Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 1 Black Nightmare

Night. Darkness can be disturbing because it is unknown or mysterious. What can't be seen is always horrible, like endless nightmares, endlessly entangled, surrounded and repeated, making people collapse.

"They came, they came again... Black clothes, retro decoration, quick action, holding all kinds of weapons, and defeating horrible monsters with firework-like magic. But... Why do they always follow me and even surround me... Don't come over, don't come over!"

Suddenly, Lu Yuanhan jumped up and shouted, only to find that it was just a nightmare. He was still in the bedroom at home. He sighed, reached out and scratched his messy hair, and always frowned.

How many times has this been? Lu Yuanhan found that he couldn't count the times he had dreamed of that group of guys. He touched his forehead, and it was full of sweat. Outside the window is silent and dark, and time can't be distinguished. In desperation, he turned on his mobile phone and found that it was only 3:30 a.m., but when he woke up from a nightmare, he was sleepless.

Lu Yuanhan looked out of the window again. The night was thick and there was an ominous smell. Lu Yuanhan couldn't stand this oppression. He got out of bed, came to his desk, turned on the desk lamp, and reviewed his homework.

At 7 a.m., Lu Yuanhan's living room.

"I've finished eating and go to the morning reading." Lu Yuanhan wiped his mouth with a tissue and said to his family who were still at the dinner table.

"Brother, remember to pick me up after school! It's agreed that you won't be late!"

She is Lu Yuanhan's sister Ling Yuchen. She laughed and made a lovely face to Lu Yuanhan.

"Okay, I know. Primary school is ten minutes earlier than high school. Although it's close, you should have been out of class for 20 minutes since I got to your place. Don't run around.

"Well, brother, you're the best!"

"Real, I was defeated by you." Lu Yuanhan shrugged his shoulders helplessly and went out with his schoolbag.

This is a reorganized family.

When Lu Yuanhan was five years old, his biological father died. A year later, his mother Qiu Xinjin married his current stepfather Ling Yuze, and his sister Ling Yuchen was born when he was eight years old. Although it is such a family structure, the family's feelings are very deep.

Lu Yuanhan put his schoolbag behind his back with one hand and habitually put on headphones. It was really easy to feel sleepy after breakfast, not to mention that he only slept for a few hours. But what he cares about is not the sleep problem, but the dream in the early morning and the increasingly strong sense of crisis recently.

"Road is far away...road is far away..."

There is a deep and frightening voice behind Lu Yuanhan, which is indistinguishable between men and women. It is not even like a human voice, like the sound effect in horror movies, which is creepy.

It's just that Lu Yuanhan wore headphones and didn't hear the voice calling him behind him. He still lowered his head and walked to school. He approached the classroom lazily, but heard a noise inside.

"It's time to pay," two tall men stopped a short boy in the corner of the classroom, with yellow hair saying, "Hey, I said. You haven't paid for such a long time.

"I, didn't I give it to you the day before yesterday?" The little boy trembled with fear and cringed in the corner.

"Are you fucking looking for death!" Another fat man slapped the boy hard. The boy fell into the corner, hugged his head, and choked with fear. The classroom was full of students. They all looked at the scene in the corner, but no one went up to help, and no one went to inform the teacher.

"It seems that this boy doesn't know how powerful it is! Call me!" Two men began to punch and kick the little boy, and there was a cry of pain from the boy.

"Why is it so noisy just morning? It's so noisy, you know?"

Suddenly, a male voice came from the door of the classroom, with a loud but not rude voice, which shocked the two men who were committing violence and immediately looked back. At the door was a slender boy with a beautiful face, wearing a school uniform and a schoolbag. To their surprise, the boy came towards them, and the amazing aura made the onlookers make way for him one after another.

The yellow hair was scared by this powerful aura. He didn't want to admit that he was shocked by a high school boy. He cleared his throat and shouted loudly: "Kid! Who are you?"

"The road is far away."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Yuanhan came to them.

"You're here to die..." The fat man's "?" was hit hard in the abdomen before he could say it. When he didn't know what had happened, he felt a heavy blow to his head and fainted before he could shout pain.

The yellow hair beside the fat man saw this scene clearly: Lu Yuanhan first quickly kicked out his right foot and kicked the fat man away. Before he fell to the ground, his right foot raised high and kicked the fat man's head fiercely.

In just a few seconds, Lu Yuanhan only moved his right leg and easily knocked down his companion. What a terrible strength is this?

The yellow hair swallowed his saliva and asked boldly but in an obvious trembling voice, "Kid. Do you know who we are?

"I don't know." Lu Yuanhan raised his hand.

"Ah! Don't do it!" The yellow hair was shocked and jumped far away, but found that Lu Yuanhan was just scratching his head. There was earth-shaking laughter in the classroom, and the little boy who was bullied by them also hid behind Lu Yuanhan.

