Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 7 Silence

Dalfen suddenly found that his sword was entangled in a white cloth. He was shocked and quickly destroyed it, but found that countless black lightning came from behind the road. Dolphin raised his moon sword to block it, and his body was retreated by dozens of meters.

Damn! It's just a little bit to kill Lu Yuanhan! Dolfen gritted his teeth and looked at the people behind Lu Yuanhan.

"I didn't expect that even the well would use our moon warrior's weapon, which really makes people feel dignified." A boy with a bad smile but extremely elegant behavior came out from behind Lu Yuanhan, "But it happens that I don't like to use swords. Although you are quite strong, you are not as strong as Sbaide after all."

"Magic Star?" Lu Yuanhan looked at the magic star emerging from behind him with a surprised face.

"Well, you're going to be beaten to death, and Xia Yi was injured." The magic star sneered, "Shuang Junjie's original plan was for the two of us to face the battlefield here, but you have to be a hero."

"Magic Star... December Pavilion Lord, the strongest spell in the moon world." Dolfin said timidly.

"Oh, it seems that you are quite familiar with the information given to you by Bai Ye." The magic star looked disdainful, "You'd better give up fighting with me. If it's Sbaide, one-on-one charm may force me out for the rest of my life, but it's still not my opponent. Do you have the confidence to surpass your predecessors? You know that when Linghun and Wujing beat Shibaid, only Wujing used the first life.

Dolfen broke out in a cold sweat. He knew that even if he had become very strong now, he had the strength close to the cabinet master level, but he understood that it was only the most basic requirement of the cabinet master level. Compared with the magic star who had been the cabinet master for 65 years, he did not know how big a gap.

"Why don't you escape?" Magic Star sneered, "There are six of our moon warriors under the ground who have fought fiercely. Now the whole stone town is in a panic. I don't want the panic to escalate to bring unnecessary innocent human casualties, so I decided not to fight with you, or do you have any moves?"

Dalfen's face turned pale with fear. Why is everything he thinking about being clearly analyzed by this guy!? What kind of mind is this! If the intelligence of just the magic star is so amazing, how horrible are the dry man and the two hearts!?

"Don't think about it later. Do you mean the two magic traps lurking in Lu Yuanhan Community?" The magic star smiled disdainly and said, "You dare to bring out such a miscellaneous soldier. Although it is also a magic trap, the ordinary level is still much worse than the level of an emperor like you."

What!? Dolfen looked at the ground with a frightened face, but when he penetrated the clouds at a height of 10,000 meters to see the situation on the ground, he found that the two magic traps had turned into black smoke, and Shuang Junjie was silently collecting his sword to treat Xia Yi.

"What are you thinking? Do you think I won't know?" The magic star looked at Dolphin as if looking at a clown. "Six sets of traps attract our adjutant away. It's better to let a trap kill Xiao Ling. After distracting your attention, you can go forward to solve Lu Yuanhan. Of course, you consider that there are still two cabinet owners in the human world, so you left a trick, which is to let the two magic traps hijack Ling Yuchen before we come. It's ridiculous. Do you think I can't see through such a trick?

Dolfen sweated coldly and shouted, "Impossible! Even if you see through my strategy! Then why do you know such a noun as emperor? How do you know!"

"Do you think you are the only ones investigating our intelligence?" The magic star rarely pulled out its sword and looked at Dorfen. At this time, the moon warriors scattered in six places returned to the back of the magic star at the same time. "I not only know that you are the so-called emperor, but also know that the trap world is divided into four palaces in spring, summer, autumn and winter, which are controlled by the four emperors of the trap world and are called emperors. And it seems that there are only 14 emperors like you. Am I right?"

Dorfen's face turned pale and turned pale and immediately disappeared here.

"Is it okay not to kill him? In order to stop future troubles." Li Ruoqi asked gently.

"If you force him to use charm, it's not easy to clean up. It's a trick comparable to life." The magic star said, "Even if such an environment in the human world is a magic trap level, it should have a quarter of its lifetime power. Once he is used, he will kill many innocent people."

Li Ruoyu blushed and no longer said many words. And Lu Yuanhan stood in place with empty eyes and powerless.

"Are you all right? Xiao Ling, you are hurt." The magic star looked at Xiao Ling and asked.

"It's okay... Lord of the Magic Star Pavilion. It's just that he only dares to use his newborn on the ground, and he was still exploited by the magic trap to let him escape!" Xiao Ling looked ashamed. It's okay. It's just an ordinary magic trap. The magic star smiled and led everyone to fall on the roof. Xia Yi's injury had eased under the treatment of Shuang Junjie.

"Meng Meng, have you cleaned up?" Shuang Junjie asked.

"Well, Lord, not only cleaned up, but also brought back their bodies for sampling." Meng Meng replied, "This is for the cabinet owner." At the same time, Zhang Xinjie also took out a trap to sample the body. The other four looked at them strangely.

"This is the order of two hearts." Magic Star suddenly said coldly, "The information about the well world just now was also told by the two hearts through the moon flute. He wants to thoroughly figure out where White Leaf's plan has progressed."

Shuang Junjie also carefully sorted out the corpses of the two magic traps and put them in a small bag. Two hearts? Everyone was stunned. It's really amazing to find so many things in such a short time.

