Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 3 Dark Black World

Five days have passed, and it is October 21.

Lu Yuanhan has been studying very hard for the past five days, and he knows what the price of going back at this time is. In any case, you have to finish learning these basic skills and go back before entering attack training.

Fight with the body, and you can't use the ability of moon warriors or wells. Lu Yuanhan trembled, and it seemed that he would only die when he went back with such a face. But... there are too many people he cares about in the human world.

If it is a war launched by the Italian world, it is definitely a very large-scale. In the past few years of the emergence of people in the Italian world, there are at least millions of Italian people in the human world. If they rebel... Then even if most Italians are not strong, it is definitely not a problem to destroy human beings.

Only dry people... can never solve the problem, and it seems that the moon world is not going to interfere in this matter. It seems that it intends to kill people in the Italian world like this.

After all... this is still a battle for human beings.

"What are you thinking!" Qingli kicked to the road, and the road fell heavily to the ground.

This is another two hours of comprehensive training at night.

"The progress on the first day is so obvious. Although there has been no progress in the past few days, at least I have studied step by step. Why is the state so bad today!" Qingli said rudely, "That's it. I still want to complete our teaching in ten days."

"Hmm. It's just that I was kicked by you." Lu Yuanhan stood up and sneered, "It actually taught me a lesson like this."

In the thirteenth month pavilion, the strength of Lu Yuanhan and Qingli is the closest. After all, Qingli is not a battle-oriented Yueshi, but twice the strength of Lu Yuanhan. At the beginning, that sentence was almost just Qingli's modesty. After all, in such a place in the thirteenth month, twice as bad for people here Many.

"Yoh. The eyes are quite good." Qingli sneered and said, "It seems that... it can be a beautiful fight. But what the hell are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about you hiding something from me." Lu Yuanhan decided to say this time without hesitation, "I'm thinking about where my mother is now and what happened in the human world."

Liu only heard Lu Yuanhan's words and immediately stood in front of Qingli. After all, Qingli is straightforward and may really expose everything as soon as she opens her mouth.

"Children, there is no point in thinking about these things." Liu just smiled and said, "After all... even if you know what happened... there's nothing you can do."

"Bang!" Lu Yuanhan said disdainfully, "Okay, I know. Let's continue."

The five people started the special training again.

At this time, He Xiaokuang and Li also came to the scene to watch.

"I'm really looking forward to teaching such a boy." He Xiao smiled wildly, "It's so similar to me when I was young. I held a sword and thought I could cut the invincible all over the world."

"You are almost done now." Li actually smiled, "After all... now, if you are just talking about swordsmanship, I'm afraid no one can be your opponent."

"Haha... The growth of young people can always exceed our expectations." He Xiao laughed wildly, "After all, there are many outstanding moon warriors who did not enter the thirteenth month but directly entered the spiritual world."

"March is not a symbol of higher promotion in the first place, but it's a pity that it was misunderstood." Li Jing smiled and said, "March symbolizes the top level of various technologies in the lunar world. If you just want to find a strong man, it is not suitable to come here. And... you can't come here without changing the creation of history."

"But speaking of which, this boy is really lucky." He Xiao said wildly, "I have seen so many members in March so soon, and Zhou Shu has seen seven."

"Yes... Next, we will meet people who teach swordsmanship and boxing." Li actually sighed, "It's Zhou Mantra that teaches the attack spell, right? Although his combat effectiveness is not very strong, we can still rest assured in terms of spells. I heard that the boy in the moon world is quite good now called Magic Star, right? The youngest moon man in history to learn all spells is the magic star, right? This boy was also cultivated by Zhou Zhu.

"Then the seventh lesson will be handed over to the three of them." He Xiao smiled wildly, "Speaking of which, there are still two regimental commanders in mid-March, but they are the commanders of the Assassination Legion and the Spirit Legion, which is really suitable for practical training courses."

"Of course... don't forget that there is another guy." Li actually smiled, "The guy who created the political council, although few political councils can fight now, this guy is different... He has a brain comparable to two-heart, dry people and white leaves, and also has a strong combat power. In practical teaching, he can teach him a lot of distance."

"Yes..." He Xiao looked at Lu Yuanhan, who was cheering up again, and said, "You can rest assured to give the last lesson to the three of them... However, I guess it may have to wait for a while."

"What you mean..." Li actually sighed, "Are those little troubles in the human world?"

"Maybe it's a little trouble for us." He Xiao said wildly, "But... after all, it's the child's hometown... Moreover, this time, those mutant humans seem to be making a lot of noise, and they have launched a rebellion almost all over the world."

"Oh, I didn't see it." Li actually smiled and said, "It seems that those little guys called Italians have been planning for a long time, and the timing of the choice is also very good."

