Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 14 Battle

Dolfen cut off with a sword, and the thick black fog-like trap arrow flew to Lu Yuanhan, and Lu Yuanhan also stood still. Under a sword, the purple-black sword wind and the trap arrow were offset at the same time. The moment the huge trap arrow was destroyed, it turned into hundreds of small trap arrows and came to him and Jiang Xiaoxiao. Dolfen laughed loudly. He seemed to feel that he could shoot Lu Yuanhan and Jiang Xiaoxiao after this attack.

Hundreds of explosions sounded, and black smoke billowed. Dolphin smiled evilly and sighed, "This is too easy."

"Is that so?" The teenager's voice suddenly sounded from the black smoke.

Dalfen was shocked and saw that Lu Yuanhan fell from the sky and cut at him with a sword. Dolfen quickly raised his sword to resist, and his body was shot back several steps in a row, but he did not expect that Lu Yuanhan was not afraid at all. He raised his sword and killed repeatedly. However, Dolfen had to wave his sword repeatedly to stop it.

The two swords collided several times, sparks splashed everywhere, and the sound of metal impact was as loud as thunder. Doer fen glanced at the place where the black smoke dissipated and saw a cracked transparent purple shield in front of Jiang Xiaoxiao. He took a breath and never expected that Lu Yuanhan's strength was so strong now.

Lu Yuanhan raised his sword with one hand and slashed again and again, while Dolphin hid sideways while raising his sword to stab back, but was resolved by Lu Yuanhan one by one.

"Why is the speed so slow!" Lu Yuanhan shouted and suddenly left Dolfen for a few meters.

Dolfen's forehead sweated, remembering the scene when Lu Yuanhan fought with Firth before. As the battle time passed, Lu Yuanhan's speed became faster and faster. It seemed that the teenager's ability was indeed extremely difficult. He suddenly circled around Dolphin, and the speed dazzled Dolphin. For a moment, he felt that there were countless cold roads in front of him in a circle.

Damn...this kid.

"Don't look down on people too much!" Dolfen roared, holding his sword flat, began to judge the direction of Lu Yuanhan, and shot countless trap arrows to try to hit Lu Yuanhan.

However, Lu Yuanhan's encirclement was getting smaller and smaller. Dolphin was shocked that the boy could still get close to him under such an attack. It seemed that his purpose was to find a way to kill himself when he was closest to him. In fact, Lu Yuanhan was also frightened in the battle. Almost every arrow of Dolfin's trap arrow came to his heart, and Lu Yuanhan could only avoid it every time. Countless trap arrows brushed his scalp or clothes, and he was likely to die on the spot if he was not careful.

I really underestimated Dolphin's strength.

When Lu Yuanhan was surrounded by a distance of only one meter as a radius of Dolphin, countless water gushed out of Dolphin's sword and directly washed away Lu Yuanhan.

Damn! Just a little! Lu Yuanhan looked at Doer fen wet and sighed in his heart: What was the ability of this magic trap just now?

"I said that my title is 'Water King'." Dolfen looked at Yuanhan with disdain. "This ability consumes too much energy. I won't use it until the critical moment. You have become so powerful in this week."

"Capability?" Lu Yuanhan seemed to be a little puzzled. Does this guy have the same derivative ability as the heart trap?

"I'll tell you that." Dolfen sneered, "Like you, the way you moon can imitate the attack of the trap is called trap change, so as to get trap arrows and black knives. And we also completed the moon change under the guidance of Lord Baiye's soul knot, which is to obtain your weapon, the moon sword. Thus, like you moon warrior, you have the same unpredictable derivative ability.

Derivative ability? You..." Lu Yuanhan was a little shocked when he saw countless fresh water around Dolfen.

"Yes... like the emperor's heart trap, they have generally obtained at least two derivative abilities." Dolfen smiled charmingly and completely forgot that he was a man. "And our emperor's magic trap, when he obtained the moon sword, obtained derivative abilities, and part of it got the charm that only the heart trap could have. And my ability is... water!"

At this time, the water beside Dolphin turned into knives, and several water knives stabbed Lu Yuanhan! Lu Yuanhan was shocked and quickly waved his sword and destroyed all the water knives, but what he did not expect was that those water knives were smashed and turned into countless drops of water in the atmosphere.

Those water droplets turned into small bullets and rushed to the distant cold road again! Lu Yuanhan immediately released purple shields around him to block the attack.

"Lu Yuanhan, your speed is really fast..." Dolphin smiled and said, "So you seem to be able to avoid any attack, but have you ever thought about what would happen if all places were covered with water in a battle... No matter how much you finch the water, they will not be destroyed. At most they are scattered, and after gathering together, you can still Attack. You can't escape!"

Lu Yuanhan's purple shield was covered with water beads, and those water drops actually began to run up and down, as if they wanted to attack Lu Yuanhan, which was not protected by the purple shield.

"Damn!" Lu Yuanhan never expected that his defense would put him in such an embarrassing situation!

Month World, General Conference Hall.

"Master Shui Wumeng, please report all the information." I swear that all the cabinet owners have come to the conference hall and immediately ask Shui Wumeng to report the information.

"Yes, Lord." Shui Wumeng nodded and walked to the middle.

