Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 34 The Battlefield of Death

Dark moon world, battlefield.

"It seems that they can't hold on any longer. It turns out that the elites in the moon world are just like this. I didn't expect that the first Mingyue Pavilion owner who will die in battle will be the addition that is said to be able to rank in the front of the Lord of the Moon Pavilion in singles." A bearded man scratched his back and looked at the battlefield and said disdainfully, "The so-called cabinet master level is just like this."

Longbo. If you don't like it, you will go down to fight with the muscular man in person," another big man with a tiger back and bear waist refuted. "Anyway, I, Lu Yiming, dare not do this. At least I am so far away from him, and I can't breathe by the source that has not been fully released in his body. If it hadn't been for the transformation of the boy's transformation, it has been depleted him. I'm afraid the whole army on our side has been destroyed."

"Come on," a medium-sized man who had just returned from the battlefield shouted to Lu Yiming breathlessly, "Only me and Wang Dapeng and Gao Silang went to the battlefield to kill many of them and moon guards. Otherwise, you think that only the support of hundreds of transformation traps can stop Tianding and Tian Zhilan. Attack?"

Wang Dapeng, who followed him, quickly nodded and shouted, "Yes! Longbo and Lu Yiming, you two are cabinet owners like us. Why don't you two take action? Just me and Silang followed Brother Chahong to kill the enemy below!"

These are the five Italian pavilion masters in the dark moon world. In addition to Longbo and Lu Yiming, their strength is similar to that of the deputy cabinet masters of the Mingyue world, and the other two are at most third.

"Don't shout, something is starting to go wrong over there. It's better to be careful with our strength." Cha Hong was uneasy when he looked at the battlefield. Although five dark moon pavilion masters were sent to encircle Tianding, he knew that his group of Italians were not the opponents who brought the well-trained two thousand moon soldiers at all. If it hadn't been for the 2,000 traps and hundreds of transformation traps, his side would have been completely destroyed. .

"Ha! Our strength?" Long Bo laughed and said, "In addition to Boss Wan, there are also the Lord of the Golden Pavilion, the Lord Xiao Pavilion, the Lord of the Pavilion, and the illusion trap Shi Baide. Who can really fight equally with the Lord of the Yuejie Pavilion? But Mu Ren... After he was transformed, his strength is said to have been improved to a terrible level.

"Forget it. If you are willing to sacrifice one hand and your own personal thinking in exchange for strong power, you can change it. But the only thing I'm interested in is that we are the only female cabinet owner..." Lu Yiming smiled obscenely and said, "Her figure is really hot and sexy. I can't help appearing in front of us so exposed every day..."

In addition to Cha Hong, the other three cabinet owners also smiled obscenely. Cha Hong frowned. He was not interested in women, but he had keenly realized what he seemed to be planning to do.

"You... have to be careful," Cha Hong interrupted the big men's ** smiles, "Maybe Longbo and Lu Yiming, you two should also take action..."

"No." Cha Hong was stunned. What's wrong with this strange voice? Why is it so close to him!?

"Because you have no chance to take action at all!"

Cha Hong only heard two screams. He turned around in horror and found that Tian Ding, who had just been on the battlefield, had come to the middle of the five of them! When did this happen?

What he saw was not only the angry Tianding, but also Wang Dapeng and Gao Silang who had fallen into the pool of blood!

Tianding looked at Wang Dapeng and Gao Silang, who were still struggling on the ground. His eyes seemed to be looking at two dogs. He knew that although the five people were very different from his own strength, he had only one chance to kill with one blow, and he wanted to kill the other three people close to the strength of the vice-govere of the moon world at one time. It is almost impossible, so he chose the relatively weak Wang Dapeng and Gao Silang.

"Sure enough, I still look down on you. Still didn't let these two beasts die on the spot," Tianding took a deep breath and didn't care about the three people standing around them. They had taken out their weapons and raised their soul to the highest. "Just now, it was just my first-iron fist, and then--"

"Second life, iron stone sword." Add a summoning word.

He knew that such a choice was likely to kill himself in the battlefield, and he understood that this could be exchanged for Tian Zhilan to escape from here with his men.

Tian Ding was worried that reinforcements would come later, and he was even more afraid that Jin Minzhong and Xiao Nanhuo would come back to him. Then everything was really over.

Zhilan, the October Pavilion will be handed over to you. Tianding waved the sword in his hand and went to the three people. At this time, the remaining traps and transformation traps rushed to Tianding.

Tianding's secondary emits silver light. Unlike others, it did not return to a sword, but the boxing gloves became all silver and were set with diamonds. Tianding's already developed muscles became stronger, and his muscles were floating with silver light.

