Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 30 Doubtful Source

Shizi looked at the teenager who was talking and admired his adaptability. He took out a kit and handed it to Lu Yuanhan and said, "This is what the cabinet owner asked me to give to you. Just open it after you leave the May Pavilion."

Lu Yuanhan took the kit and handed it to Zhang Yize. Zhang Yize looked at him.

"Don't get me wrong. Although I don't want to admit it, you should be the smartest of the five of us. Two hearts are geniuses. Maybe I can't understand what he wants me to do. Lu Yuanhan said and motioned everyone to leave.

Zhang Yize walked silently behind Lu Yuanhan, carefully felt his source of soul, and found that he had an amazing leap - although he had also improved to a certain extent after fighting with Zhang Dong and practicing here in just a few days here, it was completely different from Lu Yuanhan.

How many days is it? From June 29th to July 4th, this guy's level has been at least raised to the fifth moonguard. Who is Lu Yuanhan?

And Jiang Xiaoxiao, Lu Yuanhan's source of the trap is getting stronger and stronger, while the source of the trap on Jiang Xiaoxiao's body is disappearing, and now it is almost completely imperceptible. And... Jiang Xiaoxiao's soul source also seems to be rising sharply.

"Zhang Yize." Lu Yuanhan called Zhang Yize's name and interrupted his thinking. They have left the central area with the help of stones, in a very remote place in the lunar boundary.

Zhang Yize was stunned and didn't know why Lu Yuanhan suddenly stopped him.

"You said," Lu Yuanhan walked ahead and did not look back, saying, "Is there anything wrong with the dry man?"

Zhang Yize didn't expect Lu Yuanhan to ask such a question. He bowed his head for a while and said, "Hmm. He is wrong."

"I know you will definitely add one, but." There was a trace of sarcasm in Lu Yuanhan's voice.

"Hmm. You guessed it," Zhang Yize smiled helplessly, "but I think you deliberately talked to Shan Ling like that. I'm afraid you have forgiven the dead people before any of us.

"Hmm. It's not that easy," Lu Yuanhan shook his shoulders and said with a bitter smile, "How can he forgive so quickly? However, sometimes I think that if I stand in his position, it may be more extreme, or before that time, I and the people around me will be dead.

"Who made you so impulsive?" Zhang Yize sighed. To be honest, he can really understand Lu Yuanhan, because he is his mother and brother, and Lu Yuanhan is his father and sister. In this way, they are really similar.

"You two always talk so mediocre," Ji Xiaoji put his fingers on the back of his head, raised his face, and said carelessly, "I'll just say it directly. I won't forgive the dead people in this matter. Although it has nothing to do with me becoming an Italian, and my fate is indirectly caused by him, I just don't forgive him for hiding it from me, who has known me for eight years. As for his apology..."

Ji Xiaoji stopped, ran forward quickly, patted Lu Yuanhan's shoulder hard, and said loudly, "Drink all his wine as you said!" Haha!"

This guy.

Looking at the back of this sunny boy who always brings joy to everyone, Yi Xiaoyu shook her head helplessly. She understood that Ji Xiaoji's heart was definitely a dark cloud - his parents died and became a Italian. Yi Xiaoyu understood that at the beginning, he must have been silent all day long.

Ji Xiaoji noticed that Yi Xiaoyu was looking at him, but he didn't say anything - like Jiang Xiaoxiao, Yi Xiaoyu didn't feel like an Italian.

"However, before that," Ji Xiaoji suddenly turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaoxiao, who had been following Lu Yuanhan and walked side by side with him, and asked, "You have to tell me what you just said to Lu Yuanhan. And, make it clear about yourself."

Jiang Xiaoxiao was stunned and did not expect that she would just say a word in Lu Yuanhan's ear. This small action could be found by Ji Xiaoji. She hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

"What's wrong?" Ji Xiaoji raised his eyebrows and said, "Is there anything difficult to say?"

"That's not the case!" Jiang Xiaoxiao quickly waved his hand and denied, "I told Yuan Han... I found that I could no longer use the trap arrow, and the bracelet given to me by the dead man did not know the end..."

That's true! Zhang Yize's eyes narrowed - his guess is correct. The source of the trap on Jiang Xiaoxiao's body has completely disappeared.

He looked at Ji Xiaoji and motioned at him with his eyes. Ji Xiaoji understood Zhang Yize's meaning and answered, "No. Not only that... Maybe you don't feel that you are no longer the source of Italian people at all. It is more like the soul source of the moon warrior or feather man, and more accurately, it is a new soul source with a very high soul source that has never been seen before.

"Extremely high source of courage?" Jiang Xiaoxiao opened her mouth wide, "What are you kidding?"

Lu Yuanhan reacted. He had always felt that something was wrong. It turned out to be Jiang Xiaoxiao's source of soul, which had grown to the point of making him feel uncomfortable, and this source seemed to have known each other.

"JOKE?" Ji Xiaoji sneered and rushed to Jiang Xiaoxiao, and Jiang Xiaoxiao exclaimed.

