Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 4 Forest Bloody War

Lu Yuanhan was careful and quickly approached the trap lying on the ground. The trap stood up again with only three feet, his eyes were red, making a chilling sound, and hitting Lu Yuanhan again.

"It seems that the boy is very talented," Yu Yuan said after solving the mud trap of about ten meters in front of him without any effort, he looked at Lu Yuanhan on the ground and said, "Without training, he can be comparable to a small mud trap."

"From the beginning, I felt that the soul of his body was different from ordinary people," Xia Yi said as she waved the fan, and a breeze blew towards a mud trap. In a blink of an eye, the mud trap disappeared. She swept away the dust on her body and said, "Maybe his strength has just awakened, and maybe his growth rate will really exceed people in the future. Imagine."

After hearing this, Yu Yuan smiled and quickly flew to the other side to fight against the remaining mud trap. He thought to himself: The purpose of the cabinet master's request to observe the teenager was by no means as simple as training him to become a moon warrior.

Lu Yuanhan has been embarrassed and breathless after avoiding several attacks in the trap. After all, for the first time in such a big physical battle, he will still be unable to do so.

Lu Yuanhan dodged the attack again and took the opportunity to jump up and grasp the tail of the trap tightly. Hunjing felt that someone grabbed its tail, jumped like thunder, and shook its tail vigorously, trying to throw Lu Yuanhan out. Lu Yuanhan grabbed his tail tightly. He knew that he would die if he was thrown out. He was waiting for an opportunity to kill the trap.

The trap suddenly threw his tail up, and Lu Yuanhan was ecstatic: This is the time! Lu Yuanhan immediately let go of his hand, and his body was thrown up vertically. Lu Yuanhan only used this short seconds in the air to adjust the orientation of his body, clenched the sword, aimed it at the bottom, and then his body fell rapidly vertically, and the sword stabbed his head.

Lu Yuanhan immediately loosened his sword, fell on the back of the trap, and quickly put his arms around his neck. The trap screamed and staggered to stand firm. After a while, he couldn't stand. He fell to the ground fiercely and knocked down several big trees beside him. Lu Yuanhan also fell to the ground and rolled several times before he stabilized.

Lu Yuanhan felt that his whole body seemed to be falling apart. He supported it several times before he reluctantly stood up. Looking at the body raised in the dust, the sword was still stuck in its head, and he couldn't help taking a long breath.

He slowly walked to the trap and tried to pull out the sword. At the moment when the sword was pulled out, the body of the trap emitted black smoke and disappeared in a short time. He looked at the black smoke and felt powerless. Is this his future mission?

Lu Yuanhan looked around, full of fallen trees and thick smoke, as well as some bodies that had not yet disappeared. The two people in the air were still stretching spells and killing these traps. He sighed. It seemed that the gap between himself and them was really big. It took him to kill such a small trap, but they killed so much in a moment.

Lu Yuanhan shook his head and stretched his body. He found that after the thick smoke dissipated, there was a lion-sized trap about 30 meters away from him, which was also four legs. If he hadn't known that it was a trap, he would have thought it was a strange lion.

He suddenly laughed and just killed a four-meter-high trap, and what was this trap about the size of a lion? Lu Yuanhan raised his sword again and rushed to the trap with a smile. It was incredible that he was about twice as fast as when he was a human.

"Idiot! That's an evil trap! Stay away from it!" Yu Yuan found the strangeness on the ground and exclaimed. Just as he was about to fly to the ground to help Lu Yuanhan, he noticed that an eagle-like trap appeared in front of him, blocking his way, and there were more than 20 traps behind him.

"Damn it!" Yu Yuan cursed and was surrounded by the mud trap, and the eagle-like evil trap looked at it from afar, as if he was looking for an appropriate opportunity to give Yu Yuan a fatal attack.

Lu Yuanhan heard Yu Yuan's cry and couldn't help looking up at the situation in the sky, only to find that Yu Yuan had been surrounded by a group of mud traps. But Yu Yuan just said that the evil trap? What is an evil trap?

He looked back to the front, and then he found that the trap was gone...

Lu Yuanhan was shocked. Before he realized how to do it, he felt a sharp pain in his back. Then his body had flown up. When he kept spinning in the air, he barely found that the trap was behind him.

No! He was already on his left side again. The well was suddenly hit by a palm. Lu Yuanhan reflexively stretched out his sword to resist and felt an irresistible strong force. The tiger's mouth was cracked at that moment. Before he saw the blood, the sword had already bounced away and his body was hit hard on the ground.

What speed and power this is... I don't have time to think and react. This is... Is this the evil trap?

When Lu Yuanhan was about to get up again, he found that his body was flying in the sky again, but he was not attacked again, but...