While using the second life, the powerful source of soul burst out made Wang Dapeng and Gao Silang, who were dying, die on the spot.

What a terrible destructive power.

Tianding did not give the remaining three people a chance to think. In a blink of an eye, two more Tianding appeared. In addition to Cha Hong, Lu Yiming and Long Bo were scared to tremble all over. One Tianding may not be able to beat, and three are enough!

Zha Hong looked at his two companions and was so angry that he roared, "stupid! That's his secondary derivative ability. Those two are just phantoms covering for him, and there is no attack power!"

Tianding looked at this Cha Hong and praised in his heart that he finally saw an opponent with the style of a great general. Unfortunately, this is a battlefield. There is only battle. There is nothing else. Either you die or I live.

Three Tianding quickly changed his position with courage, and Cha Hong also quickly turned his eyes. He knew that once he made a mistake, it was the moment when he died in battle.

What Cha Hong didn't expect was that two Tianding rushed to him, and he found that his two companions were hit by Tianding almost at the same time.

What kind of speed and boxing is this!

Cha Hong waved his sword to block the two additions. He knew that it must be a phantom to attack him, but it was different from what he expected. He thought that as long as he came into contact with the phantom, he could eliminate the illusion. Unexpectedly, the two additions were just weaker and did not disappear at all.

What a horrible ability! Cha Hong thought.

The ability of Wang Dapeng and Gao Silang, who died in battle, comes from the well class, while Lu Yiming and Longbo's ability comes from the feathers, and Chahong's ability comes from Yueshi.

They are the best in the Italian experiment that has been carried out for many years. The strength of the vast majority of Italian people is not satisfactory. They and blood-eating have basically reached the strength of the third or deputy cabinet owner of the lunar world. Of course, compared with the cabinet owner of the lunar world, the power gap is indescribable. Of.

Except for the Italian people who eat blood and wooden people are created by human bodies as experimental products, almost all other Italian people experimented by the souls of the soul area. The difference may only be understood by the crazy people who did the experiment.

Zhahong even learned the unique skill of the moon warriors - the soul, and he can only be born.

The reason why he can reach the level of deputy cabinet in the lunar world is that he is born with extremely high soul and good combat quality in all aspects. He is a comprehensive talent. However, his so-called Gao Lingyuan can be said to be a small witch in the face of Tianding.

Tian Zhilan knows what just happened. She understands that her eldest brother can become the cabinet leader not only because of his strong personal attack and the strongest boxing skills in the whole moon, but also because his moon sword has a different ability - such as a shadow split.

This ability can have its own split, and I can use this split to confuse the enemy's audio and use his strong courage to reach the dead corner ignored by the enemy, so as to get a chance to kill.

Tian Zhilan held back her tears. She knew that Tianding was not here. She was the backbone of the October Pavilion, and everyone was waiting for her order.

She forced herself to stabilize her emotions, her eyes became firm, and loudly ordered, "The remaining surviving moon guards, the last five take 100 combatable moon warriors to escort more than 300 seriously injured moon warriors to retreat!"

The five weak moon guards looked at each other and didn't expect that the final decision of the brother and sister would be like this - the order must be heard. They looked at the bodies on the ground, and some of them had melted into the moon world. They looked sadly at Tian Zhilan and knew that the cabinet master and the deputy cabinet master were exchanging their lives for their survival.

The five people didn't say much and left quickly with more than 400 people.

"The rest of the people, I will eradicate the remaining Italians on the battlefield with me, and the trap that has not yet arrived at the side of the Lord of Tianding Pavilion. Whether it is through the trap or transforming the trap, you must fight for your life to kill it! Because this is an opportunity for Tianding and Han Wuyuewei to sacrifice themselves for you! Look at the blood of those dead brothers on the ground, bet on the glory and pride of being a moon warrior, and ruthlessly eradicate those bastards one by one!"

More than 400 people left, each with a solemn expression on their faces, their eyes were extremely firm, and the blood of the exclusive moon world ignited on the whole battlefield.

This is the lunar world. Even if you defeat me and cut me, as long as I am alive, I will never give up!

Tian Zhilan saw that the popularity of the public was ignited again, swept away the decadent, and then ordered: "Remove the two moon guards of the first echelon. The remaining 12 moon guards and 400 moon warriors. Retreat two moon guards and 70 moon soldiers from low strength every ten minutes. It can't be refused. This is an order! You must leave the dark moon within an hour!"

The Yueshi looked at their thin and thin deputy cabinet leader with respect.

"Kill!" Under the order of Tian Zhilan, the moon warriors clenched the moon sword in their hands and launched an impact on the Italians again.