Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 36 Shan Xue woke up

February Pavilion.

"My head hurts, my mouth is dry, and my body hurts... Where am I?"

Shan Xue was dizzy and tried her best to open her eyes. Countless pictures flashed in her mind. Xiao Nanhuo... The young feather... The painful body... And the moon full of blood...

Wait, is it covered with blood? Shan Xue broke out in a cold sweat and suddenly opened her eyes and saw the extremely familiar ceiling. This is... the February Pavilion where she used to get along day and night!

Sister Shan Xue! You're awake!" Meng Meng exclaimed.

Meng Meng? Shan Xue didn't understand why she was lying here. She looked around and found that Shan Ling, Magic Star and Yu Tiejun were also lying in other beds in this room!

"How long did I sleep!" Shan Xue asked in a hurry.

"Today is July 16th," Shuang Junjie came in from the door. "You slept for 15 days."

15 days? Shan Xue has a splitting headache.

"Sister Shan Xue, although it is very inhumane to ask you as soon as you wake up. But - this is a critical moment, and you must immediately say everything you remember and know!"

"Lord..." Meng Meng felt sorry for Shan Xue.

"Meng Meng, don't interrupt!" Shuang Junjie shouted softly, and Meng Meng trembled and dared not speak again.

Shan Xue's eyes were blind, and the blurred pictures in her mind became clear. She remembered that she had seriously injured a deputy cabinet owner and a moon guard, which could barely be recognized from their clothes. Yuejie is also extremely particular about clothing and accessories. The cabinet owner has his own coat, and the clothing styles of the deputy cabinet owner and each echelon are also different.

"Did I lose my mind... hurt the deep snow, and there is a... deputy cabinet master."

"Yes," Shuang Junjie did not shy away from it. "The deputy cabinet owner is Wu Ying, who was the deputy cabinet owner of the September cabinet. He took office 30 years ago and was extremely young. I didn't expect Sister Shan Xue to have an impression of Shenxue.

"Well... During the 15 years of turbulence period, there were countless tough players who were promoted to the first echelon in the eighth year of the first lunar month. I have some impression," Shan Xue coughed, "I'm already psychologically prepared. You can ask me anything if you want to ask. But...before that, tell me what happened to Shanling."

Shuang Junjie told Shan Xue the general experience of Shan Ling and others, and then told Shan Xue about the treatment of them with a soul knot. Shan Xue had been frowned and couldn't figure out some things.

"Sister Shan Xue, I've said everything you want to know. Now it's your turn."

"Well," Shan Xue sighed and was obviously worried about Shan Ling. "That night, I was taken away by Xiao Nanhuo. I had a fierce battle with him in the soul area, and he was still not his opponent, and then I was taken to their stronghold.

"There was a strange little boy there, a feather man. When he saw me, he kept laughing and saying funny. Then they took me to a strange place, leaving only me and the little boy and Xiao Nanhuo there.

"Did Xiao Nanhuo say anything?"

"It seems that he said to the boy that he can't delay any more. If he fails, no matter how much he values you, I will kill you first," Shan Xue sighed. "Who knows what it means. I'm afraid it's the trap change experiment you just told me. I didn't expect... Xiao Nanhuo has become such a vicious person now.

"I'm afraid it has another meaning." Shuang Junjie said with a straight face.


"A few days ago, when the two hearts sucked out the source of the soul in your body, although the trap-like soul source is ominous, that feeling seems to be deeply rooted in your body. Unlike those feather traps that we have caught alive before, the decomposition study of the soul source of the feathers in those traps obviously felt that it was forced to integrate into their bodies in the near future. And yours is not at all... just like... the source of the trap belongs to you. Or, you have lived in your body for many years.

"What's going on?" Shan Xue's face changed.

"If you ask me, who do I ask," Shuang Junjie said with a bitter smile. "When I was curious to study the source of the soul in the body of the single spirit alone, although it was only inference, the fact still surprised me. Shanling is in the same situation as you, and the well-like source in her body is like her own innate.

Sand Xue's face is uncertain. Is this directly related to the events 60 years ago? Or earlier?

"Sister Shan Xue."

"Well, you said."

"Do you remember how you attacked when the trap changed? Now you can fully control the trap change. Shuang Junjie said with a serious look, "Your combat effectiveness should have been similar to mine before, but now you should be far above me."

Sand snow shocked, trap change?

"Try it."

Shan Xue closed her eyes and recalled the scene when she ran away on the battlefield before. She gradually released a powerful source of soul unconsciously. The strength of the source of soul actually made Meng Meng a little breathless.

Sand Xue drove her arms forward. Suddenly, a black knife appeared in her right hand and a trap arrow appeared in her left hand. When she opened her eyes, she couldn't believe it.

"It's not just that. The ability of the soul knot is not just to absorb other racial spirits. Its actual effect is to integrate the racial spirit sources. You can try to release the attack spell with a black knife.

Sand Snow is a little hesitant.

"Don't worry, I have set up more than 100-style spells." Shuang Junjie's heart is also hanging.

Shan Xue raised the black knife and thought about how to release the attack spell with the moon sword. With one knife, it was 20 types of attack spell, the lightning spell. The lightning turned black, emitting a chilling breath, and the size was much larger than normal. The lightning hit the wall-like spell, and the house shook crazily for a moment, and the hundred-style spell was completely smashed.

"Sure enough..." Shuang Junjie whispered, "The strength after the trap change will be so amazing."

Shan Xue stared at her hands, which was hard to imagine, while Meng Meng trembled beside him - the trap changed, such a sinful force, in the moon world, there was a horrible existence like a forbidden spell.

