Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 27 The Destruction of the Winter Palace - Fierce Battle

The infinite space of pure black is disintegrated in an instant and divided into several fragments, each of which is like a pure white crystal, and the fragments are surrounded by snowflakes, covered with snow, and instantly turned into a pure white world.

That's what the so-called vicissitudes of life means, just changing from black to white.

It's cold, the wind is cold, and the wind rolls up snowflakes and reflects the light, which seems to make people's eyes unbearable. Then the ground also began to shatter, and instead, countless icicles sprung up like bamboo shoots.

Jin Minjun felt the coldness of his bones, even if he was in a stealth situation compared with Winter, but he found that it was more difficult for him to control Jinlong and his movements became extremely slow because of the cold.

This is a fatal blow to a speedy moon.

And Lu Yesheng is not much better. His huge loss is bound to be mobility. However, because of this rapidly cold environment, his speed is greatly reduced, and the flexibility of his joints has become extremely poor.

For the eighth day of the first lunar month, all this is just the key to making him more excited.

However, taking the infinitely growing icicles still brought great disadvantages to the eighth day of the first lunar month. He could not get close to Winter at all. These icicles alone caused great disadvantages to him.

"It's just the curse of the moon warrior... it's like a child's play." Winter looked out coldly, as if they were facing their hearts, and their hearts were not moved, quietly observing what was going on inside.

The two hearts smiled extremely coldly and thought: It seems that the eyes of this heart trap can penetrate the spell of another dimension to see me, which is really exciting.

The space is crumbling and begins to fall down the brick-like source of soul. The source of spirit that broke out after Winter's double charm has made the black space created by the two hearts unbearable, and the collapse was only in an instant.

Suddenly... there was a loud noise, the space collapsed, and all four people appeared from the space.

Black fragments fell to the ground and appeared in the central area out of thin air. But the cold is still spreading. When Winter appeared, the whole space was cold, and Winter's toes touched the ground, and that point immediately turned into ice, and then spread across the whole, and the ground of the central square turned into pure ice that could reflect reflections.

At this time, there was also a heavy snowfall, and the water in the fountain in the central area turned into ice.

Another loud noise, and the iced fountain could not withstand such coldness and pressure. As the ice broke, the whole fountain was completely smashed, and the sound of ice falling was particularly harsh.

With such a terrible destructive power, the buildings of the Moon Realm, especially those in the central area, are formed by extremely strong figurative sources. It's really scary to be destroyed in such silence.

"The invisibility of imitating my ability is really a trick." Winter smiled coldly and glanced at the whole audience with cold eyes. The eleven cabinet owners and eleven deputy cabinet owners did not seem to make him feel afraid at all in his eyes.

With Winter's double charm, even Winter's clothing has changed dramatically. Winter wore a white bear leather coat, with white bear hair on his shoulders, black snow boots on his feet, and a white knife in his hand.

"It's vulnerable." As soon as Winter's voice sounded, Jin Minjun's golden dragon was smashed, and the eighth day of the lunar month also fell to the ground with blood in his abdomen. No one saw when Winter attacked.

Jin Minjun and the eighth year of the first lunar month have fought a very long war of attrition with Winter and are exhausted. Now Winter is energetic after the recovery, not to mention the strongest double charm. After changing the surrounding environment, Winter can be said to easily defeat the exhausted Jin Minjun and the eighth day of the eighth lunar month. .

"This..." Lu Yesheng raised his huge arm, which had been frozen and numb, and was ready to cut it off, but something that he couldn't understand happened, and he found that he was too heavy to move.

Then the whole huge body was smashed, and Lu Yesheng's body became original in a pool of blood.

In an instant, the three lifelong cabinet owners were disintegrated... What a terrible strength this is!

"Two hearts." Winter looked at the cold-eyed hearts and said leisurely, "I've admired your name for a long time."

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time." Both hearts looked at the man with an interesting expression, and then suddenly raised his hand and shouted, "Do it!"

Eleven chains suddenly shot out from all directions, binding Winter's hands and feet.

Wente* looked around and found that the eleven second-year-old deputy cabinet owners each held a silver chain, which tied Winter tightly.

This is... Winter looked down at the chain tied to his chest, showing an unbelievable look, and then raised his head to stare at his two hearts, whose expression had not changed, with that interesting smile.

This is the seal of Baiye, Xinshi and Tianlianer sealed in the previous report in the human world!

"You finally reacted." Shuangxin smiled, looked at Winter and said slowly, "I know you are too strong to deal with, and it is impossible to catch you alive. It's impossible for you not to fight with us. Therefore, the only way to treat you is to erase it. If you touch the demon world, there is nothing you can do. You certainly didn't expect that there was a seal outside the second black seal that could limit your ability.

