Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 28 Conflict between light and dark

Moon boundary.

Once people walk out of the cave and see the light, they can no longer return to the dark cave.

Jin Minjun stood by the bed and stared at Xia Yi, who was still unconscious, without any expression on his face. He walked out of the medical room in his moon pavilion and was always accompanied by two people in charge of investigating him.

Lin Keer, the deputy head of the April Pavilion, looked at the infree cabinet and couldn't bear it. She slowly walked to Jin Minjun and said, "I just listened to the guard's notice, and the owner of the New Stone Pavilion asked to see me in November."

Jin Minjun frowned and said: Got it. Immediately stride to the living room, and Lin Keer followed closely.

"Dare to ask what's the matter for the cabinet master to come to the club?" After stepping into the living room, Jin Minjun looked up and down at the new stone standing in the center of the hall and pretended to say, "If you come to greet me, who can't travel freely, you don't have to."

"I'm here to ask for justice for my subordinates."

"Oh?" A cold light flashed in Jin Minjun's eyes, "How can I say this?"

"Yu Yuan is still in a coma," Shi Xinshi turned to look at Jin Minjun. "I never thought that you, who looked the most righteous in the whole moon world, would be so cruel that you would also take action on your subordinates. It's really sanctimonous."

"Please pay attention to what you say," Jin Minjun's hand has been placed on the sword around his waist. "My sword temper is worse than mine."

"Do you want to add another crime? Lord Jin Minjun, "Shi Xinshi is also ready, with a smile and cold eyes, "but are you really sure? You, who have been sealed with the soul ring and the soul chain, can only use the newborn. Are you sure you want to fight with me in such a posture?

"You are not allowed to insult the Lord of the Golden Pavilion!" Lin Keer, standing aside, suddenly rushed to the new stone and shouted, "The Lord of the Pavilion is also one of our reverence. I know that my strength is very different from the Lords, but if anyone dares to insult the Lord of the Golden Pavilion in front of us, we will fight for the Lord of the Pavilion!"

As soon as Lin Keer finished speaking, all the moon guards of the April Moon Pavilion gathered outside the living room.

"Ker! Don't be presumptuous!" Jin Minjun suddenly shouted. He frowned and naturally knew in his heart that if he fought with Xinshi again at this time, the consequences would be unimaginable, and more than half of the moon guards in his cabinet would be killed.

"Lord," Jin Minjun put down his hand around his waist and turned around. "If you believe that I hurt the three moon guards, I don't have enough evidence to get rid of my innocence, but at least this is still my place after all. I can only see you off today."

Instead, Shi Xinshi smiled easily, but did not explain much. He strode to the door. When he passed Jin Minjun, he whispered, "You really look like your brother 60 years ago!"

Jin Minjun's face changed and he clenched his fist, but he still loosened.

Love and hate, ice and fire, life and death, yes, these seemingly extreme words can be used on everyone, because they are opposite to each other, and that's all they say. As long as they come to this world, a person will have their own happiness and pain. , joy and sadness, there will be two completely different aspects of enthusiasm and indifference, and they also have to experience life and death.

she xin shi walked out of the April Pavilion and happened to meet Shuang Junjie and Shui Wumeng - it's not just right.

"Master Shuangjunjie, Lord Shui Wumeng Pavilion," Shi Xinshi smiled, "Why, are you also here to visit the master of Jin Minjun Pavilion?"

Shui Wumeng and Shuang Junjie don't want to say much. As the new cabinet owner, they don't want to offend the new stone that has been the cabinet owner for nearly 200 years. Shuang Junjie whispered, "We found the source of Jin Minzhong and Xiao Nanhuo, which is very close to the moon boundary."

"Oh? So what are you doing in April Pavilion?

"Check whether Jin Minjun, the major suspect cabinet owner, has the image of collusion with them."

"What about the result?"

"At present...no." Shui Wumeng lowered his head.

"Then you have to work more," Shi Xinshi smiled, attached to Shui Wumeng's ear and said in a low voice, "because this is related to the survival of the moon world."

Shui Wumeng was in a cold sweat - the snake-like man involved in Xinshi made her extremely scared. Shi Xinshi smiled and his expression was extremely gentle, but it made Shui Wumeng sweat.

"The owner of Shuangjunjie is really impatient," Shi Xinshi looked at the sky and said, "It's still hot. He can't wait to find that guy."

Shui Wumeng was stunned and found that Shuang Junjie was no longer beside her - he must have gone to Xiao Nanhuo! Shui Wumeng bit her lower lip and frowned, remembering the scene after she just reported from the July Pavilion--

"Master of the Dreamless Pavilion."

"Lord Shuangjunjie?" Shui Wumeng was surprised and said, "What are you doing here?"

"Wait for you."

"Wait for me?"

"Tell me if you have found their source," Shuang Junjie approached the water step by step. "I can't wait until there is a formal war in the dark before I go to him. Tell me your plan."

Shui Wumeng recalled these headaches and said to Shi Xinshi, "Sorry, Lord Shi Xinshi, I will also resign first!"

