Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 18 The Resentment of the previous generation

"Do you know I'm coming to you?" Lu Yuanhan was a little surprised and asked.

"After yesterday's war, I guess you should remember a lot of the past," the dry man gradually walked to the road and slowly raised his head. "It must be about your parents and your sister. Mr. Lu, let's go in and talk about it.

Lu Yuanhan hummed, turned around and walked to the wall. He screamed, and the people along the way quickly left him - thinking that Lu Yuanhan was a psychopath.

Lu Yuanhan touched the swollen bag on his forehead and gritted his teeth at the dead man and said, "What's going on!"

"Oh, oh," the dry man looked a little sorry and rubbed his hands. "I didn't have time to tell Mr. Lu that you are still in the body now. How can you enter without the conversion of the spirit box? What if any human accidentally breaks into me one day?

Why didn't you say it earlier! Lu Yuanhan looked indignant and at a loss - Xia Yi did not give him the spiritual box.

"Mr. Lu, don't worry, I'm ready." The dead man handed over a spiritual box, as if he had expected it for a long time. Lu Yuanhan took the spiritual box, stared at the smiling expression of the dead man, and gave up the idea of speculating on his inner activities.

He looked around and saw that there was no one around him. He used the spiritual box to store his body and entered the hall with the dead man.

"Mr. Lu, this is for you," the dry man handed Lu Yuanhan a paper sticker. "After this paper is pasted on the spirit box, the spirit body box will temporarily disappear into another dimension, so that you will not have the experience of blood-eating during the battle between Yu Yuan and blood-eating. By the way, this is a box of this kind of paper sticker for you later.

Lu Yuanhan had heard Xia Yi mention the story of the battle in the morning. At that time, he was worried about what would happen if his body had such a situation in the future. Unexpectedly, the dry man gave him such treasures.

"Thank you, Mr. Kuren," Lu Yuanhan took the paper sticker, "how can I recover? And do Ji Xiaoji and Zhang Yize also use spiritual boxes?"

"When recovering, you only need to meditate before entering the body, but the steps are reversed. Imagine the situation when you come out of the body." The dry man and Lu Yuanhan have sat on the stone chair in the hall, and the dry man made a cup of coffee for Lu Yuanhan. "Ji Xiaoji must use the spiritual box like you. But Zhang Yize... he is different."

Lu Yuanhan took a sip of coffee and asked, "So is he?"

"Oh, oh. The feathers are really superior!" The withered man sighed and made himself a cup of tea. "Feathers don't need a spiritual box. They only need to meditate, and their bodies can automatically become spiritual bodies. When they want to recover, they can meditate again. I really don't know how the feather world lost 200 years ago. Is there a bigger conspiracy? If you are talking nonsense, you just think I read too much comics.

"That's awesome," Lu Yuanhan sighed, "but do people like you who read comics hundreds of years ago?"

"Oh, after all, I'm in the human world now," the dead man laughed and said, "Comics are really a good thing!"

"In that way, I think you are very similar to Doraemon in some places."

"Uh...what is Doraemon?"

"..." Lu Yuanhan was a little speechless. Is this also called reading comics? He was a little embarrassed and said, "by the way, I came here to find a dry man because..."

"I know... Mr. Lu," the dry man stood up, "Come with me, I'll show you something."

The dry man walked to a room, and Lu Yuanhan followed him silently. Yu Yuan actually poked his head out of another room to peep.

Lu Yuanhan walked into the room and found that the walls and ceilings of the room were covered with monitors, monitoring different people.

"Is this?" Lu Yuan's cold words suddenly got stuck in the middle of his words.

The dead man enlarged one of the monitors on the left wall to the whole wall, and the person on the monitor was... Lu Yuanhan's father, who was watching the replay of last night's TV program.

"Withered people! I, my father, is not dead yet, is he?" Lu Yuan was so excited that he almost rushed to the monitor, "Where is he now! Is he still alive? This is all true, right!?

The dry man looked at the excited Lu Yuanhan and couldn't help sighing.

"He is not your father."

"What?" Lu Yuan stood still. "Although twelve years have passed... I can still recognize him at a glance. This is definitely him!" Don't tease me anymore, withered man!"

"He is indeed not exactly your father..." The dead man reiterated and turned to look at other monitors. "I wonder if Mr. Lu has heard of the word soul enlightenment?"

"Spirited?" Lu Yuanhan was stunned and remembered the explanation Xia Yi told him when he had just left the body, "Listen, I've heard of it."

"Do you know what a high-level spiritual enlightener is?" The dry man lit one monitor after another and said slowly, "Your father is a senior soul enlightener. After leaving the body, the body still retains his thinking and habits. What you see is the body I made for him. Although it looks like a human body, it will never age and die.

Lu Yuanhan's eyes gradually faded - why did it give him hope and finally brought despair? Lu Yuanhan supported the wall with his hands, shrugged his head, and whispered, "Does theku man know my father? Can you tell me who he is? Or what happened 12 years ago?

"Forgive me..."

"Forget it," Lu Yuanhan interrupted the dead man. "I don't want to hear the rejection anymore. I know that as a mystic, you still can't say anything as before.

"I'm really sorry. Mr. Lu Yuanhan."

