looks harmless to humans and animals. But it is so harmless that the deliciousness of the meat has reached its peak.

After that, Ji Mo found a reason and rushed to the vast dense forest. Obviously, for Ji Mo, this time, he will definitely let Fumei enjoy what she is best at and taste the delicious food made by her cooking skills. No matter who is eating it, When Jimo cooks, he will praise all the things.

Then, Ji Mo appeared in the boundless forest, which can be said to be overly dense, and it is precisely this dense that makes it here. Even the sun can't shine, and all of them are sparsely blocked by branches and leaves. In this forest, Ji Mo can find that he has a lot of extreme strength. A strong beast.

After thinking for a while, Ji Mo walked forward along a narrow path, and the environment here shocked Ji Mo. It was simply too quiet. It was a little beyond ordinary understanding, and it was so quiet that it aroused Ji Mo's curiosity about the region.

Ji Mo has an intuition that there may be a peerless beast lurking here, which is not necessarily. Suddenly, Ji Mo locked a trace of breath, that is, nearby. After that, Ji Mo directly ran to a huge rock and hid there, and his eyes were looking at a giant in front of him. In front of the big cave.


Between heaven and earth, only the sound of Ji Mo inhaling cold air. Ji Mo's glance was very bad. He saw a huge body, full of blood and fierceness, and the four claws were also full of explosive power. If he was caught by those claws and not directly separated by five horses, it could already be done. It is a mythical existence.

"The one-horned rhinoceros."

Ji Mo shouted softly, and his eyes came back from the deep shock. At this moment, Ji Mo suddenly felt that there was a person around him. He suddenly turned his head and found Fu Mei's smiling face, which appeared in front of him.

At first glance, the one-horned rhinoceros seemed to have noticed something. It stood up and cast its eyes on a huge mountain rock in the direction of Ji Mo. It seemed that there was something behind the rock that made it extremely disgusted.

After Ji Mo saw Ji Fu, he suddenly turned around and found that the one-horned rhinoceros had already rushed in their direction. It was late, but at that time, it was a step faster. Ji Mo directly hugged Ji Fu's soft body and jumped onto a mountain next to it.

In an instant, he found that the rock that had covered them was completely knocked over by the one-horned rhinoceros at this moment. At this moment, Ji Mo was shocked and asked with a frightened face, "Fumei, why are you here?"

"Hey, come and play with you. I heard that it's fun here. Anyway, I'm idle." Listening to Ji Fu's words, Ji Mo was speechless on the spot. What did this? She came out to make some delicious game for her, but this silly girl also followed her inexplicably.

However, you can't blame too much at this moment. The most troublesome thing about the current predicament is the one-horned rhinoceros. At this moment, it is struggling to hit a huge mountain rock that Ji Mo is standing now. From time to time, there is a terrible sound. Although he can't do anything to them now, Ji Mo knows that this State, that won't last long.

After pondering for a while, Ji Mo warned, "You stay here first. I'll go down to solve the beast and settle the account with you. Wait, don't move."

Ji Mo shouted harshly, which made Ji Fu look innocent and stood honestly above the rock here, while Ji Mo rushed to the "one-horned rhinoceros" at a rapid speed.

When the one-horned rhinoceros saw the figure flying through the air, it was even more popular. Originally, he was in a very good mood to bask in the sun here, but unexpectedly, it had never been a place where human intrusion. Unexpectedly, it broke into two human beings today, which did not make the famous one-horned rhinoceros angry. Unless the sun rises from the west.

"Ha ha, let me play with you beast today." Ji Mo sneered and stood still in place, showing a playful taste.

And the one-horned rhinoceros was even more fearless. It smelled like "I'm not afraid of you", with a fierce breath, and rushed directly towards this place of Ji Mo. The next moment, the power of Ji Mo's whole body began to go wildly, and the powerful power was all gathered on his fist.


Ji Mo's strong punch directly hit the head of the one-horned rhinoceros, and the huge power counterattacked, which directly caused Ji Mo to have a trace of internal injury. His body retreated repeatedly. This fierce confrontation made Ji Mo understand how huge the power of this one-horned rhinoceros is.

Next, Ji Mo's heart was shocked. With his instinctive intuition, he found that the danger was quietly approaching. Without thinking too much, his body flew out to the side. At this moment, Ji Mo was the source of danger. He only saw that the one-horned rhinoceros still did not dare to take its position after fighting with him. Straight forward.

Fortunately, after Ji Mo reacted quickly, he got out of the danger circle. If Ji Mo couldn't avoid the blow just now, the end would be extremely tragic. Imagine that under the sharp claws of the one-horned rhinoceros, once it was caught by it, it was directly torn, not at all. There is no room for half of time to consider.

In the scene just now, Ji Fu, who was on the rock, looked at it with a thrilling feeling, but she did not dare to leave this place at will. Therefore, Ji Fu was so obedient that she did not dare to walk down the rock easily.

And Ji Mo's side, he knew that if he wanted to solve this beast, it seemed that he could only use the killing spirit of one of the eight governors of the Ji clan to solve it. Therefore, at this moment, Ji Mo shouted: "Spin axe."

The word fell, and the familiar axe appeared in the palm of his hand, and then a roar came out, "Slaughter the soul." Between Ji Mo's axe swing, there was more than fierceness, killing decisiveness, and never dragging mud and water. The soul of one of the eight governors of the Ji clan was displayed again.

The invisible spiritual wave directly turned into an invisible slaughter. The head position of the one-horned rhinoceros in the fierce split was so hard, and the one-horned rhinoceros also fell down in a bang almost a second. The power of Jingyu's killing of the soul of the Ji clan is so domineering that in an instant, it can destroy the soul of any creature.

As soon as the soul is destroyed, even if it is not dead, it should be completely reduced to a vegetable. Therefore, the Jingyu Bazai of the Ji clan can be called the most perverted unique learning. It was precisely because of this set of abnormal unique learning that made the Ji clan famous on the mainland, and no force could move it at all. But it is also such a perverted unique learning that caused many families to feel threatened, and it was the third largest force that united to forcibly eliminate the Ji family that shocked them.

After completely solving the beast, Ji Mo showed a flattering smile to the woman on the mountain rock, and Ji Fu dared to walk down tremblingly after seeing Ji Mo's smile.

"Well, I won't make it difficult for you today. Who let us be brothers and sisters? I really can't help you. You can't take such a risk in the future." Ji Mo said to Ji Fu.

After Ji Fu nodded and said silently, Ji Mo walked into the cave of the one-horned rhinoceros. When he walked into the cave, he found that it was not as dark as imagined. Among them was a wide stone room space, and there was a huge open-air cave above which people were like a frog at the bottom of a well.

In a corner of his son's cave, Ji Mo saw a pair of captive white rabbits, which were very cute. This time, Ji Mo found the raw materials. No wonder there is not even a white rabbit here. Presumably there must be such a fierce beast here. Even if there is, they are, they are hiding.

At this moment, Ji Mo solved the beast, which also solved a problem for the species in the forest. After that, Ji Mo said, "Since I helped you solve that big trouble, these little white rabbits are regarded as the interest you gave me. Haha, it's a blessing today."

After that, Ji Mo was carrying a few rabbits, not many, a total of two, and the rest were released by Ji Mo. After all, Ji Mo did not want to kill too much. As long as he could let Fu Mei experience his cooking skills, it was okay. Today, he must let Fu Mei taste the delicious food she cooked.