Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 8 Reappearance of New Forces

Consumption, spread, fear, devouring, there are only moon warriors and traps left before the darkness. Human fear, weakness and unfilled desires are all released. Through the darkness, they burst out ugly and shouts.

In a world without light, the well can become the master for a moment. Human beings don't know what they get, and everything is carried out through darkness. Those coarse noses and gasp like pigs and dogs have no face. Before the depletion of the body, there are infinite possibilities. In the land of bullets, human beings create happiness comparable to the creation of gods.

There are no gods, only moon warriors and feathers. They couldn't bear to witness it. They turned their backs and swept through the pleasure in a place where there was no light, and went straight to hell.

After entering the room, Xia Yi stretched out and fell on her back. She didn't see anything outside. She regarded this place as her home. She said lazily, "You can finally have a good rest!"

Lu Yuanhan looked at the ** girl and thought to himself: She is really rude. He had to ask, "So where did you live the other day?"

"A few days ago?" Xia Yi turned around, supported her chin with her palm, and looked at Lu Yuanhan with big eyes, "Oh. We will sleep on your floor when you can't see us yet. More than ten years ago, after the war in the forest, Yu Yuan returned to the moon world. I looked for a five-star hotel every day and went in to live in when I saw an empty room. Anyway, no one could see me.


"Hey, what's your reaction?"

"Then why don't you stay in a hotel now... I can say first that there is no extra place for you to live in my house. You don't want to sleep**," Lu Yuanhan put down his schoolbag, took out his book and walked to his desk. "Anyway, I can't tolerate living in the same room with a heterosexual every day."

"I am a high school student like you now. If there is no fixed residence, I will definitely be suspected." Xia Yi turned over again and said, "I'm going to sleep ** anyway. I don't think you can't tolerate it, but you can't resist women's **."

"..." Lu Yuanhan blushed again. He sat down and spread out his textbook. "You don't live in my house now. What should I do when my classmates ask?"

Ah? I really didn't think about it," Xia Yi tilted her head and scratched her head. "Ah! Okay, we can declare that I am the daughter of a friend of your distant relative, and then I transferred to you this time! Yes, that's it!"


"Can you not always be paralyzed!" Xia Yi sat up and said, "Don't you thank me for my ingenuity!"

"It's up to you. Anyway, you still have to go back to the moon world in the future," Lu Yuanhan said while writing his homework, "I don't know what the cabinet owners you say want to do, but at least I still want to finish high school safely and then go to college."

"It's not up to you." Xia Yi jumped up and took out a box and hit Lu Yuanhan's head.

"Ah! It hurts so much! You are crazy!" Lu Yuanhan covered his head and shouted, and what he saw next made him speechless - his body and soul were separated again.

Xia Yi stood aside, holding the box and laughing, and put her body into it.

"Hey! What the hell do you want to do?" Lu Yuanhan was a little angry.

"I don't want to do anything. This box is called a spiritual box, which specializes in the human body. Xia Yi pointed to the box and said.

"I didn't ask you this. What the hell do you want to do with me like this?"

Xia Yi didn't say anything. She walked to Lu Yuanhan and stared at him. Her eyes were chilling.

"You..." Lu Yuanhan really can't figure out what Xia Yi wants to do.

"Do you think nothing has happened since the battle that day?" Xia Yi's voice gradually became cold, "You are destined not to get out of this circle. The moon world, the trap world or the human world you are in are closely related to your fate, and you can't escape.

"I don't understand what you mean. What does the moon boundary and the well world in your mouth have to do with me?

"What if your friend was attacked by a trap?"

"Ah?" Lu Yuanhan was stunned.

"Come with me." Xia Yi dragged Lu Yuanhan down from the window and flew out with him.

"Hey, what the hell do you want to do? It's noon. How can there be anything strange?" Lu Yuanhan was strangled a little breathless and shouted to Xia Yi, who was flying.

Who told you that the trap will only appear at night? Wasn't the two hoodlums who attacked you last time just been attacked by a mud trap during the day?

Lu Yuanhan's face changed, remembering the picture of the two gangsters dying a few days ago.

"It's here." Xia Yi left the road in the cold, which was in front of a luxury villa.

Although Lu Yuanhan doesn't know what the source is, he still feels like the breath of an evil trap in the villa. Lu Yuanhan couldn't help thinking of the night half a month ago, which made him unable to react and fight back, which was chilling.

"Is this?" Lu Yuanhan asked.

Before Lu Yuan's cold voice fell, he heard a scream in the villa.

"This sound? It's her!" Lu Yuanhan shouted and rushed into the house without thinking about it.

"I was still hesitating just now. Now I don't consider any consequences to rush in. I really don't know whether to praise him for being bold or scold him as an idiot." Xia Yi smiled at Lu Yuanhan's back.

As soon as Lu Yuanhan entered the hall of the villa, he found an evil trap shaped like a leopard. Far from it was a beautiful girl with a frightened face. The girl's arm has been scratched and her face began to become abnormal.

She couldn't see what was attacking her, and she couldn't suppress her fear at all and cried loudly.

The evil trap turned his head, found Lu Yuanhan, and turned to face him. Lu Yuanhan was also full of anger, because the evil trap attacked not others, but his former deskmate Jiang Xiaoxiao.

Lu Yuanhan roared and rushed to the evil trap. Unfortunately, as before, the evil trap disappeared alive in front of his eyes, and then he felt a pain in his left arm and his body flew uncontrollably into the wall. The wall made a loud noise due to this impact, and there were cracks, and the hanging murals also fell.

