Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 34 Reappearance of Soul Knot

Shui Wumeng walked at full speed and entered the no man's land in the soul area for a long time. She shuttled through the forest and frowned slightly: this source of the spirit appeared faintly, which was difficult to inquire.

When Shui Wumeng was upset, her eyes were burned by a dazzling light. She quickly stretched out her arm to cover her eyes. After a while, the light gradually faded. Shui Wumeng put down her arm and clearly saw the knot hanging less than 20 meters ago in the high school, blooming with an unparalleled light.

It's really a terrible thing. It has endless ** power for people. If you don't pay attention to it, you will be fascinated by it, fall into its temptation, and can't wait to possess it. Shui Wumeng controlled herself. She walked slowly forward. The dark forest was like the day, and the light of the knot was as wonderful as the sun.

Suddenly, a dark shadow stood in front of the soul knot, and the water was shocked.

The black shadow body is slim and exquisite. At first glance, it is the body of a tall girl. Because the woman in front of the light source can only see the silhouette and can't recognize her appearance.

The extremely familiar source of the soul could only be her... Shui Wumeng bit her lower lip gently.

"Long time no see, Lord of the Dream Pavilion." Lazy and charming female voice.

"Yes, long time no see," Shui Wumeng's voice was bitter and sad. "Master Tianlianer, no, I shouldn't call you the Lord of the Pavilion anymore."

"Water has no dream, I can say that there is no grudge against you. You don't have to ask me why I made such a decision. You are a smart person and know that I came here for this knot. If I can, I don't want to fight with you."

"I'm not, and I don't want to fight with you. Unfortunately, I came here for the same reason as you. I only have one question. How did you find it here?

"How can I, who is responsible for the pursuit in the moon world, find a knot?"

"Don't joke," Shui Wumeng pulled out his sword. "The soul knot has no special device, which is difficult to find. Tell me who is informing!"

"Oh?" Tianlian'er smiled slightly, "Even you have drawn your sword. It seems that the moon world... It's really time to start a full-scale war."

"Didn't I say that I don't want to go to war, but I can't help it," Shui Wumeng took a long breath. "I'm sorry, this may be the end of my sisterhood with you. New birth, mirror water ribbon.

There are countless water lights beside the dreamless body, sparkling, like looking at the moon in the fog, like a mirror and moon, and the beautiful scene is like a fairyland. The black pavilion coat without dreams also turns light white in the mist, holding a light blue ribbon in both hands, like a fairy coming out of the south of the Yangtze River ink painting.

"It's really worthy of being the owner of Shui Wumeng Pavilion. He is just a newborn and has such a strong source of courage," Tian Lianer smiled and smiled. "You didn't take action directly. You are waiting for me to fight with your soul. It's really noble. Compared with you, I really look like a poisonous scorpion. "First birth, snake and scorpion thorn!"

A deep purple, a light white, Tianlian'er is tall and charming, and the water is gentle and quiet. Two completely different women held different weapons and launched a thrilling battle in the moon world.

Shui Wumeng waved the ribbon, and each wave sprinkled a wave-like source of soul to hit Tianlian'er. It seemed calm, but each blow was amazingly powerful.

Tianlianer does not dare to neglect. Shui Wumeng's attack is long-range and wide-ranging, which makes Tianlianer, who is good at close combat, suffer a lot. Every time the waves hit, Tianlianer dod well and embarrassed. Shui Wumeng does not mean to stop. The ribbon waved faster, and the speed of the waves is also It is no longer as peaceful as it was at the beginning, and it is getting faster and faster.

Although Tianlian'er had seen Shui Wumeng's newborn at the January Pavilion report, Shui Wumeng obviously hid his real strength at the meeting and only did a viewing performance. Tianlian didn't expect that this gentle woman had such a strong attack power. She said that she was the new cabinet owner, but her strength was by no means worse than that of her predecessors!

Tianlianer hid awkwardly and was about to grab the gap and rush directly to Shui Wumeng. Unexpectedly, Shui Wumeng held a ribbon in one hand and threw it high. Tianlianer's columns of water surged up in all directions and surrounded her, and then the water columns rushed to the sky and turned into heavy rain at a speed beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Tianlianer quickly released a spell with a snake and scorpion to block the heavy rain without dead angle attacks. Obviously, such defense revealed a flaw. Shui Wumeng saw Tianlian'er's hands raised high and her body lost its defense. Shui Wumeng threw a ribbon horizontally and hit Tianlian'er's abdomen at a high speed.

"It's over, Lian'er."

"It's really over!" Tianlian'er's original panicked expression became happy and extremely enchanting. She looked at Shui Wumeng's stunned expression and laughed wildly. The beauty smiled charmingly. In the heavy rain, Tianlian'er's graceful body was even more charming. She supported the anti-spell in the sky with one hand and blocked the mirror water ribbon with a short poisonous scorpion thorn. The snake and scorpion thorns are tied like human nature.

Shui Wumeng sighed that it was so dangerous. She knew that the most powerful derivative ability of the snake and scorpion was its poisonous fog. If it was not sealed in time, the consequences would be unimaginable. However, her ribbon slowly turned dark purple, and the venom hit her at an amazing speed along her ribbon!

