Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 41 Death Bell 2

Shizhen Cemetery.

Ji Xiaoji put a large basket of fruit on Zhang San's tomb and knelt there for a long time. Previously, he encountered blood devouring when he came to sweep the tomb. HD Yang was attacked by 2,000 traps here without defense. He had no chance to fall into a bitter battle, and then was saved by the magic star. The battle destroyed more than half of the cemetery, and even Mr. Zhang's tomb was partially destroyed. Fortunately, it was later repaired.

Ji Xiaoji knelt in front of the tomb and said in an extremely depressing voice:

"Mr. Zhang, how many things are you hiding from me? Why have you never told me that you are also Jiang Xiaoxiao's housekeeper, and you have been related to the dead man for a long time, and you have never told me who killed my parents.

"It's just... What a pity, although I avenged you. However, Mr. Zhang, I didn't become as excellent as you just became in the end. I have become a villain among human beings all over the world, and I can't go back to college, because I have also killed many people.

"Mr. Zhang, if you are still alive... I think you will stop me from doing these things anyway. It's just a pity that I still ruined my life. I think that if I practice well, it will definitely be easy to achieve my dream in the future. If I live a human life well and don't think about deep hatred, I will be a great painter or designer.

"But... I still ruined myself. Nowadays, I no longer have the face to practice, because I'm afraid that my strength will hurt others. Counting it, I'm almost the same strength as a deputy cabinet leader now. It's also a pity that I can no longer live a normal life, and I'm the only one in the Italian world. Although... my companions still forgive me, I know that one day I will completely stay away from their lives. Mr. Zhang, what should I do?

The cold wind blew, and the sound of grass came.

At 1 a.m. on November 15, it was drizzling, and Ji Xiaoji stood alone in the cemetery sad.

Suddenly, he noticed something and instantly took out the spiritual box, turned into a spiritual state, and left the cemetery at full speed. It has made Mr. Zhang restless once after his death, and he can't appear again.

Today's Ji Xiaoji's strength is much stronger than before. He can be distinguished by the wind and grass. He felt that two powerful sources were approaching him, and intuitively told him that he was murderous!

Suddenly, Ji Xiaoji stood in the air and stopped, calculating the distance from the cemetery in his heart, and then turned around safely. It doesn't matter... If it's such a long distance.

In the late night when it was raining, Ji Xiaoji barely saw the person standing in the distance, a big man with a tiger's back and bear waist, seemed to be naive and simple, compared with the source of the soul, which was similar to himself today.

Ji Xiaoji sighed and was only annoyed that he knew how to use the illusion, but he didn't have so many soul sources. He had more whips in his hand, and he was extremely calm but looked forward in a panic.

Because... it is clearly felt by two sources, why is there only one person? It only shows that the more powerful man is ready to give himself a final blow in a corner not far away.

It doesn't matter... There is nothing more to miss, and there is no regret in death. The only thing I am worried about is that this death is definitely another conspiracy, a conspiracy related to his companions.

Xia Yi, Yi Xiaoyu, Jiang Xiaoxiao, Zhang Yize. And... the road is far away.

Ji Xiaoji smiled bitterly and shouted, "Who is coming!" Report it!"

At this time, the rain was heavier, drenching Ji Xiaoji's whole body. Although it was a spiritual state, the rain would still drip on them. In such a cold autumn night, no one would know that there would be another fight in Shizhen, which had just been peaceful.

"I'm a black tiger!" The rough man opposite roared harshly, and his voice was particularly harsh.

Black tiger? Ji Xiaoji frowned slightly and thought for a long time and finally remembered that this was the former deputy cabinet owner of the June Pavilion... He chased Bai Ye with the dragon.

So... The former June cabinet owner dragon is nearby?

Ji Xiaoji trembled. Although he knew that the dragon was the weakest of the cabinet masters, his pure combat effectiveness and destructive power were still very horrible. If he fought hard with him, not many of them could win completely. In the face of such an opponent, Ji Xiaoji knew that he had no chance of winning at all.

