Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 17 Dangerous Battle - Rescue

unforgivable, unforgivable......

Lu Yuanhan had fallen into anger. He did not expect such a thing to happen in such a short time. He looked at this tragic scene and felt that his heart was dripping blood.

These people were obviously found by themselves and promised to take them to see the dawn, but in the end they all died because of themselves.

"unforgivable!" Lu Yuanhan roared and raised his whip.

At this time, Deng Hongzhi seemed to calm down a little, thinking that Lu Yuanhan was just a guy with the soul of feathers. In less than a week, his strength would never improve much.

After thinking like this, Deng Hongzhi immediately regained his cold and evil smile and stood up and said, "The road is far away..."

But as soon as he said two words, he could no longer speak.

Because the body was smashed by two-thirds by the feather whip, and then Deng Hongzhi disappeared in an instant.

Lu Yuanhan trembled and gasped. The blow just now must have used up all the strength and soul of Lu Yuanhan, mixed with Lu Yuanhan's anger and pain.

Lu Yuanhan collapsed to the ground, and his eyes were full of chagrin.

Why can't we wait a few more minutes after only three hours? It won't be like this in a few minutes! Lu Yuanhan watched their bodies sitting on the ground and grabbing their hair with regret.

Coco slowly regained her look. She turned around tremblingly, looked at Lu Yuanhan, and then jumped into his arms crying.

"I'm so scared, I'm so scared! Help me! Help me!" Coco cried hysterically, while Lu Yuanhan gently patted her on the back and said in a very sad but extremely gentle voice, "It's okay, it's okay..."

"He, he killed them..." Coco continued to cry, "I thought I would die..."

"No one will come to kill you again. I will protect you." Lu Yuanhan helped Coco stand up and felt the source of the soul in the distance with meditation. It seemed that He Weinan and Zhang Sen had become white-hot.

"Coco, don't cry, I'll take you back to my house." Lu Yuanhan said, "There... there are more powerful gods who will protect you, and I have to do what I have to do."

"No! Don't!" Coco hugged Lu Yuanhan tightly and trembled, "Don't leave me again! Don't leave me alone."

"I won't leave you alone. Be obedient, and I will protect you to my house." Lu Yuanhan gently hugged Coco, patted her back slightly, and said softly with a voice enough to comfort people, "I have to do something... If I don't go, another person may die. So many people have died. I can't let anyone sacrifice any more."


"There is only one thing, but I'm your god." Lu Yuanhan smiled and said, "Since I am your god, how can I sit back and ignore someone's death?"

Coco sobbed. Although she still hugged Lu Yuanhan tightly, she seemed to have agreed Lu Yuanhan's point of view.

"Hear me, God will take you to fly." Lu Yuanhan said softly and took Coco to his home, intending to give Coco to Ling Yuze for protection.

In less than three hours of teaching, Ling Yuze actually did not teach too much about Lu Yuanhan, but he has been guiding the source of Lu Yuanhan.

To be honest, the battle between Yueshi, Feathers and Well is a battle of the soul source. If a person's soul source can be above the opponent, that is to say, there is no need for so-called combat skills at all, and it is enough to knock down the other party overwhelmingly.

However, the later this overwhelmingness, the more difficult it is to appear. After all, the gap between masters will be smaller and smaller, so both feathers and moon warriors will require themselves to improve their all-round battles.

But the road is far away from cold.

The source of the soul in Lu Yuanhan's body is all the source of the soul of His Royal Highness, and because of Lu Yuanhan's special constitution, his body is also mixed with the source of people who have been with him for a long time, such as Ling Yuze and Zhang Yize.

The source of so many masters are in Luyuan's cold body, that is to say, as long as the source in today's Luyuan's cold body is triggered, there is no need to learn the so-called feathering skills to defeat ordinary strong opponents.

Just like the first Yueshi form, Lu Yuanhan, can't do any spells, relying on the naturally strong source of soul to defeat one opponent after another, but the later enemy can no longer be defeated by the soul source alone.

Ling Yuze's method is to fight with Lu Yuanhan again and again, that is, constantly bursting out his own source to suppress his opponents. After such three hours of training, Lu Yuanhan's feather soul source woke up completely.

There is no need to say more about the basic combat performance of Lu Yuanhan. After the teaching of a series of masters such as theku ren he and the thirteenth March, his combat skills can be said to have reached the peak. Therefore, relying on such a powerful source, according to his previous combat experience, he can not only protect himself, but also defeat high strength. Opponents.

And just killed Deng Hongzhi in seconds, I'm afraid that all the sources of Lu Yuanhan's soul surged out because of his anger, and Deng Hongzhi's light enemy, he was killed in an instant.

But at this time, Lu Yuanhan was still extremely chagrined and regretful. The miserable bodies of Chen You and Li You in his mind and the ashes of Zhang Long on the ground, as well as the tragic conditions on the streets of Shizhen and Chi City gradually emerged in his mind.

Lu Yuanhan clenched his fist. At this time, Coco lay in his arms and fell asleep. He was more shocked than asleep.

This is also good... Lu Yuanhan sighed and arrived at home.

