Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 32 Death-Battle

Zhang Yize and the eight cabinet owners, as well as the withered man, Yi Xiaoyu and Jiang Xiaoxiao, stood in the third and second layers of the spell and watched the battle in the final spell. Zhang Yize looked sad.

In fact, during his fierce fight with Ji Xiaoji a few days ago, he and Ji Xiaoji used up their illusions and lasted for a long time until they both broke out and destroyed the curse created by Yi Xiaoyu.

At that time, Ji Xiaoji's soul source was similar to Zhang Yize, but now... Zhang Yize not only sweated for Lu Yuanhan.

There are countless petals scattered in this space, but each petal is a knife, and the lethality is absolutely beyond anyone's expectation, not to mention that the feathering after the fantasy will also be strengthened.

At this time, Lu Yuanhan is already in a state of secondary trap change.

Lu Yuanhan did not seem to be afraid of such a powerful source of soul. He recalled the training in the thirteenth month pavilion, healing spells and medical skills, prevention and imperial spells, sealing spells and attack techniques. Lu Yuanhan's three lessons of learning can be said to be deeply memorable.

Only then did he realize how useful the spell was in battle.

"Anti-spell 37 - Underworld Mirror!" Lu Yuanhan waved his hand, and a huge reflector immediately appeared in this space, which was the first curse Lu Yuanhan saw.

This anti-spell spell was the first time when Lu Yuanhan obtained Yueshi's ability. In the battle between the forest and the mud trap and the evil trap, Xia Yi used the anti-spell, but half a year has passed, and Lu Yuanhan, who did not know the spell at all, could actually give up the chanting and use spells.

The ghost mirror was quickly destroyed by countless petals. At this time, Lu Yuanhan was surrounded by petals.

"Purple black... sword wind!" Lu Yuanhan split his sword, and the white sword wind scattered the petals on three sides at the same time. Lu Yuanhan did not know when he developed the habit of shouting when using derivative ability, but he shouted the name when he was in the secondary state, but he did not know that his sword wind would turn white when the trap changed.

Ji Xiaoji actually broke up this extremely strong sword wind with one whip.

The only petals left on one side of Lu Yuanhan were blocked by Lu Yuanhan with a "purple shield". To Lu Yuanhan's surprise, in the case of trap change, the purple shield also turned white.

Soon the purple shield was also smashed, but Lu Yuanhan escaped this fatal blow.

"601 Anti-Spell - Sell-out!"

"72 Anti-Spell - Confusion!"

"100-style anti-spell - wall!"

Lu Yuanhan constantly strengthens all kinds of anti-curses to protect himself and confuse Ji Xiaoji's judgment. Lu Yuanhan smiled, because he is too confident in terms of speed.

As long as you don't take the opportunity by Ji Xiaoji and keep delaying time with spells, it is not impossible to avoid his attack!

"Forty-six spells - golden silk!"

"Five-eight spells - nine-pointed stars!"

"Spell Type 73 - Dead Tower!"

"Eighty-eight spells - the iron pillar of death!"

Golden silk, nine-pointed star, dead tower, dead iron pillar... These increasing spells are spells that Lu Yuanhan has seen in previous battles. The use method has always been in Lu Yuanhan's mind, but although Lu Yuanhan remembered the method at that time, he still could not use it.

It's just that the current Lu Yuanhan is not the same. He did not use the tricks he learned in the thirteenth month pavilion, but used these spells remembered in actual combat.

"Yo...this boy." The magic star, who is good at spells, looked at the battle and smiled with satisfaction. "Although they are all low-level spells under a hundred paragraphs, for this boy, it is already very powerful to give up chanting scriptures."

Shuang Junjie had no choice but to shake his head. It is amazing that he can make such great progress in spells in such a short time. Only Zhou Shou's strongest demon star will say such a thing.

Unexpectedly, Ji Xiaoji used gold, water, fire and earth feathers to destroy these four spells and escape from the seal, but he directly fell into the sword wind waiting for Lu Yuanhan outside, but was disintegrated by the wooden feathers.

"Ji Xiaoji didn't do his best." The dry man suddenly said.

Jiang Xiaoxiao and Yi Xiaoyu didn't talk, but they also saw it.

"He is afraid..." Zhang Yize whispered, "He is afraid that he is too powerful to control his ability to kill Lu Yuanhan."

"This doesn't work." The dead man whispered, "If Ji Xiaoji doesn't take out all the soul source to fight, the soul knot will not feel the distant cold, and it is impossible to turn to the road far cold, so as to achieve the transfer of soul and soul. This... won't work."

"What should I do?" Zhang Yize was anxious and only regretted that his current body did not allow him to reach such a battle.

"Master Linghun, oh no, Linghun Pavilion Lord, Wujing Pavilion Master, Tianding Pavilion Lord." The dry man stared at the battlefield and whispered, "When necessary... Please use all your strength to hit Ji Xiaoji hard. As for whether you don't use courage, it's up to you."

Zhang Yize was stunned and didn't expect that a dry man would make such a judgment, but this is indeed like a dry man's judgment.

"Spirited?" Magic Star smiled, "Speaking of which, in this case of multi-layer defense spell, it seems that my second life is more useful. Just make sure you dare to let me take action."