"Young cabinet owners are always so impulsive," Shi Xinshi narrowed his eyes and looked at the blue sky and smiled faintly, "Why are you in a hurry to fight? This good sunshine can't be wasted."

po qu.

"Meet again, Xiao Nanhuo."

Xiao Nanhuo turned around and looked at Shuang Junjie - black straight hair, slightly white skin, cold temperament, and another medical genius in the moon world after Xiao Nanhuo.

"Yes, we meet again." Xiao Nanhuo said.

"Why talk nonsense to him!" Jin Min looked disdainful and laughed wildly, "Just kill him with one sword!"

"Your opponent is me!" Shui Wumeng arrived in a hurry and stood in front of Shuang Junjie.

"Dreamless Lord?" Shuang Junjie was surprised, "This is not the place where you came from."

"I know, but I have to minimize the loss," Shui Wumeng raised his eyes and stared at Jin Minzhong. "You will never be the opponent of the two of them. Why did they come here? I haven't investigated clearly. In this case, I can't let the moon world lose you."

"Dreamless Pavilion Lord..." Shuang Junjie was a little ashamed - he was a cold-looking and actually impulsive person. It was not until Shui Wumeng's obstruction that he made Shuang Junjie realize how adventurous and stupid his behavior was.

"Is there no one in the moon world? After we leave, we will find some weak people to be the cabinet master!" Jin Min drew his sword and let out a cold light in his eyes. "I didn't expect that the eternal successor would be a weak woman with no chicken binding power. The moon world... really has no hope."

"Is there any hope..." Shui Wumeng's gentle face also became cold, "It won't be known until after the war!"

The water jumped up without a dream and disappeared here. Jin Minzhong laughed and his eyes became more and more evil. He said, "It's so interesting, Xiao Nanhuo. The guy in front of you is called Shuang Junjie, right? He will leave it to you. I'll meet that interesting woman!"

Jin Min also disappeared here to chase the water without a dream, and Shuang Junjie showed worry on his face.

"Are you worried?" Xiao Nanhuo asked, "Indeed, even I am not an opponent of Jin Min, let alone Shui Wumeng."

"Xiao Nanhuo, I don't know why you appeared here, and you are still so unvigilous," Shuang Junjie whispered, "However, my luck is so good that I can meet you as soon as I arrive in the soul area."

"Oh? Too lucky? That's stupid. You met me... It only shows that you are too unlucky.

As soon as Xiao Nan's fiery voice fell, a huge black lightning hit Shuang Junjie, but it was blocked by countless frosts.

"Beautiful. Give up the summoning and use your newborn frost rain? Out of my expectation."

"I'm not here to listen to your praise. I hate you so much that I came here today just to take your life!"

"Oh? Shuang Junjie, I didn't expect that after all these years, you are still so impulsive. You, who seem to be the most gentle and calm in the whole moon world, are actually the most emotional person to explode. Your personality is not suitable for being a cabinet leader.

Shuang Junjie's body trembled, took a deep breath, and calmed down. He thought: I can't be impulsive. He is provoking me. I can't try to fight with him alone. You know, in the human world, he defeated Shan Xue in a secondary state without using courage.

Shuang Junjie clenched the sword in his hand and strengthened the source of the soul. Frost fell from the sky and fell on Xiao Nanhuo. Xiao Nanhuo stood in place to release the curse. Even if the frost fell on him, it did not cause any damage.

"Sure enough... you are still so calm that you attacked me so quickly. Shuang Junjie, this will only expose your defects.

"Real?" Shuang Junjie sneered, "Xiao Nanhuo, after all these years, you can't help but think too much. Go and have a try."

Xiao Nanhuo was stunned and found that the frost had completely sealed his feet.

"Do you think this time-procrastination tactic is useful to me? Even if I stand still, you can't hurt me.

"Fourteen-style spell - brocade cloth. Forty-six spells - gold wire. One hundred and ten-style spells - ice chains. Shuang Junjie strengthened the spell layer after layer, and didn't give Xiao Nan, who underestimated the enemy, a little time to fire. "Do you think I can't see what you're thinking?"

Xiao Nanhuo's back was attacked by countless cold attacks, and Shuang Junjie had bravely walked behind him and released countless frosted ice arrows. Xiao Nanhuo's heart was cold and found that he was too underestimated the enemy, causing his carelessness to be sealed and unable to move. Before he turned back, his body was completely frozen.

"You have made more progress than I thought, Shuang Junjie," Xiao Nanhuo said contemptuously.

"You can say it unexpectedly," Shuang Junjie held the sword in both hands. "I thought you were more silent than me."

"Silent? Shuang Junjie, you really don't know me enough," Xiao Nanhuo stared at Shuang Junjie, "You are born, nothing."

Xiao Nanhuo's sealed body disappeared alive in front of Shuang Junjie. Shuang Junjie was shocked. He quickly looked around and there was no one. He stood still with a sword in his hands, afraid that Xiao Nanhuo would suddenly attack.

"My hidden..."