Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 39 Lu Yesheng appeared

The road far below 10,000 meters was so cold that he suddenly felt breathless. He collapsed directly on the ground and widened his eyes in horror. He felt horrible, as if he had fallen into hell on earth--

In an instant, the forest turned into small fragments into nothingness. Ten thousand mu of the ground broke like an earthquake, and the ground was separated into countless boulders and thrown into the air.

Lu Yuanhan used all his strength to control the stone under him to keep it stable, and the other three almost fell down. Lu Yuanhan found that the ground was completely gone, and the bottom could not be seen in the dark. The air was full of boulders, which were separated from the ground, and the boulders were smashed one by one.

The surrounding space begins to twist and break, and the scene is like a mirror being cut down piece by piece. Behind the broken time and space is an unknown dimension. If it falls in, I'm afraid I don't know which world I'm going to. Like being thrown into the universe, the whole area is surrounded by endless darkness, oppressive sources, and a broken earth like meteorites.

The whole time and space have been distorted. What happened at a height of 10,000 meters!

Suddenly, the time and space returned to normal, and the broken earth quickly fell to the ground again. Lu Yuanhan dragged the four of them with a purple shield. When they fell to the ground, the purple shield had already been crushed. Looking at the land again, like the scene after the volcanic eruption, it was terrible.

A man fell from the air, and Lu Yuanhan released the purple shield again without thinking and slowly caught the man. It turned out to be Jin Minjun who was no longer like him.

What the hell... happened!

A man slowly fell in the air. He exuded an aurora all over his body and slowly faded away, and the moon sword in his hand returned to its most primitive form.

There is a smell of death. The man landed on the ground, where he went, the ground first turned into ice and then burned, and finally turned into a skeleton. Death is not imminent, and few people will regard it as an imminent thing, but when it approaches, every cell in the body is begging for mercy and wants to survive.

Lu Yuanhan finally saw his appearance clearly. It was Jin Minzhong.

Jin Minjun, who was bloody, Li Ruoyu, who was seriously injured, Tian Zhilan, Xiao Ling, and the completely destroyed space... Lu Yuanhan had an insurmountable sense of powerlessness, which was very similar to the feeling he felt when he first saw Sbaide.

One cabinet owner, two deputy cabinet owners, and one third, all four used the second generation. Can't such a strong attack have any impact on Jin Min? Lu Yuanhan stood up and clenched the swordless in his hand. He knew that each of the four people who were knocked down was far above himself, but he still fearlessly told himself to Jin Minzhong: to win, to win, to win!

"If it hadn't been for eight days and eight nights before attacking the lunar world and consuming too much physical strength, the lifelong state could have lasted for at least half an hour." Jin Minzhong stared at the moon sword in his hand that had returned to its original form and mocked.

For life? When Lu Yuanhan heard this word, he realized what had just happened - just one minute, it caused such great damage. Lu Yuanhan personally witnessed the strength of his life for the first time, but he had a good sense of fighting and walked to Jin Min step by step.

"It's my turn." Lu Yuanhan's eyes are firm.

"Ha? Do you think I will be exhausted after using it for the rest of my life? Even if you can, it's enough to trample your ant to death!"

"Go quickly..." Lu Yuanhan's right foot was caught. It was Xiao Ling.

"This is none of your human affairs. This battle can't involve you." Xiao Ling looked gray and raised his head with difficulty.

"Enough, Xiao Ling," Lu Yuanhan took a few steps forward, shook off Xiao Ling's hand and said, "Is it necessary to distinguish so clearly? What's irrelevant? Does it make sense to talk so much nonsense? I really don't know what you men think. What is a battle? Why should I think so much? All I know is that if someone falls, he needs someone to protect him. If someone is dying, he needs someone to save him. Now I am the only one who can move on the field. Will you let me escape? Don't joke!"

Li Ruoyu also barely turned over and couldn't believe that Lu Yuanhan would say this.

"Xiao Ling. The so-called battle is not with the determination to die, but to live. I think this is the battle," Lu Yuanhan said. "Since I'm still standing here and alive, I can't escape because it has nothing to do with me. I want to save you, save Jin Minjun, save Tian Zhilan, and save Li Ruoqi!"

Xiao Ling trembled all over - this guy wanted to completely subvert his decades of thinking.

"You can't beat him, idiot!" Li Ruoyu shouted to Lu Yuanhan.

"What if you can't beat it! Just run away! I told you, don't joke! I will live, and I will let each of you... live! So, I must win!"

Jin Minzhong never took action, staring at the hot-blooded teenager in front of him, remembering him when he was young - at that time, his mother was not dead, and she shouted every day to protect the moon world and become the greatest man in the moon world, but now... hurt his subordinates, killed his father, and hurt his brother...

He listened to every word of Lu Yuanhan and couldn't take action for a long time. He remembered - hundreds of years ago, he was as pure and hot as this teenager!

"Young..." Jin Minzhong said slowly, "I listened to what you said patiently. I give you one last chance to escape. If you give up, I will kill you without mercy."

"Humph..." Lu Yuanhan clenched his sword, "I won't run away. I said, I want to live and take them with me."

"It's so arrogant that I don't know how thick it is..." Jin Min shook his head regretfully and raised his sword. Lu Yuanhan didn't even see the sword he raised. Xiao Ling and Li Ruoyu stared nervously at the front.