Yellow hair has never been humiliated by a high school student like this. He roared angrily: "Bad boy, don't look down on people too much!"

The yellow hair fucked a chair and rushed to Lu Yuanhan. The girl in the class screamed in fear and let Lu Yuanhan run quickly. Unexpectedly, when he rushed to Lu Yuanhan, Lu Yuanhan disappeared alive in front of his eyes. Before he realized it, he heard Lu Yuanhan's voice behind his head coldly: "Don't be too over yourself."

He was hit hard and fell to the ground before he could turn his head.

The class made a deafening applause. At first, the fat man who was knocked down woke up in a daze and saw the distant cold road not far away. He was so scared that he shouted, "A good man, good man spare his life."

Lu Yuan smiled coldly and said, "Get away. Take this yellow hair and go quickly.


"It seems that he is good at it... Sure enough, this human world has not been in vain." Soft female voice.

"Xia Yiyuewei. The main person we observe must have something extraordinary about him, even if he is just a human being. Relatively coarse ore male voice.

Is that right? What can human beings do? The woman named Xia Yi has long black hair, is tall, white as snow, and has an excellent appearance. She stretched out her soft hand, took out a fan, and opened it calmly. "I said Yu Yuan, if the Lord of the Golden Pavilion hadn't asked me to accompany you to the human world, I wouldn't have been interested in observing human beings."

"Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years." The man known as Yu Yuan held the knife between his waist and whispered.

"Humph..." Xia Yi sneered and looked at Lu Yuanhan and no longer said much.


Lu Yuanhan was not too complacent, but had a strong sense of uneasiness. This uneasiness was not worried about the revenge of the hoodlums, but that he always felt that someone was watching him, and there was never more than one person, and even vaguely felt that someone was talking around him - but Lu Yuanhan knew that he had seen nothing and heard nothing.

The teacher didn't come to the whole first class. Lu Yuanhan, who had not slept well at night, really couldn't stand it. He lay on the desk and fell asleep...

"I dreamed of them again, why did I dream of them again...

"This time, there are only two people, still in black. I can't see their faces clearly, and I can only distinguish between a man and a woman. The man is of medium height, which can be seen to be very strong, and there seems to be a short knife around his waist. The woman looks quite petite from afar, and can barely distinguish her skin color in the dim and bright light. Snow... No, it's pale.

"They are approaching me. Oh, my God, as long as they get close, they will make me feel indescribably horrible and depressed, but my body just can't move. Who the hell are they? What do you want to do?"

"Ah!" Lu Yuanhan let out a scream and jumped up from the chair, and the table was pushed to the ground with Lu Yuanhan's violent movements. First, there was a scream in the class, and then slowly calmed down, leaving only a lot of comments. The monitor looked up at Lu Yuanhan, quickly lowered his head and took a pen to record something in his notebook.

Lu Yuanhan gasped and wet his shirt with sweat, and his eyes were blind. No one dared to approach Lu Yuanhan. They didn't know what had happened, which made Lu Yuanhan show such a terrible expression.

Lu Yuanhan looked at the podium, but the teacher hadn't come yet. He seemed to feel something and suddenly turned around. His fierce eyes scared his classmates sitting behind him, but he still didn't see anything. Lu Yuanhan knew that there must be two people behind him, but he couldn't see! Is it a ghost?

He didn't dare to think any more. He picked up his schoolbag and rushed out and ran all the way, leaving only a group of students who felt inexplicable looking at each other. Lu Yuanhan rushed out despite the obstruction of the security guard at the school gate. He kept running. What made him desperate was that no matter how he ran, there were two people staring at him and couldn't get rid of it.

"Huh? Yu Yuan, this boy didn't find us, did he? Xia Yi asked curiously.

"How can it be that human beings can't see us," Yu Yuan's expression was surprised and hesitated. "Anyway, don't lose him, and his speed can't get rid of us."

"I know, I know, really." Xia Yi said helplessly, staring at the teenager on the ground with curious eyes, thinking: If this teenager can fly like himself, it may be a wonderful thing.

Lu Yuanhan ran to the bank of the river and could no longer run. He supported his knees with his hands, bent down, and gasped for breath. He was really annoyed. Is it really just his own illusion? No, the oppression of those two people is no longer behind, but on top of their heads!

He suddenly raised his head and saw only the blue sky. He stared at the place where the sense of oppression was located, and slowly saw the outline of the two figures, but only the transparent outline.

When Lu Yuanhan had not reacted, he saw another more horrible scene——

A huge monster is devouring one person on the bank of the river, and the other is screaming terribly. These two turned out to be the two gangsters who bullied their classmates before!