"What you don't know is that Shizi, the former deputy cabinet owner of the May Pavilion, died in the hands of the heart trap." Shuang Junjie said with a heavy face.

"Ah!?" Xiao Ling and four others exclaimed at the same time.

"That's right." The magic star answered, "Just a few hours ago, he died in the hands of Sanmo, the emperor of the Summer Palace. It took only a few hours for his two hearts to fully grasp the information of the trap world with the assistance of the owner of Shui Wumeng Pavilion. To be honest, our passivity has finally improved somewhat.

Everyone didn't say a word. Shizi was a good man with almost no shortcomings in their minds. In this way, he suddenly died a few hours ago. No one could accept such a fact, and the hatred for white leaves intensified again.

The specific information about the well world, Shuangxin and Shuimueng are still under investigation, and what Magic Star just said is only the most basic information known so far. The magic star looked sad and thought: As for the ability and information of the four emperors in the trap world, and the names of the thirteen magic traps of Dolphin have not been found yet. To be honest, it is still not optimistic now.

"Let's go back to where we stay." Shuang Junjie ordered that almost all the people except Magic Star, Zhang Xinjie and Meng Meng disappeared while his words fell. Then Meng Meng and I also left first. Shuang Junjie said that he and Meng Meng also disappeared here.

"The road is far away." Moxing looked at Lu Yuanhan. He was sitting next to Xia Yi and looked at her with a silent face. Magic Star sighed but still said harshly, "Shuang Junjie should have told you that this is your own choice without considering the consequences, and you have no chance to regret it. I can say that it's all your responsibility for Xia Yi to be so injured!"

Lu Yuanhan was still speechless and looked extremely lonely.

"Tonight, Xinjie and I will protect Xia Yi and Yuchen, so you can go back to bed boldly!" Zhang Xinjie walked to Xia Yi with an indifferent expression, knelt down and hugged Xia Yi, and then stood up. She only heard the magic star finally shouting, "Your strength is so weak, don't talk about protecting others!" It's so funny, you know!"

It is rare to see such a gentle person as Magic Star getting angry. He nodded, and Zhang Xinjie flew back to Lu Yuanhan's home with Xia Yi in her arms. The Magic Star saw that Lu Yuanhan was still sitting still motionless, leaving a sentence: "Think about it yourself!"

The magic star also left the roof, leaving Lu Yuanhan alone sitting on the roof.

"Don't consider the consequences" "It's all your responsibility" "So weak" "Don't talk about protecting others"...

Lu Yuan's cold mind echoed with the extremely harsh words of the demon star just now. He smiled bitterly and suddenly raised his head, with unprecedented firmness in his eyes. It's really my responsibility. Lu Yuanhan stood up and thought slowly. I want to become stronger. I can't watch the people around me get hurt anymore! No!

His body seemed to be ignited with a blazing fire, and his eyes sparkled, and then flew to the ground.

Noon on September 2nd.

"Sister Xia Yi, why are you sick?" Ling Yuchen came to Xia Yi's bedside and asked.

"Haha, it's okay, Yu Chen, where's your brother? School should be over now. Xia Yi pretended to be strong and asked.

"I don't know, I don't know where my brother has gone..." Ling Yuchen looked aggrieved, "My brother hasn't come back last night, and now he hasn't come back."

"Haven't come back yet?" Xia Yi showed a worried expression, but soon recovered her look and said to Ling Yuchen with a smile, "It's okay. Don't worry. Your brother should be preparing some big surprise for you. Go and watch TV. It doesn't matter."

"Good." Ling Yuchen slowly walked out sullenly and closed the door.

If you didn't come back last night because you heard about the special training at Jiang Xiaoxiao's house, but you haven't come back yet... Are you still at Jiang Xiaoxiao's house? Xia Yi took out Lu Yuanhan's mobile phone, dialed Jiang Xiaoxiao's phone, chatted for a while and hung up the phone worriedly.

He was not at Jiang Xiaoxiao's house and didn't go to class. Where did he go? Xia Yi frowned and thought.

"Yoh. If you're worried about that guy, you don't have to." Xia Yi was shocked and suddenly found that the magic star was sitting in front of the window.

"You scared me to death!" Xia Yi patted her chest and said, "It actually appeared from the window."

"How strange are humans to install this kind of thing in front of the window? Anti-theft window?" The magic star turned into a spiritual body and came to the bedroom through the anti-theft window. Looking at Xia Yi and said, "If you are worried about the cold road, there is no need. Although his guy was scolded by me yesterday, he would not lose his fighting spirit, not to mention that I watched him leave last night.

"Watch him leave!" Xia Yi exclaimed, "Then why don't you stop him!"

"Stop him? Are you kidding?" The magic star smiled indifferently and said, "After scolding him and stopping him full of fighting spirit, I think it's too flat. Don't worry. If it's him, he must be practicing hard in a place we can't find."

Where can't be found? Where would that be?" Xia Yi said doubtfully.

Where will it be? Don't think about it." The magic star picked up a book and put it on his face and muttered, "Where else will it be? That's the only place."

Lu Yuanhan came to a barren mountain at this time and didn't say a word. After a long time, he shouted, "Are you really going to make me wait like this! I waited for 12 hours!"