He found that he was hugged by Xia Yi. She held a fan in one hand and flew in the air in the other. Xia Yi flew quickly at a low altitude, bypassing the big tree that suddenly appeared in front of her at an unimaginable speed. She seemed to avoid obstacles without thinking.

Lu Yuanhan found that Xia Yi was not flying in the air, but running. Her feet were swinging so fast that she did not seem to be moving from a distance. Only when she turned could she barely see the change of pace.

He raised his head and found that the evil trap had been thrown away for a while, but still chased it at an alarming speed. Lu Yuanhan raised his head a little higher at this time, and what he saw was Xia Yi's face.

This is the first time to carefully observe Xia Yi's facial features. The skin is white, the facial features are delicate, and the medium-length black straight hair floats in the air, which makes Xia Yi's oriental beauty vividly reflect.

"Hey! What are you looking at! It's impolite to stare at other people's faces!" Xia Yi looked embarrassed and shouted in a low voice. Lu Yuanhan was awakened and realized that he had lost his temper. He couldn't help blushing, looked away and said, "I'm offended."

Xia Yi smiled, stopped, put Lu Yuanhan on the ground, and left Lu Yuanhan's sword that was shaken away. She said, "I can't see that I will be shy."

Xia Yi half squatted beside Lu Yuanhan, approached Lu Yuanhan's face, and whispered, "Don't make a sound. This evil trap will catch up later. Just lie down and let me deal with it.

After she said, she stood up, looked at the situation in the rear warily, and was ready to enter the battle at any time.

What Xia Yi didn't notice was that the seemingly intimate action just now had already made Lu Yuanhan blush. Lu Yuanhan looked at Xia Yi's back and measured her height of about 1.65 meters. He couldn't imagine that one day he would be picked up by such a little girl with one hand.

The forest at night looks more gloomy under the moonlight. The cold wind blows, and the weeds on the ground make a rustling sound. It seems that you can also hear the fight between Yu Yuan and the wells in the distance. This temporary silence seems to be just laying the groundwork for the subsequent fierce battle.

The evil trap like a lion still appeared. It found Xia Yi and Lu Yuanhan in front of it. It stopped and let out a cold light in its eyes, as if it were thinking about strategy. Xia Yi did not look back at Lu Yuanhan, but whispered, "Lu Yuanhan. Just stay here and don't move."

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yi's figure disappeared in front of Lu Yuanhan's eyes, leaving only Xia Yi's footprints and weeds that were still shaking. Lu Yuanhan didn't know what had happened, so he heard the roar of the evil trap not far away. He found that Xia Yi had waved a fan above the head of the evil trap, and the evil trap was unwilling to show weakness and wanted to scratch Xia Yi, but it was dodged by Xia Yi again and again.

The action of Xia Yi and the evil well battle was extremely fast. Even if Lu Yuanhan couldn't take his eyes off it, he could not see all the movements clearly. Often in the blink of an eye, the two disappeared in the current position and appeared more than ten meters away to fight.

Xia Yi flew in the air and waved the fan hard again. The evil trap failed to avoid this attack and was hit hard and the big tree behind him was broken. The evil trap struggled a few times and stood up again. Obviously, it was the end of the crossbow. Xia Yi was afraid that the evil trap would attack herself with the idea of death together and fly in mid-air to observe the situation.

The evil trap looked up at Xia Yi fiercely. Unexpectedly, the evil trap suddenly disappeared.

When Lu Yuanhan found the direction of the evil trap, he found that it was aimed at himself. Lu Yuanhan shook his head with a wry smile, sat up, and found that he could no longer move at all, so he had to hold his sword to make a sense of fighting for his life.

Fifty meters, thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters... While Lu Yuanhan was preparing to wave his sword, a stone wall suddenly fell from the air to block the way to the evil trap. At this time, Xia Yi was already standing in front of her, as if she was saying something.

At the moment when the evil trap crossed the stone wall, Xia Yi finished reading the spell in her mouth and pointed her finger at the evil trap. The evil trap was immediately entangled in a roll of white cloth and immediately fell to the ground and struggled desperately.

At this time, Lu Yuanhan could barely hear the spell in Xia Yi's mouth. The long part in front of him could only hear some words clearly. He only heard the last sentence in Xia Yi's mouth: "25 - Wind Scroll!"

At the moment Xia Yi finished reading, the evil trap broke away from the white cloth. At that moment, the evil trap was surrounded by a silver wind, and the evil trap struggled and roared in the wind, but soon it turned into black smoke and disappeared in front of Xia Yi.

Lu Yuanhan looked at everything in front of him and didn't know what to say. Yu Yuan seemed to have ended the battle and suddenly appeared about 20 meters away from them, with blood all over his body. When Xia Yi saw Yu Yuan, she panicked and didn't understand why he was so seriously injured.

Yu Yuan slowly walked to them and found that it was not a big deal. He took a long breath and spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.