Lu Yuanhan's eyes became more and more gloomy, and he no longer asked more questions. He walked out of the room with the withered people dejectedly. It happened that he met Yu Yuan at this time, and he was about to go out.

"Isn't Mr. Yu going to stay a little longer?" The dead man asked.

"No," Yu Yuan answered, "I have lost contact with the cabinet owner for one night and one morning. If we don't contact each other, there will be problems. Thank you for your treatment and collection."

"These are all small things," the dead man replied, and his voice suddenly became cold. "Can you plead with Mr. Yu Yuan to promise me one thing?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"Mr. Yu, please don't tell the owner of the New Stone Pavilion about what you saw and what you just saw and heard last night, okay?" The voice of the dead man became colder and colder, like the smell of death.

Yu Yuan was stunned, his heart was cold, and he said, "No problem. I will hide it."

"Thank you, Mr. Yu."

Yu Yuan walked out of the hall, quickly came to a wasteland, took out something similar to a pager, and said, "I have obtained the latest information about Lu Yuanhan's life, as well as a cabinet owner and three deputy cabinet owners suspected of defecting 60 years ago."

After the dry man sent Yu Yuan and Lu Yuanhan away, he smiled and walked into the stronghold.

"Yu Yuan still told the Yuejie truthfully." Shan Xue said coldly to the dry man.

After hearing this, the dead man just smiled indifferently: "I deliberately let him see all this."

"What?" HD Yang suddenly took out a stick and hit the dry man, "You are out of the brain!" We have been hiding in the human world for 60 years, and we are worried every day that the feared stronghold will be known by the moon world. Are you sick!?

The dry man shouted for pain and flashed to one side with his courage and quickly begged for mercy.

The dry man suddenly stopped playing, showed a strange and cold smile, and said, "There's nothing to worry about. We can have Mr. Jin Minjun's assistance in the moon world.

HD Yang's hand holding the stick suddenly loosened and asked, "That brother in Jin Min, right?"

"Yes..." The dry man put away his smile with a gloomy expression, which was shocking. "60 years... 60 years, everyone. Sixty years ago, we were unjustly driven out of the moon. It's time for us to fight back and revenge.

After saying this, Shan Xue snorted, and HD Yang also dropped the stick and sneered. Even Shan Ling stopped the game in his hand, showing an indisable cold expression.

For 60 years, it is time to count the hatred and conspiracy accumulated from the previous generation.

Suddenly, the withered man's face changed and said, "Oh no! They are coming!"

The high-definition expression became extremely ugly, and she suddenly shouted, "Where's Shan Xue!"

Shan Ling was shocked and looked around and couldn't find his sister. The dry man's expression had recovered, and he sighed, "He appeared. Can Xiaoxue still sit still? Let her go. Let's act before things get worse.

Lu Yuanhan's home.

"Brother, you're back!" Ling Yuchen jumped up excitedly, "Big sister is so kind to me! Made a lot of delicious food for me! I didn't expect you to develop so fast that you gave her the key!"

Xia Yi looked at the lively little girl helplessly and said with a wry smile, "Yi Chen, I've almost said 10,000 times. We are not..."

Xia Yi's words were forced to stop halfway, because Lu Yuanhan suddenly came to her, hugged her and kissed her lips. She didn't expect such a situation at all and couldn't react in shock for a long time.

"Ah!" Yuchen screamed and quickly closed his eyes and turned around, "Brother, I'm not ashamed!"

Lu Yuanhan let go of Xia Yi and said, "Uh-huh. Let's go to the room first."

Lu Yuanhan led Xia Yi, who was completely stunned, to his room, leaving Yuchen alone in the room, but he did not know that a man outside the window had been staring at here.

"Do you want to die! Killed by me!" Xia Yi entered the room and became angry. Although she had always had a good impression on Lu Yuanhan, she didn't expect him to be so bold. She slapped Lu Yuanhan, but was dodged by Lu Yuanhan.

"You..." Xia Yi was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Don't be excited," Lu Yuanhan suddenly said, "Now everyone in the class treats us as a couple. If we go on like this, we have no better reason to explain to everyone why we live together."

"Then you can discuss it with me! There is no need to do this all of a sudden!" Xia Yi is still very annoyed.

"If you want to install it, you have to pretend a little bit... Moreover, this is the second time, and I think we will disguise ourselves naturally next." Lu Yuanhan looked innocent.

"You mean you want me to be your girlfriend?" Xia Yi seemed to be a little calmer.

"It can't be regarded as all... Anyway, it's a disguise."

The atmosphere became ambiguous, and Lu Yuanhan stared at Xia Yi and walked towards her step by step. Xia Yi blushed slightly and her heart beat like a deer. She didn't know how to react and watched him walk towards herself.

Suddenly, a male voice sounded.

"That's enough for you two." Yu Tiejun said coldly beside him.

"Ah!?" Lu Yuanhan exclaimed and was very embarrassed, "When did you come in!"

"From the window," Yu Tiejun looked at Lu Yuanhan and said coldly, "Don't say I'm not open, you are the same."

The atmosphere in the room dropped to the freezing point, and the three looked at each other awkwardly and ignored anyone.