Jiang Xiaoxiao subconsciously dodged Ji Xiaoji's punch and held Ji Xiaoji's arm with her hand! Everyone can't believe their eyes.

"It seems that it was a wrong decision for me to use only four layers of force..." Ji Xiaoji withdrew his hand and rubbed his abnormally painful arm with his left hand. "Although I don't know what happened, you should believe it now."

Jiang Xiaoxiao stood still with words. She couldn't believe that she had escaped the attack of Ji Xiaoji, who had become an Italian person for more than eight years, even if it was only four layers of force - but you should know that before that, her strength could only fight with one or three mud traps.

Lu Yuanhan stared at Jiang Xiaoxiao and frowned. Jiang Xiaoxiao's speed, reaction, strength and resilience are increasing at an unimaginable rate due to the sharp rise of her soul, but because she almost doesn't know how to fight, and she no longer has the weapons she is good at, so her actual combat ability is still very weak.

It's just this kind of soul source... Lu Yuanhan seemed to see his shadow from Jiang Xiaoxiao. He seemed to think of something and quickly asked, "Jiang Xiaoxiao, when is your birthday?"

"Ah?" Jiang Xiaoxiao was stunned, and then lowered her head awkwardly, "He, the same day as you, November 24."

That's true!

Lu Yuanhan was meditating and didn't care why Jiang Xiaoxiao remembered his birthday. He remembered that before his father was "killed", he said to himself several times: "There is a little girl born on the same day as you. She must be a beauty when she grows up. It happens that my father is very familiar with her parents. Do you want to order a baby?

At the same time, he remembered that Wu Jian told himself that the dead man had sealed most of his soul. What if the dead man had also sealed the soul of Jiang Xiaoxiao?

Slowly, he remembered why he felt that Jiang Xiaoxiao's soul source seemed to be familiar - she took away his mysterious woman in the July Pavilion, and the feeling of her soul source was very similar to Jiang Xiaoxiao now.

The woman said to herself: "I'm the same person as you." What does the same person mean?

Connecting this series of coincidences together can prove that there may be an amazing connection between yourself and Jiang Xiaoxiao's fate.

"Anyway," Yi Xiaoyu, who had been silent, finally opened his mouth, "the rise of the soul is still beneficial to us. Now it's time to open the kit.

Zhang Yize nodded in favor, and he began to speculate about Jiang Xiaoxiao's background - the current feeling of Jiang Xiaoxiao's soul source is very similar to that of Lu Yuanhan's real acquisition of Yueshi's ability two months ago.

Although he doesn't know what Lu Yuanhan's life is like, from the perspective of all walks of life paying so much attention to him and Ling Yuchen, his father is by no means an idle person.

Moreover, as a scientist who is used to the absolute rationality of life and death, well-eating is a very common link in the biological chain, which is a balance theorem for the survival of the fittest. I don't know how many people in the human world are attacked by traps every day. Normally, dry people will never interfere in such a normal event, but why did he save Jiang Xiaoxiao, who was of no benefit to him at that time?

Jiang Xiaoxiao is different from Yi Xiaoyu. The reason why Yi Xiaoyu joined this team is entirely because Shan Xue felt guilty about her, and the dead man was forced to let Yi Xiaoyu also enter it.

Or? Even Yi Xiaoyu is part of the early plan of the dry people?

Zhang Yize didn't dare to think about it any more. He looked at Jiang Xiaoxiao, who was talking to Lu Yuanhan, and opened the kit.

"What's going on? There is nothing," Zhang Yize was confused after opening the kit. It was empty and there was no response after waiting for a long time. "What on earth are you doing with your hearts?"

"Don't quarrel!" Lu Yuanhan shouted, and everyone focused their eyes on him. He frowned slightly and seemed to be listening carefully. No one knew what had happened.

"I heard..." More than ten seconds later, Lu Yuanhan broke his silence and looked at everyone. "The kit of the two hearts seems to be only set for me to hear."

"It seems that it's useless for you to decide to give me the kit at the beginning," Zhang Yize shook his head helplessly. He thought he was smart enough, but now he felt that his every move was expected. "A perverted guy like him probably won't allow anyone to destroy his perfection. Maybe he will take all the best measures for everything, just like this kit. Come on, what did he say?

Lu Yuanhan nodded. Judging from his expression, he should have heard something that brought him close to despair--

"Lu Yuanhan, when you hear this kit, Xia Yi and others may have been executed. I can't accurately predict what crimes they have been sentenced, but at the lesser, they will deprive them of their source, and more... Maybe they will be executed. You are the only one who can save them. Now you go to the soul area, which is the Italian region where you have just arrived. When you get there, you can open the kit.

Everyone fell silent. First, they were worried about Xia Yi's fate, and second, they admired the predictability of the two hearts. Before the evolution of the situation, they could predict that such a situation might occur. I'm afraid that if things go in another direction, the two hearts also have prepared countermeasures in advance. It is estimated that only the withered man can compete with this kind of person's IQ. Maybe even the dry man's IQ can't compare with this seemingly sick little cabinet owner.

But why did Xia Yi go to such a fate?