"It's time to go." Shuang Junjie stood up and said to Shan Xue and Meng Meng.

"Ah?" Meng Meng didn't understand.

"After a few days of rest, the February Pavilion is finally not so busy. The rest should be fine for the moonguards after the second echelon. It's time for us to go out."

"Lord, are you talking about?"

"Meng Meng, if you take the three people from the first echelon, I'm afraid that Jin Minjun and others will fight with Jin Minzhong. At that time, their injuries can never be cured by themselves," Shuang Junjie turned his head and looked at Shan Xue. "Sister Shan Xue, you can go to Xiao Nanhuo with me. You are not the only one who wants to solve the doubts over the years. So am I!"

Shan Xue was shocked that Shuang Junjie, who had always been doing things smoothly, would make such a decision. She smiled gratefully and said to Shuang Junjie, "Thank you."

Shuang Junjie didn't say anything and said in his heart: Master Xiao Nanhuo, if you actually have your troubles in killing so many people, what is your intention? I can't accept that you will make such a choice until now, but... no matter what reason you have, it can't change the fact that you killed so many people. I will solve you with my own hands.

When Shuang Junjie and others came to the gate of the February Pavilion, he found that Tianding was standing outside the February Pavilion.

"Master Tianding, what are you?"

"Lord Shuang Junjie," Tian looked at Shuang Junjie with a straight look. "I must have told you the location of Xiao Nanhuo and Jin Minzhong. In any case, he is unwilling to tell me where Jin Minzhong is. I have been guarding this, because I know that as the current owner of the February Pavilion, you will never forgive Xiao Nanhuo's behavior and will personally Go to fight. And so do I, can you understand?"

Shuang Junjie was stunned and remembered that his heart had told himself before not to take risks if he had not recovered from his injury. But Shuang Junjie looked at Tianding's eyes and sighed in his heart: Who can refuse such a look?

"I understand," Shuang Junjie said, "this is about your October Pavilion, and I naturally have no right to hide it from you. Come with me."

po qu.

The black forest, the towering giant trees, the wind blows unscrupulously in the no man's land of the soul area, cold and wet, which is sad and desolate, like a tragic foreshadowing and a bridge of mourning.

Jin Minjun stopped, and he noticed that several sources behind him also stopped.

"You finally followed." Jin Minjun said.

Lu Yuanhan stood at the front. He stared at Jin Minjun's back, silent and silent. Behind him stood Xia Yi, Li Ruoyu and Tian Zhilan - after a long journey, he finally caught up with Jin Minjun.

"How long have you been waiting?"

"Not long."

"How far did he escape?"

"Not far," Jin Minjun said, "How long have you been chasing?"

"For a long time. I can't catch up with your speed. If you don't stop, how can you catch up?

Jin Minjun touched the corners of his mouth slightly and still didn't smile. He turned around and said, " Even Xia Yi is here."

Xia Yi nodded, hid behind Lu Yuanhan, pulled the corners of his clothes, and was afraid and respectful to Jin Minjun in front of him. Li Ruoyu looked at Jin Minjun, the noble cabinet owner known as the dragon of the lunar world, who has been compared with the new stone in the lunar world for many years.

A dragon and a snake, the same charming and dangerous. Li Ruoyu narrowed her eyes slightly. She had to admit that Jin Minjun, who had not smiled all year round, had a unique charm and was very attractive, but Li Ruoyu naturally respected her cabinet leader Shi Xinshi. She also heard about the incompatibility between Xinshi and Jin Minjun. However, as a subordinate, it was naturally inconvenient for her to participate more.

"Jin Minjun, I'm sorry to delay you for so long. Let's chase Jin Minzhong." Lu Yuanhan said.

"Call the Lord!" Tian Zhilan was shocked and stopped shouting - calling Jin Minjun's name, Lu Yuan was too scared. Jin Minjun turned around, waved his hand and said, "Indeed, don't waste any more time!" People who have just come out, come out. Don't cover it up.

There was a swirling in the bushes, and a long-haired man floated out.

"How can you not add me to such an interesting action? Sorry for the rudeness, Lord Jin Minjun."

"Xiao Ling?" Tian Zhilan and Li Ruoyu exclaimed at the same time.

"Why, it's like seeing a ghost when you see me? Don't worry, I won't hold back the deputy cabinet owners and cabinet owners.

Tian Zhilan and Li Ruoyu are not afraid that he will drag their feet. They know very well that Xiao Ling's strength is strong. Although they are in third place, their strength is no less than that of the deputy cabinet.

"Are you all right?" Lu Yuanhan asked.

"You... can't hurt me," Xiao Ling pretended to be disdainful and smiled. "I'm just curious and followed. Don't think too much. I didn't mean to come to see you. It's just through, do you understand?"

Li Ruoyu felt funny - Xiao Lingming was very concerned about deliberately following him. What an insincere guy. Lu Yuanhan suddenly stopped greeting, his expression was solemn, and everyone's expression was heavy.

The forest shook, the oppressed leaves of the big trees fell one after another, and the birds were awakened and flew around. Xia Yi's face was pale and sweating coldly. Under great pressure, it was even difficult for her to breathe.

"Oh... what a strong source of soul," Xiao Ling said with a hard smile, sweating from his temples. "Before I saw anyone, the source of soul is so strong that people can't breathe."


The frivolous male voice sounded, and in an instant, he walked to Xia Yi's side, drew his sword, and Xia Yi's abdomen splashed blood everywhere and fell to the ground.