"Yes... At this time, the feather world is staring at the moon world, and the moon world and the well world are also waiting for the decisive battle. There should be only the dead man and two feathers left but the top masters in the human world, and the two feathers should not intervene." He Xiao sighed wildly, "At this time, those mutants must want to conquer the human world and make them the masters of the human world. After all... I don't know how many years they have been discriminated against. The long life, the slowdown of aging, and the strange ability and power will only make them monsters in the eyes of human beings.

"It's just..." Li actually said, "What's the use of this boy going back? A person can't change the overall situation, and he has no power to go back.

"No, not necessarily." He Xiao laughed wildly, "Maybe it won't have any impact on him who used to fight alone, but have you noticed that this boy has more and more leadership skills in the past six months. Whether his companions are willing to admit it or not, they are more or less dependent on him, even focusing on him. Such a person...who said he would not change the status quo.

"Ha... So that's it." Li Jing understood and said, "I'm afraid... this teenager will not only be recorded in the history of the lunar world, but also become a hero respected by generations in human history."

Lu Yuanhan naturally could not hear these conversations, and he was still fighting with the four people.

Five days left... What happened in the human world! Lu Yuanhan frowned and used the skills he had learned more and more skillfully. He knew that he had to complete a stage of learning before he could leave halfway.

In any case, I will not let the world be destroyed! Lu Yuanhan shouted loudly, and the source became stronger.

human world.

"Mr. Ji Xiaoji." A seemingly Italian leader came to Ji Xiaoji respectfully and said, "The 16 people of Yimeng have been scattered all over the world, because there are masters in China and Italy, so in addition to Mr. Ji, there are also two Lord Yimeng in the domestic region."

"I know, you don't have to tell me this." Ji Xiaoji smiled and said, "The human world is so big that there are countless people with high spirits, but they haven't had time to become featherers or moon warriors. We have to kill them or let them become Italians to join us."

"Well... those two adults are..." This person still seems to want to tell Ji Xiaoji his name.

"No need to say, I know who it is." Ji Xiaoji sighed, "A few months ago, I had contact with them, and one of them was my teacher."

Ji Xiaoji felt that although the two were not in Shizhen, they only dreamed that 16 people would have special sensors. Ji Xiaoji naturally knew who these two people were. That's right, it's the two dream masters who appeared when the dry man trained Ji Xiaoji and Jiang Xiaoxiao.

As the two said, the day finally came. And the initial worry of the dead man, that is, the ownership of Ji Xiaoji, has still developed in the worst direction.

"There are only four people who can pose a threat to us in the human world." Ji Xiaoji said with a serious face, "The dead people, Zhang Sen and Ling Yuze in Shizhen, Carlo in Italy, have nothing else to worry about."

"There is one thing, I think the report will be given to Mr. Ji Xiaoji."

"It's okay to say it directly."

"Mr. Ji Xiaoji's former companions... Those two strange and powerful girls returned to the human world more than 20 days after disappearing." The man said hesitantly, "I don't know what to do. They are Jiang Xiaoxiao and Yi Xiaoyu."

"They..." Ji Xiaoji's eyes showed a trace of unbearance.

"What should I do?"

"It doesn't matter." Ji Xiaoji said, "Although they are naturally capable, they are not suitable for fighting, and the two of them can't change anything, and it seems that Ling Yuze and Carlo are not going to take action. We just need to beware of the dead man and Zhang Sen."

When Ji Xiaoji said this, there was obviously a trace of hesitation in his tone. After all, the dead man is his greatest benefactor. If one day he really wants to fight with the dead man, it is really heartbreaking.

But... you have to avenge your parents!

"And..." The man asked softly, "About Zhang Sen's son... Zhang Yize... What should I do? He has killed a lot of our people these days.

"He..." Ji Xiaoji said, "In my first round of plan, it's good to attract him away. After all, my private hatred target is Zhang Sen, who killed my parents!"

Ji Xiaoji knew that if Zhang Sen was really killed, he and Zhang Yize would die sooner or later.

The former companions finally embarked on the road of enemies.

"Well, I see. I'm going to prepare the plan." The man left.

Ji Xiaoji took to the streets, and at this time, such a drama was staged all over the world:

Countless human beings rushed to the Italians with weapons and fought in the streets. The country finally took out the weapons used by the army, such as machine guns, cannons, tanks and airplanes.

The world has entered chaos and even paralyzed. Ordinary human beings are fighting for their homeland, and Italians seem to want to seize the power of various countries and become the leaders of the world.

Every city, county and even countryside in the world has evolved into a battlefield, staged the life-and-death battle between human beings and Italian people, just for who is the real master of the human world.