Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 20 The Death of Sped

Darkness, darkness, endless darkness, no trace of light can be seen. Born in loneliness, walking in loneliness, dying in loneliness, I have never felt companionship from beginning to end. Wake up, sleep, live and die, because it is extremely powerful and destined to be eternal loneliness.

Sbaid opened his eyes and was surrounded by corpses.

This is the strongest magic trap recorded in the history of the trap world. It was born naturally in the trap world. It is not that the human soul is swallowed up and transformed. It is also born with a strong source of suffocating soul. It is also true that he was born without companions - the too powerful source almost crushed the bones of the trap he walked with him, and often quietly Between breath, it creaked into blue smoke and extinguished ashes.

Why... I can't find a companion. Sbaide wanders in this lonely and huge trap. It seems that for an endless time, this space is always night, and the only light is the moon above his head, which is huge and cold.

The trap is surrounded by smoke all year round, gray, and the ground is covered with sand. Sbaide can't remember how many years he was born. In his memory, he can only walk, walk and walk regularly... His life can't be lost for a long time, but the lives of others will easily go with the wind. How ridiculous it is.

It's not that you can't encounter a powerful magic trap, but... why is there always only war? Shibaid couldn't figure out this problem. Every trap as powerful as him could not vent because of his long-term loneliness. When he saw him, he had to fight with him.

I'm a person who hates killing... No, I'm not a human, I'm just a trap. Sbaide often sits next to the body that has not yet turned into black smoke and thinks after the fierce battle.

What kind of race is human...? Their lives are extremely short and particularly fragile, but why is it a few warm beings in the legend of the trap world?

The trap survives from the blood of other races, and the higher the source, the blood can make the trap gain stronger power and even evolve to a higher class. However, in the trap that survives in the trap world, in order to evolve and survive, they often choose to fight with the same kind, even in exchange for not much improvement. Shibaid doesn't want to do this. He is tired of his strength and even wants to die.

But...who can kill himself?

But unconsciously, the war in the trap world kicked off.

The existence above the magic trap is the heart trap. Six heart traps have been born in history, two of which have never been seen and do not know their existence, and the remaining four are the four emperors of the trap.

Spring Palace Sprun, Summer Palace Sangmo, Autumn Palace Winger, Winter Palace Winter.

Sbaider has the ability to evolve into a heart trap as long as he wants. Unfortunately, he has not devoured other souls for such a long time. Unlike moon warriors or feathers, he can improve his soul source through cultivation or other methods. The trap can only devour souls to make himself strong.

The trap world is divided into four, and there is even a war, and no one has been a real winner for many years. In order to win the war, the four trap emperors began to recruit powerful traps beyond the strength of the normal trap, which was named "Imperial Trap". As the strongest magic trap in history, Sbaide has been staring at by the forces of all four forces. It was not until then that Sbaid felt that it was time to leave this troubled world.

Endless battles, endless blood, endless death, everything is meaningless, but bury life for these meaningless worlds. However, sometimes he even feels that his life is meaningless, Shibaid laughed at himself with a wry smile.

Sbaid has fought face to face with the four heart traps. As expected, there is a subversive gap in strength between the existence of different classes. Sped soon understood that he was not the opponent of these four heart traps. He fled around in a panic, but he has been hunted down, bringing a ridiculous cycle, war, blood, death...

Sbaider fled to the human world. What made him panic was that he was still dead and injured wherever he went. At that time, Sbaid did not know how to suppress his soul. Such a powerful source can sometimes kill the residents of a small town in an instant.

Is your existence meaningless killing? Even if you don't want to?

No one answered Spide until the eternal appearance.

It's just... This is temporary light, and after the light, it is darker.

No companion, no companion... No companion until death. Blood-eating is not a companion, Yuan Dingzhen is not a companion, Xiao Nanhuo is not a companion, Jin Minzhong is not a companion, and eternal... Shi Baide smiled bitterly and knew that this ambitious powerful moon warrior only used himself as a pawn.

But after all, he gave himself a place to settle down. Although there was a fight, there was no permanent war. For this kindness, it was enough to repay with his life. However, this turned out to be just a prelude.

Sbaider finally found that he had become a war machine. He did not have his own sense of belonging, and those powerful companions were also independent, which was not enough to be called companions.

