Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 24 Lu Yuan Han Zhan Yu Tiejun

Lu Yuanhan kicked his stomach, and Yu Tiejun hurriedly dodged. He didn't expect that Lu Yuanhan would release his sword with his right hand, only held the sword with his left hand, and punched his face with his right hand.

Yu Tiejun dodged again, but he didn't expect that Lu Yuanhan would guess that he would dodge. In the middle of his fist, he shifted to his shoulder and went straight to his shoulder. At the same time, Lu Yuanhan's left foot attacked his abdomen again.

Yu Tiejun failed to avoid this attack. His shoulders and abdomen were attacked at the same time and fell to the ground fiercely. The floor was broken several pieces, and a burst of smoke floated up.

This guy has a high level of knowledge in swordsmanship and boxing. Yu Tiejun wiped the blood from his mouth and wanted to stand up again. When he was just able to move, he found that Lu Yuanhan had split himself with a sword from afar in the air.

No!? Yu Tiejun's frightened eyes were all the meaning of "how is this possible".

A huge purple-black sword wind hit Yu Tiejun, and a small but powerful explosion occurred in an instant. The floor had long been smashed, and the ground also sank several meters.

Lu Yuanhan slowly fell to the ground, staring at the opposite side of the thick smoke and frowned slightly. He knew that he would never die like this at Yu Tiejun's level, but there should be no problem with serious injury. He sighed and was ready to walk out of the General Conference Hall.

"Hang..." A voice sounded from the smoke, weak and angry.

Lu Yuanhan was not very surprised. He turned around and didn't expect that Yu Tiejun would choose to fight.

"I underestimated the enemy, ..." Yu Tiejun climbed out of the big pit. His long hair looked messy, his face was full of purple and black gray, and the black moon guard suit also looked tattered. "I didn't expect that your current strength has reached this level, whether it is the way of fighting or the attributes of courage, It's completely mastered by you."

Lu Yuanhan stared at the extremely embarrassed Yu Tiejun, remembered what he had said during the war with Sbaide, and felt that the man in front of him was worthy of respect. He smiled and said, "So, stop hiding your strength. Use everything."

Yu Tiejun was stunned and thought that the boy in front of him would not hint that he would use the second life, right? I was completely defeated just now because I underestimated the enemy and careless. If he really uses the second life, he will die at his current level. Is he really ready?

"What are you still worried about?" Lu Yuanhan clenched without a sword and said, "Do you think the secondary destructive power is too strong for fear of destroying the General Conference Hall?"

"Ky. Every building in the central area is made of the main source of the pavilion, which is stronger than yours..." Yu Tiejun's voice has not yet fallen, and a purple-black sword wind splits into a door. The door was instantly split in half. Yu Tiejun's eyes widened and stared at Lu Yuanhan in disbelief.

"It's a pity that I still overestimate myself," Lu Yuanhan sighed at the broken door. "I thought it would be smashed into powder like in the human world, but I didn't expect that only a small wooden door could only be cut in half. As you said, it's a solid building material.

Yu Tiejun felt humiliated in an instant. He was second only to the first echelon in the moon world. It can be said that he was under 10,000 people per person. How could he suffer such ridicule?

"Do you feel insulted? Yu Tiejun?" Lu Yuanhan stood up straight and stared at Yu Tiejun. "Do you want to say that you are the sixth moon guard, and there are only 60 people above you in the whole moon world, so I don't deserve to provoke you like this?"

A gust of cold wind blew, and the dust that had been lying quietly in the hall once again floated in the air. Under the light of the moonlight, it looked like a fairyland. Lu Yuanhan stood in the smoke and lowered his head slightly. The bangs covered his eyes. He said quietly and the words were clear: "However, the so-called rule is used to break it. The so-called strong man is Used to surpass. I don't care who you are. If you threaten my family and friends, I will knock you down. If you can't defeat it, as long as you don't die, I will come again and fight repeatedly until you defeat you.

Yu Tiejun's body trembled sharply and was completely enraged. He clenched the sword with both hands, his eyes seemed to spewing fire, and his mouth was so wide that it was close to deformation. He roared, "Second life, soul-breaking sword!"

is completely different from the second layer of soul in the war between Yu Tiejun and Sbaide. This time, the light is more dazzling, the concentration of the soul source is even more breathless, and the whole hall is full of golden light.

Isn't this guy going to become a real secondary student?

Lu Yuanhan quickly covered his eyes with the back of his hand to prevent his eyes from being stabbed. Not only could he not look directly at the brightness, but he also felt hot and felt that everything was going to be melted.

Lu Yuanhan had just adapted to this brightness. When he was about to see Yu Tiejun in front of him, he felt that his chest seemed to have been hit. The unbearable heat was not burning, and his body flew towards the door behind him.

This time, the door was really smashed with the impact, and Lu Yuanhan fell directly outside the General Conference Hall.