"There's nothing to dare." Jin Minjun said coldly, "Master of the Magic Star Pavilion, you can only take advantage of spells and spirits. Don't worry, it won't cause fatal injuries to them. After all... The only three combat-type pavilion lords who have just been named by Qingtian can be fatal to them now."

The magic star was naturally a little unhappy. Shuang Junjie, Ke Jinghang and Lu Yesheng looked at the two people with some worry. In fact, everyone thought that the master of the human world action would hand over the commander-in-chief to the magic star most likely to enter the 13th March Pavilion, but they didn't expect to give it to Jin Minjun.

Both of them were elected as cabinet owners 65 years ago, but Jin Minjun is of course much older than Magic Star. If it weren't for the insistence of Jin Minjun and Jin Tian, Jin Minjun could have become the cabinet owner after the Yueyu War.

Maybe... I swear that Jin Minjun's style is more comprehensive or more considerate of the overall situation, so he handed over the commander-in-chief to Jin Minjun. Or... A dream of realizing Jin Tian. Judging from the current trend, it is more likely that he will pass on the master of the cabinet to Jin Minjun, who is excellent but not outstanding in all aspects.

After all, I swear that I have made such an evaluation. The magic star is too confident in his spell and courage, and is not familiar with the practice of basic combat skills such as swordsmanship and boxing. Shuang Junjie's personality is too impulsive and easy to be used. He loves emotional things and looks the most suitable two hearts. It can only be said that his combat effectiveness is too weak.

In this way, of course, the only noble cabinet leader Jin Minjun is the one who has the most advantage in inheriting the position of chief cabinet.

The magic star sneered. Naturally, he, the third young master of the moon world, had long been dissatisfied with this kind of aristocracy. He said softly, "Chief commander, you only care about setting three layers of defense spells to protect the human world. What if White Leaf attacked at this time?"

Jin Minjun was stunned and looked at the provocative magic star but couldn't speak.

"All the moon guards and deputy cabinet lords will listen to the order and set spells on the second and third floors you are responsible for." The magic star seems to be a little noisy. "As for the third floor, of course, it will be handed over to our cabinet owner, don't you think? Commander-in-chief Jin Minjun.

The atmosphere became particularly stiff in an instant.

"Oh, oh. The owner of the Magic Star Pavilion is too joking. The withered man suddenly joked, "White leaves won't attack at this time."

Magic Star and Jin Minjun ignored the dry man, which made the dry man embarrassed.

And at this time, the battle inside was more fierce.

"Ji Xiaoji!" Lu Yuanhan roared, "What on earth are you worried about!" Take out all your resources! This is not a joke!"

"You're kidding!" Ji Xiaoji shouted, and suddenly part of the source of the soul broke out. A golden light rushed to the road far cold and directly knocked the road far cold to the ground. At this time, the 100-meter wave hit the road far cold.

Lu Yuanhan was shocked. If he was going to be hit, he must be smashed to pieces!

"Prevention 1007 - Crystal House!"

Lu Yuanhan used the crystal house and hid in it. The crystal house was not destroyed for the time being under the impact. This is the only spell that Lu Yuanhan has mastered more than 100 paragraphs.

Lu Yuanhan looked at the crystal house, calculating the timing and saying something at the same time.

"Evil comes from desire, desire comes from the heart, if the heart is empty, all the desire will die. The Lord of Hell brings wildfires that burn all the world, and the corpses and souls are everywhere, leaving only traces of ashes..."

Lu Yuanhan recited the chanting of the attack spell, and then looked at the crystal house damaged in an instant. He was happy to know that it was this time and roared, "The attack spell eighty-six - burning fire!"

The endless fire surrounded the space in the whole cube defense spell and evaporated the waves alive. The attack spell after the complete chanting and summoning is so powerful.

Lu Yuanhan gasped. He stopped returning to the human world when he arrived at the training of the attack spell in March, and at this time, he was completely forced to use the attack spell.

If it is just a defense, it will definitely be broken. So... the most perfect defense is to attack.

"This guy..." Yu Tiejun said to himself slowly in the middle of the second and third layers of spells, "Isn't it... that time?"

Yu Tiejun's guess is right. This is exactly what Lu Yuanhan learned when he mastered the incomplete second life and Yu Tiejun's first battle. In that war, Yu Tiejun used the fire attack spell of complete chanting to severely damage Lu Yuanhan. At that time, Lu Yuanhan understood the importance of combined spells in the battle.

However, although Lu Yuanhan escaped a disaster, he was still seriously injured.

"So..." Ji Xiaoji stood in his mouth and looked at the ground and sighed, "You are kidding... In this situation, how dare I use the soul knot to absorb for me? You will really die."

No one dares to guarantee that Lu Yuanhan can fight with the ages this time, so that the soul belongs to him and absorb the source of the soul. Because... this time the soul knot was in Ji Xiaoji's body, and Ji Xiaoji did not dare to use his strength at all.

Because... I have brought too many sins, if I kill Lu Yuanhan again, my sins will be unpardonable. Ji Xiaoji thought to himself.

"Forget it." Lu Yuanhan grinned confidently and flew into the air at the same time, "You are still so arrogant. You can't kill me. I'm very strong!"

Ji Xiaoji looked at Lu Yuanhan and remembered the past.

"The healing spell is 70, and the licorice is harmless." Lu Yuanhan used the healing spell lightly and actually cured his injury in an instant. "What are you still worried about?"