Until one day, I met a teenager named Lu Yuanhan. He is young, cold and impulsive, and has a surplus sense of justice between his eyebrows, but... This teenager is the object that must be used or eradicated. Shibaid holds a black knife and is finally confused again.

In the first official battle, in that town, the teenager rushed to me for his companions. He knew that my strength was 100 times higher than him, and he was not afraid. But... there was no hatred in the teenager's sword. Subconsciously, he seemed to treat me as a companion.

Finally, I'm going to stand on the stage of the decisive battle with you. Lu Yuanhan, a teenager in the human world, thank you for saving me from this chaotic and dark world. I will eventually die in your hands. Thank you, my only companion, Lu Yuanhan.

Sbaider smiled, looked at the purple and black sword wind that hit him, closed his eyes without hesitation, and felt his body being penetrated.

Only those who have been to hell will know what heaven should be like. Only when you have nothing can you know what you really have, know the weight of things in your hands, and don't forget to keep walking. For him, these years of suffering also pierced the color into the skin one by one. It's too painful and difficult to wash it off. It's better to let it stay there and slowly fade in the process of the skin crawling with wrinkles.

Sbaid sensed that his body stopped. It turned out that Lu Yuanhan, who resisted tears, caught him and then gently put him on the ground. What a naive teenager... How nice it would be if Zhang Yiyan could be the same as him.

Wu Jing and others looked at the ground in the air without saying anything.

"Why... why don't you use charm!" There was a cry in Lu Yuanhan's voice. The reason why he hit with all his strength was that he thought that Sbaide would use charm, but the result would turn out like this.

"Oh... teenager, don't ask," Sbaide's voice became weaker and weaker. "I'm dying. I told you something before I died, and I didn't know it until a while ago."

Lu Yuanhan was choked and speechless. He nodded and motioned to Shibaid to continue.

"Go, go and find Kim, Jin Minzhong..." Sbaide intermittently, "If you find him... You can see your father, Lu, Lu Yesheng him, right, Jin Minzhong, then..."

What? Lu Yuanhan couldn't believe his ears.

"Old man Wan said that I can experiment with you when you are about to die..." A clear male voice sounded. Lu Yuanhan was shocked, turned his head and saw a boy about 1.6 meters old at most 13 or 14 years old.

"You..." Before Lu Yuanhan finished his words, his body flew up. It was Sbayder who finally tried his best to kick it into the sky. At the same time, Wu Jing caught Lu Yuanhan, who was no longer able to move.

"Oh? Interesting..." Zhang Yiyan smiled and said, "Kick that guy into the hands of an opponent I can't defeat, and I can't bring it back. You are so kind, Sbaide."

Sbaider can't move anymore.

"But there is no way to change my plan to do transformation experiments on you..." Zhang Yiyan's smile became colder and colder. "Then you can thank me for giving you another life."

"Do not think about it!"

A black fog rose, and Zhang Yiyan choked and coughed. When he opened his eyes again, there was a black knife in his chest, and his body had slowly turned into black smoke and gradually rose.

Zhang Yiyan made a disdainful voice and felt extremely annoyed. He had no choice but to disappear here.

Lu Yuanhan watched Sbaide's body slowly disappear and shed tears. Sbaide, his first opponent, lost his life, and his body also disappeared into black smoke and finally dissipated in the soul area.

Death is a lonely and sad thing, but the demise of some people is not a lonely and sad thing. The road of life is progressive, always walking up the slope of the infinite spiritual triangle, and nothing can stop him.

Nature has a lot of disharmony with people, and there are still many people who shrink and degenerate themselves, but life will never turn back. No matter what darkness is to prevent the trend of thought, what tragedy is to attack society, and what sin is to blasphem humanity, everyone's thirst for the full potential always steps forward.

Life is not afraid of death, laughing and jumping in front of death, crossing the people of extinction and moving forward.

The heavy rain poured down like endless tears on the ground. Death is the feeling of many people. It is a disaster that brings destruction. It will crush you. Although what you want is that it can take you to where you want to go, life is so hopeless. The vast land of the forest has turned into a piece of yellow sand, potholes, and finally left little black blood left, and black smoke rolls over it, like a cold funeral.

Those black blood turned into these words: Thank you, my companion. Then he was washed away by the rain and disappeared on this land with his life.