It seems that... it's really hard to die.

"It's just the subordinates of the scum in the lunar world, the scum in the scum!" Ji Xiaoji laughed in the rainstorm and said, "It's really interesting. Scum can only do this kind of thing to steal chickens and dogs!"

The bear-like black tiger was furious and roared back, "Bad boy, are you tired of living! New born, tiger hammer!"

The black tiger's sword turned into a sledgehammer, and the black tiger came to Ji Xiaoji with a sledgehammer in both hands and smashed it down fiercely. Ji Xiaoji did not dare to neglect. If he really wanted to be hit by such an attack, he would be injured if he did not die.

However, the speed of the black tiger is still much worse than that of Ji Xiaoji. Ji Xiaoji easily dodged the attack of the black tiger and continuously released the fire feather technique, hitting the black tiger's back one after another.

The black tiger screamed and glared at Ji Xiaoji, who played with him.

"Damn boy!" The Black Tiger raised the sledgehammer more fiercely and hit Ji Xiaoji, and Ji Xiaoji hid unhurriedly. Ji Xiaoji understood in his teaching that when fighting against this pure enemy, he must avoid collision with his weapons and use his skills and speed to defeat him.

Ji Xiaoji knew that his source was similar to that of the Black Tiger, and he was more relieved. While constantly avoiding the attack that every blow of the Black Tiger was enough to hit Ji Xiaoji, he used his feather skills to comprehensively attack the Black Tiger.

After you attacked me for dozens of rounds, Ji Xiaoji was not injured at all except that he could not slow down because of a lot of physical energy. On the contrary, the black tiger was beaten with scars.

But Ji Xiaoji did not relax at all. He knew that it was easy for a guy like Black Tiger to hurt him, but it was difficult to kill him. This kind of thick-skinned guy's defense ability is not weaker than his attack ability.

And... there is also a terrible dragon who doesn't know where he is, so... he must solve this battle as soon as possible and escape!

Ji Xiaoji suddenly used water feathering, combined with the rainstorm environment, so that the black tiger can be said to be countless evasable. Ji Xiaoji instantly surrounded the black tiger with countless water and melted at that moment.

Ji Xiaoji gasped and understood why Zhang Yize loved such attack routines as water, ice and broken. It was really convenient to use. Ji Xiaoji shouted and used almost all the soul sources. The icicle exploded and shattered in an instant, and the black tiger fell to the ground with blood all over, but obviously did not die.

You can't fight! Ji Xiaoji immediately made this judgment and wanted to escape from here immediately. Only in this way can he save his life and tell everyone the information about the dragon lurking in the human world.

But when Ji Xiaoji had just walked more than ten meters, a huge hammer flew out of nowhere and hit Ji Xiaoji's back heavily. Ji Xiaoji spit blood on the spot and fell to the ground.

Ji Xiaoji rolled in the air and felt that his spine and bones were all broken. He felt that his brain was full of blood and his consciousness was gradually blurred. However, Ji Xiaoji still struggled to shake the whip. The whip grew rapidly and tied to the huge hammer of several people, so that Ji Xiaoji did not fall again.

Ji Xiaoji vaguely saw that the hammer seemed to be controlled by the chain, and the person who controlled the chain... was indeed a dragon! I'm really unwilling. It will be in the hands of such a guy. Ji Xiaoji smiled helplessly after seeing the dragon's facial features.

I saw this rough man with his nostrils, messy eyebrows and big eyes, red skin and a scum-faced face with an extremely horrible and disgusting smile, grinned big, holding the hammer handle controlling the chain in the distance, and roared and laughing: "Black Tiger! You were defeated by such a waste! It's so disappointing!"

Is this the gap between the master level and the deputy master level? It's really big... almost incomprehensible. Ji Xiaoji slowly closed his eyes and saw the last scene. Another giant hammer attacked him from afar, as if to smash himself into meat stuffing.