A attack spell came out of Jin Min's sword, and Lu Yuanhan stood still and did not move.

"Idiot! Avoid it!" Li Ruoyu screamed.

"I said..." Lu Yuanhan waved his sword with one hand and blocked the attack spell. "I, no, I will, escape!"

How, how can it be... Li Ruoyu opened his eyes wide and stared at the teenager in front of him.

This soul source... What's wrong? Why does the soul source in his body burst out so continuously? The intensity is no less than that of the master of the cabinet! Lu Yuanhan... Who the hell is he!

Jin Min also looked at the teenager with his head down incredulously and found that the intensity of the source of the outbreak was no different from his, and it was not the feeling of trap change, but the real source of the outbreak in the teenager's body!

"Although I don't know what's going on, I feel extremely powerful. I'm sorry, Jin Minzhong," Lu Yuanhan smiled, "I want to kill you!"

Lu Yuanhan's side single sword split, a pure purple sword wind cut into Jin Min, and a violent explosion sounded and purple rolled.

"It's over."

Lu Yuanhan sat down gently, the extremely powerful source of soul disappeared again, and Lu Yuanhan returned to his own normal source of soul.

What happened just now? Why did Lu Yuanhan suddenly increase his strength? Xiao Ling and Li Ruoyu both looked at Lu Yuanhan like monsters.

"I don't know what happened." As soon as Lu Yuanhan's words fell, a shining diamond flew out of Lu Yuan's cold chest.

"Spirit knot!" Xiao Ling raised his head and exclaimed. The spirit knot rotated on Lu Yuanhan's hair. Like acting coquettishly, Lu Yuanhan was just about to catch it, but it disappeared again.

So it is... Xiao Ling figured it out - one of the reasons why Xiao Ling rushed to Lu Yuanhan was to see Lu Yuanhan again. Another reason was that he felt the spirit coming towards this side, but he didn't expect it to run into Lu Yuanhan's body unconsciously.

At that moment, the soul knot served Lu Yuanhan and was willing to recognize him as the master, and Lu Yuanhan himself had the strange ability to turn the soul source in the air into all he had. It is estimated that when the soul knot was used in Jin Min for life, it attracted countless explosive and wasted soul sources around Lu Yuanhan, and Lu Yuanhan unconsciously attracted it. The source was used for his own use and broke out to attack Jin Minzhong.

Lu Yuanhan, a young man in the human world... Is it really just the son of Lu Yesheng? Xiao Ling looked at Lu Yuanhan in disbelief.

"It's all right." Lu Yuanhan smiled at Xiao Ling. Li Ruoyu took a long breath and quickly woke up Tian Zhilan beside him.

"I told you... boy, you are too arrogant and ignorant!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at the purple smoke - Jin Min came out of it with injuries all over.

"You lost the best time to kill me... And now--" Jin Min disappeared in front of the crowd and appeared on the left side of Lu Yuanhan. "You don't have a second chance!"

Lu Yuanhan was hit hard and fell on the raised gravel. Lu Yuanhan screamed and a small hole was stabbed in his back. He spit blood and was powerless to Jin Min, who seemed to have infinite power in front of him.

"The road is far away!" Jin Minzhong shouted, " Under the guidance of the soul knot, you can finally fight without relying on the power of the well. The pure purple sword wind just now is the embodiment of your moon warrior's ability!"

Lu Yuanhan didn't understand what Jin Minzhong meant.

"Lu Yesheng's son? Ha! Do you think... you have always been fighting with the moon soul that your father passed on to you?" Jin Minzhong fell into madness and kicked Lu Yuanhan fiercely. Lu Yuanhan flew dozens of meters away again.

"Don't you still have the power of the trap? Come on! I want you to know what real despair is, trap change, trap change!"

Lu Yuanhan gasped, and the trap changed? How can this be possible! Lu Yuanhan thought in the center of being beaten after being abused: Does he want to become a state of rampage? Not to mention that he doesn't want to, he doesn't know where to start even if he wants to!

"I don't care what important material you are... You guys... Your behavior just now made me extremely firm. I must kill you! The road is far away! I'll give you one last chance, trap! Fight with me! I didn't have any regrets for letting you die!"

I don't allow anyone to humiliate me, and I don't allow anyone to stand on my head. Whoever wants to stop me will be killed! Jin Minzhong fell into madness again, and his scarred body is still breaking out

Lu Yuanhan was beaten by Jin Min and didn't even have the strength to stand. How did he know what the trap change in Jin Min's mouth meant?

"Ha? Don't you need it!" Jin Min walked to Lu Yuanhan's side and pointed his sword at his eyebrows, "Then I will kill you!" Let you die without knowing what your background is..."


Jin Minzhong's chest was suddenly pierced and a blood sword came out. Jin Minzhong spit out a mouthful of blood and turned his head in disbelief. He found that the scabbard on his waist slowly gushed out of black soul. Soon, he became a big living person and stood behind him and held the sword that pierced his chest.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Lord Jin Minzhong," the man smiled and looked directly at Jin Minzhong's left eye. "No, it should be that you haven't seen me for a long time. The deputy cabinet master of the October Pavilion you are most familiar with, Lu Yesheng.