In the process of going there, the home has taken on a new look. It seems that Ling Yuze's movement is also quite fast. Lu Yuanhan entered the house from the window with Coco in his arms.

"Is this your new girlfriend again?" Ling Yuze smiled sarcastically, "It seems that you have a lot of girlfriends."

"I don't have time to explain this to you." Lu Yuanhan lay Coco flat on the sofa, "Uncle... Because many people have died. If Uncle Zhang Sen also died tonight, I'm afraid I won't have the face to see Zhang Yize again, so I'm going there now!"

"Have you made up your mind?" Ling Yuze said softly, "After all... He Weinan's strength is similar to that of the cabinet owner named Jin Minjun in the moon world, just at your current level..."

"Aware of this kind of thing." Lu Yuanhan interrupted Ling Yuze and said to him, "You don't have to think about it at all."

Ling Yuze looked at Lu Yuanhan's back and then told him, "Let me say a word. Far cold, don't forget that your current posture is physical. Physical injuries can't be repaired by the source of courage. I hope you can remember it.

"I remember it naturally." Lu Yuanhan whispered, "I will come back alive. At least I can't die until everything is over!"

Lu Yuanhan's voice disappeared as soon as he finished his voice.

Ling Yuze looked out of the window and sighed softly, "Even if everything is over, you can't die." Otherwise, how can I explain to Xinjin?

Lu Yuan walked to Zhang Yize's home at full speed.

However, on the way, Lu Yuanhan has been frowning and almost exhausted his strength by the blow he just gave Deng Hongzhi. After all, Deng Hongzhi's strength also has the level of deputy cabinet, and it is difficult to estimate the source of soul used to kill him in seconds.

Ling Yuze is right. What else can he do to go there with his current body?

But... whether it works or not, in short, we must make it...

Otherwise, I really won't have the face to meet Zhang Yize, who is still fighting hard with Ji Xiaoji.

Lu Yuan came to Zhang Yize's house breathlessly. This is an ancient house with a large courtyard, but it has been transformed into their unique training ground by Zhang Sen. As soon as you get close, you can feel the unique source of feathers.

And next to the yard is an antique pavilion like Yueyang Tower.

The color hall under the fairyland and the moon pavilion under the spiritual world. I'm afraid Zhang Sen's architectural style comes from this.

However, before Lu Yuanhan recovered, a huge aperture broke out again in the courtyard, accompanied by a deafening explosion. Lu Yuanhan was shocked. This outbreak of the soul is stronger than ever, is it!?

Lu Yuanhan no longer dared to think much about it. He waved his feather whip and hit the gate several times before he penetrated it and rushed in.

Lu Yuanhan's judgment is correct. There are countless things similar to spells at the top of the gate, which should be the defensive feathers in the water feathers, so Lu Yuanhan did not dare to fly directly from the air. He still remembers that all he has now is only the body.

It's just that the moment he stepped into the door, the situation in front of him still exceeded his expectations.

The courtyard that has been transformed into a training ground has become completely different. It has almost been bombarded into the surface of the moon in this battle, and Zhang Sen is lying on the ground full of blood and dying.

But what Lu Yuanhan didn't expect was that He Weinan's situation was not much better. In addition to being able to barely stand, his coat had already been smashed, and there was no good piece on his body.

"I didn't expect that your old man's strength has recovered so much." He Weinan cursed.

"Ha..." Zhang Sen spit out a mouthful of blood and gasped extremely strongly, "This is just my seven-point skill... Is a guy like you who imitate the ability of featherers... also qualified to challenge us feathers?"

He Weinan was so angry that he did not dare to come forward, because he found that Lu Yuanhan had broken in.

"Just now... you killed Deng Hongzhi, didn't you?" He Weinan asked coldly. There was an imperceptible fear in his voice. After all, the strength of killing Deng Hongzhi in seconds was extremely rare. He did not dare to fight with an opponent with such strength in the case of his serious injury.

It's just that He Weinan doesn't know that Lu Yuanhan now is actually just the end of a strong crossbow.

"Uncle... I'm coming." Lu Yuanhan ignored He Weinan's problem, strode to Zhang Sen and sighed gently, "I'm sorry, uncle, I'm late and made you suffer."

"It's okay... as long as you don't blame us for ignoring the tragedy of the human world." Zhang Sen spit out a mouthful of blood. Obviously, he was seriously injured just now. If Lu Yuanhan came a step late, he would probably die next. "Even if you may laugh at our pedantic or inhumanity... But we are not qualified to intervene in the war in the human world."

"Stop talking, uncle, I understand, I understand all this." Lu Yuanhan sighed and then heard a thunderous sound behind him.

"The teenagers are really arrogant!" He Weinan roared.

"You mean Ji Xiaoji, right?" Lu Yuanhan turned around, looked at He Weinan with an indifferent face, and said, "But... you still disobeyed his order tonight. But your violation also makes me unforgivable, because..."

The cold wind blew, making everyone feel creepy, and then the cold sound of Lu Yuan came in the cold night, like the sound of urging life--

"Because... you want to hurt my family!"