"At present, the intelligence is as follows. Before the arrival of the white leaves, the four emperors of the trap world were originally the four forces of the trap world, dividing the land of the trap world into four. The four parties have broken out wars with each other all year round, but for several years, no one of them has been able to dominate the trap world." Shui Wumeng said slowly. At this time, Lou Ling and Xiao Ling entered the conference hall and pulled open a huge white cloth, which was the map of the power class in the trap world.

"As shown, the four emperors in the trap world are divided into spring, autumn and winter. Among them, the winter power is the largest. Emperor Winter has five emperor magic traps, and the summer emperor Sanmo then has four emperors magic traps."

When his heart heard Sammo's name, he clenched his fist, and he knew that it was this guy who killed the stone.

"Then came the autumn force, the emperor's son, the only woman among the four emperors in the trap world, with three emperors' magic traps." Shui Wumeng said while pointing to the pattern, "The weakest is the spring power. The emperor Sprun has only two imperial traps. At present, the intelligence only has all the information of the spring forces. We have mastered the two derivative capabilities of Sprun, as well as the image and characteristics of the two emperors' magic traps.

"What about the others?"

"Sorry, Lord... The well world has always been a mystery to our moon world." Shui Wumeng held his fists and said, "At present, only the appearance of the other three heart traps is known, but the ability and charm are unknown. And the ability and image of the remaining twelve emperors are still a mystery.

"Well..." He frowned slightly. Bai Ye can be said to have fully grasped the combat strength on his side and is extremely familiar with the environment of the lunar world. It seems that this battle is not only difficult in strength, but also at a disadvantage in intelligence.

"In addition... there are two heart traps in the trap world. At present, the one who is still in the trap world has zero understanding of him. His gender, appearance and ability are all unknown, and no one has seen him, and the other--" Shui Wumeng glanced at Lu Yesheng, who was standing next to him as the head of the March Pavilion, and slowly said, "It's a person. Qiu Xinjin, the mother of the young road far away from the cold.

In fact, all the cabinet owners have already known this news. After all, Bai Ye has already said it in front of everyone when he was in the dark moon world.

"Master Lu Yesheng!" I swear to drink lightly.

"It is a felony for you to marry and have children in the human world, but seeing that you have made great contributions and have a good attitude and awe of the moon world, you can return to the moon world and be promoted to the throne." I swear to hit the wooden stick heavily, "Limit yourself to summarize all Qiu Xinjin's information into a report within three days and give it to me in person!"

"Yes, Lord." Lu Ye said blankly, but he was actually unwilling.

"Shuangxin Pavilion Lord, now it's your turn to report." I swear to look at both hearts.

"Yes, Lord." Both hearts walked to the middle of the platform, and the water retreated without a dream.

"According to the analysis of the phantom trap and trap corpse samples brought back by the owner of the human world Magic Star and Shuang Junjie, a large amount of information has been obtained." Shuangxin looked at the master of the cabinet and said, "Just like Lu Yesheng can change, they have obtained the moon change because of the soul knot, and they can fight like the moon warrior. And the magic trap obtains at least one derivative ability, and most of them are enchanted. The heart trap has obtained at least two derivative abilities, all of which have achieved unprecedented double charm.

The cabinet owners took a deep breath. Although they had heard such rumors before, they all felt too strange to believe it. Now they have been confirmed by their hearts that they really believe it.

"In addition... I seemed to find two of their purposes in the investigation, but when I found out, it was too late." The two hearts looked solemn.

"What?" He asked, "When did you find out!"

"To tell the truth, it was not until 20 minutes before this meeting that I fully found out. Although I have asked Ai Yumeng, the deputy cabinet, to take the Yuewei to the moon boundary and the soul area, it is estimated that it is still too late."

"To put it bluntly, their purpose."

"The first estimate has happened now." As soon as the two-hearted words fell, all the cabinet owners felt the ground shaking violently.

"What's going on!" Tian Ding almost didn't stop and fell down.

"The first thing is to separate the soul area from the moon boundary. The soul area is infinitely far away from the moon boundary, and there will be more bottomless abyss in the middle, so that we can't enter the soul area, so that the boundary gate cannot be opened, so that we can't enter the human world." Shuangxin sighed and secretly shouted a step late, "And the second... Bai Ye's ultimate goal must be Lu Yuanhan, which is the closest to him, but now Lu Yuanhan is still growing, and he will certainly not touch it, so the reason why he cut off our communication with the human world is to--

"Qiu Xinjin." Jin Minjun said slowly.

"That's right. It's worthy of being the owner of Jin Minjun." Two hearts praised with a smile.

"Then why did you let us come back!" Shuang Junjie shouted urgently, "Since you have guessed that they came here for Qiu Xinjin, why don't you continue to increase your troops in the human world?"

"Don't joke." Shuangxin said coldly, "Only a few cabinet owners are left there. When the moon world is separated from the human world, they will send all their troops to eradicate these cabinet owners first. Such a loss is too great. What's more, if the situation in the moon world is to recover, I'm afraid there won't be one less cabinet owner.

Shuang Junjie clenched his teeth and stopped talking. He knew that the most indispensable thing in this situation was him and the Magic Star. No, no cabinet leader could be missing.

"Don't worry, Lord Shuang Junjie." Shuangxin said slowly, "The head of the cabinet will be more than we thought. After all, in the human world... and them."

They? Shuang Junjie was stunned and suddenly frowned. Yes, they, withered people, high-definition, Shan Xue, Shan Ling... Everyone has the ability for life. If it were them, they could rest assured.