When Jiang Xiaoxiao heard the sound over there, she immediately turned her head in a panic. Of course, all she saw was the suddenly cracked wall, the fallen mural, and nothing else. Jiang Xiaoxiao was so scared that she couldn't even call for help and kept trembling.

"You damn evil trap!" Lu Yuanhan tried his best to stand up, but he was knocked over again and didn't even have a chance to wave his sword.

"Spell 14-Jinbu!"

When Lu Yuanhan was unable to attack the next round, he heard Xia Yi's voice. He struggled to sit up and saw that the evil trap was wrapped in a ball of white cloth, leaving only his head outside, just like the lion's evil trap that night. The evil trap fell to the ground desperately trying to escape from the white cloth, but it became more and more entangled.

"Do you still think that the moon boundary and the trap have nothing to do with it?" Xia Yi walked to the road and said coldly, "Don't think it's just a coincidence. Do you know why those two gangsters and Jiang Xiaoxiao were attacked by the trap? Because of you!"

Because of me? Lu Yuanhan's eyes widened and couldn't believe it.

"Although I don't know what you came from, you can be sure that there is an incalculable source of soul hidden in you, especially recently. As long as you have been in close contact with you, you may become the target of the trap!" Xia Yi's voice was serious, "Last time I was a gangster who had nothing to do with you. This time it's your classmate. Can you guarantee that next time it won't be a closer friend or even your family?"

Lu Yuanhan lowered his head and couldn't see his eyes clearly.

"Look at you now, not to mention the evil trap, you are even difficult to deal with a mud trap. Do you want to be killed because of the people around you?" Xia Yi stared at the unspeakable Lu Yuanhan and said rudely.

"Stop talking." Lu Yuanhan raised his head, with a cold light in his eyes. He picked up his sword and walked to the evil trap that was about to break free from the white cloth. He raised his sword and waved it to the evil trap without hesitation. The head of the evil trap fell to the ground, blood splashed everywhere, and his body twisted crazily and turned into black smoke.

"Train me," Lu Yuanhan stared at the disappearing evil trap and said, "Although I still can't understand why all this happened to me, I want to protect my family and friends. Xia Yi, please train me, "

Xia Yi looked at Lu Yuanhan's back with a gratifying smile. Suddenly, there was a harsh roar of the trap outside the door.

"No way!" Xia Yi quickly rushed out of the door. What she saw was more than ten medium-sized mud traps surrounding the villa.

"Damn it!" Xia Yi scolded.

Although it is not a problem to deal with ten traps at the same time with Xia Yi's ability, it is still difficult to not affect the surrounding buildings and human beings in such a small space.

"It seems that this boy is really popular with traps." Xia Yi said to herself helplessly.

In order not to affect human beings, Xia Yi was ready to live. When she was preparing to attack, she suddenly heard the sound of a mud trap roaring and falling to the ground - it was Lu Yuanhan who suddenly rushed out and cut off a mud trap leg.

Lu Yuanhan's face was blue, holding his sword, his eyes were firm, and he whispered, "I won't mess up. They will never be allowed to destroy any buildings.

Xia Yi looked at him and felt funny - he didn't know that his own strength could not even be dealt with by a slightly larger trap, right?

"Then protect yourself and Jiang Xiaoxiao. I'm on!" Xia Yi left the road and flew into the air to stab the neck of one after another.

Suddenly, something strange happened - the sky suddenly snowed heavily, and the snowflakes were shaped like feathers. They fell on the trap and expanded rapidly. They spread to the whole body of the trap at an alarming rate and freezing it. In a short time, more than a dozen traps were frozen.

"Break it." In this whisper, the frozen traps were all broken into small snowflakes and drifted in the air.

"It turns out that the so-called moon guard level is just this level. It really disappoints me." The man slowly came out, holding a notebook in his hand and just remembered something with a quill.

"Zhang Yize? How could it be you?" Lu Yuanhan looked at the boy and said in disbelief.

"Why isn't it me?" Zhang Yize didn't look at Lu Yuanhan and mocked.

"The road is far away and cold. Who is he?" Xia Yi stared at Zhang Yize, "This person's ability is by no means from our moon world, and the feeling of soul is also something I have never seen before."

"Moon world? Don't compare me with a low race like you.

"What?" Xia Yi clenched her sword and was obviously a little angry.

"He is the monitor of our class... a weirdo who goes alone with a notebook every day." Lu Yuanhan suddenly said.

"What did you say?" Zhang Yize stared at Lu Yuanhan, "Aren't you also a unique weirdo! How dare you talk about me."

"I didn't expect this to be the first time I talked to a weirdo like you."

"I think you are impatient to live... pseudo-moon warrior."

"I'm not a moon warrior in the first place. You'd better be polite."

Xia Yi looked at the two people who quarreled regardless of the occasion and shrugged helplessly - they were really smelling.

"Forget it. Don't quarrel with people who feel dull like you," Zhang Yize shrugged his shoulders and wrote a few words in his notebook with a quill. "You'd better see what happened to your family."

"What?" Lu Yuanhan said doubtfully.

"It's not good!" Xia Yi felt something, shouted, stopped the road, and immediately disappeared in this villa and rushed back to the original place.

When Xia Yi returned home in a hurry, there was only a pile of bodies that were turning into black smoke.

Not far away, a sunny teenager in a T-shirt and jeans leaned against the wall, grinning with a bright and harmless smile: "yo... It seems that you have become stupid when you communicate with fools like Zhang Yize!"