Shui Wumeng was a little panicked. If he didn't lose the ribbon, he would be hurt by the venom. If he lost the ribbon, he would be stabbed by Tianlian'er directly with a snake and scorpion.

Unexpectedly, the venom stopped less than ten centimeters away from the waterless hand, and Tianlian'er knelt on the ground on one knee. Shui Wumeng was shocked to find that he didn't know when Wu Ying rushed here without notice.

Obviously, Wu Ying's injury was not completely healed. She held the sword and trembled. She was at a loss. She looked at Tianlian'er with tears in her eyes. Tianlian covered the sword wound on her right leg and raised her head and stared at Wu Ying viciously. Wu Ying was so scared that she almost didn't even hold the sword.

"Why? Lord, why did you do this!" Wu Ying couldn't control her emotions and burst into tears. She roared hysterically, "I admire you so much. Why did you make such a choice!"

"It's none of your business, Wu Ying." Tianlianer stood up, and Shui Wumeng did not attack again. She repaired her ribbon with her soul source to prepare for the next attack.

"This is none of my business! Lord! Me, me, me!" Wu Ying sobbed, "I can't forgive you! Lord! Second life..."

Wu Ying fainted before she finished speaking. It was Tianlianer who stunned her before she used her second life. Shui Wumeng exclaimed, "Wu Ying!"

"Wu Ying, how many times have I told you," Tianlianer put Wu Ying on the ground carefully. "Stabilize your emotions on the battlefield and don't give your opponents too many opportunities to find your flaws. You have lost the best opportunity."

Shui Wumeng dares not neglect, I'm afraid it's the cover of Tian Lian'er.

"Don't worry, I regard Wu Ying as my own sister and didn't hurt her. Go on." Tianlianer stood up and heard a flute sound, and slowly felt weak all over. She frowned and knew that the reinforcements were coming again.

"Fortunately, I told the deputy cabinet owner Wu Ying in advance. Fortunately, she let you show her flaws carelessly, otherwise how could you have won my carving skills?" A long-haired man blew Gu Xiao and came out of the woods.

"Xiao Ling!" Tianlian'er stared at him. Even if he was a little embarrassed, Tianlian'er's confusion was thrilling.

"It's rare that the Lord of Tianlianer can still remember me as an unknown junior." As soon as Xiao Ling's words fell, Shui Wumeng seized the opportunity to attack again with a ribbon. Tianlian'er's snake and scorpion sting broke out an unprecedented poisonous fog. Xiao Ling and Shui Wumeng quickly protected themselves. When they found out again, Tianlian'er had disappeared, and Wu Ying was well protected by Tianlian's curse.

"Damn!" Xiao Ling cursed softly and soon stopped talking, because he found that Shui Wumeng's eyes looked sad, and he didn't say more words.

po qu.

"It was the feeling of the knot just now!" Tian Zhilan broke the silence, and Lu Yuanhan was also shocked.

"Don't sigh. The knot seems to have disappeared again.

"Zhang Yize!" Lu Yuanhan wondered, "Why are you here?"

"I'm not the only one here." Zhang Yize smiled gently, "I also brought the person you miss the most."

Lu Yuanhan's eyes widened and found Xia Yi, who was slightly shy and blushed by Zhang Yize's jokes. She quietly walked out from Zhang Yize's back.

"Xia, Xia Yi?" Lu Yuanhan couldn't believe his eyes.

"Well," Xia Yi raised her head, and her big eyes flashed with ghost horse elves. "It's me."

"Cough..." Zhang Yize interrupted the two, "You two, don't look at each other so affectionately. There are still three big living people."

Lu Yuanhan and Xia Yi woke up and lowered their heads awkwardly.

"Who said we are living people," Li Ruoqi pulled out the Moon Sword, "Me and Zhilan are not human beings in the first place. Don't classify us randomly. Also, you'd better stay away from me. Feathers are not qualified to stand on the land of the moon. No matter what the cabinet owner decides, I will never allow Feathers to appear in my sight.

Zhang Yize looked at Li Ruoyu coldly and had an extra bookmark in his hand.

"All right," Tian Zhilan quickly dissuaded Li Ruoyu, and her eldest lady couldn't stop her temper.

"Bear by the way, Zhang Yize, what are you doing here?"

"Don't worry about me and protect Xia Yi." Zhang Yize took a few steps forward and turned his back to Lu Yuanhan. "Actually, I envy you very much, at least... you don't have to face your sister. See you by chance."

Zhang Yize's voice just fell and disappeared in front of everyone. Lu Yuanhan sighed secretly and obviously understood the meaning of Zhang Yize's words.

"Really, another burden!" Li Ruoqi said angrily, "Xia Yi, right? Recently, you are quite popular. Why didn't I know that there was still you in the moon world before? It's agreed that I will never care if anything happens.

Tian Zhilan sighed helplessly and did not intend to control Li Ruoyu's mouth. However, a few months ago, as deputy cabinet owners, they did not know who Xia Yi was. However, there have been too many sensational events caused by Xia Yi recently. In a period of time, the whole moon world remembered her name.

"I'll protect her." Lu Yuanhan stood in front of Xia Yi and said clearly, "Even if it's my life."