Wente frowned and trembled, but he couldn't escape.

"Stop struggling." Shuangxin said coldly, "Eleven deputy cabinet owners are all secondary, and this chain is injected with the source of our eleven cabinet owners. Do you want to break free? You are too overpowerful. And...do you feel that your soul is slowly weakening? Is your body gradually getting tired?

Wen was shocked. From the moment he was tied to the ground, he felt his physical discomfort. He thought it was just the discomfort brought by these chains, but now it seems that... it's not that simple!

Wente's eyes widened, focusing on a small bottle at Xiao Ling's feet, connecting the chain, and then Went looked at the feet of each deputy cabinet owner, all of which was the same!

Is it...

"It seems that you found it." The two hearts slowly walked to the center of the chain, which was very close to Winter and did not worry about his extremely strong source. Jin Minjun, Lu Yesheng and Lu Yesheng had withdrawn from the battlefield and received treatment from Shuang Junjie on the side.

At this time, Shuang Junjie also had a headache. Only his Yuege did not fight on the front line in the December Pavilion, but it was equally busy. Half of the whole February Pavilion was sent to the front line for treatment, and the remaining half was also in the February Pavilion to treat his companions who came back from the battlefield of the soul area.

The moon has become an icy world. As soon as the two hearts opened their mouths, the heat was atomized and condensed in the air, but he did not care about these cold and was fearless.

"This seal is also developed for you." The left corner of his heart raised slightly, showing a slight smile, put his hands right behind his back, looked at Winter's blue eyes and said leisurely, "What those small bottles store are your source... Think of it as a compensation for destroying our moon world."

Wente smiled faintly, gasped gently, and closed his eyes.

"Two hearts! Come back soon!" Suddenly, Shui Wumeng shouted, walked to his heart, pulled his heart into his arms, and then withdrew outside the sealed area. His heart did not know what had happened, and he heard a loud noise, and then a huge shock wave hit him.

Shui Wumeng, who hugged his heart, was shocked far away by the impact. The two rolled on the ground several times until they hit a pillar before barely stopped. The pillar that had become ice collapsed instantly and scattered ice on the ground.

How could it be! Both hearts were shocked.

The ice smoke dissipated, and the two hearts looked at the center of the field in shock. Winter was breaking free from the chains on his body. Looking around again, the eleven deputy cabinet owners were fine, but the chains had been broken.

Is it... that the bottle under Ai Yumeng's feet has also been crushed into glass.

Damn... He blew himself up.

What a terrible opponent to save himself in the form of self-destruction. Those sources that shattered with the bottle can be said to have completely dissipated, and it is impossible to return to Winter's physical strength.

The two hearts looked at Winter, and Winter also looked at the two hearts.

The two hearts suddenly smiled coldly and walked towards Winter. Winter's temples left a drop of sweat, but in this extremely cold world created by him, he was also sweaty.

"What are you doing!" Shui Wumeng grabbed his heart, but he was freed by his heart.

"It doesn't matter." With a fearless smile, he pulled out his sword again and shouted, "He is already the end of the crossbow!" None of us can withstand his double charm attack, including himself. The self-explosion just now also hurt his vitality! Everyone, get me ready!"

Tianding was stunned and immediately shouted, "All the hearts are in an attack state!"

Everyone was stunned at first and didn't understand the meaning of Tianding, but when they saw that the source of their hearts were emerging, everyone understood in an instant and immediately entered the state of attack, but no one really attacked their hearts.

Wente waved his hand, the chain was completely broken, and the icy ground was gradually broken with Winter's movements. He held the knife high, and countless wind and snow concentrated on his knife.

He waved his arms hard, and the wind and snow rotated, forcing the eleven deputy cabinet owners back a few steps.

"What!" Xiao Ling was stunned and didn't expect that Winter, whose soul had been almost completely destroyed, could still have such power. He gritted his teeth, pulled out his sword, and was ready to fight forward with Winter.

"Wait!" Ai Yumeng suddenly walked to Xiao Ling's side and pulled him. Obviously, she was oppressed and difficult to support by Winter's powerful soul source, but she still smiled at Xiao Ling easily, "Don't worry... leave it to our cabinet owner. If the owner of Xiaoshuanger Pavilion is serious, there is absolutely no need to worry.

Little Shuang'er Pavilion, what a strange name! Xiao Ling had a chill.

But when Winter raised his knife and split his heart, his eyes suddenly widened, blocked the blizzard with a sword, looked at Winter with strange eyes, and said quietly, "Are you sure what you see is still the world? A lifetime, a psychedelic world.