The central area includes the December Pavilion, which is surrounded by the central square. There is a classical aisle between the square and the December Pavilion. In the center of the central square is the central fountain, the general conference hall is in the north of the fountain, the general cell is in the west, and the 36th political council judicial hall is in the east, and in the south, there is a transition area of nearly 1,000 meters with the fountain. After the transition zone is a huge open-air training ground. In no emergency, the centralized training of all moon guards is in Here.

Behind Lu Yuanhan is a fountain that is in normal spraying conditions. The huge fountain looks more magnificent in the moonlight, but Lu Yuanhan has no time to watch such a shocking building.

Yu Tiejun also jumped out of the General Conference Hall. A burst of golden light instantly illuminated the absolute central area, and even every water drop of the fountain was golden. At this time, the clock rang, and the most wonderful spraying period of the fountain opened. The whole night sky was full of golden water droplets and fog, which was extremely brilliant.

The two people in the field did not feel the pleasure brought by the beautiful scenery. They could only experience blood and battle.

"During the period of coma, I have been communicating or fighting with my broken soul sword in my inner world. Don't think that only you have been promoted. The moment I woke up, it was the broken soul sword that woke me up and let me know that I had entered a misunderstanding before. I want to stand up and find out what's going on with all this? I want to protect everything I protect!" Yu Tiejun roared hysterically, "It's not just you who want to protect everything you love, I also have it!"

Lu Yuanhan was stunned. He remembered that he had no sword beside him again and again in despair. Every time with the help of no sword, he could he become firm again and then find out the truth and protect the people he loved. It seems that every month is the same.

"I'm sorry. Yu Tiejun, Lu Yuanhan stood up, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and smiled gently, "Since the battle has begun, we can't turn back. Second life, no sword."

A thicker purple-black smoke was drilled from the soul ring of Lu Yuanhan, and slowly turned into the shape of a demon, spreading around Lu Yuanhan's body. In a short time, even Lu Yuanhan's clothes turned purple and black. The smoke surrounded the sword, and the sword body became longer and slightly wider, with more patterns that seemed to be lost text.

The hilt has more purple chains. The iron chain binds Lu Yuanhan's right hand to the hilt. The smoke turns into purple-black boots and sets Lu Yuanhan's feet. Lu Yuanhan floats in the air, and there is a thin layer of lavender smoke under his feet.

Yu Tiejun can't believe that Lu Yuanhan has really built a secondary life of only about 50 people in the lunar world, but what is a secondary life like Lu Yuanhan?

The cold sword from birth is too strange. It has not become other weapons. His second life has no light around him, but his clothes have changed, and the deformation of the sword has not changed much in his birth. What is this?

Yu Tiejun's face became ugly. What did he think of: There was a cabinet owner named Chuba. I heard that his three-layer soul sword has not changed, which is the same as the original moon sword. Shouldn't you say that this guy's moon sword and Chu8 are the same attribute?

Lu Yuanhan did not give Yu Tiejun a chance to think more. A sword hit him, and a demon-shaped purple and black sword wind quickly leaped to Yu Tiejun. Yu Tiejun did not dodge. He stood still and held his sword in both hands and split it forward. A huge golden snake rushed to the sword wind.

What Yu Tiejun didn't expect was that the demon-shaped sword wind bypassed the golden snake and opened its blood basin and rushed to himself!

The golden snake must rush to the cold road. When the road did not dodge at all, he raised his sword without a circle in the air with his right hand as the radius, and a lavender transparent circle appeared. The golden snake hit it and instantly disappeared!

Yu Tiejun has reacted to split the golden snake. Jianfeng has no chance to dodge at all. Half of Yu Tiejun's body fell into the devil's mouth. A burst of golden light penetrated the devil's body, and Yu Tiejun flew out of the sword wind and stroked the broken soul sword. It seemed that he released a high spell from the moon sword in time.

Lu Yuanhan tapped the air with his boots and moved to Yu Tiejun's side in an instant. A sword was drawn to Yu Tiejun's chest. Yu Tiejun only reflexed backwards, and was still scratched by Lu Yuanhan. Although it was a shallow injury, blood still splashed everywhere. Yu Tiejun felt a heavy kick in the abdomen, and he was knocked down on the ground again.

Lu Yuanhan stood in the air and looked at Yu Tiejun who fell to the ground and wanted to struggle to stand up again. He seemed to be scolding something.

He couldn't bear to say, "Forget it. I have fully mastered the second life and become more proficient in using the two auxiliary skills mastered in the second life. You have lost and don't have to fight anymore.

"Spell Type 73 - Dead Tower!" Yu Tiejun opened his eyes and roared.

Lu Yuanhan's secret call is not good. Could it be that he just found that the so-called secret scolding in Yu Tiejun's mouth was chanting complete scriptures?

He had no chance to dodge and descended an iron tower from the air and put Lu Yuanhan in it. Lu Yuanhan was ready to use the sword wind to forcibly break out of it. Suddenly, the tower shrank in an instant, about the size of his own body, making him unable to move.